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Cuban terri to r y has never been a n d will never be used [...]
to organize, finance or carry out terrorist acts against any country,
including the United States of America.
古巴领 从来没有、也将 永远 不会 用作 组织、资助或开展针对包括美利坚合 众国在内的任何国家的恐怖主义行动。
the United Nations but the training
[...] capacity of I S O has never been u s ed to service [...]
the United Nations secretariats themselves.
国际标准组织一直与联合国密切合作,但国际标准组织的培训 从未 于为 联合国各秘书处本身服务。
We look rather optimistically into the
[...] future: our distribution net wo r k has never been a s t ight as it is today and we [...]
have on offer an incredibly
broad range of products and services.
对于将来,我们的前景更乐观:我们的销售网 从没 有像 现在这样紧凑过,我们提供了难以置信的广阔的产品和服务范畴。
But whatever the situation, the need for security, confidentiality and crystal clear sound qua li t y has never been g r ea ter.
但是不论哪一种情形,对于安全性、机密性和水晶般清晰音质的需求是前所未 有的
The African Union Commission expresses its deep regret that both the statements and the decisions grossly ignore and make no reference whatsoever to the obligations of the two countries to the African Union arising from decisions Assembly/AU/Dec.245(XIII) adopted by the thirteenth ordinary session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government, wherein the Assembly
“Decide[d] that in view of the
[...] fact that the request by the African U ni o n has never been a c te d upon (by the United Nations Security [...]
Council), the African Union
Member States shall not cooperate pursuant to the provisions of article 98 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court relating to immunities for the arrest and surrender of President Omer Al-Bashir of the Sudan”, which decision was reiterated (decision Assembly/AU/Dec.296(XV) at the fifteenth ordinary session of the Assembly in July 2010 in Kampala, Uganda.
[...] [...] 个国家由于国家和政府首脑大会第十三届常会所通过的各项决定(Assembly/ AU/Dec.245(XIII))所产生的对非洲联盟的义务;在上述决定中,首 脑大会 “决 定鉴于联合国安全理事会对非洲联 取行 动的 事实,非洲联盟成 员国根据国际刑事法院《罗马规约》第 [...]
98 条关于豁免的规定,对苏丹总统奥马 尔·巴希尔的逮捕和移送不予合作”,2010
年 7 月在乌干达坎帕拉举行的首脑大 会第十五届常会(Assembly/AU/Dec.296(XV)号决定)重申了上述决定。
A RD U F has never been k n ow n to deliberately [...]
kill any foreign nationals.
阿法尔 联阵 从无 意杀 害外国国 的记 录。
It is alleged that since 30 June 2003, the day Mr. Al-Ghamdi turned
himself in to the Saudi
[...] authorities in order to free his family members , h e has never been i n fo rmed of the charges pending against him, brought [...]
before a competent
judicial authority or given any form of trial.
据称,自从2003年6月30日 Al-Ghamdi先生 为了家人的自由而向沙特当局自首以来,他 来没 有就对他提出的指控得到过通 ,也没有 被提 交主管的司法当局 到任 何形 式的审判。
As more Chinese companies seek to raise capital on more exchanges around
the globe, the need for actionable intelligence on global
[...] capital market developm en t s has never been s t ro nger in China.
随着更多中国公司在全球更多交易所寻求募集资本的机会,中国对全球资本市场发展相关最 信息 产生 了前所未有的需求。
Noting that section 398 of SFO requires SFC to, inter alia, publish a draft of any proposed rules or amendments to existing rules for the purposes of inviting representations by the public as well as to publish a report on the conclusion of such consultation, setting out in general terms the representations it received and its response to those representations, the Administration
submits that as Hon KAM
[...] Nai-wai’s proposed resolu ti o n has never been p u t to the public for consultation, [...]
it is ultra vires.
鑒於《證券及期貨條例》第398條對證監會施加若干要求, 當中包括證監會須就任何擬議規則或對現行規則的修訂發表草
[...] 擬本,以邀請公眾作出申述,並須就有關諮詢的結果發表報告, 概括述明所收到的申述及對該等申述的回應,政府當局認為, 甘乃威議員的擬議決議 案從未進 行公 眾諮詢,因此屬於越權行
A number of examples may be cited to show that the General
Assembly has broad prerogatives and powers, and that many of those
[...] broad po we r s have never been u s ed or fully [...]
许多例子可以说明大会拥有广泛的权限和能力,而大会的许 权力 从未 在其 围内得到利用或行使。
An unfair vic to r y has never been k n ow n to bring lasting peace.
没有一 个非 正义的胜利能够 来持 久和 平。
In Spain, t he r e has never been a n y support for [...]
marking cultural property with the distinctive emblem for the purposes of
protection owing to the belief that, in the absence of thorough knowledge of the Convention, marking may unnecessarily alarm the civilian population.
西 班牙 从不 持为 保护目的而以识别 标示 文化财产,因为它们相信,在没有彻底了 解《公约》的情况下,标示工作未必能对平民 [...]
With concern about food security and wellness on the rise, the need for sustainable solutions for safe and healthy fo o d has never been g r ea ter.
随着人们对食品安全和健康的日益关注,对于保证 品安 全和 健康的可 持续发展解决方案的需求正变得迫在眉睫。
(c) while a SC may be appointed by the Council to consider complaints about Members' conduct which fall outside the respective remits of CMI and IC, the fact that th i s has never been d o ne may suggest that it is not an appropriate mechanism to deal with such complaints for reasons such as unnecessarily exposing the identity of the Member being named, the absence of power provided under RoP for SC to recommend sanctions and the lack of a standing practice and procedure for [...]
handling such complaints.
(c) 雖然立法會可委任專責委員會考慮不屬監察委員 會和調查委員會各自職權範圍的針對議員行為的 投訴,可是,事實上這做法從未被採用,或許說明 了這個機制並不適合處理這種投訴,原因包括:投 訴提及的議員的身份會不必要地被公開、《議事規 則》並無賦予專責委員會就處分議員提出建議的權 力,以及其欠缺一套處理這種投訴的常設做法及程 序。
In conclusion, as Kamel Djebrouni has been denied the protection of the law
during the entire period of his indefinite
[...] detention , h e has never been a b le to institute [...]
proceedings to contest the lawfulness
of his detention or seek his release through the courts, in violation of article 9, paragraph 4, of the Covenant.
最后,Kamel Djebrouni 在
[...] 未被确定的拘押过程中被剥夺了法律的保护,他无法提起诉讼质疑该拘押的合法 性也不 能要 求法官释放他,这违反了《公约》第九条第 [...]
With massive data center expansion and increasing concerns over both the financial and environmental
costs of ever-increasing power use, the need for more energy-efficient storage in
[...] data cen te r s has never been m o re apparent.
隨著大型資料中心的擴充,以及越來越關心用電量增加所帶來的財務與環境成本,資料中心對於省電儲存設備的需 求從 來不曾 像現 在這般顯著。
Circumstances have changed since then: UNCDF is garnering increasing support from a diverse range of donors; demand for its services is growing; and its partnership with UN D P has never been s t ro nger.
从那以后情况发生了变化:资发基金正在累积各种不 同的捐助者提供的日益增加的支助;对资发基金服务的需求不断上升;资发基金 与开发署的伙伴关系比 往更 加牢 固。
Accessing Wikip ed i a has never been f a st er and easier [...]
than with Wikipanion, designed for easy, search, navigation and display of Wikipedia entries.
访问维 科从未 更快 ,更 容易比Wikipanion,方便,搜索,导航和维基百科的条目显示设计。
Although affected States and donors have been reasonably successful in generating funds and
other resources over the 11 years that
[...] the Conven ti o n has been i n f orce, t he r e have never been s u ff icient resources [...]
to meet many of the priority needs of affected States.
尽管受影响国和捐赠国在《公约》 效以 来的11 年中筹集了一些资金和其 它资 源, 从未 充足 的资源,以满足受影响国的许多优先需求。
It is not exaggerating to say that the
[...] marchers' "sense of empowerm en t " has never been s o s trong as it is now.
可以說,遊行者的"力量感"從來 有現 在這 樣強。
While FAO has estimated the fleet size for another 49 countries for the
analysis in this section,
[...] no estima ti o n has b e en made for the remaining 18 countries for which da t a have never been r e po rted or estimated [...]
and whose contribution
to the global fishing fleet is considered to be negligible.
尽管粮农组织在本部分所做分析中预计了另外49个国家的船队 规模,但没有 计从来没 有数 据报告和估计数的剩余18个国家的情况,而这类国 家对全球捕捞船队的贡献可忽略不计。
So you can explore the Mediterranean as s h e has never been e x pe rienced before, from the beauty of a ship that’s simply divine.
The potential for
[...] South-South coopera ti o n has never been g r ea ter; developing [...]
countries have the overwhelming majority of
the world’s population and predominant shares of the planet’s arable land and raw materials, they are projected to have nearly 60 per cent of global gross domestic product (GDP) by 2030,1and extreme poverty has fallen by half across the developing world.
南南合作的 从来 没有 像现 在这样大。发展中国家拥有世界上绝大多数的 人口和地球上大部分可耕地及原材料,并预计到 [...]
2030 年将占全球国内生产总值 (国内总产值)的近 60%,1 而且在整个发展中世界,极端贫困已经减少了一半。
To date, t he r e has never been a re presentative drug use survey, [...]
which prevents a full understanding of the drug situation
and trends in the world’s most populous country.
迄今为止,尚未开 具有代表 性的 毒品使用调查,因 法全面了解这个世界上人口最多的国家的毒品状况和趋势。
Such processes have in many instances been obstructed by a failure to resolve outstanding land and property issues in an effective and equitable manner, especially in situations in which refugees, displaced persons and
ex-combatants return simultaneously to communities
[...] where land te nu r e has never been f o rm alized or [...]
where the land registration system has broken down.
在许多情况中,这些进程由于未能有效而公平地 解决悬而未决的土地和财产问题而受阻,在难民、流
[...] 离失所者和前战斗人员同时返回那些土地 所有 制从 未 式确 立,或土地登记制度已经崩溃的社区的情形 [...]
下, 一点 尤其突出。
of the need to combat the negative effects of cultures of violence and complacency in the face of current dangers in this field through long-term programmes of education and training, that the need for disarmament and non-proliferation educa ti o n has never been g r ea ter, not only on the subject of weapons of mass destruction but also in the field of small arms and light weapons, terrorism and other challenges to international security and the process of disarmament, as well as on the relevance of implementing [...] [...]
the recommendations contained in the United Nations study
意识到要通过长期的教育和培训方案,面对本领域当前的各种危险,消除暴 力文化及自满情绪的消极影响, 仍然深信现在比以往任何时候都更需要进行裁军和不扩散教育,不仅需要进 行有关大规模毁灭性武器问题的教育,而且需要在小武器和轻武器、恐怖主义及 国际安全和裁军进程面临的其他挑战等领域进行教育,并需要开展有关执行联合 国研究报告所载各项建议的现实意义的教育
[...] fund promo te r s has never been a s i ntense as [...]
today: they have to cope with an increasing pressure on margins
due to disintermediation and competitive products (e.g. ETFs, certificates) in a context of higher need for more tailored fund products due to an intensified competition over investor money.
如今,基金发起者面临着前所未有的困境:因投资者资金竞争日趋激烈,大 来越 要更 有针对性的基金产品,在这种情况下,基金发起者必须应对去 [...]
Remaining convinced that the need for disarmament and non-proliferation educa ti o n has never been g r ea ter, not only on the subject of weapons of mass destruction but also in the field of small arms and light weapons, terrorism and other challenges to international security and the process of disarmament, as well as on the relevance of implementing the recommendations contained [...]
in the United Nations study
仍然深信现在比以往 何时 更需 要进行裁军和不扩散教育,不仅需要进 行有关大规模毁灭性武器问题的教育,而且需要在小武器和轻武器、恐怖主义以 及国际安全和裁军进程所面临的其他挑战等领域进行教育,并且需要开展有关执 行联合国研究报告所载各项建议的现实意义的教育
Not only is the statement
[...] controversial, a s i t has never been j u di cially determined, [...]
but in using it, the Commission may
be seen as endorsing the argument that in Kosovo the United Nations had exercised control over KFOR, which was not the case.
经司 法认 定,极具争议性,而且, 委员会可能因采用该论点而被认为赞同联合国在科索沃对驻科部队行使控制权 [...]