I added googletest to a project as described it the instructions (
). It works on Ubuntu and MacOS, however on Windows I have errors when build the project, like
gmock-port.h(56): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'gtest/internal/gtest-port.h': No such file or directory
This happens, because gmock project is generated with paths to googletest root directory instead of gtest:
whereas gtest project has correct paths:
googlemock adds required directory as '${gtest_SOURCE_DIR}/include' (
this line
). I checked gtest_SOURCE_DIR in the CMakeCache and it is correct:
Also, I can successfully build googletest+googlemock on Windows outside my project.
Generators: Visual Studio 16, Ninja.
Compiler: cl.exe.
CMake version: 3.19.20122902-MSVC_2.