Constant | Value | Description |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::AddressBookNew | 0 | The icon for the action to create a new address book. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ApplicationExit | 1 | The icon for exiting an application. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::AppointmentNew | 2 | The icon for the action to create a new appointment. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::CallStart | 3 | The icon for initiating or accepting a call. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::CallStop | 4 | The icon for stopping a current call. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ContactNew | 5 | The icon for the action to create a new contact. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DocumentNew | 6 | The icon for the action to create a new document. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DocumentOpen | 7 | The icon for the action to open a document. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DocumentOpenRecent | 8 | The icon for the action to open a document that was recently opened. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DocumentPageSetup | 9 | The icon for the page setup action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DocumentPrint | 10 | The icon for the print action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DocumentPrintPreview | 11 | The icon for the print preview action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DocumentProperties | 12 | The icon for the action to view the properties of a document. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DocumentRevert | 13 | The icon for the action of reverting to a previous version of a document. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DocumentSave | 14 | The icon for the save action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DocumentSaveAs | 15 | The icon for the save as action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DocumentSend | 16 | The icon for the send action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::EditClear | 17 | The icon for the clear action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::EditCopy | 18 | The icon for the copy action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::EditCut | 19 | The icon for the cut action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::EditDelete | 20 | The icon for the delete action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::EditFind | 21 | The icon for the find action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::EditPaste | 22 | The icon for the paste action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::EditRedo | 23 | The icon for the redo action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::EditSelectAll | 24 | The icon for the select all action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::EditUndo | 25 | The icon for the undo action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FolderNew | 26 | The icon for creating a new folder. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FormatIndentLess | 27 | The icon for the decrease indent formatting action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FormatIndentMore | 28 | The icon for the increase indent formatting action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FormatJustifyCenter | 29 | The icon for the center justification formatting action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FormatJustifyFill | 30 | The icon for the fill justification formatting action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FormatJustifyLeft | 31 | The icon for the left justification formatting action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FormatJustifyRight | 32 | The icon for the right justification action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FormatTextDirectionLtr | 33 | The icon for the left-to-right text formatting action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FormatTextDirectionRtl | 34 | The icon for the right-to-left formatting action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FormatTextBold | 35 | The icon for the bold text formatting action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FormatTextItalic | 36 | The icon for the italic text formatting action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FormatTextUnderline | 37 | The icon for the underlined text formatting action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FormatTextStrikethrough | 38 | The icon for the strikethrough text formatting action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::GoDown | 39 | The icon for the go down in a list action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::GoHome | 40 | The icon for the go to home location action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::GoNext | 41 | The icon for the go to the next item in a list action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::GoPrevious | 42 | The icon for the go to the previous item in a list action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::GoUp | 43 | The icon for the go up in a list action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::HelpAbout | 44 | The icon for the About item in the Help menu. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::HelpFaq | 45 | The icon for the FAQ item in the Help menu. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::InsertImage | 46 | The icon for the insert image action of an application. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::InsertLink | 47 | The icon for the insert link action of an application. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::InsertText | 48 | The icon for the insert text action of an application. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ListAdd | 49 | The icon for the add to list action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ListRemove | 50 | The icon for the remove from list action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MailForward | 51 | The icon for the forward action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MailMarkImportant | 52 | The icon for the mark as important action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MailMarkRead | 53 | The icon for the mark as read action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MailMarkUnread | 54 | The icon for the mark as unread action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MailMessageNew | 55 | The icon for the compose new mail action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MailReplyAll | 56 | The icon for the reply to all action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MailReplySender | 57 | The icon for the reply to sender action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MailSend | 58 | The icon for the send action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MediaEject | 59 | The icon for the eject action of a media player or file manager. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MediaPlaybackPause | 60 | The icon for the pause action of a media player. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MediaPlaybackStart | 61 | The icon for the start playback action of a media player. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MediaPlaybackStop | 62 | The icon for the stop action of a media player. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MediaRecord | 63 | The icon for the record action of a media application. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MediaSeekBackward | 64 | The icon for the seek backward action of a media player. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MediaSeekForward | 65 | The icon for the seek forward action of a media player. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MediaSkipBackward | 66 | The icon for the skip backward action of a media player. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MediaSkipForward | 67 | The icon for the skip forward action of a media player. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ObjectRotateLeft | 68 | The icon for the rotate left action performed on an object. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ObjectRotateRight | 69 | The icon for the rotate right action performed on an object. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ProcessStop | 70 | The icon for the stop action in applications with actions that may take a while to process, such as web page loading in a browser. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::SystemLockScreen | 71 | The icon for the lock screen action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::SystemLogOut | 72 | The icon for the log out action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::SystemSearch | 73 | The icon for the search action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::SystemReboot | 74 | The icon for the reboot action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::SystemShutdown | 75 | The icon for the shutdown action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ToolsCheckSpelling | 76 | The icon for the check spelling action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ViewFullscreen | 77 | The icon for the fullscreen action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ViewRefresh | 78 | The icon for the refresh action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ViewRestore | 79 | The icon for leaving the fullscreen view. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::WindowClose | 80 | The icon for the close window action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::WindowNew | 81 | The icon for the new window action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ZoomFitBest | 82 | The icon for the best fit action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ZoomIn | 83 | The icon for the zoom in action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ZoomOut | 84 | The icon for the zoom out action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::AudioCard | 85 | The icon for the audio rendering device. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::AudioInputMicrophone | 86 | The icon for the microphone audio input device. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::Battery | 87 | The icon for the system battery device. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::CameraPhoto | 88 | The icon for a digital still camera devices. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::CameraVideo | 89 | The icon for a video camera device. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::CameraWeb | 90 | The icon for a web camera device. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::Computer | 91 | The icon for the computing device as a whole. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DriveHarddisk | 92 | The icon for hard disk drives. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DriveOptical | 93 | The icon for optical media drives such as CD and DVD. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::InputGaming | 94 | The icon for the gaming input device. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::InputKeyboard | 95 | The icon for the keyboard input device. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::InputMouse | 96 | The icon for the mousing input device. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::InputTablet | 97 | The icon for graphics tablet input devices. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MediaFlash | 98 | The icon for flash media, such as a memory stick. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MediaOptical | 99 | The icon for physical optical media such as CD and DVD. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MediaTape | 100 | The icon for generic physical tape media. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MultimediaPlayer | 101 | The icon for generic multimedia playing devices. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::NetworkWired | 102 | The icon for wired network connections. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::NetworkWireless | 103 | The icon for wireless network connections. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::Phone | 104 | The icon for phone devices. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::Printer | 105 | The icon for a printer device. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::Scanner | 106 | The icon for a scanner device. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::VideoDisplay | 107 | The icon for the monitor that video gets displayed on. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::AppointmentMissed | 108 | The icon for when an appointment was missed. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::AppointmentSoon | 109 | The icon for when an appointment will occur soon. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::AudioVolumeHigh | 110 | The icon used to indicate high audio volume. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::AudioVolumeLow | 111 | The icon used to indicate low audio volume. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::AudioVolumeMedium | 112 | The icon used to indicate medium audio volume. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::AudioVolumeMuted | 113 | The icon used to indicate the muted state for audio playback. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::BatteryCaution | 114 | The icon used when the battery is below 40%. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::BatteryLow | 115 | The icon used when the battery is below 20%. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DialogError | 116 | The icon used when a dialog is opened to explain an error condition to the user. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DialogInformation | 117 | The icon used when a dialog is opened to give information to the user that may be pertinent to the requested action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DialogPassword | 118 | The icon used when a dialog requesting the authentication credentials for a user is opened. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DialogQuestion | 119 | The icon used when a dialog is opened to ask a simple question to the user. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::DialogWarning | 120 | The icon used when a dialog is opened to warn the user of impending issues with the requested action. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FolderDragAccept | 121 | The icon used for a folder while an acceptable object is being dragged onto it. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FolderOpen | 122 | The icon used for folders, while their contents are being displayed within the same window. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::FolderVisiting | 123 | The icon used for folders, while their contents are being displayed in another window. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ImageLoading | 124 | The icon used while another image is being loaded. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::ImageMissing | 125 | The icon used when another image could not be loaded. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MailAttachment | 126 | The icon for a message that contains attachments. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MailUnread | 127 | The icon for an unread message. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MailRead | 128 | The icon for a read message. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MailReplied | 129 | The icon for a message that has been replied to. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MediaPlaylistRepeat | 130 | The icon for the repeat mode of a media player. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::MediaPlaylistShuffle | 131 | The icon for the shuffle mode of a media player. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::NetworkOffline | 132 | The icon used to indicate that the device is not connected to the network. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::PrinterPrinting | 133 | The icon used while a print job is successfully being spooled to a printing device. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::SecurityHigh | 134 | The icon used to indicate that the security level of an item is known to be high. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::SecurityLow | 135 | The icon used to indicate that the security level of an item is known to be low. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::SoftwareUpdateAvailable | 136 | The icon used to indicate that an update is available. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::SoftwareUpdateUrgent | 137 | The icon used to indicate that an urgent update is available. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::SyncError | 138 | The icon used when an error occurs while attempting to synchronize data across devices. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::SyncSynchronizing | 139 | The icon used while data is successfully synchronizing across devices. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::UserAvailable | 140 | The icon used to indicate that a user is available. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::UserOffline | 141 | The icon used to indicate that a user is not available. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::WeatherClear | 142 | The icon used to indicate that the sky is clear. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::WeatherClearNight | 143 | The icon used to indicate that the sky is clear during the night. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::WeatherFewClouds | 144 | The icon used to indicate that the sky is partly cloudy. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::WeatherFewCloudsNight | 145 | The icon used to indicate that the sky is partly cloudy during the night. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::WeatherFog | 146 | The icon used to indicate that the weather is foggy. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::WeatherShowers | 147 | The icon used to indicate that rain showers are occurring. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::WeatherSnow | 148 | The icon used to indicate that snow is falling. |
QIcon::ThemeIcon::WeatherStorm | 149 | The icon used to indicate that the weather is stormy. |