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Hello to all.
Before to made request i did try some steps to make unlock by myself but unfortunately it is pretty hard to me. Find out so many things I need to study from the very beginning like C++, disassembler and etc. and I’m not connected to IT stuff(((
As far as I know for Redmi G Laptop is possible to unlock by Smokless_UMAF USB, but this unlock is not pure as many options simply not working.
To make flashing by programmer will not give success as some kind of protection is there.
InsydeH2OUVE or EZE shows the setup menu not complete (compare with Variables), as many things available by reading through the IRF module of UefiBiosEditor however the Universal IFR Extractor gives only those which are in Setup of H2OUVE…
That is why it seems good idea to try by variables editing but it is hard for me to understand hex and edit correctly. Also it may be possible to make through this method GitHub - SmokelessCPUv2/SmokelessRuntimeEFIPatcher: A Simple Tool to patch EFI Modules at Runtime but unsure.
IF someone will be involved it would be great. I’m ready to do experiments. I was trying to find somewhere the unlocked bios or any person reported to unlock it successfully but nobody did.
Thanks in advance.
BIOS update from Xiaomi website - RMGCZ6T0P1010.7z - Google Drive


flashing by programmer will not give success as some kind of protection is there

What do you mean? No boot after edits?


the Universal IFR Extractor gives only those which are in Setup of H2OUVE

The ones that are visible in UVE are set in VariableEdit driver. It is possible to make UVE show more menus, but it won’t unlock them in the actual Setup.


I read in other topics, also your conversation with others, where you said that if bios is modified it would not due to self check module.

Yes, it’s correct. Redmi G 2021 has some protection.

I just thought you already tried and could have got a different outcome.

I read in other topics, also saw your conversation with others, where you said that if bios is modified it would not due to self check module. May be i understand it wrong. If it is possible to be edited and then flashed by programmer - I can do this also. I have this simple ch341a with adaptor. But i didn’t found any moded BIOS at least to try…
And I was thinking that is only possible by this method like SREP through the EFI patcher (edited module like Setup is loaded then executed SetupUtility).


The ones that are visible in UVE are set in VariableEdit driver. It is possible to make UVE show more menus, but it won’t unlock them in the actual Setup.

That is the problem. So I compare another BIOS of Xiaomi Mi Gaming where it is absolutely unlocked and didn’t understand how it is possible to make my BIOS looks at least half of that.
In UVE are able easily change Setup menu but this menu is limited and it is only changes which will be permanent and not available for edition through normal BIOS setup.
The idea to unlock also those which are hidden like AMD PBS and AOD as they are actually exist in BIOS.
Can you help with this?

Sorry but I didn’t as no moded BIOS found. I think it is possible to modify by hex or other way and flash, at least to try.
If you know how to unlock this setting by modifying it would be good to try how it works. Or not works))

Ohhh that’s clear…
At least I know surely for now it is not possible… :cry:
I Was trying to use SmokelessRuntimeEFIPatcher from Git but as i said no idea which hex part to be entered…
Do you know is it possible to unhide menus by this way? Or it is also not working at all on such laptops like Redmi G 2021?

Appreciate for your time to answer on my request and thank you.

I understand. But isn’t an option?
If it possible on many laptops may be Redmi G can get into the list also :man_shrugging:
Just curios.