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Some of Windows Stora apps such as Paint 3D, Microsoft Photos requires installation by every each user who shares the same computer. IT Labs, many computers and many many students, it is utterly unmanagable. I am 100% there must be logical way to manage all of these and google has turned into a dirty muddy information pool. Could you guys assist me on this please?

We do not want students to have to manually install any Store apps on IT lab Windows 10 machines. They should just be there when they log in.

Yes I have both in VL centre Windows 10 Enterprise and Education .

I need to add Paint3D and Microsoft Photos in particular.

both of those apps are already preinstalled

The image ought to have them preinstalled, but if it doesn’t, you can add them to the installation script much as the suggestion above from Devo-1. Another route, is that if you would like the Windows Store to be available to users, but not give users unfettered access to the Windows Store, I might suggest you look at Windows Store for Business Here . You can configure access to the store, and categorically as well as specifically which apps your org would like them to have access to.

Yes I have both in VL centre Windows 10 Enterprise and Education .

I need to add Paint3D and Microsoft Photos in particular.

both of those apps are already preinstalled

Kinda hard to find it on Enterprise, unless you do a registry edit. They are all like removed on Enterprise, not sure why but that’s how I have found with some customers.