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Working on an ODM build with a potential new contrib script and when I do the standard build process, contrib directory doesn’t get copied in:

docker build -t dem_merge .
docker run -it --entrypoint bash dem_merge
root@77491c392323:/code# ls
CNAME            configure.sh           opendm               stages
CONTRIBUTING.md  configure_macos.sh     portable.Dockerfile  start-dev-env.sh
DockerfileBak    console.bat            requirements.txt     test.sh
LICENSE          docker                 run.bat              vcpkg-requirements.txt
README.md        gpu.Dockerfile         run.py               win32env.bat
SuperBuild       innosetup.iss          run.sh               winpostinstall.bat
VERSION          licenses               settings.yaml        winrun.bat
configure.py     odm_docker_readme.txt  snap

I can’t believe this is the first I’ve noticed this and I’m dumb enough with respect to docker, I’m a bit stumped.