no, you didn't read his premise.
YOU are the one comparing Orcs to black people not the people creating the orc race as a foe to be defeated in a fantasy environment.
If you are going to bitch about that, why are you not also bitching about all of the other actual racism being intentionally put on display. This is a fantasy environment and eventually people will just move to a more subtle form of it just to rile you up. The old fashion half-elf racism, the elf vs dwarf racism... or how about the demon race or angel race, I mean you fucking name it... racism is all over the fucking place.
It's one thing to avoid direct implications of racism by removing cards made by an actual racist that look like klan clothes and another to make up racist links where none exists because your own mind can fabricate racism in a situation.
Are you actually wanting racism to go away? Or are you looking to keep the issue front and center and make sure that anything you don't like gets a cleansing from the public eye like the CCP?
Eat a big cock.
Wizards is going to destroy this product. This happens with companies enjoying too many profits with another.
Donâ(TM)t worry, they are destroying their magic base too.
Get woke; go broke could be written as a law at this point.
The vocal minority do not buy the products they infiltrate.
A company is changing it's product. Don't like it? Well don't buy it then. That's the way the free market works.
People are exercising their speech to criticize the decision and form of the change, and the company making it.
Don't like it? read a different page, or scroll on by.
And if there's a big enough market for republican-aligned tabletop gaming, then someone will enter that niche and rake in the sweet dollars. If there isn't then you've proven that the WotC made a sound business decision to move away from that niche.
What the heck have Republicans got to do with anything here?
Liberalism (as in, a love of liberty - where you're not being told how to act, think, feel etc by ideologues) isn't specific to Republicans or to the right.
You invented a group of people who believe black people = orcs. Imagining a connection that has no foundation in the source material or, to anyone's knowledge, any scenarios players have come up with.
Just because you assigned the comparison to a straw man of your own invention doesn't mean you didn't make it. You absolutely, literally did; then you tried to distance yourself from it. Since you created both the comparison and the people who believe it, whose idea is it? It sure wasn't mine. Whose pro
Not only did you, but you said you think that not because of their complexion, but because they are "incapable of making good decisions, inherently violent, inferior and beyond help because they will always revert to type."
That's what you said. Nobody else said that. You said you think they represent black people because they are "incapable of making good decisions, inherently violent, inferior and beyond help because they will always revert to type", not because they have dark skin.
And you're talking abo
it's that Orcs are a 1 dimensional mindless hoard
Orcs are a "a stock or store of money or valued objects, typically one that is secret or carefully guarde"?? Who would have thought that an Orc horde was a hidden stock of valuables???
Yes, "hoard" and "horde" mean different things....
That's because "racism" has become these people's "42" (the answer to everything).
Good morning! RACISM!
1+1 is NOT 11! RACISM!
I agree with most of what you say, but points 3, 5 and 7 need more nuance. RACISM!
It's irritating having you label everyone a racist. That's because you're a RACIST!
Yet what're we seeing with "equality" movements. Segregation and privilege according to race...
I don't wanna have to deal with this during my free time.
Peak SJW; virtue signalling so hard, so desperate to find fault in others, that they become the very thing they supposedly hate.
Racism is alive and well in the US, but it's socially acceptable because it's the "right" kind of people doing it ( like our friend AmiMoJo here ). Don't get me started on systemic racism ( politely termed "affirmative action" ).
if you want a "complex morality" race, there's nothing wrong with that
if you want a one-dimensional punching bag,
there's nothing wrong with that
, except maybe taking writer shortcuts
what do you think zombies and skeletons are? they are
hero fodder
, a stand-up cardboard cutout for Shit What You Beat Up, the absolutely simplest easiest (and not PC-able except by hollow virtue theater) most direct route to crafting a Bad Guy shell, utilitarian minimalistic spartan bare single-purpose "role"
back in the day we also used nazis as disposable BadGuyz, a super-shallow vacuum with nothing inside, zero research zero effort zero "complexity", so i'm curious as to whether anyone is lining up to "address" that doublebad problem
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