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Public Property Qty As Integer Public Property expdate As Date Public Property Dis As Integer Public Property DType As JomlaItem.JType Public Property Client As Client Public Overrides Function ToString() As String Return Qty.ToString & " | " & expdate.ToString( " dd/MM/yyyy" ) End Function End Class Private Sub TextBoxSales_TextChanged( ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As EventArgs) Dim qtties As New List( Of QtyObject) Dim b = From r As DataRow In ds.tblItems.Rows Where r.Item( 1 ).ToString = str Select price = CDbl (r.Item( 2 )), code = CInt (r.Item( 0 )) If b.Count > 0 Then dgvSales.CurrentRow.Cells( 1 ).Value = b( 0 ).price x = b( 0 ).code Dim d = From r As DataRow In ds.tblEXPData.Rows Where CInt (r.Item( 1 )) = x Select quantity = CInt (r.Item( 2 )), expdate = CDate (r.Item( 3 )) Order By expdate If d.Count > 0 Then For i = 0 To d.Count - 1 Dim q As New QtyObject q.Qty = d(i).quantity q.expdate = d(i).expdate qtties.Add(q) With DirectCast (dgvSales.CurrentRow.Cells( 2 ), DataGridViewComboBoxCell) .DataSource = qtties End With DirectCast (dgvSales.CurrentRow.Cells( 2 ), DataGridViewComboBoxCell).DataSource = Nothing End If End If Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub
i asked the question this way because i searched google and the similar problems were answered that the problem is in setting the displaymember and the valuemember,
the combobox cell is populated with data without problems, the exception is thrown when it loses focus the exact exception message is : The following exception occurred in the datagridview : System.argumentException :datagridviewcomboboxcell value is not valid To replace this default dialog please handle the dataerror event.
if the problem that caues the error message (datagridviewcomboboxcell value invalid exception) is elsewhere ,please kindly help me solving it,
Thanks alot. Not sure if it's your problem (you could've been more specific, like what's the Exception [ ^ ] message and where is it thrown...), but setting a DataSource [ ^ ] to Nothing usually doesn't work.
Imagine this, when binding takes place a data bound object looks in the objects in its DataSource Property to find the values of the ValueMember [ ^ ] and DisplayMember [ ^ ] Properties. It does this using Reflection [ ^ ]. Now when you tell your data bound object that its DataSource is Nothing it will check for the ValueMember and DisplayMember on Nothing . That is just silly because Nothing doesn't have any members at all! In fact, Nothing is just that, nothing.
So instead of doing the following:
DirectCast (dgvSales.CurrentRow.Cells( 2 ), DataGridViewComboBoxCell).DataSource = Nothing Try this:
DirectCast (dgvSales.CurrentRow.Cells( 2 ), DataGridViewComboBoxCell).DataSource = New List( Of QtyObject)Hope it helps :)
Thanks alot for answering,
i tried your solution though, but i still get the exception,
look,the combobox cell is populated with data with no problems,
the exception is thrown when it loses focus
the exact exception message is :
the following exception occured in the datagridview:
system.argumentexception :datagridviewcomboboxcell value is not valid.
To replace this default dialog please handle the dataerror event.
With DirectCast (dgvSales.CurrentRow.Cells( 2 ), DataGridViewComboBoxCell) .DataSource = qtties .displaymember= " expdate" .valuemember= " quantity" End With
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  • Don't tell someone to read the manual. Chances are they have and don't get it. Provide an answer or move on to the next question. Let's work to help developers, not make them feel stupid.