  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
ofstream sw(fileName, ios::binary); if (!sw.is_open()) { cout << "fail to open " << fileName << endl; return -1; sw.write(name.c_str(), 255); sw.write(reinterpret_cast(&ni), sizeof(ni)); sw.write(reinterpret_cast(&nj), sizeof(nj)); for (int j = 0; j < nj; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < ni; i++) { sw.write(reinterpret_cast(&grid[j][i]), sizeof(grid[j][i])); sw.close(); return 0; template int Model2D::savetxt(string fileName) ofstream sw(fileName); if (!sw.is_open()) { cout << "fail to open " << fileName << endl; return -1; sw << "ni=" << ni << " nj=" << nj << endl; for (int j = 0; j < nj; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < ni; i++) { sw << grid[j][i] <<" "; sw << endl; sw.close(); return 0; template int Model2D::readbin(string fileName) ifstream fin(fileName, ios::binary); if (!fin.is_open()) { cout << "fail to open " << fileName << endl; return -1; char s[255]; fin.read(s, 255); this->name = s; cout << "name=" << this->name << endl; int n; fin.read(reinterpret_cast(&n), sizeof(n)); ni = n; fin.read(reinterpret_cast(&n), sizeof(n)); nj = n; cout << "ni=" << ni << " nj =" << nj << endl; T value; this->grid = vector>(nj, vector(ni, value)); for (int j = 0; j < nj; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < ni; i++) { fin.read(reinterpret_cast(&value), sizeof(value)); grid[j][i] = value; //cout << value << " "; //cout << endl; fin.close(); return 0;


#include <random>
#include <algorithm>
#include "Model2D.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
    std::cout << "Hello World!\n";
    int ni = 10;
    int nj = 5;
    //Model2D<float> model2d = Model2D<float>(nj, ni, 1.0, "testName");
    auto model2d = Model2D<double>(nj, ni, 1, "testName");
    default_random_engine engin(0);
    uniform_real_distribution<double> urand(0,1);
    //uniform_int_distribution<int> urand(0, 10);
    for (int j = 0; j < nj; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < ni; i++) {
            model2d.grid[j][i] = urand(engin);
    Model2D<double> model2dr;
    return 0;


ni=10 nj=5
0.592845 0.844266 0.857946 0.847252 0.623564 0.384382 0.297535 0.056713 0.272656 0.477665 
0.812169 0.479977 0.392785 0.836079 0.337396 0.648172 0.368242 0.957155 0.140351 0.870087 
0.473608 0.800911 0.520477 0.67888 0.720633 0.58202 0.537373 0.758616 0.105908 0.4736 
0.186332 0.736918 0.21655 0.135218 0.324141 0.149675 0.222321 0.386489 0.902598 0.44995 
0.613063 0.902349 0.0992804 0.969809 0.65314 0.17091 0.358152 0.750686 0.607831 0.325047 

ni=10 nj=5
0.592845 0.844266 0.857946 0.847252 0.623564 0.384382 0.297535 0.056713 0.272656 0.477665 
0.812169 0.479977 0.392785 0.836079 0.337396 0.648172 0.368242 0.957155 0.140351 0.870087 
0.473608 0.800911 0.520477 0.67888 0.720633 0.58202 0.537373 0.758616 0.105908 0.4736 
0.186332 0.736918 0.21655 0.135218 0.324141 0.149675 0.222321 0.386489 0.902598 0.44995 
0.613063 0.902349 0.0992804 0.969809 0.65314 0.17091 0.358152 0.750686 0.607831 0.325047