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I'm looking to address code using sybpydb to connect to ase 16, I see we need to take a closer look at types returned (univarchar fields need special processing). I see sybpydb's cursor provides cursor.description that (as PEP249 lays out) provides metadata about the columns (name, type_code,display_size,internal_size,precision,call, null_ok).

Would someone be able to provide guidance as to how to interpret type_code or otherwise determine the incoming type ?

PEP249 mentions DBAPITypeObject but I don't see where in sybpydb would support identifying the underlying type... Is there a better reference than ASE Extension Module for Python it simply states:

When debugging I get this

(Pdb) cursor.description
(('Id', <sybpydb.datatyp object at 0x7fb98f73b950>,4, 0 0 0),('Prop2',<sybpydb.datatyp ...

Checking further , the underlying type for cursor.description[n][1] (type_code) doesn't seem to expose any public properties . Comparing to sybpydb.STRING, BINARY, NUMBER seems to work at first glance but varchar and univarchar but matching STRING.


You can check the description to see what they are set to:

create table tabsample (c1 int, c2 varchar(10))

import sybpydb

conn = sybpydb.connect(user='sa', password='password')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("select * from tabsample")
while True:
row = cur.fetchall()
desc = cur.description
if (not row):
dt = desc[0][1]
print(dt == sybpydb.NUMBER)
dt = desc[][1]
print(dt == sybpydb.NUMBER)


Possible Datatype Values in sybpydb :
sybpydb.STRING, sybpydb.NUMBER, sybpydb.BINARY, sybpydb.DATETIME, sybpydb.IMAGE


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