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Netherlandsworldwide.nl uses cookies for anonymously measuring visitor behaviour on the website. Find out what information we record, which cookies we use and how long your browser stores them.

A cookie is a small text file containing information. If you visit a website, the website often places cookies on your computer, tablet or phone.

Why does netherlandsworldwide.nl use cookies?

Netherlandsworldwide.nl uses cookies for web statistics. This helps us understand how visitors use the website. This information is important in order to continue improving the website. For example by adding information or making the website easier to use.

No tracking cookies

Netherlandsworldwide.nl does not use tracking cookies. Tracking cookies follow users as they visit different websites. If a website uses tracking cookies, the visitor must give permission for this.

No permission required

No permission is needed for the cookies that we use because they do not infringe on visitors’ privacy.

Piwik PRO Analytics

Netherlandsworldwide.nl uses Piwik PRO Analytics for web statistics.

IP address

Piwik PRO stores part of users’ IP addresses.

As soon as a user lands on the website, Piwik PRO removes the last digit group (octet) of each IPv4 address and the last 4 sets of 4 characters (hextets) of each IPv6 address. This takes place in a temporary memory before we save the rest of the IP address in Piwik PRO. As a result, the data we store cannot be traced back to you, the website visitor.


Netherlandsworldwide.nl conducts anonymous user surveys using the Mopinion software program.

Data recorded

Netherlandsworldwide.nl records the following data when you visit the website:

  • date and time of the visit
  • webpages visited
  • files downloaded
  • links used to reach our website
  • links used within the website
  • links used to websites we refer to
  • search terms used in the search function on netherlandsworldwide.nl
  • browser used, such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari
  • brand and type of device, such as a desktop PC, Samsung Galaxy smartphone or Apple iPad
  • previous visits to netherlandsworldwide.nl

Which cookies

The list below shows the names of all the cookies netherlandsworldwide.nl uses, if your browser settings allow for this.

Click on the name of a cookie to see what information we measure with that cookie. And find out how long your browser stores the cookie.

Cookie for recognising visitors by means a number (ID). We use this to see whether the visitor is new to the website or is a repeat visitor.

The cookie expires after 13 months.

Cookie for recording which webpages the visitor viewed.

The cookie expires after 30 minutes.

Cookie for recording the website or webpage that referred the visitor to netherlandsworldwide.nl.

The cookie expires when the session ends.

Cookie looks at whether the visitor continues from a previous visit (more than 30 minutes ago) or starts an entirely new session. The cookie records the time of the visitor’s last interaction with the website.

The cookie expires after 365 days.

Cookie looks at whether the user has visited the website before. The value of the cookie is Yes or No.

The cookie expires after 365 days.

Cookie looks at the channel via which the visitor arrived at the website:

  1. directly
  2. referral from another website
  3. social media
  4. search engine (such as Google or Bing)
  5. campaign or advertisement

The cookie expires after 30 minutes.

This cookie records whether site visitors see a survey form.

The cookie is saved for 30 days.

This cookie records whether site visitors fill in a survey form.

The cookie is saved for 30 days.