Connecting to Sybase or DB2 should be a matter of making sure that you have a valid driver installed (by looking in your ODBC Manager in Windows); then making an ODBC connection.
You can test this connection using the ODBC Manager in Windows by creating a DSN (a data source name) and then using the "test connection" button.
NOTE: ODBC is not Alteryx specific - it's a standard way of connecting to databases across most data platforms
Once you have a good ODBC Connection - you can then bring the connection string into the Alteryx input tool.
If you have trouble getting a basic connection using the ODBC Connection manager - it's worth working with your tech team to get the connection details and the right driver.
Hi All,
need one help here -
I am trying to connect Alteryx (version - Alteryx designer 2023.2) with IBM DB2 database using ODBC DSN 32bit. but is not connecting and prompting below error message -
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application
Could you please guide me how can I resolve this issue.
need help :How find a specific string in the all the column of excel and return that clmn