  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
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Today social network integration to your android application is common practice - it makes user easily login to your app and share their actions. There are a lot of ways to do it - usually developers add native social network SDK or use API for every network. It provides login via installed social network application or native dialogs. You have to spend time and nerves to learn and use different social network SDKs.

What if you need to add one more social network for your application? Sometimes you have to reorganize or redo all your integrations. This leads to idea to create and implement common interface for all social networks. Fortunately there is an open source modular library ASNE that allows you to choose necessary social network and provides full sdk and common interface for most frequently used requests(login, share, friends list & etc) It saves your time and simplifies adding another networks in the future. Moreover you can easily add any other social network as new module - the similar way as it's done in other modules.

In this tutorial you can learn how easily integrate Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn in android application using ASNE modules . This is very basic tutorial with login, sharing link and showing friends list.

Registering app - getting keys for your application

In order to implement Social networks in your application you need keys to make API calls. So register a new social network application and get the keys. Check small tutorial how to get it:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LInkedIn
  • To continue you need

  • Facebook App ID
  • Twitter consumer key and consumer secret
  • LinkedIn consumer key and consumer secret
  • Integrating Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to your application

    Create new Project and let's save our social network keys in values/strings.xml

    strings.xml (full source )

    <? xml version =" 1.0" encoding =" utf-8" ? > < resources > < string name =" app_name" > ASNE-tutorial < /string > < string name =" facebook_app_id" > 1646388738920557 < /string > < string name =" twitter_consumer_key" > BBQAUAVKYzmYtvEcNhUEvGiKd < /string > byZzHPxE1tkGmnPEj5zUyc7MG464Q1LgNRcwbBJV1Ap86575os < /string > < string name =" linkedin_consumer_key" > 75ubsp337ll7sf < /string > < string name =" linkedin_consumer_secret" > 8DVk4hi3wvEyzjbh < /string > < /resources >

    We need to add permissions(to work with internet) and meta data - open AndroidManifest.xml file and add uses-permission for INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE and add meta-data for facebook(add appId key)

    AndroidManifest.xml (full source )

    <? xml version =" 1.0" encoding =" utf-8" ? > < manifest xmlns:android =" http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package =" asne_tutorial.githubgorbin.com.asne_tutorial" > < uses-permission android:name =" android.permission.INTERNET" / > < uses-permission android:name =" android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" / > < application android:allowBackup =" true" android:icon =" @drawable/ic_launcher" android:label =" @string/app_name" android:theme =" @style/AppTheme" > < activity android:name =" .MainActivity" android:label =" @string/app_name" > < intent-filter > < action android:name =" android.intent.action.MAIN" / > < category android:name =" android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" / > < /intent-filter > < /activity > < meta-data android:name =" com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" android:value =" @string/facebook_app_id" / > < /application > < /manifest >

    Then set dependencies for asne-modules :
    Open Project Structure => choose your module and open Dependencies=> Add new library dependency

    Then search for asne and add asne-facebook, asne-twitter, asne-linkedin

    or just add them manually to build.gradle
    build.gradle (full source )

    apply plugin: 'com.android.application' android { compileSdkVersion 19 buildToolsVersion '20.0.0' defaultConfig { applicationId "com.github.gorbin.asnetutorial" minSdkVersion 10 targetSdkVersion 19 versionCode 1 versionName "1.0" buildTypes { release { runProguard false proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro' dependencies { compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs') compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:20.0.0' compile 'com.github.asne:asne-facebook:0.3.1' compile 'com.github.asne:asne-linkedin:0.3.1' compile 'com.github.asne:asne-twitter:0.3.1'

    Lets create some layouts

    Just login buttons in main fragment

    main_fragment.xml (full source )

    <? xml version =" 1.0" encoding =" utf-8" ? > < LinearLayout xmlns:android =" http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:orientation =" vertical" android:layout_width =" match_parent" android:layout_height =" match_parent" android:background =" #FFCCCCCC" > < Button android:layout_width =" fill_parent" android:layout_height =" wrap_content" android:text =" Login via Facebook" android:id =" @+id/facebook" android:layout_gravity =" center_horizontal" android:background =" #3b5998" android:layout_margin =" 8dp" android:textColor =" #ffffffff" / > < Button android:layout_width =" fill_parent" android:layout_height =" wrap_content" android:text =" Login via Twitter" android:id =" @+id/twitter" android:layout_gravity =" center_horizontal" android:background =" #55ACEE" android:layout_margin =" 8dp" android:textColor =" #ffffffff" / > < Button android:layout_width =" fill_parent" android:layout_height =" wrap_content" android:text =" Login via LinkedIn" android:id =" @+id/linkedin" android:layout_gravity =" center_horizontal" android:background =" #287bbc" android:layout_margin =" 8dp" android:textColor =" #ffffffff" / > < /LinearLayout >

    Create simple profile card for user

    profile_fragment.xml (full source )

    <? xml version =" 1.0" encoding =" utf-8" ? > < ScrollView xmlns:android =" http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width =" fill_parent" android:layout_height =" fill_parent" android:background =" @color/grey_light" > < RelativeLayout android:layout_width =" wrap_content" android:layout_height =" wrap_content" android:layout_alignParentTop =" true" android:layout_alignParentLeft =" true" android:layout_alignParentStart =" true" android:layout_margin =" 8dp" android:id =" @+id/frame" android:background =" @color/dark" > < RelativeLayout android:layout_width =" fill_parent" android:layout_height =" wrap_content" android:layout_alignParentTop =" true" android:layout_alignParentLeft =" true" android:layout_alignParentStart =" true" android:layout_margin =" 3dp" android:id =" @+id/card" android:background =" #FFFFFF" > < ImageView android:layout_width =" 100dp" android:layout_height =" 100dp" android:id =" @+id/imageView" android:layout_margin =" 8dp" android:padding =" 2dp" android:background =" @color/grey_light" android:layout_alignParentTop =" true" android:layout_alignParentLeft =" true" android:layout_alignParentStart =" true" android:src =" @drawable/user" android:adjustViewBounds =" true" android:cropToPadding =" true" android:scaleType =" centerCrop" / > < TextView android:layout_width =" wrap_content" android:layout_height =" wrap_content" android:textAppearance =" ?android:attr/textAppearanceLarge" android:text =" NoName" android:maxLines =" 3" android:singleLine =" false" android:id =" @+id/name" android:padding =" 8dp" android:layout_alignTop =" @+id/imageView" android:layout_toRightOf =" @+id/imageView" android:layout_toEndOf =" @+id/imageView" android:layout_alignParentRight =" true" android:layout_alignParentEnd =" true" / > < TextView android:layout_width =" wrap_content" android:layout_height =" wrap_content" android:text =" null" android:maxLines =" 3" android:singleLine =" false" android:id =" @+id/id" android:padding =" 8dp" android:layout_below =" @+id/name" android:layout_alignLeft =" @+id/name" android:layout_alignStart =" @+id/name" / > < TextView android:layout_width =" wrap_content" android:layout_height =" wrap_content" android:text =" " android:id =" @+id/info" android:padding =" 8dp" android:layout_marginBottom =" 4dp" android:layout_below =" @+id/imageView" android:layout_alignParentLeft =" true" android:layout_alignParentStart =" true" / > < /RelativeLayout > < LinearLayout android:layout_width =" match_parent" android:layout_height =" wrap_content" android:id =" @+id/buttonLayout" android:layout_below =" @+id/card" android:layout_alignParentLeft =" true" android:layout_alignParentRight =" true" android:gravity =" center" android:background =" @color/grey_light" > < Button android:layout_width =" match_parent" android:layout_height =" match_parent" android:text =" Friends" android:id =" @+id/friends" android:padding =" 8dp" android:background =" @color/dark" android:layout_marginRight =" 1dp" android:layout_weight =" 1" android:textColor =" #ffffffff" / > < Button android:layout_width =" match_parent" android:layout_height =" match_parent" android:text =" Share" android:id =" @+id/share" android:padding =" 8dp" android:background =" @color/dark" android:layout_weight =" 1" android:textColor =" #ffffffff" / > < /LinearLayout > < /RelativeLayout > < /ScrollView >

    and save social networks colors to

    color.xml (full source )

    <? xml version =" 1.0" encoding =" utf-8" ? > < resources > < color name =" grey_light" > #FFCCCCCC < /color > < color name =" dark" > #4b4b4b < /color > < color name =" facebook" > #3b5998 < /color > < color name =" twitter" > #55ACEE < /color > < color name =" linkedin" > #287bbc < /color > < /resources >

    Then, let's set up MainActivity.java. We should set up onActivityResult method to catch responses after requesting login

    MainActivity.java (full source )

    public static final String SOCIAL_NETWORK_TAG = " SocialIntegrationMain.SOCIAL_NETWORK_TAG" ; @Override protected void onActivityResult( int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super .onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); Fragment fragment = getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(SOCIAL_NETWORK_TAG); if (fragment != null) { fragment.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

    After every login form social networks send onActivityResult and we should check it and send to our SocialNetworkManager which deliver it to right SocialNetwork

    Now, we can create MainFragment.java and integrate any social network - it is simple:

    1. Get SocialNetworkManager

    mSocialNetworkManager = (SocialNetworkManager) getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(MAinActivity.SOCIAL_NETWORK_TAG);

    2. Get keys from values.xml - note Facebook appId we used in AndroidManifest.xml

    String TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = getActivity().getString(R.string.twitter_consumer_key); String TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = getActivity().getString(R.string.twitter_consumer_secret); String TWITTER_CALLBACK_URL = " oauth://ASNE" ; String LINKEDIN_CONSUMER_KEY = getActivity().getString(R.string.linkedin_consumer_key); String LINKEDIN_CONSUMER_SECRET = getActivity().getString(R.string.linkedin_consumer_secret);

    3. Create chosen SocialNetworks with permissions

    ArrayList<String> fbScope = new ArrayList<String>(); fbScope.addAll(Arrays.asList( " public_profile, email, user_friends" )); FacebookSocialNetwork fbNetwork = new FacebookSocialNetwork( this , fbScope); // permissions for twitter in developer twitter console TwitterSocialNetwork twNetwork = new TwitterSocialNetwork( this , TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET); String linkedInScope = " r_basicprofile+rw_nus+r_network+w_messages" ; LinkedInSocialNetwork liNetwork = new LinkedInSocialNetwork( this , LINKEDIN_CONSUMER_KEY, LINKEDIN_CONSUMER_SECRET, linkedInScope);

    4. Check if SocialNetworkManager is null init it and add SocialNetworks to it

    mSocialNetworkManager = new SocialNetworkManager(); mSocialNetworkManager.addSocialNetwork(fbNetwork); mSocialNetworkManager.addSocialNetwork(twNetwork); mSocialNetworkManager.addSocialNetwork(liNetwork); // Initiate every network from mSocialNetworkManager getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(mSocialNetworkManager, MAinActivity.SOCIAL_NETWORK_TAG).commit(); mSocialNetworkManager.setOnInitializationCompleteListener( this );

    don't forget to implement SocialNetworkManager.OnInitializationCompleteListener

    5. If SocialNetworkManager - come from another fragment where we already init it - get all initialized social networks and add to them necessary listeners

    if (!mSocialNetworkManager.getInitializedSocialNetworks().isEmpty()) { List<SocialNetwork> socialNetworks = mSocialNetworkManager.getInitializedSocialNetworks(); for (SocialNetwork socialNetwork : socialNetworks) { socialNetwork.setOnLoginCompleteListener( this );

    don't forget to implement `OnLoginCompleteListener`

    6. Now we need to catch callback after initializing of `SocialNetworks`

    @Override public void onSocialNetworkManagerInitialized() { for (SocialNetwork socialNetwork : mSocialNetworkManager.getInitializedSocialNetworks()) { socialNetwork.setOnLoginCompleteListener( this ); initSocialNetwork(socialNetwork);

    don't forget to implement `OnLoginCompleteListener`

    Full onCreateView and onSocialNetworkManagerInitialized from MainFragment with initializing and setting listener to buttons
    MainFragment.java (full source )

    public static SocialNetworkManager mSocialNetworkManager; * SocialNetwork Ids in ASNE: * 1 - Twitter * 2 - LinkedIn * 3 - Google Plus * 4 - Facebook * 5 - Vkontakte * 6 - Odnoklassniki * 7 - Instagram public static final int TWITTER = TwitterSocialNetwork.ID; public static final int LINKEDIN = LinkedInSocialNetwork.ID; public static final int FACEBOOK = FacebookSocialNetwork.ID; private Button facebook; private Button twitter; private Button linkedin; public MainFragment() { @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.main_fragment, container, false); ((MainActivity)getActivity()).getSupportActionBar().setTitle(R.string.app_name); // init buttons and set Listener facebook = (Button) rootView.findViewById(R.id.facebook); facebook.setOnClickListener(loginClick); twitter = (Button) rootView.findViewById(R.id.twitter); twitter.setOnClickListener(loginClick); linkedin = (Button) rootView.findViewById(R.id.linkedin); linkedin.setOnClickListener(loginClick); // Get Keys for initiate SocialNetworks String TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = getActivity().getString(R.string.twitter_consumer_key); String TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = getActivity().getString(R.string.twitter_consumer_secret); String LINKEDIN_CONSUMER_KEY = getActivity().getString(R.string.linkedin_consumer_key); String LINKEDIN_CONSUMER_SECRET = getActivity().getString(R.string.linkedin_consumer_secret); // Chose permissions ArrayList<String> fbScope = new ArrayList<String>(); fbScope.addAll(Arrays.asList( " public_profile, email, user_friends" )); String linkedInScope = " r_basicprofile+rw_nus+r_network+w_messages" ; // Use manager to manage SocialNetworks mSocialNetworkManager = (SocialNetworkManager) getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(SOCIAL_NETWORK_TAG); // Check if manager exist if (mSocialNetworkManager == null) { mSocialNetworkManager = new SocialNetworkManager(); // Init and add to manager FacebookSocialNetwork FacebookSocialNetwork fbNetwork = new FacebookSocialNetwork( this , fbScope); mSocialNetworkManager.addSocialNetwork(fbNetwork); // Init and add to manager TwitterSocialNetwork TwitterSocialNetwork twNetwork = new TwitterSocialNetwork( this , TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET); mSocialNetworkManager.addSocialNetwork(twNetwork); // Init and add to manager LinkedInSocialNetwork LinkedInSocialNetwork liNetwork = new LinkedInSocialNetwork( this , LINKEDIN_CONSUMER_KEY, LINKEDIN_CONSUMER_SECRET, linkedInScope); mSocialNetworkManager.addSocialNetwork(liNetwork); // Initiate every network from mSocialNetworkManager getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(mSocialNetworkManager, SOCIAL_NETWORK_TAG).commit(); mSocialNetworkManager.setOnInitializationCompleteListener( this ); } else { // if manager exist - get and setup login only for initialized SocialNetworks if (!mSocialNetworkManager.getInitializedSocialNetworks().isEmpty()) { List<SocialNetwork> socialNetworks = mSocialNetworkManager.getInitializedSocialNetworks(); for (SocialNetwork socialNetwork : socialNetworks) { socialNetwork.setOnLoginCompleteListener( this ); initSocialNetwork(socialNetwork); return rootView; private void initSocialNetwork(SocialNetwork socialNetwork){ if (socialNetwork.isConnected()){ switch (socialNetwork.getID()){ case FACEBOOK: facebook.setText( " Show Facebook profile" ); break ; case TWITTER: twitter.setText( " Show Twitter profile" ); break ; case LINKEDIN: linkedin.setText( " Show LinkedIn profile" ); break ; @Override public void onSocialNetworkManagerInitialized() { // when init SocialNetworks - get and setup login only for initialized SocialNetworks for (SocialNetwork socialNetwork : mSocialNetworkManager.getInitializedSocialNetworks()) { socialNetwork.setOnLoginCompleteListener( this ); initSocialNetwork(socialNetwork); SocialNetwork socialNetwork = mSocialNetworkManager.getSocialNetwork(networkId); socialNetwork.requestLogin();

    Full OnClickListener loginClick with checking connection of social network and if social network connected - show ProfileFragment.java on click

    MainFragment.java (full source )

    private View.OnClickListener loginClick = new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { int networkId = 0 ; switch (view.getId()){ case R.id.facebook: networkId = FACEBOOK; break ; case R.id.twitter: networkId = TWITTER; break ; case R.id.linkedin: networkId = LINKEDIN; break ; SocialNetwork socialNetwork = mSocialNetworkManager.getSocialNetwork(networkId); if (!socialNetwork.isConnected()) { if (networkId != 0 ) { socialNetwork.requestLogin(); MainActivity.showProgress(socialNetwork, " Loading social person" ); } else { Toast.makeText(getActivity(), " Wrong networkId" , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } else { startProfile(socialNetwork.getID());

    After social network login form we got callback onLoginSuccess(int networkId) or onError(int networkId, String requestID, String errorMessage, Object data) - lets show profile if login success and show Toast on error

    MainFragment.java (full source )

    @Override public void onLoginSuccess( int networkId) { MainActivity.hideProgress(); startProfile(networkId); @Override public void onError( int networkId, String requestID, String errorMessage, Object data) { MainActivity.hideProgress(); Toast.makeText(getActivity(), " ERROR: " + errorMessage, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); private void startProfile( int networkId){ ProfileFragment profile = ProfileFragment.newInstannce(networkId); getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction() .addToBackStack( " profile" ) .replace(R.id.container, profile) .commit(); Now in ProfileFragment.java get networkId from MainFragment.java

    ProfileFragment.java (full source )

    public static ProfileFragment newInstannce( int id) { ProfileFragment fragment = new ProfileFragment(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putInt(NETWORK_ID, id); fragment.setArguments(args); return fragment; @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { networkId = getArguments().containsKey(NETWORK_ID) ? getArguments().getInt(NETWORK_ID) : 0 ;

    And via `networkId` we can get social network and request current user profile like:

    socialNetwork = MainFragment.mSocialNetworkManager.getSocialNetwork(networkId); socialNetwork.setOnRequestCurrentPersonCompleteListener( this ); socialNetwork.requestCurrentPerson();

    don't forget to implement `OnRequestSocialPersonCompleteListener`

    After completing request we can use SocialPerson data to fill our profile view

    ProfileFragment.java (full source )

    @Override public void onRequestSocialPersonSuccess( int i, SocialPerson socialPerson) { MainActivity.hideProgress(); name.setText(socialPerson.name); id.setText(socialPerson.id); String socialPersonString = socialPerson.toString(); String infoString = socialPersonString.substring(socialPersonString.indexOf( " {" )+1, socialPersonString.lastIndexOf( " }" )); info.setText(infoString.replace( " , " , " \n" )); Picasso.with(getActivity()) .load(socialPerson.avatarURL) .into(photo); @Override public void onError( int networkId, String requestID, String errorMessage, Object data) { MainActivity.hideProgress(); Toast.makeText(getActivity(), " ERROR: " + errorMessage, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager().popBackStack();

    Truly, that's all - we integrate Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin and get user profile. You can add other social networks like Instagram or Google Plus just adding dependency for them and adding them to SocialNetworkManager like

    GooglePlusSocialNetwork gpNetwork = new GooglePlusSocialNetwork( this ); mSocialNetworkManager.addSocialNetwork(gpNetwork); InstagramSocialNetwork instagramNetwork = new InstagramSocialNetwork( this , INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_KEY, INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_SECRET, instagramScope); mSocialNetworkManager.addSocialNetwork(instagramNetwork);

    And of course you can use any other request that we use bellow for them!

    Share Link

    In this tutorial we make some more requests Share link and Get user friendslist
    Let's share simple link via social network:

    1. Setup share button

    share = (Button) rootView.findViewById(R.id.share); share.setOnClickListener(shareClick);

    2. To share we need fill bundle and  just request post link

    Bundle postParams = new Bundle(); postParams.putString(SocialNetwork.BUNDLE_LINK, link); socialNetwork.requestPostLink(postParams, message, postingComplete);

    3. And of course some actions to callback

    private OnPostingCompleteListener postingComplete = new OnPostingCompleteListener() { @Override public void onPostSuccessfully( int socialNetworkID) { Toast.makeText(getActivity(), " Sent" , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); @Override public void onError( int socialNetworkID, String requestID, String errorMessage, Object data) { Toast.makeText(getActivity(), " Error while sending: " + errorMessage, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    4. So in OnClickListener shareClick we make standard alert dialog to notify user that we want to share link and in PositiveButton we post link

    ProfileFragment.java (full source )

    private View.OnClickListener shareClick = new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { AlertDialog.Builder ad = alertDialogInit( " Would you like to post Link:" , link); ad.setPositiveButton( " Post link" , new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { Bundle postParams = new Bundle(); postParams.putString(SocialNetwork.BUNDLE_NAME, " Simple and easy way to add social networks for android application" ); postParams.putString(SocialNetwork.BUNDLE_LINK, link); socialNetwork.requestPostLink(postParams, message, postingComplete); ad.setNegativeButton( " Cancel" , new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int i) { dialog.cancel(); ad.setOnCancelListener( new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { dialog.cancel(); ad.create().show(); private AlertDialog.Builder alertDialogInit( String title, String message){ AlertDialog.Builder ad = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()); ad.setTitle(title); ad.setMessage(message); ad.setCancelable(true); return ad; SocialNetwork socialNetwork = MainFragment.mSocialNetworkManager.getSocialNetwork(networkId); socialNetwork.setOnRequestGetFriendsCompleteListener( this ); socialNetwork.requestGetFriends();

    don't forget to implement `OnRequestGetFriendsCompleteListener`

    3. Get response

    @Override public void OnGetFriendsIdComplete( int id, String [] friendsID) { ((MainActivity)getActivity()).getSupportActionBar().setTitle(friendsID.length + " Friends" ); @Override public void OnGetFriendsComplete( int networkID, ArrayList<SocialPerson> socialPersons) { MainActivity.hideProgress(); FriendsListAdapter adapter = new FriendsListAdapter(getActivity(), socialPersons, networkID); listView.setAdapter(adapter); @Override public void onError( int networkId, String requestID, String errorMessage, Object data) { MainActivity.hideProgress(); Toast.makeText(getActivity(), " ERROR: " + errorMessage, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    More detailed you can read in FriendsFragment.java


    Using ASNE modules you can easily and quickly integrate any popular social networks and use common requests in your application. Of course library got more methods that you can use in your application. But in case if you want to use social network methods from SDK or API you can easily get access tokens or get instances of main object in your application

    This tutorial is just simple demo but if you need more complex - check ASNE demo app

    Does this library support single sign on ?
    if yes then how to implement it please explain it ...
    now a days everyone needs single sing on.
    Sign in · View Thread I tried this sample with facebook, but facebook does not return email. What is the issue?
    Sign in · View Thread One more stuff in my knowledge box. Thanx!
    I can share info I found about social media app dev really nice I think How To Develop a Social Media App? [ ^ ]
    Sign in · View Thread I forgot my user name for example, your app can remember Facebook user name, I can enable Facebook login by one click .but twitter require me to input username and password, it is not as good as twitter.
    Sign in · View Thread I am building my app in Eclipse IDE. How can i use ASNI for my app ? I need login and basic user info from the social networks.
    Sign in · View Thread Hi, the example looks very interesting but the download link is not working.
    Sign in · View Thread Thank you, update it in [ new version ] hope it will published soon
    I'm still noob here - forgot to update link to file in article
    Sign in · View Thread Web02 2.8:2024-07-22:1