  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

A fiber is just a thread implemented in user space .

Fibers are easier to reason about and have advantages such as much cheaper context switching.  Fibers are very well suited for handling concurrent IO operations. In such situations a processor mostly wait for the data to become available and threads usually have pretty big context switching cost. So multiple fibers running in a single thread is an effective solution.

It is also much easier to reason about concurrency with fibers. Watch this great talk by Nat Goldman on Youtube .

Here is a simple program I wrote to explore fibers. You can find the full example here https://github.com/dilawar/playground/blob/a5fba9f21ff121249c71bff75ee8964c1016aa3f/BOOST/fiber.cpp .

The program has two functions: print_a prints a and print_b prints b and then launches a thread that prints B (in detached mode).

void print_a()
    cout << "a";
void print_b()
    cout << "b";
    std::thread j([]() { printf("B"); });

Following is the main function. We created a shared variable i initialized to 0. We use this a global state. We create two detach ed fibers. First one keeps calling print_a till i < 20 . Similarly, the second one loops on print_b till i < 20 . Both increment i by 1. When i = 20 , both fibers should be able to join .

int main()
    int i = 0;
    boost::fibers::fiber([&]() {
        while (i < 20);
    boost::fibers::fiber([&]() {
        } while (i < 20);
    return 0;

Let’s guess the output of this program. It is most likely to be the same as if std::thread s were used instead of fiber.

X is printed first? Yes . Note that detach() is called on each fibers so neither of their functions are called. They are put in the background. Control passes to the fiber manager at return 0; when it asks the fibers to join . In fact, you can put more computations after the printf("X"); statement and it would be computed before any fiber is called.

As soon as we try to return from the main , fiber manager is asked to join the fibers. The first fiber awakes , a is printed and the fiber yield s the control to the manager. Fiber manager then wakes up the second fiber (who was waiting in the queue) that prints b and also launched a thread in the background that prints B . We can not be sure if B will be printed immediately after the b (it is a std::thread ). print_b yields the cotrol and goes to sleep . The fiber manager wakes up first fiber again that calls print_a again and a is printed and so on. Note that i is also incremented every time either of the fibers are called.

When i hits 20, both fibers terminates and joined and the main function return 0; .

So we have print_a called 10 times and print_b is also called 10 times. In the output, we should have 10 a s, 10 b s and 10 B s. B may not strictly follow b but b must come after the a .

Here are few runs of the program. Note that the location of B is not deterministic.

  • XababBabBabBababBBabBabBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBabBabBabBabaBbBabBB
  • XababBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBBababBabBabBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBababBBabBabBababBBB
  • XababBabBabBababBBabBabBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBababBBabBabBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBabBabBababBBabBabBB
  • XababBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBabBB
  • References

  • A great talk by Nat on Boost fibers https://youtu.be/e-NUmyBou8Q