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Apache ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) is an Object/Relational mapping tool that allows transparent persistence for Java Objects against relational databases.
OJB supports multiple persistence APIs to provide users with their API of choice: A PersistenceBroker API which serves as the OJB persistence kernel. The OTM-, ODMG- and JDO-implementations are built on top of this kernel. This API can also be used directly by applications that don't need full fledged object level transactions. (See the Persistence Broker Tutorial for details.) A full featured ODMG 3.0 compliant API. (See the ODMG Tutorial for an introduction.) JDO compliant API. We currently provide a plugin to the JDO Reference Implementation (RI). Combining the JDO RI and our plugin provides a JDO 1.0 compliant o/r solution. A full JDO implementation is scheduled for OJB 2.0. (See the JDO tutorial for an introduction to the JDO programming model.) An Object Transaction Manager (OTM) layer that contains all features that JDO and ODMG have in common. (See the OTM tutorial for details). See the FAQ for a detailed view of the OJB layering. Get the latest information on each API's status .
OJB has been designed for a large range of applications, from embedded systems to rich client application to multi-tier J2EE based architectures. OJB integrates smoothly into J2EE Application servers. It supports JNDI lookup of datasources. It ships with full JTA and JCA integration. OJB can be used within JSPs, Servlets and SessionBeans. OJB provides special support for Bean Managed EntityBeans (BMP).
OJB uses an XML based Object/Relational mapping. The mapping resides in a dynamic MetaData layer, which can be manipulated at runtime through a simple Meta-Object-Protocol (MOP) to change the behaviour of the persistence kernel. OJB provides several advanced O/R features like Object Caching , lazy materialization through virtual proxies and distributed lock-management with configurable Transaction-Isolation levels. Optimistic and pessimistic locking is supported. OJB provides a flexible configuration and plugin mechanism that allows to select from set of predefined components or to implement your own extensions and plugins. A more complete featurelist can be found here . Learn more about the OJB design principles in this document . Transparent persistence: classes does not have to inherit from any OJB base class nor implement a special interface. OJB delivers pure transparent persistence for POJOs. Scalable architecture that allows to build massively distributed and clustered systems. Extremly flexible design with pluggable implementation of most service classes like PersistenceBroker , ObjectCache , SequenceManager , RowReader , ConnectionFactory , ConnectionManager , IndirectionHandler , SQLGenerator , JdbcAccess , ... and so on. Quality assurance taken seriously: More than 800 JUnit Test Cases for regression tests. JUnit tests are integrated into the build scripts and used as quality assurance for daily development. Mapping support for 1:1, 1:n and m:n associations . Configurable collection queries to control loading of relationships. See QueryCustomizer . The Object / Relational mapping is defined in an XML Repository. The mapping is completely dynamic and can be manipulated at runtime for maximum flexibility Easy use of multiple databases . Configurable Lazy Materialization through Proxy support in the PersistenceBroker. The user can implement specific Proxy classes or let OJB generate dynamic Proxies. Support for Polymorphism and Extents . You can use Interface-types and abstract classes as attribute types in your persistent classes. Queries are also aware of extents: A query against a baseclass or interface will return matches from derived classes, even if they are mapped to different DB-tables Support for Java Array- and Collection-attributes in persistent classes. attribute-types can be Arrays, java.util.Collection or may be user defined collections that implement the interface ojb.broker.ManageableCollection . Sequence-Managing . The SequenceManager is aware of "extents" and maintains uniqueness of ids accross any number of tables. Sequence Numbering can be declared in the mappping repository. Native Database based Sequence Numbering is also supported. Reusing Prepared Statements, internal connection pooling . Integrates smoothly in controlled environments like EJB containers Lockmanagement supporting four pessimistic Transaction Isolation Levels (uncommited or "dirty" reads, commited reads, repeatable reads, serializable transactions) - distributed locking is possible. - OQL is currently not fully implemented (Aggregations and Method Invocations) - ODMG implicit locking is partly implemented but does currently not maintain transaction isolation properly. To achieve safe transaction isolation client applications must use explicit lock acquisition. The active development on the OTM API implementation is currently stopped due to lack of developer resources in that area. The future of the OTM layer will be discussed on the OJB developer mailing list . The legacy S.O.D.A. (Simple Object Database Access) API should be considered deprecated and might be removed in a future release. For more information about S.O.D.A. Query API, see the project's SourceForge Website . These are the mailing lists that have been established for this project. For each list, there is a subscribe, unsubscribe, and an archive link. The user and dev list are subscriber only lists, this means you have to subscribe before you can post to the list.

Mailing Lists Archives

Follow the links below to browse through or search in the mailing list archives, through a number of different providers and interfaces. Jetspeed is an Open Source implementation of an Enterprise Information Portal, using Java and XML. OJB will be the default persistence model within Jetspeed 2. The swiss federal office for information technology and telecommunications (BIT) uses OJB 1.0.1 as data access layer in their framework for webbased applications. The BIT extended OJB with a complex history-mechanism by simply replacing the JdbcAccessImpl their own class. Tammi is a JMX-based Java application development framework and run-time environment providing a service architecture for J2EE server side Internet applications that are accessible from any device that supports HTTP including mobile (wireless) handsets. Future plans include integration of Apache OJB based persistence services to the framework. The Object Console is an open web based application meant for the administration of objects via the web. Any object that is persistable by the ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) framework can be managed through this tool. In addition, this tool provides administration functionality for the ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) framework itself. Object Console uses Struts and OJB. It ships with full sourcecode and is thus a great source for learning Struts + OJB techniques. The IntAct project establishes a knowledgebase for protein-protein interaction data. It's hosted at EBI - European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge. IntAct uses OJB as its persistence layer. The NEES program will provide an unprecedented infrastructure for research and education, consisting of networked and geographically distributed resources for experimentation, computation, model-based simulation, data management, and communication. OJB is used as the O/R mapping layer. OJB.NET is an object-to-relational persistence tool for the .NET platform. It enables applications to transparently store and retrieve .NET objects using relational databases. OJB.NET is a port ojb Apache OJB to the .NET platform OpenEMed is a set of distributed healthcare information service components built around the OMG distributed object specifications and the HL7 (and other) data standards and is written in Java for platform portability. OpenEMed uses ODMG as its persistence API. OJB is used as ODMG compliant O/R tool.
user testimonials "At the BIT some stress-test were performed simulating 3000 parallel users accessing tables containing more than 1.8 million rows per table. These test were run on Websphere 4.1 and DB2 on IBM z/OS (Host). The PB-API of OJB 1.RC1 was used without problems. The ODMG-API of this release then had too many bugs (deadlocks, parallel threads, etc.)." "We're using OJB in two production applications at the Northwest Alliance for Computational Science and Engineering (NACSE). One is a data mining toolset, and the other is a massive National Science Foundation project that involves huge amounts of data, and about 20 or 25 universities and research groups like mine. In fact, I've begun making OJB sort of a de-facto standard for NACSE java/database development. I've thrown out EJB's for the most part and I've tried JDO from Castor, but I'm sticking with OJB. Maybe we'll reconsider JDO when the OJB implementation is more complete." "We are planning a November 2003 production deployment with OJB and WE LOVE IT!! We have been in development on a very data-centric application in the power industry for about 5 months now and OJB has undoubtedly saved us countless hours of development time. We have received benefits in the following areas: -> Easily adapts to any data model that we've thrown at it. No problems mapping tables with compound keys, tables mapping polymorphic relationships, identity columns, etc. -> Seemlesly switches between target DB platforms. We develop and unit test on our local workstations with HSQLDB and PostgreSQL, and deploy to DB2 using the Type 4 JDBC driver from IBM. Works great! -> Makes querying a breeze with the PersistenceBroker API Overall we have found OJB to be very stable (and we've really tested it out quite a bit). The only issues we've got outstanding at the moment is support for connections to multiple databases, but I've noticed in CVS that the OJB guys are already fixing this for OJB 0.9.9." "We've been using it in "production" for a long time now, from about version 0.9.4, I believe. It has been very robust. We don't use all of its features. We've only see to failures of our persistent store in about 9 months, and I'm not sure they were due to OJB." "So yes, we have made a quite useful mediumsized production website based on OJB (with JBoss, Jakarta Jetspeed, Jakarta Turbine and Jakarta Jelly, three Tomcats, OpenSymhony OSCache and for the database MSSQL server, all running on Win2000.) It is attracting between 600 and 9000 (peak) users a day, and runs smoothly for extended periods of time. And no, I can not actually show you the wonders of the editorial interface of the content management system, because it is hidden behind a firewall. I feel OJB is quite useful in production, but you certainly have to know what you are doing and what you are trying to achieve with it. And there have been some tricky aspects, but these could be solved by simple workarounds and small hacks. The main thing about OJB is that AFAIK it has an overall clean design, and it far beats making your own database abstraction layer and object/relational mapper. We certainly do not use all of it, only the Persistence Broker parts, so there was less to learn. We love the virtual proxy and collection proxy concepts, the criteria objects for building queries, and the nice little hidden features that you find when you start to learn the system." "My Company is building medium to large scale, mission critical applications (100 - 5.000 concurrent users) for our customers. Our largest customer is KarstadtQuelle, Europes largest retail company. The next big system that will go in production (in June) is the new logistics system for the stationary logistics of Karstadt. Of course we are using OJB in those Systems! We have several OJB based systems now in production for over a year. We never had any OJB related problems in production. Most problems we faced during development were related to the learning curve developers had to face who were new to O/R mapping." "I've also worked with OJB on high-load situations in J2EE environments. We're using JRun and/or Orion with OJB in a clustered/distributed environment. This is a National Science Foundation project called the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES). The only major problem that we ran into was the cache. JCS just isn't good, and hasn't seemed to get much better over the last year. We ended up plugging in Tangosol's Coherence Clustered Cache into the system. We can also do write-behinds, and buffered data caching that is queued for transaction. That's important to us because we're dealing with very expensive scientific data that _can't_ get lost if a db goes down. Some of these Tsunami experiments can get pretty expensive. Otherwise, we use mostly the PersistenceBroker, and a little of the ODMG. Performance seems better on PB, but less functional. It's not really that much of a problem anyway, because we can cheaply and quickly add app-servers to the cluster." This page contains interesting links and recommended readings that will help to learn more about OJB concepts, related projects, didactic material, research reports etc.


OJB is based on a variety of conceptual sources. In this section I'll give a summary about the most prominent influences. Applying UML and Patterns. It contains a chapter describing the design of a PersistenceBroker based approach persistence layer. His presentation contains a lot of other good ideas (e.g. usage of Proxies, caching etc.) I implemented a lot of his things 1:1. This book is a must have for all OJB developers ! 2. Larman does not cover the dynamic metadata concept. He mentiones that such a thing would be possible, but does not go into details. As I had been a fan of MetaLevel architectures for quite a while I wanted to have such a thing in OJB too !!! Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture. They have a chapter on the Reflection pattern (aka Open Implementation, Meta-Level Architecture). They even provide an example how to apply this pattern to a persistence layer. There is another Architectural pattern from this book that I am using: Microkernel pattern. My idea was to have a kernel (the PersistenceBroker) that does all the hard work (O/R mapping, JDBC access, etc.) High Level object transaction frameworks like a ODMG or JDO implementations are clients to the PersistenceBroker kernel in this concept! 3. I read Scott Amblers papers before starting OJB. Sure! There are several things in OJB that are from his classic The design of a robust persistence layer and from his Mapping Objects To Relational Databases. Most prominent: The PersistenceBroker concept. I incorporated the Query API from the OpenSource project COBRA that applies Amblers PersistentCriteria concept. Reading Amblers paper on these topics is a must. But IMO these are the only aspects of Amblers presentation that map directly to OJB. Here are the concepts that differ: As I read this paper I saw a lot of thing inspired by OJB. It's giving a nice introduction into the PersistenceBroker pattern and related topics. The PARC software design area pioneering in Metalevel computation, aspect oriented programming etc.

Further readings on O/R mapping

Martin Fowlers book "Pattern of Enterprise Application Architecture" covers many O/R patterns that can be found in OJB. Here you will find an online catalog of these patterns. The O'Reilly book on Struts programming by Chuck Cavaness has a whole chapter about how to build an applications model layers based on OJB. A must reading for everyone intending to use Struts and OJB. All source code from the book can be found here: Struts Programming sources. This document describes a list of coding conventions that are required for code submissions to the project. By default, the coding conventions for most Open Source Projects should follow the existing coding conventions in the code that you are working on. For example, if the bracket is on the same line as the if statement, then you should write all your code to have that convention. If you commit code that does not follow these conventions, you are responsible for also fixing your own code. Below is a list of coding conventions that are specific to OJB, everything else not specificially mentioned here should follow the official Java Coding Conventions. 1. Brackets should begin and end on a new line and should exist even for one line statements. Examples: if (foo) // code here // code here catch (Exception bar) // code here finally // code here while (true) // code here 2. Though it's considered okay to include spaces inside parens, the preference is to not include them. Both of the following are okay: if (foo) if ( foo ) 3. Use 4 space indent. NO tabs . Period. We understand that many developers like to use tabs, but the fact of the matter is that in a distributed development environment where diffs are sent to the mailing lists by both developers and the version control system (which sends commit log messages), the use tabs makes it impossible to preserve legibility. In Emacs-speak, this translates to the following command: (setq-default tab-width 4 indent-tabs-mode nil) 4. Unix linefeeds for all .java source code files. Other platform specific files should have the platform specific linefeeds. 5. JavaDoc MUST exist on all methods. If your code modifications use an existing class/method/variable which lacks JavaDoc, it is required that you add it. This will improve the project as a whole. 6. The ASF license MUST be placed at the top of each and every file. 7. All .java files should have a @version tag with CVS Id keyword expansion, like the one below. @version $Id: code-standards.xml,v 1.1 2004/06/20 09:12:35 tomdz Exp $ To add the keyword to a new file, either use $Id$ or copy an existing expanded id-string from another file (all the parameters will be replaced by CVS). Just watch out not to type $Id $ , since that extra space will signal to CVS that keyword expansion already took place. 8. Import statements must be fully qualified for clarity. import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.apache.foo.Bar; import org.apache.bar.Foo; And not import java.util.*; import org.apache.foo.*; import org.apache.bar.*; Emacs/XEmacs users might appreciate the following in their .emacs file. (defun apache-db-mode () "The Java mode specialization for Apache DB projects." (if (not (assoc "apache-db" c-style-alist)) ;; Define the Apache DB cc-mode style. (c-add-style "apache-db" '("java" (indent-tabs-mode . nil)))) (c-set-style "apache-db") (c-set-offset 'substatement-open 0 nil) (setq mode-name "Apache DB") ;; Turn on syntax highlighting when X is running. (if (boundp 'window-system) (progn (setq font-lock-support-mode 'lazy-lock-mode) (font-lock-mode t)))) ;; Activate Apache DB-mode for JDE. (if (fboundp 'jde-mode) (add-hook 'jde-mode-hook 'apache-db-mode) (add-hook 'java-mode-hook 'apache-db-mode)) Thanks for your cooperation. If you are new to OJB, we recommend that you start with reading the Getting Started section and the FAQ . There are tools for building the metadata mapping files used by OJB. Information about them can be found here .
  • It will have a full JDO implementation
  • It's higly scalable (Loadbalanced Multiserver scenario)
  • It provides multiple APIs:
  • The full fledged ODMG-API,
  • The JDO API (planned)
  • and the PersistenceBroker API. This API provides a O/R persistence kernel which can be used to build higher level APIs (like the ODMG and JDO Implementations) it has a slick MetaLevel Architecture: By changing the MetaData at runtime you can change the O/R mapping behaviour. (E.G. turning on/off usage of Proxies.) It has a simple CacheMechanisms that is fully garbage collectable by usage of weak references.
  • It has a simple and clean pattern based design.
  • It uses a configurable plugin concept. This allows to replace components (e.g. the ObjectCache) by user defined Replacements. It has a modular architecture (you can quite easily reuse some components in your own applications if you don't want to use the whole thing:
  • The PersistenceBroker (e.g. to build your own PersistenceManager)
  • The Query Interface as an abstract query syntax
  • The OQL Parser
  • The MetaData Layer
  • The JDBC Accesslayer
  • Before making OJB an OpenSource project I had a look around at the emerging OpenSource O/R scene and was asking myself if there is really a need for yet another O/R tool. I came to the conclusion that there was a need for OJB because:
  • There was no ODMG/JDO compliant opensource tool available
  • There was no scalable opensource O/R tool available
  • there was no tool available with the idea of a PersistenceBroker Kernel that could be easiliy extended
  • The tools available had no dynamic MetaData architectures.
  • The tools available were not as clearly designed as I hoped, thus extending one of them would have been very difficult. ODMG is a standard API for Object Persistence specified by the ODMG consortium (www.odmg.org). JDO is Sun's API specification for Object Persistence. ODMG may well be regarded as a Precursor to JDO. In fact JDO incorporates many ideas from ODMG and several people who have been involved in the ODMG spec are now in the JDO team. I assume JDO will have tremendous influence on OODBMS-, RDBMS-, J2EE-server and O/R-tool-vendors to provide compliant products. OJB wants to provide first class support for JDO and ODMG APIs. OJB currently contains of four main layers, each with its own API: A low-level PersistenceBroker API which serves as the OJB persistence kernel. The PersistenceBroker also provides a scalable multi-server architecture that allows to used it in heavy-duty app-server scenarios. This API can also be used directly by applications that don't need full fledged object level transactions (see PB tutorial for details). An Object Transaction Manager (OTM) layer that contains all features that JDO and ODMG have in common as Object level transactions, lock-management, instance lifecyle etc. (See OTM tutorial for details.) The OTM is work in progress. ODMG 3.0 compliant API. (See ODMG tutorial for an introduction.)
    Currently this API is implemented on top the PersistenceBroker. Once the OTM layer is finished ODMG will be implemented on top of OTM. JDO compliant API. This is work in progress. (See JDO tutorial for an introduction.)
    Currently this API is implemented on top the PersistenceBroker. Once the OTM layer is finished JDO will be implemented on top of OTM. But I assume we are talking about enterprise business applications, aren't we? And for such applications it's a clear yes . OJB is used in production application since version 0.5. We have about 6.000 downloads each month (and growing) and a large user base using it in a wide spectrum of production scenarios. We provide a regression test suite for Quality Assurance. You can use this testsuite to check if OJB works smoothly in your target environment. supported platforms documentation ) We also provide a performance testsuite that compares OJB performance against native JDBC. This test will give you an impression of the performance impact OJB will have in your target environment. Performance testsuite documentation ) OJB is also the persistence layer of choice in several books on programming J2EE based enterprise business systems. our links and references section ) Please read the Getting Started document. OJB is a powerful and complex system - installing and configuring OJB is not a trivial task. Be sure to follow all the steps mentioned in that document - don't skip any steps when first installing OJB on your systems. If you are having problems running OJB against your target database, read the respective platform documentation . Before you try to deploy OJB to your environment, read the deployment guide . Help! I still have serious problems installing OJB! The following answer is quoted from the OJB user-list. It is from a reply to a user who had serious problems getting started with OJB. I would say it was stupid not to understand OJB. How can you know what another programmer wrote. I've been a Java programmer for quite some time and I could show you stuff I wrote that I know you wouldn't understand. I'll just break it down the best I can on what, where and why. OJB is a data persistence layer for Java. I'll just use an example of how I use it. I have an RDMS. I would like to save Java object states to this database and I would like to be able to search this information as well. If you serialize objects it's hard to search and if you use SQL it won't work with any different database. Plus it's a mess having to work with all that SQL in your code. And by using SQL you don't get to work with just Java objects. But, with OJB your separated from having to work outside the object world and unlike serialization you can preform SQL like searches on your data. Also, there's things like caching and connection pooling in OJB that help with performance. After setting up OJB you will use either PB-API or ODMG or JDO to access your information in a object centric manner. PB API is a non-standard O/R mapping API with many features and great flexibility. All top-level API's like ODMG or JDO build on top of the PB-api. ODMG is a standard for the api for accessing your data. That means you can use any ODMG compliant api if you don't want to use OJB. The JDO part is like ODMG except it's the SUN JDO standard. I use ODMG because the JDO interface is not ready yet. OJB is easy to use. I'll just break it down into two sides. There's the side your writing your code for your application and there's the side that you configure to make OJB connect to your database. Starting with your application side, all that is needed is to use the interface you wish. I use ODMG because JDO is not complete yet. Here's a link to the ODMG part with some code for examples. That's all you need on the application side. Next there's the configuration side. This is the one your fighting with. Here you need to setup the core tables for OJB and you will define the classes you wish to store in your database. First thing to do is to build the cvs's with the default database HSQL, because you know it will work. If you get past this point you should have a working OJB compiled. Now if your using JDK 1.4 you will need to set in build.properties JDBC=+JDBC30 and do a ant preprocess first. Next you will do a ant junit and this will build OJB and test everything for you. If you get a build successful then your in business. Then you will want to run ant jar to create the OJB jar to put in your /lib. You will need a couple other jars in you /lib directory to make it all work. See this page for those. http://jakarta.apache.org/ojb/deployment.html Next you will need some xml and configuration files in your class path for OJB. You will find those files under {$OJB_base_dir}/target/test/ojb. All the repository.xml's and OJB.properties for sure. With all these files in place with your application you should be ready to use OJB and start writing your application. Finally you will want to setup your connection to your database and define your classes you will be storing in your database. In the repository.xml file you can configure your JDBC parameters so OJB can connect to your database. You will also need your JDBC jar somewhere in your class path. Then you will define your classes in the repository_user.xml file. Look here for examples. http://jakarta.apache.org/ojb/tutorial1.html Note you will want to comment out the junit part in repository.xml because it's just for testing. The final thing to do is to make sure the OJB core tables are in your database. Look on this page for the core tables . These core tables are used by OJB to store internal data while it's running. It needs these. Then there's the tables you define. The ones you mapped in the repository_user.xml file. Sorry if any of this is off. OJB is growing so fast that it's hard to keep up with all changes. The order I gave the steps in is just how I would think it's understood better. You can go in any order you want. The steps I've shown are mostly for deployment. Hope this helps you understand OJB a little better. I'm not sure if this is what your wanting or not. OJB does not start? If you carefully attended the installing hints there may be something wrong with your metadata mapping defined in the repository file or one the included sub files.
  • Are you included all configuration files in classpath?
  • On update to a new release, make sure you replaced all configuration files
  • Check your metadata mapping - typos,... ?
  • If something going wrong while OJB read the metadata files you can enable debug log level for org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.RepositoryXmlHandler and org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.ConnectionDescriptorXmlHandler to get more detailed information. If OJB default logging was used, change entries for these classes in OJB.properties file (this may change in future). Does OJB support my RDBMS? please refer to this document . What are the OJB internal tables for? Please refer to this document . What does the exception Could not borrow connection from pool mean? There can be several reasons Any tools help to generate the metadata files? Please refer to this document .
    3. OJB APIs
    What are the differences between the different OJB APIs? Which one should I use in my applications? The PersistenceBroker (PB) provides a minimal API for transparent persistence:
  • O/R mapping
  • Retrieval of objects with a simple query interface from RDBMS
  • storing (insert, update) of objects to RDBMS
  • deleting of objects from RDBMS
  • This is all you need for simple applications as in tutorial1.

    The OJB ODMG implementation uses the PB as its persistence kernel. But it provides much more functionality to the application developer. ODMG is a full fledged API for Object Persistence, including:
  • OQL Query interface
  • real Object Transactions
  • A Locking Mechanism for management of concurrent threads (apps) accessing the same objects
  • predefined persistent capable Collections and Hashtables
  • Some examples explaining the implications of these functional differences: Say you use the PB to query an object O that has a collection attribute col with five elements a,b,c,d,e. Next you delete Objects d and e from col and store O again with PersistenceBroker.store(O); PB will store the remaining objects a,b,c. But it will not delete d and e ! If you then requery object O it will again contain a,b,c,d,e !!! The PB keeps no transactional state of the persistent Objects, thus it does not know that d and e have to be deleted. (as a side note: deletion of d and e could also be an error, as there might be references to them from other objects !!!) Using ODMG for the above scenario will eliminate all trouble: Objects are registered to a transaction so that on commit of the transaction it knows that d and e do not longer belong to the collection. the ODMG collection will not delete the objects d and e but only the REFERENCES from the collection to those objects! Say you have two threads (applications) that try to access and modify the same object O. The PB has no means to check whether objects are used by concurrent threads. Thus it has no locking facilities. You can get all kind of trouble by this situation. The ODMG implementation has a Lockmanager that is capable of synchronizing concurrent threads. You can even use four transaction isolation levels:
    read-uncommitted, read-committed, repeatable-read, serializable. In my eyes the PB is a persistence kernel that can be used to build high-level PersistenceManagers like an ODMG or JDO implementation. It can also be used to write simple applications, but you have to do all management things (locking, tracking objects state, object transactions) on your own. I don't like OQL, can I use the PersistenceBroker Queries within ODMG? Please refer to the ODMG-guide . The OJB JDO implementation is not finished, how can I start using OJB? I recommend to not use JDO now, but to use the existing ODMG api for the time being. Migrating to JDO later will be smooth if you follow the following steps. I recommend to first divide your model layer into Activity- (or Process-) classes and Entity classes. Entity classes represent classes that must be made persistent at some point in time, say a "Customer" or a "Order" object. These persistent classes and the repsective O/R mapping in repository.xml will remain unchanged. Activities are classes that perform business tasks and work upon entities, e.g. "edit a Customer entry", "enter a new Order"... They implement (parts of) use cases. Activities are driving transactions against the persistent storage. I recommend to have a Transaction interface that your Activities can use. This Transaction interface can be implemented by ODMG or by JDO Transactions (which are quite similar). The implementation should be made configurable to allow to switch from ODMG to JDO later. The most obvious difference between ODMG and JDO are the query languages: ODMG uses OQL, JDO define JDOQL. As an OO developer you won't like both of them. I recommend to use the ojb Query objects that allow an abstract syntax representation of queries. It is possible to use these queries within ODMG transactions and it will also be possible to use them within JDO Transactions. (this is contained in the FAQ too). Using your own Transaction interface in conjunction with the OJB query api will provide a simple but powerful abstraction of the underlying persistence layer. We are using this concept to provide an abstract layer above OJB-ODMG, TopLink and LDAP servers in my company. Making it work with OJB-JDO will be easy!
    4. Howto
    How to use OJB with my RDBMS? please refer to this document . How to use OJB in an web app? If you follow these rules, then OJB works fine in web apps:
  • Don't put OJB's jars into one of the servers directories but rather put them into the WEB-INF/lib folder of your web app.
  • OJB searches for its configuration files ( OJB.properties , repository.xml ) in the classpath. Therefore, it is easiest if you put them in the WEB-INF/classes folder which is automatically in the classpath of the web app
  • Don't hold onto the PersistenceBroker instances, rather get one whenever you want to do something, and close it once you're done.
  • See deployment doc for more information. What are the best settings for maximal performance? See performance section . How to page and sort? Sorting can be configured by org.apache.ojb.broker.query.Criteria::orderBy(column_name) . There is no paging support in OJB. OJB is concerned with Object/Relational mapping and not with application specific presentation details like presenting a scrollable page of items. OJB returns query results as Collections or Iterators. You can easily implement your partial display of result data by using an Iterator as returned by ojb.broker.PersistenceBroker::getIteratorByQuery(...) . What about performance and memory usage if thousands of objects matching a query are returned as a Collection? You can do two things to enhance performance if you have to process queries that produce thousands of result objects: Use getIteratorByQuery() rather than getCollectionByQuery(). The returned Iterator is lazy and does not materialize Objects in advance. Objects are only materialized if you call the Iterators next() method. Thus you have total control about when and how many Objects get materialized! Please see here for proper handling . You can define Proxy Objects as placeholder for your persistent business objects. Proxys are lighweight objects that contain only primary key information. Thus their materialization is not as expensive as a full object materialization. In your case this would result in a collection containing 1000 lighweight proxies. Materialization of the full objects does only occur if the objects are accessed directly. Thus you can build similar lazy paging as with the Iterator. You will find examples in the OJB test suite (src-distribution only: [db-ojb]/src/test). More info about Proxy object here . The Perfomance of 1. will be better than 2. This approach will also work for VERY large resultsets, as there are no references to result objects that would prevent their garbage collectability. When is it helpful to use Proxy Classes? Proxy classes can be used for "lazy loading" aka "lazy materialization". Using Proxy classes can help you in reducing unneccessary db lookups. Example: Say you load a ProductGroup object from the db which contains a collection of 15 Article objects. Without proxies all 15 Article objects are immediately loaded from the db, even if you are not interested in them but just want to lookup the description-attribute of the ProductGroup object. With a proxy class, the collection is filled with 15 proxy objects, that implement the same interface as the "real objects" but contain only an OID and a void reference. Once you access such a proxy object it loads its "real subject" by OID and delegates the method call to it. have a look at section proxy usage of page basic technique . How can I convert data between RDBMS and OJB? For Example I have a DB column of type INTEGER but a class atribute of type boolean. How can I provide an automatic mapping with OJB? OJB provides a concept of ConversionStrategies that can be used for such conversion tasks. Have a look at the respective document . How can I trace and/or profile SQL statements executed by OJB? OJB ships with out of the box support for P6Spy . P6Spy is a JDBC proxy which delegates all JDBC calls to the real JDBC driver and traces all calls to a log file. P6Spy is contained in the p6spy.jar, which you'll find in the lib folder of your OJB distribution. Add this to the classpath of your app (if you're using the ojb-blank project, then simply copy the jar into the lib folder of the project and if you're using Eclipse then also add it to the project build path). Now the only other thing left is to configure OJB to use P6Spy, and P6Spy to use your database's driver. To achieve this, change the database driver in your jdbc-connection-descriptor (in your repository file) to <jdbc-connection-descriptor driver="com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver" In ojb-blank this setting is changed in the build.properties instead. Also copy the file spy.properties which can be found in the src/test/org/apache/ojb folder into your classpath (e.g. in the same place where your OJB.properties file is). In this file you'll find a line starting with realdriver where you should put the name of the jdbc driver of your database, e.g.
    Also, here you can influence to where P6Spy will output the SQL statements. The appender defines how the logging is performed, e.g. to the console or to a file. The logfile setting defines into which file the statements will be printed (when a file appender is used). For instance, these settings will write to a file spy.log : logfile = spy.log appender = com.p6spy.engine.logging.appender.FileLogger # This would be logging to the console #appender = com.p6spy.engine.logging.appender.StdoutLogger That's all there is to it, no recompile or other change of your app is necessary. Btw, P6Spy also measures the time needed to execute each statement! How does OJB manage foreign keys? Automatically! you just define 1:1, 1:n or m:n associations in the repository_user.xml file. OJB does the rest! Please refer to basic technique and xml-metadata repository for details.
    4.10. How does OJB manage 'null' for primitive primary key? Primitive values (int, long, ...) can't be null , so OJB interpret '0' as null for primitive PK/FK fields in persistent objects. Thus primitive PK fields of persistent objects should never be represented by a '0' value in DB and never used as a sequence key value. This is only true for primitive PK/FK fields (e.g. Integer(0) is allowed). All other fields have 'normal' behavior.
    4.11. How to lookup object by primary key? Please see PB tutorial section .
    4.12. Difference between getIteratorByQuery() and getCollectionByQuery()? The first one returns an org.apache.ojb.broker.OJBIterator instance. The returned Iterator instance is lazy and does not materialize Objects in advance. Objects are only materialized from the underlying query result set if you call the Iterators next() method. If all objects materialized or the calling org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBroker instance was closed or transaction demarcations ends the Iterator instance release all used resources (e.g. used Statement and ResultSet instances). Method getCollectionByQuery() use an Iterator to materialize all objects first and then return the materialized objects within the java.util.Collection instance. If method getIteratorByQuery() was used keep in mind that the used Iterator instance is only valid as long as the used org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBroker instance ends transaction or be closed. So it is NOT possible to get an Iterator, close the PersistenceBroker and pass the Iterator instance to a servlet or client. In that case use getCollectionByQuery() .
    4.13. How can Collections of primitive typed elements be mapped? The first thing to ask is: How are these primitive typed elements (Strings are also treated as primitive types here) stored in the database. 1) are they treated as ordinary domain objects and stored in a separate table? 2) are they serialized into a Varchar field? 3) are they stored as a comma separated varchar field? 4) is each element of the vector or array stored in a separate column? (this solution does only work for a fixed number of elements!) Follow these steps for solution 3): a) simply define ordinary collection-descriptors as for every other collection of domain objects. b) use the Object2ByteArrFieldConversion. See jdbc-types.html for details on conversion strategies. c) use the StringVector2VarcharFieldConversion. See jdbc-types.html for details on conversion strategies. d) provide a field-descriptor for each element.
    4.14. How could class 'myClass' represent a collection of 'myClass' objects OJB can handle such recursive associations without problems. add a collection attribute 'myClasses' to the class myClass this collection will hold the associated myClass objects. you have to decide wether this assosciation is 1:n or m:n. for 1:n you just need an additional foreignkey attribute in the MY_CLASS table. Of course you'll also need a matching attribute in the class myClass . For a m:n association you'll have to define a intermediary table to hold the mapping entries. define a collection-descriptor tag in the class-descriptor myClass in repository.xml. Follow the steps in basic technique on 1:n and m:n. There is no need to put user/password in the repository file (more exact in the jdbc-connection-descriptor ). You can pass this information at runtime. See Many different database user - How do they login? . Only if you want to use convenience PersistenceBroker lookup method PersistenceBrokerFactory , OJB needs all database connection information in the configuration files. More details see repository file doc - section jdbc-connection-descriptor default-connection attribute PBKey pbKey = new PBKey(jcdAlias, user, passwd); PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.createPersistenceBroker(pbKey); // or using a convenience (when default-connection was set in jdbc-connection-descriptor) PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
    4.18. Many different database user - How do they login? There are two ways to do that. Define for each user a jdbc-connection-descriptor (unattractive way, because we have to add each new user to repository file), or let OJB handle this for you. For it define jdbc-connection-descriptor , now you can use the same jcdAlias name with different User/Password . OJB copy the defined jdbc-connection-descriptor and replace the username password with the given User/Password . PersistenceBroker-api example: PBKey user_1 = new PBKey(jcdAlias,username, passwd); PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.createPersistenceBroker(user_1); ODMG-api example: Implementation odmg = OJB.getInstance(); Database db = odmg.newDatabase(); db.open("jcdAlias#username#passwd", Database.OPEN_READ_WRITE); Keep in mind, when the connection-pool element enables connection pooling, every user get its separate pool. How does OJB handle connection pooling? .
    4.19. How do I use multiple databases within OJB? Define for each database a jdbc-connection-descriptor , use the different jcdAlias names in the repositry file to match the according database. <jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias="myFirstDb" </jdbc-connection-descriptor> <jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias="mySecondDb" </jdbc-connection-descriptor> Specific notes related to the PB-api here . Specific notes related to the ODMG-api here . OJB does not provide distributed transactions by itself. To use distributed transactions, OJB have to be integrated in an j2ee conform environment (or made work with an JTA/JTS implementation).
    4.20. How does OJB handle connection pooling? Please have a look in section Connection Handling .
    4.21. Can I directly obtain a java.sql.Connection within OJB? Please have a look in section Connection Handling .
    4.22. Is it possible to perform my own sql-queries in OJB? There are serveral ways in OJB to do that. If you completely want to bypass the OJBquery-api see Can I directly obtain a java.sql.Connection within OJB? . A more elegant way is to use a QueryBySQL object: String sql = "SELECT A.Artikel_Nr FROM Artikel A, Kategorien PG" + " WHERE A.Kategorie_Nr = PG.Kategorie_Nr" + " AND PG.Kategorie_Nr = 2"; // get the QueryBySQL Query q2 = QueryFactory.newQuery(Article.class, sql); Iterator iter2 = broker.getIteratorByQuery(q2); // or Collection col2 = broker.getCollectionByQuery(q2);
    4.23. When does OJB open/close a connection? Please see Connection handling guide .
    4.24. Start OJB without a repository file? See section Metadata Handling .
    4.25. Connect to database at runtime? See section Metadata Handling .
    4.26. Hook into OJB - How to add Listener, callback interface? See Listener/Callback section in PB-Guide .
    4.27. Add new persistent objects metadata ( class-descriptor) at runtime? See section Metadata Handling .
    4.28. Global metadata changes at runtime? Please see section Metadata Handling .
    4.29. Per thread metadata changes at runtime? Please see section Metadata Handling .
    4.30. Is it possible to use OJB within EJB's? Yes, see deployment instructions in the docs. Additional you can find some EJB example beans in package org.apache.ojb.ejb under [jakarta-ojb]/src/ejb .
    4.31. Can OJB handle ternary (or higher) associations? Yes, that's possible. Here is an example. With a ternary relationship there are three (or more) entities 'related' to each other. An example would be Developer , Language and Project . Each entity is mapped to one table ( DEVELOPER , LANGUAGE and PROJECT ). To represent the combinations of these entities we need an additional bridge table PROJECTRELATIONSHIP )with three columns holding the foreign keys to the other three tables (just like an m:n association is represented by an intermediary table with 2 columns). To handle this table with OJB we have to define a class that is mapped on it. This Relationship class can then be used to perform queries/updates as with any other persistent class. Here is the layout of this class: public class ProjectRelationship { Integer developerId; Integer languageId; Integer projectId; Developer developer; Language lanuage; Project project; /** setters and getters not shown for brevity**/ Here is the respective extract from the repository : <class-descriptor class="ProjectRelationship" table="PROJECTRELATIONSHIP" <field-descriptor name="developerId" column="DEVELOPER_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" <field-descriptor name="languageId" column="LANGUAGE_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" <field-descriptor name="projectId" column="PROJECT_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" <reference-descriptor name="developer" class-ref="Developer" <foreignkey field-id-ref="developerId" /> </reference-descriptor> <reference-descriptor name="language" class-ref="Language" <foreignkey field-id-ref="languageId" /> </reference-descriptor> <reference-descriptor name="project" class-ref="Project" <foreignkey field-ref="projectId" /> </reference-descriptor> </class-descriptor> Here is some sample code for storing a relationship : Developer dev = .... ; // create or retrieve Project proj = .... ; // create or retrieve Language lang = .... ; // create or retrieve ProjectRelationship rel = new ProjectRelationship(); rel.setDeveloper(dev); rel.setLanguage(lang); rel.setProject(proj); broker.store(r); In the next code sample we are looking up all Projects that Developer "Bob" has done in "Java". Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.addEqualTo("developer.name","Bob"); cirteria.addEquatTo("language.name","Java"); Query q = new QueryByCriteria(ProjectRelationship.class, criteria, true); Iterator iter = Broker.getIteratorByQuery(q); // now iterate over the collection and retrieve all projects: while (iter.hasNext()) ProjectRelationship rel = (ProjectRelationship) iter.next(); System.out.println(rel.getProject().toString()); You could also have on the Project class-descriptor a collection-descriptor that returns all relationships associated with the Project. If it was call "projectRelationships" the following would give you all projects that have a relationship with "bob" and the language "java". Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.addEqualTo("projectRelationships.developer.name","bob"); cirteria.addEquatTo("projectRelationships.language.name","java"); Query q = new QueryByCriteria(Project.class, criteria, true); Collection projects = Broker.getCollectionByQuery(q); This is the layout of the Project class: public class Project { Integer id; String name; Collection projectRelationships; /** setters and getters not shown for brevity**/ This is the class-descriptor of the Project class: <class-descriptor class="Project" table="PROJECT" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" <field-descriptor name="name" column="NAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <collection-descriptor name="projectRelationships" element-class-ref="ProjectRelationship" <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="projectId" /> </collection-descriptor> </class-descriptor>
    4.32. How to map a list of Strings You can not map a list of Strings with a collection descriptor. A collection descriptor can only be used if the element class is a persistent class too. But element-class-ref="java.lang.String" won't work, because it's no persistent entity class! Follow these steps to provide a mapping for an attribute holding alist of Strings. Let's assume your persistent class has an attribute listOfStrings holding a list of Strings: protected Collection listOfStrings; The database table mapped to the persistent class has a colum LIST_OF_STRINGS of type VARCHAR that is used to hold all strings. <field-descriptor name="listOfStrings" column="LIST_OF_STRINGS" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" conversion= "o.a.ojb.broker.accesslayer.conversions.StringVector2VarcharFieldConversion"
    4.33. How to set up Optimistic Locking Please see locking section .
    4.34. How to use OJB in a cluster Q: I'm running a web site in a load-balanced/cluster environment. Multiple servlet engines (different VMs/HTTP sessions), each running an OJB instance, against a single shared database. How should OJB be configured to get the concurrent servlet engines synchronized properly? transactional isolation and locking If you are using the PersistenceBroker API use optimistic locking (OL) to let OJB handle write conflicts. To use OL define a TIMESTAMP or INTEGER column and the respective Java attribute for it. In the field-descriptor of this attribute set the attribute locking="true" . If you are working with the ODMG API distributed pessemistic locking should be used, by setting the respective flag in OJB.properties. sequence numbers Use a SequenceManager that is safe across multiple JVMs. The NextVal based SequenceManagers or any other SequenceManager based on database mechanisms will be fine. caching You could use different caching implementations Declare an no-op implementation of the ObjectCache interface as cache. See detailed description here .
    4.36. JDO - Why must my persisten class implement javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable? As specified by JDO all persistent classe must implement the interface javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable . If a class does not implement this interface a JDO implementation does not know how to handle it. On the other hand the JDO spec claims to provide transaparent persistence. That is no persistence class is required to implement a specific interface or to be derived from a special base class. Sounds like a contradiction? It is! The JDO spec resolves this contradiction by stating that a JDO implemention is responsible to add the methods required by javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable to the the user classes. This "injection" could be achieved by Pre- or Post-processing. The strategy most implementations use is called "bytecode-enhancement". This is a postprocesing step that adds the required methods to the .class files of the persistent user classes. The JDO Reference implementation also uses bytecode-enhancement. In order to enhance the Product class to implement the javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapable interface use the ant target "enhance-jdori" before launching the tutorial5 application. This is documentated in the first section of tutorial4.html.

    Getting Started

    This document will guide you through the very first steps of setting up a project with OJB. To make this easier, OJB comes with a blank project template called ojb-blank which you're encouraged to use. You can download it here . For the purpose of this guide, we'll be showing you how to setup the project for a simple application that handles products and uses MySQL. This is continued later on in the next tutorial parts .

    Acquiring ojb-blank

    First off, OJB uses Ant to build, so please install it prior to using OJB. In addition, please make sure that the environment variables ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME are correctly set to the top-level folders of your Ant distribution and your JDK installation, respectively. Next download the latest ojb-blank and OJB binary distributions . You can also start with the source distribution rather than the binary as the unit tests provide excellent sample code and you can build the ojb-blank project on your own with it. The ojb-blank project contains all libraries necessary to get running. However, there may be additional libraries required when you venture deeper into OJB's APIs. See here for a list of additional libraries.
    Most notably, you'll probably want to add the jdbc driver for you database unless you plan to use the embedded Hsqldb database for which the ojb-blank project is pre-configured (including all necessary jars).

    Contents of ojb-blank

    Copy the ojb-blank.jar file to your project directory and unpack it via the command jar xvf ojb-blank.jar This will unpack it into the ojb-blank directory under wherever you unpacked it from. You can move things out of that directory into your project directory, or, more simply, rename the ojb-blank directory to be whatever you want your project directory to be named.
    After you unpacked the jar, you'll get the following directory layout: \ojb-blank .classpath .project build.properties build.xml \java \resources \schema \test Here's a quick rundown on what the individual directories and files are: Here you will find a schema containing tables that are required by certain components of OJB such as clustered locking and OJB managed sequences. More information on these tables is available in the platform documentation . The schema is in a database-independent format that can be used by Torque or commons-sql to create the database.
    The ojb-blank project contains the runtime files of Torque 3.0.2, and provides a build target that can be invoked on your schema (see below for details). Therefore, this directory also contains the build script of Torque, but you won't need to invoke it directly. src/java Place your unit tests in here.
    Sample project
    For our sample project, we should rename the directory to something more fitting, like productmanager . Also, since we're using MySQL, we put the MySQL jar of the jdbc driver , which is called something like mysql-connector-java-[version]-stable-bin.jar , into the lib subdirectory. The only other thing missing is the source code, but since that's what the other tutorials are dealing with, we will silently assume that it is already present in the src/java subdirectory.
    If you don't want to write the code yourself, you can use the code from one of the tutorials which you can download here . Warning Note that if you do not intent to use JDO, then you should delete the files in the ojb.apache.ojb.tutorial5 , otherwise you'll get compilation errors.

    The build files

    Configuration via build.properties
    The next step is to adapt the build files, especially the build.properties file to your environment. It basically contains two sets of information, the database settings and the build configuration. While you shouldn't have to change the latter, the database settings probably need to be adapted to suit your needs: databaseUser The user name for accessing the database (default: sa ). If you're using Torque to create the database, then this user also requires sufficient rights to create databases and tables. Firebird , Hsqldb , Informix , MaxDB , MsAccess , MsSQL , MySQL , Oracle (pre-9i versions), Oracle9i , WLOracle9i (Oracle 9i or above used from WebSphere), PostgreSQL , Sapdb , Sybase (generic), SybaseASA , SybaseASE .
    Please note that this setting is case-sensitive.
    Per default, Hsqldb is used, which is an embedded database. All files required for this database come with the ojb-blank project. jdbcLevel The jdbc level that the driver conforms to. Please check the documentation of your jdbc driver for this value, though most jdbc drivers conform to version 2.0 at least.
    For the Hsqldb jdbc driver this is 2.0. urlSubprotocol The sub-protocol of the database url which is database- and driver-specific. For Hsqldb, you're using hsqldb . torque.database If you're using Torque to create the database, then you have to set the database here (again). Unfortunately, this value is different from the dbmsName which defines the database for OJB. Currently, these values are defined:
    axion , cloudscape , db2 , db2400 , hypersonic (which is Hsqldb), interbase (use for Firebird), mssql , mysql , oracle , postgresql , sapdb , and sybase .
    Default value is hypersonic for use with Hsqldb. torque.database.createUrl This specifies the url that Torque will use in order to create the database. Depending on the database, this may be the same as the normal access url (the default value), but for some database this is different. Please check the manual of your database for this url. If you know how the jdbc url for connecting to your database looks like, then you can derive the settings databaseName , databaseName , databaseName and databaseName easily:
    Assume this url is given as:
    then these properties are
    Building via build.xml
    After setting up the build you're probably eager to actually build the project. Here's the actions that you can perform using the Ant build file build.xml : compile Compiles your java source files to build/classes . Usually, you don't run this target, but rather the next one which includes the compilation step. build Compiles your java sources files (using the compile action), and prepares the runtime configuration files using the settings that you specified in the build.properties file, most notably the repository_database.xml which will be located in the build/resources directory after the build.
    After you run this action, your application is ready to go (if the action ran successfully, of course). xdoclet Creates the runtime configuration files that describe the repository, from javadoc comments embedded in your java source files. Details on how to this are given in the tutorials and in the documentation of the XDoclet OJB module . setup-db Creates the database and tables from a database-independent schema using Torque. You'll find more info on this schema in the documentation of the XDoclet OJB module and on the Torque homepage . enhance-jdori This is a sample target that shows how a class meant to be persistent with JDO, is processed by the JDO bytecode enhancer from the JDO reference implementation . It uses the Product class from the JDO tutorial (tutorial 5).
    ant build
    If you want to create the database as well, and you have javadoc comments in your source code that describe the repository, then you would call Ant this way:
    ant build setup-db
    This will perform in that order the actions build , xdoclet (invoked automatically from the next action) and setup-db .
    Of course, you do not need to use Torque to setup your database, but it is a convenient way to do so.
    Sample project
    First we change the database properties to these values (assuming that Torque will be used to setup the database): torque.database.createUrl MySQL allows to create a database via jdbc. The url that we should use to do so, is the normal url used to access the database minus the database name. So the value here is: ${urlProtocol}:${urlSubProtocol}://localhost/ . Please note that the trailing slash is important. Ok, now we have everything configured for building. The build.properties file now looks like this (the comments have been removed for brevity): jcdAlias=default databaseName=productmanager databaseUser=steve databasePassword=secret dbmsName=MySQL jdbcLevel=3.0 jdbcRuntimeDriver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver urlProtocol=jdbc urlSubprotocol=mysql urlDbalias=//localhost/${databaseName} torque.database=mysql torque.database.createUrl=${urlProtocol}:${urlSubprotocol}://localhost/ jar.name=projectmanager.jar source.dir=src source.java.dir=${source.dir}/java source.resource.dir=${source.dir}/resources source.test.dir=${source.dir}/test source.schema.dir=${source.dir}/schema build.dir=build build.lib.dir=lib build.classes.dir=${build.dir}/classes/ build.resource.dir=${build.dir}/resources/ target.dir=target Looks like we're ready for building. Again, we're assuming that the source code is already present. So we're invoking Ant now in the top-level folder productmanager : ant build setup-db which should (assuming five java classes) produce an output like this Buildfile: build.xml compile: [mkdir] Created dir: /home/steve/projects/productmanager/build [mkdir] Created dir: /home/steve/projects/productmanager/build/classes [javac] Compiling 5 source files to /home/steve/projects/productmanager/build/classes build: [copy] Copying 10 files to /home/steve/projects/productmanager/build/resources xdoclet: [ojbdoclet] (XDocletMain.start 47 ) Running <ojbrepository/> [ojbdoclet] Generating ojb repository descriptor (build/resources//repository_user.xml) [ojbdoclet] Type test.Project [ojbdoclet] Processed 5 types [ojbdoclet] Processed 5 types [ojbdoclet] (XDocletMain.start 47 ) Running <torqueschema/> [ojbdoclet] Generating torque schema (build/resources//project-schema.xml) [ojbdoclet] Processed 5 types setup-db: check-use-classpath: check-run-only-on-schema-change: sql-check: [echo] +------------------------------------------+ [echo] | | [echo] | Generating SQL for YOUR Torque project! | [echo] | Woo hoo! | [echo] | | [echo] +------------------------------------------+ sql-classpath: [torque-sql] Using contextProperties file: /home/steve/projects/productmanager/build.properties [torque-sql] Using classpath [torque-sql] Generating to file /home/steve/projects/productmanager/build/resources/report.productmanager.sql.generation [torque-sql] Parsing file: 'ojbcore-schema.xml' [torque-sql] (transform.DTDResolver 128 ) Resolver: used database.dtd from org.apache.torque.engine.database.transform package [torque-sql] Parsing file: 'project-schema.xml' [torque-sql] (transform.DTDResolver 140 ) Resolver: used http://jakarta.apache.org/turbine/dtd/database.dtd sql-template: create-db-check: create-db: [torque-data-model] Using classpath [torque-data-model] Generating to file /home/steve/projects/productmanager/build/resources/create-db.sql [torque-data-model] Parsing file: 'ojbcore-schema.xml' [torque-data-model] (transform.DTDResolver 128 ) Resolver: used database.dtd from org.apache.torque.engine.database.transform package [torque-data-model] Parsing file: 'project-schema.xml' [torque-data-model] (transform.DTDResolver 140 ) Resolver: used http://jakarta.apache.org/turbine/dtd/database.dtd [echo] [echo] Executing the create-db.sql script ... [echo] [sql] Executing file: /home/steve/projects/productmanager/build/resources/create-db.sql [sql] 2 of 2 SQL statements executed successfully insert-sql: [torque-sql-exec] Our new url -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/productmanager [torque-sql-exec] Executing file: /home/steve/projects/productmanager/build/resources/project-schema.sql [torque-sql-exec] Executing file: /home/steve/projects/productmanager/build/resources/ojbcore-schema.sql [torque-sql-exec] 50 of 50 SQL statements executed successfully BUILD SUCCESSFUL That was it. You now have your database setup properly. Go on, have a look: mysql -u steve productmanager mysql> show tables; There, all tables for your project, as well as the tables required for some OJB functionality which we also used in the above process (you can recognize them by their names which start with ojb_ ).

    The runtime configuration files

    The last thing missing for actually running your project is to adapt the runtime configuration files used by OJB. There are basically three sets of configuration that need to be provided: configuration of the OJB runtime, description of the database connection, and description of the repository.
    Configuring the OJB runtime
    With the OJB.properties file and OJB-logging.properties (both located in src/resources ), you configure and finetune the runtime aspects of OJB. For a simple application you'll probably won't have to change anything in them, though.
    Configuring the database connection
    For projects that use OJB, you configure the connections to the database via jdbc connection descriptors . These are usually defined in a file called repository_database.xml (located in src/resources ). In the ojb-blank project, the build file will setup this file for you and place it in the build/resources directory.
    Configuring the repository
    Finally you need to configure the repository. It consists of descriptors that define which java classes are mapped in what way to which database tables, and it is typically contained in the repository_user.xml file. This is the most complicated configuration part which will be explained in much more detail in the rest of the tutorials .
    An convenient way of creating the repository metadata is to use the XDoclet OJB module . Basically, you put specific Javadoc comments into your source code, which are then processed by the build file ( xdoclet and setup-db targets) and the repository metadata and the database schema are generated.
    Sample project
    Actually, there is not much to do here. For our simple sample application the default properties of OJB work just fine, so we leave OJB.properties and OJB-logging.properties untouched. Also, the build file generated the connection descriptor for us, and we were using the XDoclet OJB module and Torque to generate the repository metadata and database for us. For instance, the processed connection descriptor (file build/resources/repository_database.xml ) looks like this: <jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias="default" default-connection="true" platform="MySQL" jdbc-level="3.0" driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" protocol="jdbc" subprotocol="mysql" dbalias="//localhost/productmanager" username="steve" password="secret" eager-release="false" batch-mode="false" useAutoCommit="1" ignoreAutoCommitExceptions="false" <object-cache class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheDefaultImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="timeout" attribute-value="900"/> <attribute attribute-name="autoSync" attribute-value="true"/> </object-cache> <connection-pool maxActive="21" validationQuery="" /> <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerHighLowImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="grabSize" attribute-value="20"/> <attribute attribute-name="autoNaming" attribute-value="true"/> <attribute attribute-name="globalSequenceId" attribute-value="false"/> <attribute attribute-name="globalSequenceStart" attribute-value="10000"/> </sequence-manager> </jdbc-connection-descriptor> If you're curious as to what this stuff means, check this reference guide . The repository metadata (file build/resources/repository_user.xml ) starts like: <class-descriptor class="productmanager.Product" table="Product" <field-descriptor name="name" column="name" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" length="32" </field-descriptor> <field-descriptor name="price" column="price" jdbc-type="FLOAT" </field-descriptor> <field-descriptor name="stock" column="stock" jdbc-type="INTEGER" </field-descriptor> <field-descriptor name="id" column="id" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" </field-descriptor> </class-descriptor> Now you should be able to run your application: cd build/resources java productmanager.Main Of course, you'll need to setup the CLASSPATH before running your application. You'll should add all jars from the lib folder except the ones for Torque ( torque-[version].jar , velocity-[version].jar and commons-collections-[version].jar ) and for the XDoclet OJB module ( xdoclet-[version].jar , xjavadoc-[version].jar and xdoclet-ojb-module-[version].jar ). It is important to note that OJB per default assumes the OJB.properties and OJB-logging.properties files in the directory where you're starting the application. Hence, we changed to the build/resources directory before running the application. This of course requires the compiled classes to be on the classpath, as well (directory build/classes ). Per default, the same applies to the other configuration files ( repository*.xml ) but you can change this in the OJB.properties file.

    Learning More

    After you've have learned about building and configuring projects that use OJB, you should check out the tutorials to learn how to specify your persistent classes and how to use OJB's APIs to perform database operations. The Mapping Tutorial in particular shows you how to map your classes to tables in an RDBMS. The PB tutorial demonstrates how to use the PersistenceBroker API which forms an object persistence kernel for OJB. While it is the lowest level API provided by OJB it is also exceptionally easy to use. JDO is a standard API for accessing persistent objects in Java. This tutorial steps through how to use OJB's JDO plugin. The OTM is OJB's implementation of object level transactions. These are transactions independent of the underlying relational database providing more efficient resource utilisation and extremely flexible locking semantics. This tutorial explains basic object-relational mapping technique in OJB like 1:1, 1:n and m:n relations, the auto-xxx settings for references and proxy objects/collections.
    What is the Object-Relational Mapping Metadata?
    The O/R mapping metadata is the specific configuration information that specifies how to map classes to relational tables. In OJB this is primarily accomplished through an xml document, the repository.xml file, which contains all of the initial mapping information.
    The Product Class
    This tutorial looks at mapping a simple class with no relations: package org.apache.ojb.tutorials; public class Product /** product name */ private String name; /** price per item */ private Double price; /** stock of currently available items */ private int stock; This class has three fields, price, stock, and name , that need to be mapped to the database. Additionally, we will introduce one artificial field used by the database that has no real meaning to the class, an artificial key primary id: /** Artificial primary-key */ private Integer id; Including the primary-key attribute in the class definition is mandatory, but under certain conditions anonymous keys can also be used to keep this database artifact hidden in the database. However, as access to an artifical unique identifier for a particular object instance can be useful, particularly in web-based applications, this tutorial will expose it
    The Database
    OJB is very flexible in terms of how it can map classes to database tables, however the simplest technique for mapping a single class to a relational database is to map the class to a single table, and each attribute on the class to a single column. Each row will then represent a unique instance of that class. The DDL for such a table, for the Product class might look like: CREATE TABLE Product id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100), price DOUBLE, stock INTEGER The individual field names in the database and class definition match here, but this is no requirement. They may vary independently of each other as the metadata will specify what maps to what.
    The Metadata
    The repository.xml document is split into several physical documents. The repository_user.xml xml file is used to contain user-defined mappings. OJB uses the other ones for managing other metadata, such as database information. In general each class will be defined within a class-descriptor element with field-descriptoy child elements for each field. In addition the mapping of references and collections is described in the basic technique section . This tutorial sticks to mapping a single, simplistic, class. The complete mapping for the Product class is as follows: <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.tutorials.Product" table="Product" <field-descriptor name="id" column="id" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="name" column="name" <field-descriptor name="price" column="price" <field-descriptor name="stock" column="stock" </class-descriptor> Examine the class-descriptor element. It has two attributes: Other information can be specified here, such as proxies and custom row-readers as specified in the repository.xml documentation . Examine now the first field-descriptor element. This is used to describe the id field of the Product class. Two required attributes are specified: autoincrement - The autoincrement attribute specifies that the value will be automatically assigned by OJB sequence manager . This might use a database supplied sequence, or, by default, an OJB generated value.
    Using the XDoclet module
    OJB provides an XDoclet module to make generating the repository descriptor and the corresponding table schema easier. An XDoclet module basically processes custom JavaDoc tags in the source code, and generates files from them. In the case of OJB, two types of files can be generated: the repository descriptor ( repository_user.xml ) and a Torque schema which can be used to create the tables in the database. This provides one important benefit: the descriptor and the database schema are much more likely in sync with the code thus avoiding errors that are usually hard to find. Furthermore, the XDoclet module contains some checks that find common mapping errors. In the above example, the source code for Product class with JavaDoc tags would look like: package org.apache.ojb.tutorials; * @ojb.class public class Product * Artificial primary-key * @ojb.field primarykey="true" * autoincrement="ojb" private Integer id; * product name * @ojb.field length="100" private String name; * price per item * @ojb.field private Double price; * stock of currently available items * @ojb.field private int stock; As you can see, much of the stuff that is present in the descriptor (and the DDL) is generated automatically by the XDoclet module, e.g. the table/column names and the jdbc-types. Of course, you can also specify them in the JavaDoc tags, e.g. if they differ from the java names. For details on OJB's JavaDoc tags and how to generate and use the mapping files please see the OJB XDoclet Module documentation .
    Advanced Topics
    As most object models have relationships between objects, mapping specific types of relationships (1:1, 1:Many, Many:Many) is important in mapping objects into a relational database. The basic technique tutorial discusses this in great detail. It is important to note that this metadata mapping can be modified at runtime through the org.apache.ojb.metadata.MetadataManager class.
    OJB can map inheritence hierarchies using a variety of techniques discussed in the Extents and Polymorphism section of the Advanced O/R Documentation
    Anonymous Keys
    This tutorial uses explicit keys mapped into the Java class. It is also possible to keep artificial keys completely hidden within the database. The Anonymous Keys HOWTO explains how this is accomplished.
    Large Projects
    Projects with small numbers of persistent classes can be mapped by hand, however, many projects can have hundreds, or even thousands, of distinct classes which must be mapped. In these circumstances managing the class-database mapping by hand is not viable. The How To Build Mappings HOWTO explores different tools which can be used for managing large-scale mapping.
    Custom JDBC Mapping
    OJB maps Java types to JDBC types according to the JDBC Types table. You can, however, define custom JDBC -> Java type mappings via custom field conversions .

    Persistence Broker Tutorial

    The PersistenceBroker API
    The PersistenceBroker API provides the lowest level access to OJB's persistence engine. While it is a low-level API compared to the OTM, ODMG, or JDO API's it is still very straightforward to use. The core class in the PersistenceBroker API is the org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBroker class. This class provides the point of access for all persistence operations in this API. More detailed information can be found in the PB-guide and in the other reference guides . This tutorial operates on a simple example class: package org.apache.ojb.tutorials; public class Product /* Instance Properties */ private Double price; private Integer stock; private String name;lean /* artificial property used as primary key */ private Integer id; /* Getters and Setters */ The metadata descriptor for mapping this class is described in the mapping tutorial The source code for all tutorials is available in the seperate tutorials-src.jar which you can download here . If you're eager to try them out, you can use them with the ojb-blank project which can be downloaded from the same place. It is described in the Getting started section. Further information about the OJB PB-api implementation can be found in the PB guide .
    A First Look - Persisting New Objects
    The most basic operation is to persist an object. This is handled very easily by just
  • obtaining a PersistenceBroker
  • begin the PB-transaction
  • storing the object via the PersistenceBroker
  • commit transaction
  • closing the PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker(); broker.beginTransaction(); broker.store(product); broker.commitTransaction(); catch(PersistenceBrokerException e) if(broker != null) broker.abortTransaction(); // do more exception handling finally if (broker != null) broker.close(); Two OJB classes are used here, the PersistenceBrokerFactory and PersistenceBroker . The PersistenceBrokerFactory class manages the lifecycles of PersistenceBroker instances: it creates them, pools them, and destroys them as needed. The exact behavior is very configurable. In this case we used the static PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker() method to obtain an instance of a PersistenceBroker to the default data source. This is most often how it is used if there is only one database for an application. If there are multiple data sources, a broker may be obtained by name (using a PBKey instance as argument in PersistenceBrokerFactory.createPersistenceBroker(pbKey) ). It is worth noting that the broker.close() call is made within a finally {...} block. This ensures that the broker will be closed, and returned to the broker pool, even if the function throws an exception. To use this function, we just create a Product and pass it to the function: Product product = new Product(); product.setName("Sprocket"); product.setPrice(1.99); product.setStock(10); storeProduct(product); Once a PersistenceBroker has been obtained, its PersistenceBroker.store(Object) method is used to make an object persistent. Maybe you have noticed that there has not been an assignment to product.id , the primary-key attribute. Upon storing product OJB detects that the attribute is not properly set and assigns a unique id. This automatic assignment of unique Ids for the attribute id has been explicitly declared in the XML repository file, as we discussed in the If several objects need to be stored, this can be done within a transaction, as follows. public static void storeProducts(Product[] products) PersistenceBroker broker = null; broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker(); broker.beginTransaction(); for (int i = 0; i < products.length; i++) broker.store(products[i]); broker.commitTransaction(); catch(PersistenceBrokerException e) if(broker != null) broker.abortTransaction(); // do more exception handling finally if (broker != null) broker.close(); This contrived example stores all of the passed Product instances within a single transaction via the PersistenceBroker.beginTransaction() PersistenceBroker.commitTransaction() . These are database level transactions, not object level transactions.
    Querying Persistent Objects
    Once objects have been stored to the database, it is important to be able to get them back. The PersistenceBroker API provides two mechanisms for building queries , by using a template object, or by using specific criteria. public static Product findByTemplate(Product template) PersistenceBroker broker = null; Product result = null; broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker(); QueryByCriteria query = new QueryByCriteria(template); result = (Product) broker.getObjectByQuery(query); finally if (broker != null) broker.close(); return result; This function finds a Product by building a query against a template Product . The template should have any properties set which should be matched by the query. Building on the previous example where a product was stored, we can now query for that same product: Product product = new Product(); product.setName("Sprocket"); product.setPrice(new Double(1.99)); product.setStock(new Integer(10)); storeProduct(product); Product template = new Product(); template.setName("Sprocket"); Product sameProduct = findByTemplate(template); In the above code snippet, product and sameProduct will reference the same object (assuming there are no additional products in the database with the name "Sprocket"). The template Product has only one of its properties set, the name property. The others are all null. Properties with null values are not used to match. An alternate, and more flexible, way to have specified a query via the PersistenceBroker API is by constructing the criteria on the query by hand. The following function does this. public static Collection getExpensiveLowStockProducts() PersistenceBroker broker = null; Collection results = null; broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker(); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.addLessOrEqualThan("stock", new Integer(20)); criteria.addGreaterOrEqualThan("price", new Double(100000.0)); QueryByCriteria query = new QueryByCriteria(Product.class, criteria); results = broker.getCollectionByQuery(query); finally if (broker != null) broker.close(); return results; This function builds a Criteria object and uses it to set more complex query parameters - in this case greater-than and less-than contraints. Looking at the first constraint put on the criteria, criteria.addLessOrEqualThan("stock", new Integer(10)); notice the arguments. The first is the property name on the object being queried for. The second is an Integer instance to be used for the comparison. After the Criteria has been built, the QueryByCriteria constructor used is also different from the previous example. In this case the criteria does not know the type of the object it is being used against, so the Class must be specified to the query. Finally, notice that this example uses the PersistenceBroker.getCollectionByQuery(...) method instead of the PersistenceBroker.getObjectByQuery(...) method used previously. This is used because we want all of the results. Either form can be used with either method of constructing queries. In the case of the PersistenceBroker.getObjectByQuery(...) style query, the first matching object is returned, even if there are multiple matching objects.
    Updating Persistent Objects
    The same mechanism, and method, is used for updating persistent objects as for inserting persistent objects. The same PersistenceBroker.store(Object) method is used to store a modified object as to insert a new one - the difference between new and modified objects is irrelevent to OJB. This can cause some confusion for people who are very used to working in the stricter confines of SQL inserts and updates. Basically, OJB will insert a new object into the relational store if the primary key, as specified in the O/R metadata is not in use. If it is in use, it will update the existing object rather than create a new one. This allows programmers to treat every object the same way in an object model, whether it has been newly created and made persistent, or materialized from the database. Typically, making changes to a peristent object first requires retrieving a reference to the object, so the typical update cycle, unless the application caches objects, is to query for the object to modify, modify the object, and then store the object. The following function demonstrates this behavior by "selling" a Product. public static boolean sellOneProduct(Product template) PersistenceBroker broker = null; boolean isSold = false; broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker(); QueryByCriteria query = new QueryByCriteria(template); Product result = (Product) broker.getObjectByQuery(query); if (result != null) broker.beginTransaction(); result.setStock(new Integer(result.getStock().intValue() - 1)); broker.store(result); // alternative, more performant // broker.store(result, ObjectModificationDefaultImpl.UPDATE); broker.commitTransaction(); isSold = true; catch(PersistenceBrokerException e) if(broker != null) broker.abortTransaction(); // do more exception handling finally if (broker != null) broker.close(); return isSold; This function uses the same query-by-template and PersistenceBroker.store() API's examined previously, but it uses the store method to store changes to the object it retrieved. It is worth noting that the entire operation took place within a transaction.
    Deleting Persistent Objects
    Deleting persistent objects from the repository is accomplished via PersistenceBroker.delete() method. This removes the persistent object from the repository, but does not affect any change on the object itself. For example: public static void deleteProduct(Product product) PersistenceBroker broker = null; broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker(); broker.beginTransaction(); broker.delete(product); broker.commitTransaction(); catch(PersistenceBrokerException e) if(broker != null) broker.abortTransaction(); // do more exception handling finally if (broker != null) broker.close(); This method simply deletes an object from the database.
    Find object by primary key
    In some cases only the primary key values (single field or n-fields for composed primary keys) of an object are known. In OJB you have several ways to request the whole object. It is possible to build a query as shown above , but the smarter solution is to use PersistenceBroker#getObjectByIdentity(Identity oid) . An Identity object is a unique representation of a persistence capable object based on the object primary key values and the top-level class (abstract class, interface or the class itself, depending on the extent metadata mapping ). For example, to find an Product with an single primary key of '23' Identity oid = broker.serviceIdentity().buildIdentity(Product.class, new Integer(23)); Product product = (Product) broker.getObjectByIdentity(oid);
    Exception Handling
    PersistenceBroker operations throw a org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBrokerException , which is derived from java.lang.RuntimeException if an error occurs. This means that no try/catch block is required but does not mean that it should not be used. This tutorial specifically does not catch exceptions all in order to focus more tightly on the specifics of the API, however, best usage would be to include a try/catch/finally block around persistence operations using the PeristenceBroker API. Additionally, the closing of PersistenceBroker instances is best handled in finally blocks in order to guarantee that it is run, even if an exception occurs. If the PersistenceBroker.close() is not called then the application will leak broker instances. The best way to ensure that it is always called is to always retrieve and use PersistenceBroker instances within a try {...} block, and always close the broker finally {...} block attached to the try {...} block. A better designed getExpensiveLowStockProducts() method is presented here. public static Collection betterGetExpensiveLowStockProducts() PersistenceBroker broker = null; Collection results = null; broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker(); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.addLessOrEqualThan("stock", new Integer(20)); criteria.addGreaterOrEqualThan("price", new Double(100000.0)); QueryByCriteria query = new QueryByCriteria(Product.class, criteria); results = broker.getCollectionByQuery(query); catch (PersistenceBrokerException e) // Handle exception finally if (broker != null) broker.close(); return results; Notice first that the PersistenceBroker is retrieved and used within the confines of a try {...} block. Assuming nothing goes wrong the entire operation will execute there, all the way to the return results; line. Java guarantees that finally {...} blocks will be called before a method returns, so the broker.close() method is only included once, in the finally block. As an exception may have occured while attempting to retrieve the broker, a not-null test is first performed before closing the broker.

    The ODMG API

    The ODMG API is an implementation of the ODMG 3.0 Object Persistence API . The ODMG API provides a higher-level API and query language based interface over the PersistenceBroker API . More detailed information can be found in the ODMG-guide and in the other reference guides . This tutorial operates on a simple example class: package org.apache.ojb.tutorials; public class Product /* Instance Properties */ private Double price; private Integer stock; private String name; /* artificial property used as primary key */ private Integer id; /* Getters and Setters */ The metadata descriptor for mapping this class is described in the mapping tutorial When using 1:1, 1:n and m:n references (the example doesn't use it) the ODMG-api need specific metadata settings on relationship definition, the mandatory settings are listed in the ODMG-Guide - additional info see auto-xxx settings and repository file settings . As with the other tutorials, the source code for this tutorial is contained in the tutorials-src.jar which can be downloaded here . The source files are contained in the org/apache/ojb/tutorial2/ directory.
    You can try it out with the ojb-blank project which can be downloaded from the same place and is described in the Getting started section. Further information about the OJB odmg-api implementation can be found in the ODMG guide .
    Initializing ODMG
    The ODMG implementation needs to have a database opened for it to access. This is accomplished via the following code: Implementation odmg = OJB.getInstance(); Database db = odmg.newDatabase(); db.open("default", Database.OPEN_READ_WRITE); /* ... use the database ... */ db.close(); With method call OJB.getInstance() always a new org.odmg.Implementation instance will be created and odmg.newDatabase() returns a new Database instance. Call db.open(...) opens an ODMG Database using the name specified in metadata for the database -- "default" in this case. Notice the Database is opened in read/write mode. It is possible to open it in read-only or write-only modes as well. Once a Implementation instance is created and a Database has been opened it is available for use. Unlike PersistenceBroker instances , ODMG Implementation and Database instances are threadsafe and can typically be used for the entire lifecycle of an application. There is no need to call the Database.close() method until the database is truly no longer needed. OJB.getInstance() function provides the ODMG Implementation instance required for using the ODMG API. From here on out it is straight ODMG code that should work against any compliant ODMG implementation.
    Persisting New Objects
    Persisting an object via the ODMG API is handled by writing it to the peristence store within the context of a transaction: public static void storeNewProduct(Product product) // get the used Implementation instance Implementation odmg = ...; Transaction tx = odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); // get current used Database instance Database db = odmg.getDatabase(null); // make persistent new object db.makePersistent(product); tx.commit(); Once the ODMG implementation has been obtained it is used to begin a transaction, obtain a write lock on the Product , and commit the transaction. It is very important to note that all changes need to be made within transactions in the ODMG API. When the transaction is committed the changes are made to the database. Until the transaction is committed the database is unaware of any changes -- they exist solely in the object model.
    Querying Persistent Objects
    The ODMG API uses the OQL query language for obtaining references to persistent objects. OQL is very similar to SQL, and using it is very similar to use JDBC. The ODMG implementation is used to create a query, the query is specifed, executed, and a list fo results is returned: public static Product findProductByName(String name) throws Exception // get the used Implementation instance Implementation odmg = ...; Transaction tx = odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); OQLQuery query = odmg.newOQLQuery(); query.create("select products from " + Product.class.getName() + " where name = $1"); query.bind(name); List results = (List) query.execute(); Product product = (Product) results.iterator().next(); tx.commit(); return product;
    Updating Persistent Objects
    Updating a persistent object is done by modifying it in the context of a transaction, and then committing the transaction: public static void sellProduct(Product product, int number) // get the used Implementation instance Implementation odmg = ...; Transaction tx = odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); tx.lock(product, Transaction.WRITE); product.setStock(new Integer(product.getStock().intValue() - number)); tx.commit(); The sample code obtains a write lock on the object ( before the changes are made), binding it to the transaction, changes the object, and commits the transaction. The newly modified Product now has a new stock value.
    Deleting Persistent Objects
    Deleting persistent objects requires directly addressing the Database which contains the persistent object. This can be obtained from the ODMG Implementation by asking for it. Once retrieved, just ask the Database to delete the object. Once again, this is all done in the context of a transaction. public static void deleteProduct(Product product) // get the used Implementation instance Implementation odmg = ...; Transaction tx = odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); // get current used Database instance Database db = odmg.getDatabase(null); db.deletePersistent(product); tx.commit(); It is important to note that the Database.deletePerstient() call does not delete the object itself, just the persistent representation of it. The transient object still exists and can be used however desired -- it is simply no longer persistent.

    JDO Tutorial

    Using the ObJectRelationalBridge JDO API
    This document demonstrates how to use ObjectRelationalBridge and the JDO API in a simple application scenario. The tutorial application implements a product catalog database with some basic use cases. The source code for the tutorial application is shipped in the tutorials-src.jar which can be downloaded here . The source for this tutorial is found in the directory org/apache/ojb/tutorial5 . This document is not meant as a complete introduction to JDO. For more information see: Sun's JDO site . OJB does not provide it's own JDO implementation yet. A full JDO implementation is in the scope of the 2.0 release. For the time being we provide a plugin to the JDO reference implementation called OjbStore . The OjbStore plugin resides in the package org.apache.ojb.jdori.sql .
    Running the Tutorial Application
    To install and run the demo application with the ojb-blank sample project (which is described in more detail here ) please follow the following steps: Extract the tutorial-src.jar that you downloaded from here into the src/java subdirectory of the ojb-blank project.
    The JDO tutorial source files are contained in the org/apache/ojb/tutorial5 subdirectory, and you can safely erase the subdirectories of the other tutorials. Download the JDO Reference Implementation from Sun's JDO site . Extract the archiv to a local directory and copy the files: from the toplevel project directory. The latter of these commands will enhance the jdo tutorial classes. Note that due to some limitations in the JDO reference implementation, the ant target will only work for the JDO tutorial, so if you want to create you own JDO application using the ojb-blank project, you have to adapt the build file accordingly.
    To setup the test database you can issue this command ant setup-db
    Using the JDO API in the UseCase Implementations
    As shown here OJB supports four different API's. The PersistenceBroker, the OTM layer, the ODMG implementation, and the JDO implementation. The PB tutorial implemented the sample application's use cases with the PersistenceBroker API. This tutorial will show how the same use cases can be implemented using the JDO You can get more information about the JDO API at JDO javadocs .
    Obtaining the JDO PersistenceManager Object
    In order to access the functionalities of the JDO API you have to deal with a special facade object that serves as the main entry point to all JDO operations. This facade is specified by the Interface javax.jdo.PersistenceManager. A Vendor of a JDO compliant product must provide a specific implementation of the javax.jdo.PersistenceManager interface. JDO also specifies that a JDO implementation must provide a javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory implementation that is responsible for generating javax.jdo.PersistenceManager instances. So if you know how to use the JDO API you only have to learn how to obtain the OJB specific PersistenceManagerFactory object. Ideally this will be the only vendor specific operation. In our tutorial application the PersistenceManagerFactory object is obtained in the constructor of the Application class and reached to the use case implementations for further usage: public Application() factory = null; manager = null; // create OJB specific factory: factory = new OjbStorePMF(); catch (Throwable t) System.out.println("ERROR: " + t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(); useCases = new Vector(); useCases.add(new UCListAllProducts(factory)); useCases.add(new UCEnterNewProduct(factory)); useCases.add(new UCEditProduct(factory)); useCases.add(new UCDeleteProduct(factory)); useCases.add(new UCQuitApplication(factory)); The class org.apache.ojb.jdori.sql.OjbStorePMF is the OJB specific javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory implementation. ########### TODO: Put information about the .jdo files ############# PersistenceManagerFactory object is reached to the constructors of the UseCases. These constructors store it in a protected attribute factory for further usage.
    Retrieving collections
    The next thing we need to know is how this Implementation instance integrates into our persistence operations. In the use case UCListAllProducts we have to retrieve a collection containing all product entries from the persistent store. To retrieve a collection containing objects matching some criteria we can use the JDOQL query language as specified by the JDO spec. In our use case we want to select all persistent instances of the class Products. In this case the query is quite simple as it does not need any limiting search criteria. We use the factory to create a PersistenceManager instance in step one. In the second step we ask the PersistenceManager to create a query returning all Product instances. In the third step we perform the query and collect the results in a collection. In the fourth step we iterate through the collection to print out each product matching our query. public void apply() // 1. get a PersistenceManager instance PersistenceManager manager = factory.getPersistenceManager(); System.out.println("The list of available products:"); // clear cache to provoke query against database PersistenceBrokerFactory. defaultPersistenceBroker().clearCache(); // 2. start tx and form query manager.currentTransaction().begin(); Query query = manager.newQuery(Product.class); // 3. perform query Collection allProducts = (Collection)query.execute(); // 4. now iterate over the result to print each // product and finish tx java.util.Iterator iter = allProducts.iterator(); if (! iter.hasNext()) System.out.println("No Product entries found!"); while (iter.hasNext()) System.out.println(iter.next()); manager.currentTransaction().commit(); catch (Throwable t) t.printStackTrace(); finally manager.close();
    Storing objects
    Now we will have a look at the use case UCEnterNewProduct . It works as follows: first create a new object, then ask the user for the new product's data (productname, price and available stock). These data is stored in the new object's attributes. This part is no different from the PB tutorial implementation. (Steps 1. and 2.) Now we will store the newly created object in the persistent store by means of the JDO API. With JDO, all persistence operations must happen within a transaction. So the third step is to ask the PersistenceManager object for a fresh javax.jdo.Transaction object to work with. The begin() method starts the transaction. We then have to ask the PersistenceManager to make the object persistent in step 4. In the last step we commit the transaction. All changes to objects touched by the transaction are now made persistent. As you will have noticed there is no need to explicitly store objects as with the PersistenceBroker API. The Transaction object is responsible for tracking which objects have been modified and to choose the appropriate persistence operation on commit. public void apply() // 1. this will be our new object Product newProduct = new Product(); // 2. now read in all relevant information and fill the new object: System.out.println("please enter a new product"); String in = readLineWithMessage("enter name:"); newProduct.setName(in); in = readLineWithMessage("enter price:"); newProduct.setPrice(Double.parseDouble(in)); in = readLineWithMessage("enter available stock:"); newProduct.setStock(Integer.parseInt(in)); // 3. create PersistenceManager and start transaction PersistenceManager manager = factory.getPersistenceManager(); Transaction tx = null; tx = manager.currentTransaction(); tx.begin(); // 4. mark object as persistent manager.makePersistent(newProduct); // 5. commit transaction tx.commit(); manager.close();
    Updating Objects
    The UseCase UCEditProduct allows the user to select one of the existing products and to edit The user enters the products unique id. The object to be edited is looked up by this id. (Steps 1., 2. and 3.) This lookup is necessary as our application does not hold a list of all product objects. The product is then edited (Step 4.). In step five the transaction is commited. All changes to objects touched by the transaction are now made persistent. Because we modified an existing object an update operation is performed against the backend database. public void apply() PersistenceManager manager = null; // ask user which object should edited String in = readLineWithMessage("Edit Product with id:"); int id = Integer.parseInt(in); Product toBeEdited; // 1. start transaction manager = factory.getPersistenceManager(); manager.currentTransaction().begin(); // We don't have a reference to the selected Product. // So we have to look it up first, // 2. Build a query to look up product by the id Query query = manager.newQuery(Product.class, "id == " + id); // 3. execute query Collection result = (Collection) query.execute(); toBeEdited = (Product) result.iterator().next(); if (toBeEdited == null) System.out.println("did not find a matching instance..."); manager.currentTransaction().rollback(); return; // 4. edit the existing entry System.out.println("please edit the product entry"); readLineWithMessage( "enter name (was " + toBeEdited.getName() + "):"); toBeEdited.setName(in); readLineWithMessage( "enter price (was " + toBeEdited.getPrice() + "):"); toBeEdited.setPrice(Double.parseDouble(in)); readLineWithMessage( "enter available stock (was " + toBeEdited.getStock() + "):"); toBeEdited.setStock(Integer.parseInt(in)); // 5. commit changes manager.currentTransaction().commit(); catch (Throwable t) // rollback in case of errors manager.currentTransaction().rollback(); t.printStackTrace(); finally manager.close();
    Deleting Objects
    The UseCase UCDeleteProduct allows the user to select one of the existing products and to delete it from the persistent storage. The user enters the products unique id. The object to be deleted is looked up by this id. (Steps 1., 2. and 3.) This lookup is necessary as our application does not hold a list of all product objects. In the fourth step we check if a Product matching to the id could be found. If no entry is found we print a message and quit the work. If a Product entry was found we delete it in step 5 by calling the PersistenceManager to delete the persistent object. On transaction commit all changes to objects touched by the transaction are made persistent. Because we marked the Product entry for deletion, a delete operation is performed against the backend database. public void apply() PersistenceManager manager = null; Transaction tx = null; String in = readLineWithMessage("Delete Product with id:"); int id = Integer.parseInt(in); // 1. start transaction manager = factory.getPersistenceManager(); tx = manager.currentTransaction(); tx.begin(); // 2. Build a query to look up product by the id Query query = manager.newQuery(Product.class, "id == " + id); // 3. execute query Collection result = (Collection) query.execute(); // 4. if no matching product was found, print a message if (result.size() == 0) System.out.println("did not find a Product with id=" + id); tx.rollback(); manager.close(); return; // 5. if a matching product was found, delete it Product toBeDeleted = (Product) result.iterator().next(); manager.deletePersistent(toBeDeleted); tx.commit(); manager.close(); catch (Throwable t) // rollback in case of errors //broker.abortTransaction(); tx.rollback(); t.printStackTrace();
    In this tutorial you learned to use the standard JDO API as implemented by the OJB system within a simple application scenario. I hope you found this tutorial helpful. Any comments are welcome.

    Object Transaction Manager Tutorial

    The OTM API
    The Object Transaction Manager (OTM) is written as a tool on which to implement other high-level object persistence APIs. It is, however, very usable directly. It supports API's similar to the ODMG and PersistenceBroker API's in OJB. Several of its idioms are designed around the fact that it is meant to have additional, client-oriented, API's built on top of it, however. OTMKit is the initial access point to the OTM interfaces. The kit provides basic configuration information to the OTM components used in your system. This tutorial will use the SimpleKit which will work well under most circumstances for local transaction implementations. This tutorial operates on a simple example class: package org.apache.ojb.tutorials; public class Product /* Instance Properties */ private Double price; private Integer stock; private String name; /* artificial property used as primary key */ private Integer id; /* Getters and Setters */ The metadata descriptor for mapping this class is described in the mapping tutorial . As always the source code for this tutorial can be found in the tutorials-src.jar available from here , more specifically in the org/apache/ojb/tutorials/ directory.
    Persisting New Objects
    The starting point for using the OTM directly is to look at making a transient object persistent. This code will use three things, an OTMKit , an OTMConnection , and a Transaction . The connection and transaction objects are obtained from the kit. Initial access to the OTM client API's is through the OTMKit interface. We'll use the SimpleKit , an implementation of the OTMkit suitable for most circumstances using local transactions. public static void storeProduct(Product product) throws LockingException OTMKit kit = SimpleKit.getInstance(); OTMConnection conn = null; Transaction tx = null; conn = kit.acquireConnection(PersistenceBrokerFactory.getDefaultKey()); tx = kit.getTransaction(conn); tx.begin(); conn.makePersistent(product); tx.commit(); catch (LockingException e) if (tx.isInProgress()) tx.rollback(); throw e; finally conn.close(); A kit is obtained and is used to obtain a connection. Connections are against a specific JCD alias. In this case we use the default, but a named datasource could also be used, as configured in the metadata repository. A transaction is obtained from the kit for the specific connection. Because multiple connections can be bound to the same transaction in the OTM, the transaction needs to be acquired from the kit instead of the connection itself. The SimpleKit uses the commonly seen transaction-per-thread idiom, but other kits do not need to do this. Every persistence operation within the OTM needs to be executed within the context of a transaction. The JDBC concept of implicit transactions doesn't exist in the OTM -- transactions must be explicit. Locks, on the other hand, are implicit in the OTM (though explicit locks are available). conn.makePersistent(..) call obtains a write lock on product and will commit (insert) the object when the transaction is committed. LockingException will be thrown if the object cannot be write-locked in this transaction. As it is a transient object to begin with, this will probably only ever happen if it has been write-locked in another transaction already -- but this depends on the transaction semantics configured in the repository metadata. Finally, connections maintain resources so it is important to make sure they are closed when no longer needed.
    Deleting Persistent Objects
    Deleting a persistent object from the backing store (making a persistent object transient) is almost identical to making it persistent -- the difference is just in the conn.deletePersistent(product) call instead of the conn.makePersistent(product) call. The same notes about transactions and resources apply here. public static void storeProduct(Product product) throws LockingException OTMKit kit = SimpleKit.getInstance(); OTMConnection conn = null; Transaction tx = null; conn = kit.acquireConnection(PersistenceBrokerFactory.getDefaultKey()); tx = kit.getTransaction(conn); tx.begin(); conn.deletePersistent(product); tx.commit(); catch (LockingException e) if (tx.isInProgress()) tx.rollback(); throw e; finally conn.close();
    Querying for Objects
    The OTM implements a transaction system, not a new client API. As such it supports two styles of query at present -- an PersistenceBroker like query-by-criteria style querying system, and an ODMG OQL query system. Information on constructing these types of queries is available in the PersistenceBroker and ODMG tutorials respectively. Using those queries with the OTM is examined here. A PB style query can be handled as follows: public Iterator findByCriteria(Query query) OTMKit kit = SimpleKit.getInstance(); OTMConnection conn = null; Transaction tx = null; conn = kit.acquireConnection(PersistenceBrokerFactory.getDefaultKey()); tx = kit.getTransaction(conn); tx.begin(); Iterator results = conn.getIteratorByQuery(query); tx.commit(); return results; finally conn.close(); Where, by default, a read lock is obtained on the returned objects. If a different lock is required it may be specified specifically: public Iterator findByCriteriaWithLock(Query query, int lock) OTMKit kit = SimpleKit.getInstance(); OTMConnection conn = null; Transaction tx = null; conn = kit.acquireConnection(PersistenceBrokerFactory.getDefaultKey()); tx = kit.getTransaction(conn); tx.begin(); Iterator results = conn.getIteratorByQuery(query, lock); tx.commit(); return results; finally conn.close(); The int lock argument is one of the integer constants on org.apache.ojb.otm.lock.LockType : LockType.NO_LOCK LockType.READ_LOCK LockType.WRITE_LOCK OQL queries are also supported, as this somewhat more complex example demonstrates: public Iterator findByOQL(String query, Object[] bindings) throws Exception OTMKit kit = SimpleKit.getInstance(); OTMConnection conn = null; Transaction tx = null; conn = kit.acquireConnection(PersistenceBrokerFactory.getDefaultKey()); tx = kit.getTransaction(conn); OQLQuery oql = conn.newOQLQuery(); oql.create(query); for (int i = 0; i < bindings.length; ++i) oql.bind(bindings[i]); tx.begin(); Iterator results = conn.getIteratorByOQLQuery(oql); tx.commit(); return results; catch (QueryInvalidException e) if (tx.isInProgress()) tx.rollback(); throw new Exception("Invalid OQL expression given", e); catch (QueryParameterCountInvalidException e) if (tx.isInProgress()) tx.rollback(); throw new Exception("Incorrect number of bindings given", e); catch (QueryParameterTypeInvalidException e) if (tx.isInProgress()) tx.rollback(); throw new Exception("Incorrect type of object given as binding", e); finally conn.close(); This function is, at its core, doing the same thing as the PB style queries, except that it constructs the OQL query, which supports binding values in a manner similar to JDBC prepared statements. The OQL style queries also support specifying the lock level the same way: Iterator results = conn.getIteratorByOQLQuery(query, lock);
    More Sophisticated Transaction Handling
    These examples are a bit simplistic as they begin and commit their transactions all in one go -- they are only good for retrieving data. More often data will need to be retrieved, used, and committed back. Only changes to persistent objects made within the bounds of a transaction are persisted. This means that frequently a query will be executed within the bounds of an already established transaction, data will be changed on the objects obtained, and the transaction will then be committed back. A very convenient way to handle transactions in many applications is to start a transaction and then let any downstream code be executed within the bounds of the transaction automatically. This is straightforward to do with the OTM using the SimpleKit ! Take a look at a very slightly modified version of the query by criteria function: public Iterator moreRealisticQueryByCriteria(Query query, int lock) OTMKit kit = SimpleKit.getInstance(); OTMConnection conn = null; Transaction tx = null; conn = kit.acquireConnection(PersistenceBrokerFactory.getDefaultKey()); tx = kit.getTransaction(conn); boolean auto = ! tx.isInProgress(); if (auto) tx.begin(); Iterator results = conn.getIteratorByQuery(query, lock); if (auto) tx.commit(); return results; finally conn.close(); In this case the function looks to see if a transaction is already in progress and sets a boolean flag if it is, auto . It then handles transactions itself, or allows the already opened transaction to maintain control. Because connections can be attached to existing transactions the SimpleKit can attach the new connection to the already established transaction, allowing this function to work as expected whether there is a transaction in progress or not! Client code using this function could then open a transaction, query for products, change them, and commit the changes back. For example: public void renameWidgetExample() OTMKit kit = SimpleKit.getInstance(); OTMConnection conn = null; Transaction tx = null; conn = kit.acquireConnection(PersistenceBrokerFactory.getDefaultKey()); tx = kit.getTransaction(conn); tx.begin(); Product sample = new Product(); sample.setName("Wonder Widget"); Query query = QueryFactory.newQueryByExample(sample); Iterator wonderWidgets = moreRealisticQueryByCriteria(query, LockType.WRITE_LOCK); while (wonderWidgets.hasNext()) Product widget = (Product) wonderWidgets.next(); widget.setName("Improved Wonder Widget"); tx.commit(); finally conn.close(); This sample renames a whole bunch of products from "Wonder Widget" to "Improved Wonder Widget" and stores them back. It must makes the changes within the context of the transaction it obtained for those changes to be stored back to the database. If the same iterator were obtained outside of a transaction, and the changes made, the changes would be made on the objects in memory, but not in the database. You can think of non-transaction objects as free immutable transfer objects. This example also demonstrates two connections bound to the same transaction, as the renameWidgetExample(...) function obtains a connection, and the moreRealisticQueryByCriteria(...) function obtains an additional connection to the same transaction!
    Notes on the Object Transaction Manager
    The Object Transaction Manager (OTM) is a transaction management layer for Java objects. It typically maps 1:1 to database transactions behind the scenes, but this is not actually required for the OTM to work correctly. The OTM supports a wide range of transactional options, delimited in the LockManager documentation. While the lock manager is writte to the ODMG API, the same locking rules apply at the OTM layer. This tutorial explains basic object-relational mapping technique in OJB like 1:1, 1:n and m:n relations, the auto-xxx settings for references and proxy objects/collections.
    The PersistenceBroker API (PB-api) provides the lowest level access to OJB's persistence engine. While it is a low-level API compared to the standardised ODMG or JDO API's it is still very straightforward to use. The core class in the PersistenceBroker API is the org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBroker class. This class provides the point of access for all persistence operations in this API. This document is not a PB tutorial (newbies please read the tutorial first) rather than a guide showing the specific usage and possible pitfalls in handling the PB-api. If you don't find an answer for a specific question, please have a look at the FAQ and the other reference guides .
    How to access the PB-api?
    The org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBrokerFactory make several methods available: public PersistenceBroker createPersistenceBroker(PBKey key) throws PBFactoryException; public PersistenceBroker createPersistenceBroker(String jcdAlias, String user, String password) throws PBFactoryException; public PersistenceBroker defaultPersistenceBroker() throws PBFactoryException; Method defaultPersistenceBroker() can be used if the attribute default-connection is set true in jdbc-connection-descriptor . It's a convenience method, useful when only one database is used. The standard way to lookup a broker instance is via org.apache.ojb.broker.PBKey by specify jcdAlias (defined in the jdbc-connection-descriptor of the repository file or sub file ), user and passwd . If the user and password is already set in jdbc-connection-descriptor it is possible to lookup the broker instance only be specify the jcdAlias in PBKey: PBKey pbKey = new PBKey("myJcdAliasName", "user", "password"); // alternative if user/passwd set in configuration file PBKey pbKey = new PBKey("myJcdAliasName"); PersistenceBroker broker = PersitenceBrokerFactory.createPersistenceBroker(pbKey); See further in FAQ "Needed to put user/password of database connection in repository file?" .
    Notes on Using the PersistenceBroker API
    Exception Handling
    The exception handling is described in the PB-tutorial exception handling section .
    Management of PersistenceBroker instances
    There is no need to cache or pool the used PersistenceBroker instances, because OJB itself use a PB-pool. The configuration of the PB-pool is adjustable in the OJB.properties file. Using the PersistenceBroker.close() method releases the broker back to the pool under the default implementation. For this reason the examples in the PB tutorial all retrieve, use, and close a new broker for each logical transaction. Apart from the pooling management PersistenceBroker.close() force the internal cleanup of the used broker instance - e.g. removing of temporary PersistenceBrokerListener instances, release of used connection if needed, internal used object registration lists, ... Therefore it's not recommended always refer to the same PB instance without closing it.
    Transactions in the PeristenceBroker API are database level transactions . This differs from object level transactions used by e.g. the odmg-api . The broker does not maintain a collection of modified, created, or deleted objects until a commit is called -- it operates on the database using the databases transaction mechanism. If object level transactions are required, one of the higher level API's (ODMG, JDO, or OTM) should be used.
    How to use multiple Databases
    For each database define a jdbc-connection-descriptor same way as described in the FAQ . Now each database will be accessible via the PersistenceBrokerFactory using a PBKey matching the defined jcdAliase name as shown in section How to access the PB-api? .
    Hook into OJB - PB-Listener and Instance Callbacks
    All Listener and instance callback interfaces supported by the PB-api can be used in the top-level API (like ODMG-api ) as well. The OJB Kernel supports three types of "hook" into OJB: A callback interface used by persistence capable objects (the object class is declared in OJB metadata mapping ) to be aware of PersistenceBroker operations on itself. More detailed information can be found in the Advanced-Technique Guide . The listener interface for receiving persistent object life cycle information. This interface is intended for non persistent objects which want to track persistent object life cycle. Persistence capable objects can implement PersistenceBrokerAware - see above. public void addListener(PBListener listener) throws PersistenceBrokerException; public void addListener(PBListener listener, boolean permanent) throws PersistenceBrokerException; The first method adds a temporary org.apache.ojb.broker.PBListener to the current PersistenceBroker instance - on PersistenceBroker.close() call the listener was removed. The second one allows to add permanent org.apache.ojb.broker.PBListener when the method argument is set true . If set false the listener only be temporary added. Be carefully when adding permanent listener, keep in mind you don't know which instance was returned next time from the pool, with a permanent listener or without! To guarantee that any pooled broker instance use the permanent listener, best way is to extend the used org.apache.ojb.broker.core.PersistenceBrokerFactoryIF implementation and add the listener at creation of the PersistenceBroker instances. Or add each time you lookup a PersistenceBroker instance the listener as a temporary listener.

    ODMG-api Guide

    ODMG API is an implementation of the ODMG 3.0 Object Persistence API . The ODMG API provides a higher-level API and OQL query language based interface over the PersistenceBroker API . This document is not a ODMG tutorial (newbies please read the tutorial first) rather than a guide showing the specific usage and possible pitfalls in handling the ODMG-api and the proprietary extensions by OJB. If you don't find an answer for a specific question, please have a look at the FAQ and the other reference guides .
    Specific Metadata Settings
    To make OJB's ODMG-api implementation proper work some specific metadata settings needed in the repository mapping files . All defined reference-descriptor and collection-descriptor need specific auto-xxx settings: <collection-descriptor name="collDetailFKinPK" element-class-ref="org.apache.ojb.odmg.shared.DetailFKinPK" proxy="false" auto-retrieve="true" auto-update="none" auto-delete="none" <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="masterId"/> </collection-descriptor> </class-descriptor> A lot of mapping samples can be found in mappings for the OJB test suite . All mappings for the ODMG unit test are in repository_junit_odmg.xml file, which can be found under the src/test directory.
    How to access ODMG-api
    Obtain a org.odmg.Implementation instance first, then create a new org.odmg.Database instance and open this instance by setting the used jcd-alias name: Implementation odmg = OJB.getInstance(); Database database = odmg.newDatabase(); database.open("jcdAliasName#user#password", Database.OPEN_READ_WRITE); user and password separated by # hash only needed, when the user/passwd is not specified in the connection metadata (jdbc-connection-descriptor). jdbc-connection-descriptor may look like: <jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias="jcdAliasName" username="user" password="password" </jdbc-connection-descriptor> With method call OJB.getInstance() always a org.odmg.Implementation instance will be created and odmg.newDatabase() returns a new Database instance. For best performance it's recommended to share the Implementation instance across the application. To get the current open database from the Implementation instance, use method Implementation.getDatabase(null) Implementation odmg = .... // get current used database Database database = odmg.getDatabase(null); Or share the open Database instance as well. See further in FAQ "Needed to put user/password of database connection in repository file?" .
    Configuration Properties
    The OJB ODMG-api implementation has some adjustable properties and pluggable components. All configuration properties can be set in the OJB.properties file. Here are all properties used by OJB's ODMG-api implementation: OQL queries . By default this value is set to a List implementation. This will be suffice in most situations. If you want to use the additional features of the DList interface (DList itself is persistable, support of predicates ) directly on query results, change setting to the DList implementation (See also property 'DListClass' entry). But this will affect the performance - especially for large result sets. So recommended way is create DCollection instances only when needed (e.g. by converting a List result set to a DList). Important note: The collection class to be used MUST implement the interface org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection . More info about implementing OJB collection types here . If set true the cascading delete for 1:1 references will be enabled. This means that when an object A with 1:1 reference to B will be deleted, B will deleted too and all 1:1 references used by B and so on. When set false cascading delete is disabled for 1:1 references. The recommended setting is false . It is possible to set cascading delete on a per field manner at runtime using Transaction.setCascadingDelete . If set true the cascading delete for 1:n references will be enabled. This means that when an object A with 1:n reference to B will be deleted, B will deleted too and all 1:n references used by B and so on. When set false cascading delete is disabled for 1:n references. In this case the referenced ( n-side ) objects will be unlinked - all FK values of the referenced objects will be nullified . The recommended setting is false . It is possible to set cascading delete on a per field manner at runtime using Transaction.setCascadingDelete . If set true the cascading delete for m:n references will be enabled. This means that when an object A with m:n reference to B will be deleted, B will deleted too and all m:n references used by B and so on. When set false cascading delete is disabled for m:n references. In this case only the m:n indirection table entries will be deleted, the referenced objects will be untouched. The recommended setting is false . It is possible to set cascading delete on a per field manner at runtime using Transaction.setCascadingDelete . This property defines the implicit locking behavior. If set to true OJB implicitely locks objects to ODMG transactions after performing OQL queries or when do a single lock on an object using Transaction#lock(...) method. If implicit locking is used locking objects is recursive, that is associated objects are also locked. If ImplicitLocking is set to false , no locks are obtained in OQL queries and there is also no recursive locking when do single lock on an object. This property was only used when ImplicitLocking is enabled. It defines the behaviour for the OJB implicit locking feature. If set true acquiring a write-lock on a given object x implies write locks on all objects associated to x. If set to false , in any case implicit read-locks are acquired. Acquiring a read- or write lock on x thus allways results in implicit read-locks on all associated objects. get/setOqlCollectionClass Use this methods to change the used OQL query result class at runtime. Description can be found in Configuration Properties section and in javadoc of ImplementationExt . is/setImpliciteWriteLocks Use this methods to change the associated locking type at runtime when implicit locking is used. Description can be found in Configuration Properties section and in javadoc of ImplementationExt . create(String queryString, int startAtIndex, int endAtIndex) Description can be found in javadoc of EnhancedOQLQuery . PB-api was used by OJB's ODMG-api implementation, thus it is possible to get access of the used PersistenceBroker instance using the extended Transaction interface class TransactionExt : Implementation odmg = ...; TransactionExt tx = (TransactionExt) odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); PersistenceBroker broker = tx.getBroker(); // do work with broker tx.commit(); It's mandatory that the used PersistenceBroker instance never be closed with a PersistenceBroker.close() call or be committed with PersistenceBroker.commitTransaction() , this will be done internally by the ODMG implementation.
    Notes on Using the ODMG API
    The ODMG API uses object-level transactions , compared to the PersistenceBroker database-level transactions . An ODMG Transaction instance contains all of the changes made to the object model within the context of that transaction, and will not commit them to the database until the ODMG Transaction is committed. At that point it will use a database transaction (the underlying PB-api) to ensure atomicity of its changes.
    The ODMG specification includes several levels of locks and isolation. These are explained in much more detail in the Locking documentation. In the ODMG API, locks obtained on objects are locked within the context of a transaction. Any object modified within the context of a transaction will be stored with the transaction, other changes made to the same object instance by other threads, ignoring the lock state of the object, will also be stored - so take care of locking conventions. The ODMG locking conventions (obtain a write lock before do any modifications on an object) ensure that an object can only be modified within the transaction. It's possible to configure OJB's ODMG implementation to support implicit locking with WRITE locks. Then a write lock on an object forces OJB to obtain implicit write locks on all referenced objects. See configuration properties .
    Persisting Non-Transactional Objects
    Frequently, objects will be modified outside of the context of an ODMG transaction, such as a data access object in a web application. In those cases a persistent object can still be modified, but not directly through the OMG ODMG specification . OJB provides an extension to the ODMG specification for instances such as this. Examine this code: public static void persistChanges(Product product) Implementation impl = OJB.getInstance(); TransactionExt tx = (TransactionExt) impl.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); tx.markDirty(product); tx.commit(); In this function the product is modified outside the context of the transaction, and is then the changes are persisted within a transaction. TransactionExt.markDirty() method indicates to the Transaction that the passed object has been modified, even if the Transaction itself sees no changes to the object.
    ODMG Named Objects
    Using named objects allows to persist all serializable objects under a specified name. The methods to handle named objects are: * Associate a name with an object and make it persistent. * An object instance may be bound to more than one name. * Binding a previously transient object to a name makes that object persistent. * @param object The object to be named. * @param name The name to be given to the object. * @exception org.odmg.ObjectNameNotUniqueException * If an attempt is made to bind a name to an object and that name is already bound * to an object. public void bind(Object object, String name) throws ObjectNameNotUniqueException; * Lookup an object via its name. * @param name The name of an object. * @return The object with that name. * @exception ObjectNameNotFoundException There is no object with the specified name. * @see ObjectNameNotFoundException public Object lookup(String name) throws ObjectNameNotFoundException; * Disassociate a name with an object * @param name The name of an object. * @exception ObjectNameNotFoundException No object exists in the database with that name. public void unbind(String name) throws ObjectNameNotFoundException; To use this feature a internal table and metadata mapping is madatory (by default these settings are enabled in OJB). More information about the needed internal tables see in Platform Guide . If the object to bind is a persistence capable object (the object class is declared in OJB metadata mapping ), then the object will be persisted (if needed) dependent on the declared metadata mapping and the named object will be a link to the real persisted object. unbind of the named object only the link of the persistent object will be removed, the persistent object itself will be untouched. If the object to bind is a serializable non-persistence cacpable object, the object will be serialized and persisted under the specified name. unbind the serialized object will be removed.
    In OJB test-suite is a test case called org.apache.ojb.odmg.NamedRootsTest which shown similar examples as below, but more detailed. The specified List with all planet names will be serialized and persisted as VARBINARY object. To lookup the persisted list of the solar system planets: Transaction tx = odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); List planets = (List) database.lookup("planet-list"); tx.commit(); To remove the persistent list do: Transaction tx = odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); database.unbind("planet-list"); tx.commit(); 2. Persist a persistence capable object as named object We want to create a named object representing a persistence capable Article object ( Article class is declared in OJB metadata mapping ): Transaction tx = odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); // get existing or a new Article object Article article = .... database.bind(article, "my-article"); tx.commit(); OJB first checks if the specified Article object is already persisted - if not it will be persisted. Then based on the Article object Identity named object will be persisted. So the persistent named object is a link to the persistent real Article object. On lookup of the named object the real Article instance will be returned: Transaction tx = odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); Article article = (Article) database.lookup("my-article"); tx.commit(); On unbind of the named object only the link to the real Article object will be removed, the Article itself will not be touched. To remove the named object and the Article instance do: tx.begin(); // this only remove the named object link, the Article object // itself will not be touched database.unbind("my-article"); // thus delete the object itself too database.deletePersistent(article); tx.commit(); 3. Persist a collection of persistence capable object as named object We want to persist a list of the last shown Article objects. Article class is a persistence capable object (declared in OJB metadata mapping ). Thus we don't want to persist a serialized List of Article objects (because the real Article object may change), as shown in example 1 , rather we want to persist a List that links to the real persistent Article objects. This is possible when the ODMG DCollections are used: // get the list with last shown Article objects List lastArticles = ... Transaction tx = odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); // obtain new DList instance from Implementation class DList namedArticles = odmg.newDList(); // push Articles to DList namedArticles.addAll(lastArticles); database.bind(namedArticles, "last-shown"); tx.commit(); In this case OJB first checks for transient Article objects and make these new objects persistent, then based on the Article object Identity named object will be persisted. So the persistent named object is in this case a list of links to persistent Article objects. On database.lookup("last-shown") the DList will be returned and when access the list entries the Article objects will be materialized. To remove the named object some more attention is needed: tx.begin(); DList namedArticles = ... // we want to completely remove the named object // the persisted DList with all DList entries, // but the Article objects itself shouldn't be deleted: // 1. mandatory, clear the list to remove all entries namedArticles.clear(); // 2. unbind named object database.unbind("last-shown"); tx.commit(); After this the named object will be completely removed, but all Article object will be untouched.
    ODMG's DCollections
    The ODMG api declare some specific extensions of the java.util.Collection interface: In OJB all associations between persistence capable classes are declared in the mapping files and 1:n and m:n relations can use any collection type class which implement the specific interface ManageableCollection . So there is no need to use the ODMG specific collection classes in object relations or when oql-queries are performed (more detailed info see 'oql collection class setting' ). One difference to normal collection classes is that DCollection implementation classes are persistence capable classes itself. This means that they can be persisted - e.g. see named objects example . Mandatory is that all containing objects are persistence capable itself. When persisting a DCollection object OJB first lock the collection entries, then the collection itself was locked. On commit the collection entries will be handled in a normal way and for each entry a link object (containing the Identity of the persistence capable object) is persisted. When lookup the persisted DCollection object the link objects are materialized and on access the collection entry will be materialized by the identity.
    Circular- and Bidirectional References
    The good news, OJB can handle circular- and (as a subset) bidirectional references. But when using foreign keys constraints on the database tables to guarantee referential integrity, you have to pay attention. In OJB test-suite a unit test called org.apache.ojb.odmg.CircularTest can be found. The tests show the handling of circular references. The examples shown below are borrowed from this test case.
    Example: Bidirectional 1:1 relation Class Shop and ShopDetail have a bidirectional 1:1 relation . The SHOP table has a foreign key constraint on DETAIL table. ######## TODO ######### Example:Circular 1:1 referenes Assume we have classes with circular 1:1 relations like: ObjectA --1:1--> ObjectAA --1:1--> ObjectAAA --1:1--> ObjectA and table of ObjectA has a foreign key to ObjectAA table, table of ObjectAA has a foreign key to ObjectAAA table. ######## TODO #########
    I don't like OQL, can I use the PersistenceBroker Queries within ODMG
    Yes you can! The ODMG implementation relies on PB Queries internally! Several users (including myself) are doing this. If you have a look at the simple example below you will see how OJB Query objects can be used withing ODMG transactions. The most important thing is to lock all objects returned by a query to the current transaction before starting manipulating these objects. Further on do not commit or close the obtained PB-instance, this will be done by the ODMG transaction on tx.commit() / tx.rollback() . TransactionExt tx = (TransactionExt) odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); // cast to get intern used PB instance PersistenceBroker broker = tx.getBroker(); // build query QueryByCriteria query = ... // perform PB-query Collection result = broker.getCollectionByQuery(query); // use result tx.commit(); Note: Don't close or commit the used broker instance, this will be done by the odmg-api.
    How to use multiple Databases
    For each database define a jdbc-connection-descriptor same way as described in the FAQ . Now it is possible to // open a new one database = odmg.newDatabase(); database.open("jcdAliasName#user#password", Database.OPEN_READ_WRITE); Database.close() call close the current used Database instance, after this it is possible to open a new database instance. Implementation odmg_1 = OJB.getInstance(); Database database_1 = odmg.newDatabase(); database.open("db_1#user#password", Database.OPEN_READ_WRITE); Implementation odmg_2 = OJB.getInstance(); Database database_2 = odmg.newDatabase(); database.open("db_2#user#password", Database.OPEN_READ_WRITE); Now it's possible to use both databases in parallel. OJB does not provide distributed transactions by itself. To use distributed transactions, OJB have to be integrated in an j2ee conform environment (or made work with an JTA/JTS implementation).


    How to use OJB with a specific relational database
    OJB has been designed to smoothly integrate with any relational database that provides JDBC support. OJB can be configured to use only JDBC 1.0 API calls to avoid problems with restrictions of several JDBC drivers. uses a limited SQL subset to avoid problems with restrictions of certain RDBMS. This design allows to keep the OJB code generic and free from database specifics. This document explains basic concepts and shows how OJB can be configured to run against a specific RDBMS. If you not already have done so, then you also might want to have a look at the Getting Started section which presents a sample skeleton project.
    Basic Concepts
    OJB internal tables
    For certain features OJB relies on several internal tables that must be present in the target RDBMS to allow a proper functioning. The associated internal object metadata mapping of these internal used tables can be found in repository_internal.xml file. If those features are not needed/used OJB can be safely run without any internal tables and metadata mapping. The following table lists all tables and their specific purpose. <table name="OJB_HL_SEQ" description="HIGH/LOW SequenceManager table"> <column name="TABLENAME" required="true" primaryKey="true" type="VARCHAR" size="250"/> <column name="MAX_KEY" type="BIGINT"/> <column name="GRAB_SIZE" type="INTEGER"/> <column name="VERSION" type="INTEGER"/> </table> Table for the high/low sequence manager. The column TABLENAME was used to persist the sequence name (may be re-named in further versions of OJB). If the built-in OJB sequence manager is not used, this table is not needed. <table name="OJB_NRM" description="OJB NAMED ROOTS Table"> <column name="NAME" required="true" primaryKey="true" type="VARCHAR" size="250"/> <column name="OID_" type="LONGVARBINARY"/> </table>

    The "Named Roots Map". ODMG allows to bind persistent objects to an user defined name - called named objects .
    The Named roots map is used to store these bindings. It has NAME (String of arbitrary length) as primary key and keeps the serialized OID of a persistent object or an arbitrary serialized object in the field OID (String of arbitrary length). If Database.bind(...) and Database.lookup(...) are not used in client apps, this table is not needed. <table name="OJB_DLIST" description="DLIST IMPLEMENTATION"> <column name="ID" required="true" primaryKey="true" type="INTEGER"/> <column name="SIZE_" type="INTEGER"/> </table> <table name="OJB_DLIST_ENTRIES" description="DList entry table"> <column name="ID" required="true" primaryKey="true" type="INTEGER"/> <column name="DLIST_ID" required="true" type="INTEGER"/> <column name="POSITION_" type="INTEGER"/> <column name="OID_" type="LONGVARBINARY"/> </table> <table name="OJB_DSET" description="DSET IMPLEMENTATION"> <column name="ID" required="true" primaryKey="true" type="INTEGER"/> <column name="SIZE_" type="INTEGER"/> </table> <table name="OJB_DSET_ENTRIES" description="DSet entry table"> <column name="ID" required="true" primaryKey="true" type="INTEGER"/> <column name="DLIST_ID" required="true" type="INTEGER"/> <column name="POSITION_" type="INTEGER"/> <column name="OID_" type="LONGVARBINARY"/> </table> <table name="OJB_DMAP" description="DMap table"> <column name="ID" required="true" primaryKey="true" type="INTEGER"/> <column name="SIZE_" type="INTEGER"/> </table> <table name="OJB_DMAP_ENTRIES" description="DMap entry table"> <column name="ID" required="true" primaryKey="true" type="INTEGER"/> <column name="DMAP_ID" required="true" type="INTEGER"/> <column name="KEY_OID" type="VARBINARY"/> <column name="VALUE_OID" type="VARBINARY"/> </table>

    The table containing the DMap entries. The Keys and Values of the map can be arbitrary persistent objects. If ODMG DMaps are not used, this table is not needed. Torque to create all required tables and data. Thus there is no SQL DDL file, but an XML file describing the tables in format readable by Torque. The Torque DDL information for the internal tables resides in the src/schema/ojbcore-schema.xml . The o/r mappings for these tables are contained in the file repository_internal.xml . If you want to have a look at how these files could be used, have a look at the the ojb-blank sample project which is already prepared to use these files.

    Tables for the regression testbed
    It is recommended to run the OJB test-suite against your target database. Thus you will have to provide several more tables, filled with the proper testdata. The DDL information for these tables resides in the src/schema/ojbtest-schema.xml . The testdata is defined in the src/schema/ojbtest-data.xml . The o/r mappings for these tables are contained in the file repository_junit.xml .
    Tables for the tutorial applications
    If you intend to run the OJB tutorial applications against your target database you will have to provide one extra table. The DDL information for this table also resides in the src/schema/ojbtest-schema.xml . The testdata is also defined in the src/schema/ojbtest-data.xml . The o/r mappings for this table is contained in the file repository_user.xml .
    The setup process
    OJB provides a setup routine to generate the target database and to fill it with the required testdata. This routine is based on Torque scripts and is driven from the build.xml file. This section describes how to use it.
    Selecting a platform profile
    OJB ships with support for several popular database platforms. The target platform is selected by the switch profile in the file build.properties. You can choose one out of the predefined profiles: # With the 'profile' property you can choose the RDBMS platform OJB is using # implemented profiles: profile=hsqldb # use the mssqldb-JSQLConnect profile for Microsoft SQL Server and # you will automatically JSQLConnect driver, from http://www.j-netdirect.com/ # MBAIRD: This is my driver of preference for MS SQL Server, I find the OEM'd # MS driver to have some problems. #profile=mssqldb-JSQLConnect #profile=mssqldb-Opta2000 #profile=mssqldb-ms #profile=mysql #profile=db2 #profile=oracle #profile=oracle9i #profile=oracle9i-Seropto #profile=msaccess #profile=postgresql #profile=informix #profile=sybase #profile=sapdb #profile=maxdb The profile switch activated in build.properties is used to select a profile file from the profile directory. If you set profile=db2 , then the file profile/db2.profile is selected. This file is used by the Torque scripts to set platform specific properties and to perform platform specific SQL operations.
    editing the profile to point to your target db
    The platform specific file profile/xxx.profile contains lots of information used by Torque. You can ignore most of it. The only important part in this file is the section where the url to the target db is assembled, here is an snip of the DB2 profile: # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # D A T A B A S E S E T T I N G S # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # JDBC connection settings. This is used by the JDBCToXML task # that will create an XML database schema from JDBC metadata. # These settings are also used by the SQL Ant task to initialize # your Turbine system with the generated SQL. # ---------------------------------------------------------------- dbmsName = Db2 jdbcLevel = 1.0 urlProtocol = jdbc urlSubprotocol = db2 urlDbalias = OJB createDatabaseUrl = ${urlProtocol}:${urlSubprotocol}:${urlDbalias} buildDatabaseUrl = ${urlProtocol}:${urlSubprotocol}:${urlDbalias} databaseUrl = ${urlProtocol}:${urlSubprotocol}:${urlDbalias} databaseDriver = COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver databaseUser = admin databasePassword = db2 databaseHost = These settings result in a database URL jdbc:db2:OJB . If your production database is registered with the name MY_PRODUCTION_DB you have to edit the entry urlDBalias to: urlDbalias = MY_PRODUCTION_DB . In this section you can also set application user name and password. You can also enter a different jdbc driver class, to activate a different driver. Before progressing, please check that the jdbc driver class, named in the databaseDriver entry is located on the classpath! You can either edit the global environment variable CLASSPATH or place the jdbc driver jar file into the jakarta-ojb-xxx/lib directory.
    Executing the build script
    Now everything should be prepared to launch the setup routine. This routine can be invoked by calling ant prepare-testdb If you are prompted with a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message after some time, everything is OK. If you are prompted with a BUILD FAILED message after some time, something went wrong. This may have several reasons: Torque does not work properly against your target database. Torque is very flexible and should be able to work against a wide range of databases. But the code templates for each database may not be accurate. Please check the ojb-user mailinglist archive if there are any failure reports for your specific database. Please also check if some contributed a fix already. If you don't find anything please post your problem to the ojb user-list. As a last resort you can try the following: Switch back to the default hsqldb profile and execute ant prepare-testdb This will setup the default hsqldb database. And it will also generate SQL scripts that you may use to generate your database manually. The SQL scripts are generated to jakarta-ojb-xxx/target/src/sql . You can touch these scripts to match your database specifics and execute them manually against your platform.
    Verifying the installation
    Now everything is setup to run the junit regression tests against your target database. Execute ant junit to see if everything works as expected. more information about the OJB Test Suite here . If you did not manage to set up the target database with the ant prepare-testdb you can use ant junit-no-compile-no-prepare to run the testsuite without generation of the test database.

    OJB.properties Configuration File

    OJB Configuration
    OJB provides two different configuration mechanisms: is used to define the Object/Relational Mapping. This Mapping is translated into a metadata dictionary at runtime. The metadata layer may also be manipulated at runtime through OJB API calls. Follow this link to learn more about the XML repository . A properties file OJB.properties that is responsible for the configuration of the OJB runtime environment. It contains information that does not change at runtime and does not contain O/R mapping related information. Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(getFilename()); The filename of the properties file can be changed by setting a Java system property. This can be done programmatically: System.setProperty("OJB.properties","myOwnPropertiesFile.props"); or by setting a -D option to the JVM: java -DOJB.properties=myOwnPropertiesFile.props my.own.ojb.Application All things that can be configured by OJB.properties are commented in the file itself. Have a look at the default version of this file .

    JDBC Types

    Mapping of JDBC Types to Java Types
    OJB implements the mapping conversions for JDBC and Java types as specified by the JDBC 3.0 specification (see JDBC 3.0 specification Appendix B, Data Type Conversion Tables ). See the table below for details. If a sql-java type mapping is needed, that doesn't match the java types defined by the specification, e.g. a field in the persistent object class is of type int[] and the DB type is VARCHAR or a List field have to be mapped to VARCHAR a field-conversion class can be used. A typical problem with O/R tools is mismatching datatypes: a class from the domain model has an attribute of type boolean but the corresponding database table stores this attribute in a column of type BIT or int. This example explains how OJB allows you to define FieldConversions that do the proper translation of types and values. The source code of this example is included in the OJB source distribution and resides in the test package org.apache.ojb.broker .
    The problem
    The test class org.apache.ojb.broker.Article contains an attribute isSelloutArticle of type boolean: public class Article implements InterfaceArticle protected int articleId; protected String articleName; // maps to db-column Auslaufartikel of type int protected boolean isSelloutArticle; The coresponding table uses an int column ( Auslaufartikel ) to store this attribute: CREATE TABLE Artikel ( Artikel_Nr INT PRIMARY KEY, Artikelname CHAR(60), Lieferanten_Nr INT, Kategorie_Nr INT, Liefereinheit CHAR(30), Einzelpreis DECIMAL, Lagerbestand INT, BestellteEinheiten INT, MindestBestand INT, Auslaufartikel INT
    The Solution
    OJB allows to use predefined (or self-written) FieldConversions that do the appropiate mapping. The FieldConversion interface declares two methods: javaToSql(...) and sqlToJava(...) : * FieldConversion declares a protocol for type and value * conversions between persistent classes attributes and the columns * of the RDBMS. * The default implementation does not modify its input. * OJB users can use predefined implementation and can also * build their own conversions that perform arbitrary mappings. * the mapping has to defined in the xml repository * in the field-descriptor. * @author Thomas Mahler public interface FieldConversion extends Serializable * convert a Java object to its SQL * pendant, used for insert & update public abstract Object javaToSql(Object source) throws ConversionException; * convert a SQL value to a Java Object, used for SELECT public abstract Object sqlToJava(Object source) throws ConversionException; The method FieldConversion.sqlToJava() is a callback that is called within the OJB broker when Object attributes are read in from JDBC result sets. If OJB detects that a FieldConversion is declared for a persistent classes attributes, it uses the FieldConversion to do the marshalling of this attribute. For the above mentioned problem of mapping an int column to a boolean attribute we can use the predefined FieldConversion Boolean2IntFieldConversion . Have a look at the code to see how it works: public class Boolean2IntFieldConversion implements FieldConversion private static Integer I_TRUE = new Integer(1); private static Integer I_FALSE = new Integer(0); private static Boolean B_TRUE = new Boolean(true); private static Boolean B_FALSE = new Boolean(false); * @see FieldConversion#javaToSql(Object) public Object javaToSql(Object source) if (source instanceof Boolean) if (source.equals(B_TRUE)) return I_TRUE; return I_FALSE; return source; * @see FieldConversion#sqlToJava(Object) public Object sqlToJava(Object source) if (source instanceof Integer) if (source.equals(I_TRUE)) return B_TRUE; return B_FALSE; return source; There are other helpful standard conversions defined in the package org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.conversions : Of course it is possible to map between java.sql.date and java.util.date by using a Conversion. A very interesting Conversion is the Object2ByteArrFieldConversion it allows to store inlined objects in varchar columns! Coming back to our example, there is only one thing left to do: we must tell OJB to use the proper FieldConversion for the Article class. This is done in the XML repository file. The field-descriptor allows to define a conversion attribute declaring the fully qualified FieldConversion class: <!-- Definitions for test.ojb.broker.Article --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article" proxy="dynamic" table="Artikel" <field-descriptor name="isSelloutArticle" column="Auslaufartikel" jdbc-type="INTEGER" conversion="org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.conversions.Boolean2IntFieldConversion" </class-descriptor>

    Repository File

    Introduction - repository syntax
    The syntax of the OJB repository xml files is defined by the repository.dtd . repository.dtd can be found here . The actual repository metadta declaration is split up into several separate files, here is an excerpt of the most important files: the repository.xml . Main file for metadata declaration. This file is split into several sub files using xml-Entity references. the repository_internal.xml . This file contains the mapping information for the OJB internal tables. These tables are used for implementing SequenceManagers and persistent collections. the repository_junit.xml . This file contains mapping information for common OJB JUnit regression test suite. In production environments these tables are not needed. other repository_junit_XYZ.xml More specific junit test mapping. In production environments these tables are not needed. There are some more files, for more information see comment in appropriate xml-file. descriptor-repository is the root element of a repository.xml file. It consists of one or more jdbc-connection-descriptor and at least one class-descriptor element. But it's also possible to startup OJB without any of these elements and add them at runtime .
    <!ELEMENT descriptor-repository (documentation?, attribute*, jdbc-connection-descriptor*, class-descriptor*)> documentation element can be used to store arbitrary information. attribute element allows to add custom attributes , e.g. for passing arbitrary properties. jdbc-connection-descriptor element specifies a jdbc connection for the repository. class-descriptor element specify o/r mapping information for persistent class. <!ELEMENT descriptor-repository ( documentation?, attribute*, jdbc-connection-descriptor*, class-descriptor* )
    <!ATTLIST descriptor-repository version (1.0) #REQUIRED isolation-level (read-uncommitted | read-committed | repeatable-read | serializable | optimistic | none) "read-uncommitted" proxy-prefetching-limit CDATA "50"
    version attribute is used to bind a repository.xml file to a given version of this dtd. A given OJB release will work properly only with the repository version shipped with that relase. This strictness maybe inconvenient but it does help to avoid the most common version conflicts.
    The isolation-level attribute defines the default locking isolation level used by OJB's pessimistic locking api. All jdbc-connection-descriptor or class-descriptor that do not define a specific isolation level will use this.
    Note: This does NOT touch the jdbc-level of the connection.
    proxy-prefetching-limit attribute specifies a default value to be applied to all proxy instances. If none is specified a default value of 50 is used. Proxy prefetching specifies how many instances of a proxied class should be loaded in a single query when the proxy is first accessed. <!ATTLIST descriptor-repository version ( 1.0 ) #REQUIRED isolation-level ( read-uncommitted | read-committed | repeatable-read | serializable | optimistic ) "read-uncommitted" proxy-prefetching-limit CDATA "50"
    jdbc-connection-descriptor element specifies a jdbc connection for the repository. It is allowed to define more than one jdbc-connection-descriptor . All class-descriptor elements are independent from the jdbc-connection-descriptor s. More info about connection handling here .
    <!ELEMENT jdbc-connection-descriptor (documentation?, attribute*, object-cache?, connection-pool?, sequence-manager?)> object-cache element specifies the object-cache implementation class associated with this class. connection-pool element may be used to define connection pool properties for the specified JDBC connection. Further a sequence-manager element may be used to define which sequence manager implementation should be used within the defined connection. Use the custom-attribute element to pass implementation specific properties. <!ELEMENT jdbc-connection-descriptor ( documentation?, attribute*, object-cache?, connection-pool?, sequence-manager? )
    jdbc-connection-descriptor element contains a bunch of required and implied attributes: <!ATTLIST jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias CDATA #REQUIRED default-connection (true | false) "false" platform ( Db2 | Hsqldb | Informix | MsAccess | MsSQLServer | MySQL | Oracle | PostgreSQL | Sybase | SybaseASE | SybaseASA | Sapdb | Firebird | Axion | NonstopSql | Oracle9i | MaxDB ) "Hsqldb" jdbc-level (1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0) "1.0" eager-release (true | false) "false" batch-mode (true | false) "false" useAutoCommit (0 | 1 | 2) "1" ignoreAutoCommitExceptions (true | false) "false" jndi-datasource-name CDATA #IMPLIED driver CDATA #IMPLIED protocol CDATA #IMPLIED subprotocol CDATA #IMPLIED dbalias CDATA #IMPLIED username CDATA #IMPLIED password CDATA #IMPLIED
    jcdAlias attribute is a shortcut name for the defined connection descriptor. OJB uses the jcd alias as key for the defined connections.
    default-connection attribute used to define if this connection should used as default connection with OJB. You could define only one connection as default connection. It is also possible to set the default connection at runtime using PersistenceBrokerFactory#setDefaultKey(...) method. If set true you can use a PB-api shortcut-method of PersistenceBrokerFactory to lookup PersistenceBroker instances. If default-connection is not set at runtime, it is mandatory that username and password is set in repository file.
    platform attribute is used to define the specific RDBMS Platform. This attribute corresponds to a org.apache.ojb.broker.platforms.PlatformXXXImpl class. Supported databases see here . Default is Hsqldb .
    jdbc-level attribute is used to specify the Jdbc compliance level of the used Jdbc driver. Allowed values are: 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 . Default is 1.0 .
    eager-release attribute is used to solve a problem that occurs when using OJB within JBoss (3.0 <= version < 3.2.2, seems to be fixed in jboss 3.2.2 and higher). Only use within JBoss. DEPRECATED attribute.
    batch-mode attribute allow to enable JDBC connection batch support (if supported by used database), 'true' value allows to enable per-session batch mode, whereas 'false' prohibits it. PB.serviceConnectionManager.setBatchMode(...) method can be used to switch on/off batch modus, if batch-mode is enabled. On PB.close() OJB switches off batch modus, thus you have to do '...setBatchMode(true)' on each obtained PB instance again.
    useAutoCommit attribute allow to set how OJB uses the autoCommit state of the used connections. The default mode is 1. When using mode 0 or 2 with the PB-api, you must use PB transaction demarcation. 0 - OJB ignores the autoCommit setting of the connection and does not try to change it. This mode could be helpful if the connection won't let you set the autoCommit state (e.g. using datasources within an application server). 1 - Set autoCommit explicitly to when a connection is created, and temporary set to false when necessary (default mode). 2 - Set autoCommit explicitly to false when a connection is created. attribute is set to true , all exceptions caused by setting autocommit state, will be ignored. Default mode is false .
    jndi-datasource-name for JNDI based lookup of Jdbc connections is specified, the four attributes driver , protocol , subprotocol , and dbalias used for Jdbc DriverManager based construction of Jdbc Connections must not be declared.
    username and password attributes are used as credentials for obtaining a jdbc connections. If users don't want to keep user/password information in the repository.xml file, they can pass user/password using a PBKey to obtain a PersistenceBroker. More info see FAQ .
    The connection-pool element specifies the connection pooling and low-level JDBC driver parameters. Read more about OJB connection handling .
    <!ELEMENT connection-pool ( documentation?, attribute* )> documentation element can be used to store arbitrary information. Use the attribute element to set JDBC-level properties or to enable DBCP PreparedStatement pooling if your JDBC driver does not have a PreparedStatement cache already. See section custom attributes below for more information. When using an external DataSource, OJB cannot configure any JDBC-properties.
    Custom attributes
    Since OJB 1.0.4, custom attributes with names starting with "jdbc." will be passed (without the "jdbc." prefix) to the JDBC DriverManager when creating new Connection objects. Use this attribute to set driver-specific customized tuning options. For example, to set Oracle-batching to 5 statements: <attribute attribute-name="jdbc.defaultBatchValue" attribute-value="5"/>
    (default=0, unspecified) Sets a hint in the JDBC driver not to fetch more than specified number of rows per server roundtrip for any ResultSet. Setttings different than the default (0) are especially useful to reduce memory footprint when using drivers that default to not using server-side cursors and retrieves all rows to the JDBC client-side driver buffer. PostgreSQL JDBC driver is a well-known example of this. * Many JDBC drivers will silently ignore the fetchSize hint. * Also note that fetchSize has nothing to do with max rows returned by a ResultSet, only number of rows retrieved per JDBC- driver network roundtrip to the database server (if the driver cares about the hint at all, that is).
    Only valid for ConnectionFactoryDBCPImpl (default=false) Enable prepared statement pooling. PreparedStatement pooling with Commons DBCP is programmatically disabled when using platform=Oracle9i in OJB, since the platform implementation activates Oracle-specific statement caching that conflicts with DBCP ObjectPool-based caching. Ie, for a descriptor with platform="Oracle9i" there is no effect in setting: <attribute attribute-name="dbcp.poolPreparedStatements" attribute-value="true"/>
    Only valid for ConnectionFactoryDBCPImpl (default=0, unlimited) The maximum number of open statements that can be allocated from the statement pool at the same time, or zero for no limit.
    Only valid for ConnectionFactoryDBCPImpl (default=false) Controls if the DBCP "PoolGuard" connection wrapper allows access to the underlying Connection instance from the JDBC-driver. Only use when you need direct access to driver-specific extentions. It is generally not needed to change this setting in OJB. * Do not close the underlying connection, only the original one. * If using P6Spy, the underlying connection in DBCP will still be wrapped by P6Spy and you will have to continue unwrapping to the innermost delegate and Connection of JDBC-driver specific class.
    <!ATTLIST connection-pool maxActive CDATA #IMPLIED minIdle CDATA #IMPLIED maxIdle CDATA #IMPLIED maxWait CDATA #IMPLIED minEvictableIdleTimeMillis CDATA #IMPLIED numTestsPerEvictionRun CDATA #IMPLIED testOnBorrow ( true | false ) #IMPLIED testOnReturn ( true | false ) #IMPLIED testWhileIdle ( true | false ) #IMPLIED timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis CDATA #IMPLIED whenExhaustedAction ( 0 | 1 | 2 ) #IMPLIED validationQuery CDATA #IMPLIED removeAbandoned ( true | false ) #IMPLIED removeAbandonedTimeout CDATA #IMPLIED logAbandoned ( true | false ) #IMPLIED maxActive (default=21) The maximum number of active connections that can be allocated from this pool at the same time, or zero for no limit. maxIdle (default=-1) The maximum number of active connections that can remain idle in the pool, without extra ones being released, or zero for no limit. minIdle (Since OJB 1.0.4, default=0) The minimum number of active connections that can remain idle in the pool, without extra ones being created, or zero to create none. maxWait (default=5000) The maximum number of milliseconds that the pool will wait (when there are no available connections) for a connection to be returned before throwing an exception, or -1 to wait indefinitely. Must be > 0 for timeout to actually happen in DBCP PoolingDataSource. whenExhaustedAction (default=0)
  • 0 - fail when pool is exhausted
  • 1 - block when pool is exhausted
  • 2 - grow when pool is exhausted
  • validationQuery (default=not specified) The SQL query that will be used to validate connections from this pool according to testOnBorrow/testOnReturn/testWhileIdle. If specified, this query must be an SQL SELECT statement that returns at least one row. If not specified, only connection.isClosed() checks will be performed according to testOnBorrow/testOnReturn/testWhileIdle. Many database servers will discard idle connections after some time of inactivity. This timespan is usually configurable by the DBA and can range from anything between one hour and several days. Consider specifying a validation query that fits your database server and set at least testOnBorrow=true. testOnBorrow (default=true) The indication of whether connections will be validated before being borrowed from the pool. If the connection fails to validate, it will be dropped from the pool, and OJB will attempt to borrow another. testOnReturn (default=false) The indication of whether connections will be validated before being returned to the pool. testWhileIdle (default=false) The indication of whether connections will be validated by the idle object evictor (if any). If a connection fails to validate, it will be dropped from the pool. timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis (default=-1) The number of milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle object evictor thread. When non-positive, no idle object evictor thread will be run. numTestsPerEvictionRun (default=10) The number of objects to examine during each run of the idle object evictor thread (if any). Has no meaning if timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis is non-positive. minEvictableIdleTimeMillis (default=1800000) The minimum amount of time a connection may sit idle in the pool before it is eligable for eviction by the idle object evictor (if any). When non-positive, no connection will be dropped from the pool due to idle time alone. Has no meaning if timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis is non-positive. removeAbandoned [ConnectionFactoryDBCPImpl] (default=false) Flag to remove abandoned connections if they exceed the removeAbandonedTimout. If set to true a connection is considered abandoned and eligible for removal if it has been idle longer than the removeAbandonedTimeout. Setting this to true can recover db connections from poorly written applications which fail to close a connection. If you have enabled "removeAbandoned" then it is possible that a connection is reclaimed by the pool because it is considered to be abandoned. This mechanism is triggered on borrowObject (ie in OJB when a PersistenceBroker gets a Connection) when: (numIdle < 2) and (numActive > maxActive - 3) For example maxActive=20, 18 active connections and 1 idle connection would trigger the "removeAbandoned". But only the active connections that aren't used for more then removeAbandonedTimeout seconds are removed. Traversing a resultset doesn't count as being used. The abandoned object eviction takes place before normal borrowObject logic (there is no asynch evictor thread like for testWhileIdle). removeAbandonedTimeout [ConnectionFactoryDBCPImpl] (default=300) Timeout in seconds before an abandoned connection can be removed. Has no meaning if removeAbandoned is false. logAbandoned [ConnectionFactoryDBCPImpl] (default=false) Flag to log stack traces for application code which abandoned a Statement or Connection. Logging of abandoned Statements and Connections adds overhead for every Connection open or new Statement because a stack trace has to be generated.
    sequence-manager element specifies the sequence manager implementation used for key generation. All sequence manager implementations shipped with OJB can be found in the org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence package. If no sequence manager is defined, OJB uses the default one. More info about sequence key generation here . Use the custom-attribute element to pass implementation specific properties. <!ELEMENT sequence-manager ( documentation?, attribute* ) className attribute represents the full qualified class name of the desired sequence manager implementation - it is mandatory when using the sequence-manager element. All sequence manager implementations you find will under org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence package named as SequenceManagerXXXImpl More info about the usage of the Sequence Manager implementations can be found here. The priority of the declared object-cache elements are: per class > per jdbc descriptor > standard E.g. if you declare ObjectCache implementation 'my.cacheDef' as standard, set ObjectCache implementation 'my.cacheA' in class-descriptor for class A and class B does not declare an object-cache element. Then OJB use 'my.cacheA' as ObjectCache for class A and 'my.cacheDef' for class B. <!ELEMENT object-cache (documentation?, attribute*)> Use the custom-attribute element to pass implementation specific properties. <!ATTLIST object-cache class CDATA #REQUIRED Attribute 'class' specifies the full qualified class name of the used ObjectCache implementation.
    custom attribute
    attribute element allows arbitrary name/value pairs to be represented in the repository. See the repository.dtd for details on which elements support it (e.g. class-descriptor , object-cache , ...). <!ELEMENT attribute EMPTY> The attribute-name identifies the name of the attribute. The attribute-value identifies the value of the attribute. <!ATTLIST attribute attribute-name CDATA #REQUIRED attribute-value CDATA #REQUIRED To get access of the definied attribute use methods of org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.AttributeContainer . All classes supporting custom attributes have to implement this interface. Here you can see an example how to define an custom attribute within the class-descriptor element: <class-descriptor class="my.TestClass" table="OJB_TEST_CLASS" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <attribute attribute-name="myAttribute" attribute-value="myValue"/> </class-descriptor> To access the attribute you have to know the associated AttributeContainer class. Here it was ClassDescriptor . To read the attribute at runtime do: // get the ClassDescriptor ClassDescriptor cld = broker.getClassDescriptor(TestClass.class); String value = cld.getAttribute("myAttribute");
    A class-descriptor and the associated java class ClassDescriptor encapsulate metadata information of an interface, abstract or concrete class. For interfaces or abstract classes a class-descriptor holds a sequence of extent-class elements which specify the types extending this class . Concrete base classes may specify a sequence of extent-class elements, naming the derived classes. For concrete classes it must have field-descriptor s that describe primitive typed instance variables. References to other persistent entity classes are specified by reference-descriptor elements. Collections or arrays attributes that contain other persistent entity classes are specified by collection-descriptor elements A class-descriptor may contain user defined custom attribute elements. Use the custom-attribute element to pass implementation specific properties. <!ELEMENT class-descriptor ( documentation?, extent-class+, attribute* ) | documentation?, object-cache?, extent-class*, field-descriptor+, reference-descriptor*, collection-descriptor*, index-descriptor*, attribute*, insert-procedure?, update-procedure?, delete-procedure? ) The class attribute contains the full qualified name of the specified class. As this attribute is of the XML type ID there can only be one class-descriptor per class. The isolation-level attribute defines the locking isolation level of the specified class (used by OJB's pessimistic locking api). Note: This does NOT touch the jdbc-level of the connection. The isolation-level does not touch the jdbc-connection isolation level. It's completely independend from the database connection setting. If the proxy attribute is set, proxies are used for all loading operations of instances of this class. If set to dynamic , dynamic proxies are used. If set to another value this value is interpreted as the full-qualified name of the proxy class to use. More info about using of proxies here . The proxy-prefetching-limit attribute specifies a limit to the number of elements loaded on a proxied reference. When the first proxied element is loaded, a number up to the proxy-prefetch-limit will be loaded in addition. The schema attribute may contain the database schema owning the table mapped to this class. The table attribute speciefies the table name this class is mapped to. The row-reader attribute may contain a full qualified class name. This class will be used as the RowReader implementation used to materialize instances of the persistent class. extends attribute ************TODO: description************* The accept-locks attribute specifies whether implicit locking should propagate to this class. Currently relevant for the ODMG layer only. The optional initialization-method specifies a no-argument instance method that is invoked after reading an instance from a database row. It can be used to do initialization and validations. The optional factory-class specifies a factory class that that is to be used instead of a no argument constructor when new objects are created. If the factory class is specified, then the factory-method also must be defined. It refers to a static no-argument method of the factory class that returns a new instance. The refresh attribute can be set to true to force OJB to refresh instances when loaded from cache. Means all field values (except references) will be replaced by values retrieved from the database. It's set to false by default. <!ATTLIST class-descriptor class ID #REQUIRED isolation-level (read-uncommitted | read-committed | repeatable-read | serializable | optimistic | none) "read-uncommitted" proxy CDATA #IMPLIED proxy-prefetching-limit CDATA #IMPLIED schema CDATA #IMPLIED table CDATA #IMPLIED row-reader CDATA #IMPLIED extends IDREF #IMPLIED accept-locks (true | false) "true" initialization-method CDATA #IMPLIED factory-class CDATA #IMPLIED factory-method CDATA #IMPLIED refresh (true | false) "false"
    An extent-class element is used to specify an implementing class or a derived class that belongs to the extent of all instances of the interface or base class. <!ELEMENT extent-class EMPTY> The class-ref attribute must contain a fully qualified classname and the repository file must contain a class-descriptor for this class. <!ATTLIST extent-class class-ref IDREF #REQUIRED
    A field descriptor contains mapping info for a primitive typed attribute of a persistent class. A field descriptor may contain custom attribute elements. Use the custom-attribute element to pass implementation specific properties. <!ELEMENT field-descriptor (documentation?, attribute*)> The id attribute is optional. If not specified, OJB internally sorts field-descriptors according to their order of appearance in the repository file. If a different sort order is intended the id attribute may be used to hold a unique number identifying the decriptors position in the sequence of field-descriptors. The order of the numbers for the field-descriptors must correspond to the order of columns in the mapped table. The name attribute holds the name of the persistent classes attribute. More info about persistent field handling . The table attribute may specify a table different from the mapped table for the persistent class. ( currently not implemented ). The column attribute specifies the column the persistent classes field is mapped to. The jdbc-type attribute specifies the JDBC type of the column. If not specified OJB tries to identify the JDBC type by inspecting the Java attribute by reflection - OJB use the java/jdbc mapping desribed here . The primarykey specifies if the column is a primary key column, default value is false . The nullable attribute specifies if the column may contain null values. The indexed attribute specifies if there is an index on this column The autoincrement attribute specifies if the values for the persistent attribute should be automatically generated by OJB. More info about sequence key generation here . The sequence-name attribute can be used to state explicitly a sequence name used by the sequence manager implementations. Check the javadocs of the used sequence manager implementation to get information if this is a mandatory attribute. OJB standard sequence manager implementations build a sequence name by its own, if the attribute is not set. More info about sequence key generation here . The locking attribute is set to true if the persistent attribute is used for optimistic locking . More about optimistic locking . The default value is false . The updatelock attribute is set to false if the persistent attribute is used for optimistic locking AND the dbms should update the lock column itself. The default is true which means that when locking is true then OJB will update the locking fields. Can only be set for TIMESTAMP and INTEGER columns. The default-fetch attribute specifies whether the persistent attribute belongs to the JDO default fetch group. The conversion attribute contains a fully qualified class name. This class must implement the interface org.apache.ojb.accesslayer.conversions.FieldConversion . A FieldConversion can be used to implement conversions between Java- attributes and database columns. More about field conversion . The length attribute can be used to specify a length setting if required by the jdbc-type of the underlying database column. The precision attribute can be used to specify a precision setting, if required by the jdbc-type of the underlying database column. The scale attribute can be used to specify a sclae setting, if required by the jdbc-type of the underlying database column. The access attribute specifies the accessibility of the field. Fields marked as readonly are not to modified. readwrite marks fields that may be read and written to. anonymous marks anonymous fields. An anonymous field has a database representation (column) but no corresponding Java attribute. Hence the name of such a field does not refer to a Java attribute of the class, but is used as a unique identifier only. More info about anonymous keys here . <!ATTLIST field-descriptor id CDATA #IMPLIED name CDATA #REQUIRED table CDATA #IMPLIED column CDATA #REQUIRED jdbc-type (BIT | TINYINT | SMALLINT | INTEGER | BIGINT | DOUBLE | FLOAT | REAL | NUMERIC | DECIMAL | CHAR | VARCHAR | LONGVARCHAR | DATE | TIME | TIMESTAMP | BINARY | VARBINARY | LONGVARBINARY | CLOB | BLOB) #REQUIRED primarykey (true | false) "false" nullable (true | false) "true" indexed (true | false) "false" autoincrement (true | false) "false" sequence-name CDATA #IMPLIED locking (true | false) "false" update-lock (true | false) "true" default-fetch (true | false) "false" conversion CDATA #IMPLIED length CDATA #IMPLIED precision CDATA #IMPLIED scale CDATA #IMPLIED access (readonly | readwrite | anonymous) "readwrite"
    A reference-descriptor contains mapping info for an attribute of a persistent class that is not primitive but references another persistent entity Object. More about 1:1 references here . A foreignkey element contains information on foreign key columns that implement the association on the database level. <!ELEMENT reference-descriptor ( foreignkey+)> The name attribute holds the name of the persistent classes attribute. Depending on the used PersistendField implementation, there must be e.g. an attribute in the persistent class with this name or a JavaBeans compliant property of this name. The class-ref attribute contains a fully qualified class name. This class is the Object type of the persistent reference attribute. As this is an IDREF there must be a class-descriptor for this class in the repository too. The proxy attribute can be set to true to specify that proxy based lazy loading should be used for this attribute. The proxy-prefetch-limit attribute specifies a limit to the number of elements loaded on a proxied reference. When the first proxied element is loaded, a number up to the proxy-prefetch-limit will be loaded in addition. The refresh attribute can be set to true to force OJB to refresh the object reference when the object is loaded from cache. If true OJB try to retrieve the reference (dependent on the auto-xxx settings ) again when the main object is loaded from cache (normally only make sense for 1:n and m:n relations). This could be useful if the ObjectCache implementation cache full object graphs without synchronize the referenced objects. This does not mean that all referenced objects will be read from database. It only means that the reference will be refreshed, the objects itself may provided by the cache. To refresh the object fields itself set the refresh attribute in class-descriptor of the referenced object or disable caching (to always read objects from the persistent storage). The auto-retrieve attribute specifies whether OJB automatically retrieves this reference attribute on loading the persistent object. If set to false the reference attribute is set to null. In this case the user is responsible to fill the reference attribute. More info about auto-retrieve here . The auto-update attribute specifies whether OJB automatically stores this reference attribute on storing the persistent object. More info about the auto-XXX settings here . This attribute must be set to false if using the OTM or JDO layer.
    For ODMG-api none is mandatory (since OJB 1.0.2). The auto-delete attribute specifies whether OJB automatically deletes this reference attribute on deleting the persistent object. More info about the auto-XXX settings here . This attribute must be set to false if using the OTM or JDO layer.
    For ODMG-api none is mandatory (since OJB 1.0.2). The otm-dependent attribute specifies whether the OTM layer automatically creates the referred object or deletes it if the reference field is set to null. Also otm-dependent references behave as if auto-update and auto-delete were set to true, but the auto-update and auto-delete attributes themself must be always set to false for use with OTM layer. <!ATTLIST reference-descriptor name CDATA #REQUIRED class-ref IDREF #REQUIRED proxy (true | false) "false" proxy-prefetching-limit CDATA #IMPLIED refresh (true | false) "false" auto-retrieve (true | false) "true" auto-update (none | link | object | true | false) "false" auto-delete (none | link | object | true | false) "false" otm-dependent (true | false) "false"
    A foreignkey element contains information on a foreign-key persistent attribute that implement the association on the database level. <!ELEMENT foreignkey EMPTY> The field-ref and field-id-ref attributes contain the name and the id attributes of the field-descriptor used as a foreign key. Exactly one of these attributes must be specified. <!ATTLIST foreignkey field-id-ref CDATA #IMPLIED field-ref CDATA #IMPLIED
    A collection-descriptor contains mapping info for a liCollection- or Array-attribute of a persistent class that contains persistent entity Objects. See more about 1:n and m:n references. The inverse-foreignkey elements contains information on foreign-key attributes that implement the association on the database level. The fk-pointing-to-this-class and fk-pointing-to-element-class elements are only needed if the Collection or array implements a m:n association. In this case they contain information on the foreign-key columns of the intermediary table. Use the custom-attribute element to pass implementation specific properties. <!ELEMENT collection-descriptor ( documentation?, orderby*, inverse-foreignkey*, fk-pointing-to-this-class*, fk-pointing-to-element-class*, attribute*)> The name attribute holds the name of the persistent classes attribute. More info about persistent field handling . The collection-class may hold a fully qualified class name. This class must be the Java type of the Collection attribute. This attribute must only specified if the attribute type is not a java.util.Collection (or subclass) or Array type. It is also possible to use non Collection or Array type user defined "collection" classes. More info see section manageable collection . The element-class-ref attribute contains a fully qualified class name. This class is the Object type of the elements of persistent collection or Array attribute. As this is an IDREF there must be a class-descriptor for this class in the repository too. The orderby attribute may specify a field of the element class. The Collection or Array will be sorted according to the specified attribute. The sort attribute may be used to specify ascending or descending order for this operation. The indirection-table must specify the name of an intermediary table, if the persistent collection attribute implements a m:n association. The proxy attribute can be set to true to specify that proxy based lazy loading should be used for this attribute. More about using proxy here . The proxy-prefetch-limit attribute specifies a limit to the number of elements loaded on a proxied reference. When the first proxied element is loaded, a number up to the proxy-prefetch-limit will be loaded in addition. The refresh attribute can be set to true to force OJB to refresh the object reference when the object is loaded from cache. If true OJB try to retrieve the reference (dependent on the auto-xxx settings ) again when the main object is loaded from cache (normally only make sense for 1:n and m:n relations). This could be useful if the ObjectCache implementation cache full object graphs without synchronize the referenced objects. This does not mean that all referenced objects will be read from database. It only means that the reference will be refreshed, the objects itself may provided by the cache. To refresh the object fields itself set the refresh attribute in class-descriptor of the referenced object or disable caching (to always read objects from the persistent storage). The auto-retrieve attribute specifies whether OJB automatically retrieves this reference attribute on loading the persistent object. If set to false the reference attribute is set to null. In this case the user is responsible to fill the reference attribute. More info about auto-retrieve here . The auto-update attribute specifies whether OJB automatically stores this reference attribute on storing the persistent object. More info about the auto-XXX settings here . This attribute must be set to false if using the OTM or JDO layer.
    For ODMG-api none is mandatory (since OJB 1.0.2). The auto-delete attribute specifies whether OJB automatically deletes this reference attribute on deleting the persistent object. More info about the auto-XXX settings here . This attribute must be set to false if using the OTM or JDO layer.
    For ODMG-api none is mandatory (since OJB 1.0.2). The otm-dependent attribute specifies whether the OTM layer automatically creates collection elements that were included into the collection, and deletes collection elements that were removed from the collection. Also otm-dependent references behave as if auto-update and auto-delete were set to true, but the auto-update and auto-delete attributes themself must be always set to false for use with OTM layer. <!ATTLIST collection-descriptor name CDATA #IMPLIED collection-class CDATA #IMPLIED element-class-ref IDREF #REQUIRED orderby CDATA #IMPLIED sort (ASC | DESC) "ASC" indirection-table CDATA #IMPLIED proxy (true | false) "false" proxy-prefetching-limit CDATA #IMPLIED refresh (true | false) "false" auto-retrieve (true | false) "true" auto-update (none | link | object | true | false) "false" auto-delete (none | link | object | true | false) "false" otm-dependent (true | false) "false"
    A inverse-foreignkey element contains information on a foreign-key persistent attribute that implement the association on the database level. <!ELEMENT inverse-foreignkey EMPTY> The field-ref and field-id-ref attributes contain the name and the id attributes of the field-descriptor used as a foreign key. Exactly one of these attributes must be specified. <!ATTLIST inverse-foreignkey field-id-ref CDATA #IMPLIED field-ref CDATA #IMPLIED
    A fk-pointing-to-this-class element contains information on a foreign-key column of an intermediary table in a m:n scenario. <!ELEMENT fk-pointing-to-this-class EMPTY> The column attribute specifies the foreign-key column in the intermediary table that points to the class holding the collection. <!ATTLIST fk-pointing-to-this-class column CDATA #REQUIRED
    A fk-pointing-to-element-class element contains information on a foreign-key column of an intermediary table in a m:n scenario. <!ELEMENT fk-pointing-to-element-class EMPTY> The column attribute specifies the foreign-key column in the intermediary table that points to the class of the collection elements. <!ATTLIST fk-pointing-to-element-class column CDATA #REQUIRED
    A query enhancer element to enhance the 1:n query, e.g. to modify the result objects of a query. More info about customizing collection queries . Use the custom-attribute element to pass implementation specific properties. <!ELEMENT query-customizer ( documentation?, attribute*)> <!ATTLIST query-customizer class CDATA #REQUIRED
    An index-descriptor describes an index by listing its columns. It may be unique or not. <!ELEMENT index-descriptor (documentation?, index-column+)> <!ATTLIST index-descriptor name CDATA #REQUIRED unique (true | false) "false">
    An index-column is just the name of a column in an index. <!ELEMENT index-column (documentation?)> <!ATTLIST index-column name CDATA #REQUIRED>
    Stored Procedure Support
    OJB supports stored procedures for insert, update and delete operations. How to use stored procedures within OJB can be found here .
    Identifies the procedure/function that should be used to handle insertions for a specific class-descriptor. The nested argument elements define the argument list for the procedure/function as well as the source for each argument. Use the custom-attribute element to pass implementation specific properties. <!ELEMENT insert-procedure (documentation?, (runtime-argument | constant-argument)?, attribute*)> The name attribute identifies the name of the procedure/function to use The return-field-ref identifies the field-descriptor that will receive the value that is returned by the procedure/function. If the procedure/ function does not include a return value, then do not specify a value for this attribute. The include-all-fields attribute indicates if all field-descriptors in the corresponding class-descriptor are to be passed to the procedure/ function. If include-all-fields is 'true', any nested 'argument' elements will be ignored. In this case, values for all field-descriptors will be passed to the procedure/function. The order of values that are passed to the procedure/function will match the order of field-descriptors on the corresponding class-descriptor. If include-all-fields is false, then values will be passed to the procedure/function based on the information in the nested 'argument' elements. <!ATTLIST insert-procedure name CDATA #REQUIRED return-field-ref CDATA #IMPLIED include-all-fields (true | false) "false"
    Identifies the procedure/function that should be used to handle updates for a specific class-descriptor. The nested argument elements define the argument list for the procedure/function as well as the source for each argument. Use the custom-attribute element to pass implementation specific properties. <!ELEMENT update-procedure (documentation?, (runtime-argument | constant-argument)?, attribute*)> The name attribute identifies the name of the procedure/function to use The return-field-ref identifies the field-descriptor that will receive the value that is returned by the procedure/function. If the procedure/ function does not include a return value, then do not specify a value for this attribute. The include-all-fields attribute indicates if all field-descriptors in the corresponding class-descriptor are to be passed to the procedure/ function. If include-all-fields is 'true', any nested 'argument' elements will be ignored. In this case, values for all field-descriptors will be passed to the procedure/function. The order of values that are passed to the procedure/function will match the order of field-descriptors on the corresponding class-descriptor. If include-all-fields is false, then values will be passed to the procedure/function based on the information in the nested 'argument' elements. <!ATTLIST update-procedure name CDATA #REQUIRED return-field-ref CDATA #IMPLIED include-all-fields (true | false) "false"
    Identifies the procedure/function that should be used to handle deletions for a specific class-descriptor. The nested runtime-argument and constant-argument elements define the argument list for the procedure/function as well as the source for each argument. Use the custom-attribute element to pass implementation specific properties. <!ELEMENT delete-procedure (documentation?, (runtime-argument | constant-argument)?, attribute*)> The name attribute identifies the name of the procedure/function to use The return-field-ref identifies the field-descriptor that will receive the value that is returned by the procedure/function. If the procedure/ function does not include a return value, then do not specify a value for this attribute. The include-pk-only attribute indicates if all field-descriptors in the corresponding class-descriptor that are identified as being part of the primary key are to be passed to the procedure/function. If include-pk-only is 'true', any nested 'argument' elements will be ignored. In this case, values for all field-descriptors that are identified as being part of the primary key will be passed to the procedure/function. The order of values that are passed to the procedure/function will match the order of field-descriptors on the corresponding class-descriptor. If include-pk-only is false, then values will be passed to the procedure/ function based on the information in the nested 'argument' elements. <!ATTLIST delete-procedure name CDATA #REQUIRED return-field-ref CDATA #IMPLIED include-pk-only (true | false) "false"
    Defines an argument that is passed to a procedure/function. Each argument will be set to a value from a field-descriptor or null. Use the custom-attribute element to pass implementation specific properties. <!ELEMENT runtime-argument (documentation?, attribute*)> The field-ref attribute identifies the field-descriptor in the corresponding class-descriptor that provides the value for this argument. If this attribute is unspecified, then this argument will be set to null. <!ATTLIST runtime-argument field-ref CDATA #IMPLIED return (true | false) "false"
    Defines a constant value that is passed to a procedure/function. Use the custom-attribute element to pass implementation specific properties. <!ELEMENT constant-argument (documentation?, attribute*)> The value attribute identifies the value that is passed to the procedure/ function. <!ATTLIST constant-argument value CDATA #REQUIRED

    Basic O/R Mapping Technique

    Mapping 1:1 associations
    As a sample for a simple association we take the reference from an article to its productgroup. This association is navigable only from the article to its productgroup. Both classes are modelled in the following class diagram. This diagram does not show methods, as only attributes are relevant for the O/R mapping process. The association is implemented by the attribute productGroup . To automatically maintain this reference OJB relies on foreignkey attributes. The foreign key containing the groupId of the referenced productgroup is stored in the attribute productGroupId . To avoid FK attribute in persistent object class see section about anonymous keys . This is the DDL of the underlying tables: CREATE TABLE Artikel Artikel_Nr INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Artikelname VARCHAR(60), Lieferanten_Nr INT, Kategorie_Nr INT, Liefereinheit VARCHAR(30), Einzelpreis FLOAT, Lagerbestand INT, BestellteEinheiten INT, MindestBestand INT, Auslaufartikel INT CREATE TABLE Kategorien Kategorie_Nr INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, KategorieName VARCHAR(20), Beschreibung VARCHAR(60) To declare the foreign key mechanics of this reference attribute we have to add a reference-descriptor to the class-descriptor of the Article class. This descriptor contains the following information: A reference-descriptor contains one or more foreignkey elements. These elements define foreign key attributes. The element <foreignkey field-ref="productGroupId"/> contains the name of the field-descriptor describing the foreignkey fields. The FieldDescriptor with the name "productGroupId" describes the foreignkey attribute productGroupId: <field-descriptor name="productGroupId" column="Kategorie_Nr" jdbc-type="INTEGER" See the following extract from the repository.xml file containing the Article ClassDescriptor: <!-- Definitions for org.apache.ojb.ojb.broker.Article --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article" proxy="dynamic" table="Artikel" <extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.BookArticle" /> <extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.CdArticle" /> <field-descriptor name="articleId" column="Artikel_Nr" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="articleName" column="Artikelname" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <field-descriptor name="supplierId" column="Lieferanten_Nr" jdbc-type="INTEGER" <field-descriptor name="productGroupId" column="Kategorie_Nr" jdbc-type="INTEGER" <reference-descriptor name="productGroup" class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.ProductGroup" <foreignkey field-ref="productGroupId"/> </reference-descriptor> </class-descriptor> This example provides unidirectional navigation only. Bidirectional navigation may be added by including a reference from a ProductGroup to a single Article (for example, a sample article for the productgroup). To accomplish this we need to perform the following steps: to the ProductGroup class representing the foreign key. To avoid FK attribute in persistent object class see section about anonymous keys . Add a column SAMPLE_ARTICLE_ID INT to the table Kategorien . Add a FieldDescriptor for the foreignkey attribute to the ClassDescriptor of the Class ProductGroup: none On updating or inserting of the main object with PersistenceBroker.store(...) , the referenced object will NOT be updated by default.The reference will not be inserted or updated , the link to the reference (foreign key value to the reference) on the main object will not be assigned automatically. The user has to link the main object and to store the reference before the main object to avoid violation of referential integrity. link On updating or inserting of the main object with PersistenceBroker.store(...) , the FK assignment on the main object was done automatic. OJB reads the PK from the referenced object and sets these values as FK in main object. But the referenced object remains untouched. If no referenced object is found, the FK will be nullified. (On insert it is allowed to set the FK without populating the referenced object) object On updating or inserting of the main object with PersistenceBroker.store(...) , the referenced object will be stored first, then OJB does the same as in link . object On deleting an object with PersistenceBroker.delete(...) the referenced object will be deleted too.
    Mapping 1:n associations
    We will take a different perspective from the previous exmaple for a 1:n association. We will associate multiple Articles with a single ProductGroup. This association is navigable only from the ProductGroup to its Article instances. Both classes are modelled in the following class diagram. This diagram does not show methods, as only attributes are relevant for the O/R mapping process. attribute allArticlesInGroup on the ProductGroup class. As in the previous example, the Article class contains a foreignkey attribute named productGroupId that identifies an Article's ProductGroup. The Database table are the same as above. To declare the foreign key mechanics of this collection attribute we must add a CollectionDescriptor to the ClassDescriptor of the ProductGoup class. This descriptor contains the following information: The name of field-descriptor of the element class used as foreign key attributes are defined in inverse-foreignkey elements: <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="productGroupId"/> This is again pointing to the field-descriptor for the attribute productGoupId in class Article. optional attributes to define the sort order of the retrieved collection: orderby="articleId" sort="DESC" .

    See the following extract from the repository.xml file containing the ProductGoup ClassDescriptor:

    <!-- Definitions for org.apache.ojb.broker.ProductGroup --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.ProductGroup" table="Kategorien" <field-descriptor name="groupId" column="Kategorie_Nr" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="groupName" column="KategorieName" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <field-descriptor name="description" column="Beschreibung" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <collection-descriptor name="allArticlesInGroup" element-class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article" orderby="articleId" sort="DESC" <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="productGroupId"/> </collection-descriptor> </class-descriptor> With the mapping shown above OJB has two possibilities to load the Articles belonging to a ProductGroup: loading all Articles of the ProductGroup immediately after loading the ProductGroup. This is done with two SQL-calls: one for the ProductGroup and one for all Articles. if Article is a proxy ( using proxy classes ), OJB will only load the keys of the Articles after the ProductGroup. When accessing an Article-proxy OJB will have to materialize it with another SQL-Call. Loading the ProductGroup and all it's Articles will thus produce n+2 SQL-calls: one for the ProductGroup, one for keys of the Articles and one for each Article. A. is suitable for a small number of related objects that are easily instantiated. It's efficient regarding DB-calls. The major drawback is the amount of data loaded. For example to show a list of ProductGroups the Articles may not be needed. B. is best used for a large number of related heavy objects. This solution loads the objects when they are needed ("lazy loading"). The price to pay is a DB-call for each object. Further down a third solution using a single proxy for a whole collection will be presented to circumvent the described drawbacks. OJB supports different Collection types to implement 1:n and m:n associations. OJB detects the used type automatically, so there is no need to declare it in the repository file. But in some cases the default behaviour of OJB is undesired. Please read here for more information . When using primitive primary key fields, please pay attention on how OJB manage null for primitive PK/FK
    1:n auto-xxx setting
    General info about the auto-xxx and proxy attributes can be found here . auto-retrieve none On updating or inserting of the main object with PersistenceBroker.store(...) , the referenced objects are NOT updated by default. The referenced objects will not be inserted or updated , the referenced objects will not be linked (foreign key assignment on referenced objects) to the main object automatically. The user has to link and to store the referenced objects after storing the main object to avoid violation of referential integrity. link On updating or inserting of the main object with PersistenceBroker.store(...) , the referenced objects are NOT updated by default. The referenced objects will not be inserted or updated , but the referenced objects will be linked automatically (FK assignment) the main object. On deleting an object with PersistenceBroker.delete(...) the referenced objects are NOT touched. This may lead to violation of referential integrity if the referenced objects are childs of the main object. In this case the referenced objects have to be deleted manually first. object On deleting an object with PersistenceBroker.delete(...) the referenced objects will be deleted too. OJB provides support for manually decomposed m:n associations as well as an automated support for non decomposed m:n associations.
    Manual decomposition into two 1:n associations
    Have a look at the following class diagram: We see a two classes with a m:n association. A Person can work for an arbitrary number of Projects. A Project may have any number of Persons associated to it.
    Relational databases don't support m:n associations. They require to perform a manual decomposition by means of an intermediary table. The DDL looks like follows: CREATE TABLE PERSON ( ID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, FIRSTNAME VARCHAR(50), LASTNAME VARCHAR(50) CREATE TABLE PROJECT ( ID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, TITLE VARCHAR(50), DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(250) CREATE TABLE PERSON_PROJECT ( PERSON_ID INT NOT NULL, PROJECT_ID INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (PERSON_ID, PROJECT_ID) This intermediary table allows to decompose the m:n association into two 1:n associations. The intermediary table may also hold additional information. For example, the role a certain person plays for a project: CREATE TABLE PERSON_PROJECT ( PERSON_ID INT NOT NULL, PROJECT_ID INT NOT NULL, ROLENAME VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (PERSON_ID, PROJECT_ID) The decomposition is mandatory on the ER model level. On the object model level it is not mandatory, but may be a valid solution. It is mandatory on the object level if the association is qualified (as in our example with a rolename). This will result in the introduction of a association class. A class-diagram reflecting this decomposition looks like: Project .
    Handling of 1:n mapping has been explained above. Thus we will finish this section with a short look at the repository entries for the classes org.apache.ojb.broker.Person , org.apache.ojb.broker.Project and org.apache.ojb.broker.Role : <!-- Definitions for org.apache.ojb.broker.Person --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.Person" table="PERSON" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="firstname" column="FIRSTNAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <field-descriptor name="lastname" column="LASTNAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <collection-descriptor name="roles" element-class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Role" <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="person_id"/> </collection-descriptor> </class-descriptor> <!-- Definitions for org.apache.ojb.broker.Project --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.Project" table="PROJECT" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="title" column="TITLE" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <field-descriptor name="description" column="DESCRIPTION" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <collection-descriptor name="roles" element-class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Role" <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="project_id"/> </collection-descriptor> </class-descriptor> <!-- Definitions for org.apache.ojb.broker.Role --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.Role" table="PERSON_PROJECT" <field-descriptor name="person_id" column="PERSON_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" <field-descriptor name="project_id" column="PROJECT_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" <field-descriptor name="roleName" column="ROLENAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <reference-descriptor name="person" class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Person" <foreignkey field-ref="person_id"/> </reference-descriptor> <reference-descriptor name="project" class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Project" <foreignkey field-ref="project_id"/> </reference-descriptor> </class-descriptor>
    Support for Non-Decomposed m:n Mappings
    If there is no need for an association class at the object level (we are not interested in role information), OJB can be configured to do the m:n mapping transparently. For example, a Person does not have a collection of Role objects but only a Collection of Project objects (held in the attribute projects ). Projects also are expected to contain a collection of Person objects (hold in attribute persons ). To tell OJB how to handle this m:n association the CollectionDescriptors for the Collection attributes projects roles need additional information on the intermediary table and the foreign key columns pointing to the PERSON table and the foreign key columns pointing to the PROJECT table: OJB supports a multiplicity of collection implementations , inter alia org.apache.ojb.broker.util.collections.RemovalAwareCollection org.apache.ojb.broker.util.collections.RemovalAwareList . By default the removal aware collections were used. This cause problems in m:n relations when auto-update="true" or "object" and auto-delete="false" or "none" is set, because objects deleted in the collection will be deleted on update of main object. Thus it is recommended to use a NOT removal aware collection class in m:n relations using the collection-class attribute. Example for setting a collection class in the collection-descriptor: collection-class="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.collections.ManageableArrayList" An full example for a non-decomposed m:n relation looks like: <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.Person" table="PERSON" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="firstname" column="FIRSTNAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <field-descriptor name="lastname" column="LASTNAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <collection-descriptor name="projects" collection-class="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.collections.ManageableArrayList" element-class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Project" auto-retrieve="true" auto-update="true" indirection-table="PERSON_PROJECT" <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="PERSON_ID"/> <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="PROJECT_ID"/> </collection-descriptor> </class-descriptor> <!-- Definitions for org.apache.ojb.broker.Project --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.Project" table="PROJECT" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="title" column="TITLE" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <field-descriptor name="description" column="DESCRIPTION" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <collection-descriptor name="persons" collection-class="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.collections.ManageableArrayList" element-class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Person" auto-retrieve="true" auto-update="false" indirection-table="PERSON_PROJECT" <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="PROJECT_ID"/> <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="PERSON_ID"/> </collection-descriptor> </class-descriptor> That is all that needs to be configured! See the code in class org.apache.ojb.broker.MtoNMapping for JUnit testmethods using the classes Person , Project and Role . When using primitive primary key fields, please pay attention on how OJB manage null for primitive PK/FK
    m:n auto-xxx setting
    General info about the auto-xxx and proxy attributes can be found none On updating or inserting of the main object with PersistenceBroker.store(...) , the referenced objects are NOT updated by default. The referenced objects will not be inserted or updated , the referenced objects will not be linked (creation of FK entries in the indirection table) automatically. The user has to store the main object, the referenced objects and to link the m:n relation after storing of all objects. establishing the m:n relationship before storing main and referenced objects may violate referential integrity. link On updating or inserting of the main object with PersistenceBroker.store(...) , the referenced objects are NOT updated by default. The referenced objects will not be inserted or updated , but the m:n relation will be linked automatically (creation of FK entries in the indirection table). Make sure that the referenced objects exist in database before storing the main object with auto-update set link to avoid violation of referential integrity. On deleting an object with PersistenceBroker.delete(...) the referenced objects are NOT touched. The corresponding entries of the main object in the indirection table will not be removed. This may lead to violation of referential integrity depending on the definition of the indirection table. object On deleting an object with PersistenceBroker.delete(...) all referenced objects will be deleted too.
    Setting Load, Update, and Delete Cascading
    As shown in the sections on 1:1, 1:n and m:n mappings, OJB manages associations (or object references in Java terminology) by declaring special Reference and Collection Descriptors. These Descriptor may contain some additional information that modifies OJB's behaviour on object materialization, updating and deletion. The behaviour depends on specific attributes When using a top-level api (ODMG, OTM, JDO) it is mandatory to use specific auto-xxx settings .

    For OTM- and JDO-api the settings are:
    - auto-retrieve="true"
    - auto-update="false"
    - auto-retrieve="false"
    This are at the same time the default auto-XXX settings (so don't specify any of this attributes will have the same effect).
    For the ODMG-api the mandatory settings are (since OJB 1.0.2):
    - auto-retrieve="true"
    - auto-update="none"
    - auto-retrieve="none" The attribute auto-update and auto-delete are described in detail in the corresponding sections for 1:1 , 1:n and m:n references. The auto-retrieve setting is described below:
    auto-retrieve setting
    auto-retrieve attribute used in reference-descriptor or collection-descriptor elements handles the loading behaviour of references (1:1, 1:n and m:n): false If set false the referenced objects will not be materialized on object materialization. The user has to materialize the n-side objects (or single object for 1:1) by hand using one of the following service methods of the PersistenceBroker class: PersistenceBroker.retrieveReference(Object obj, String attributeName); // or PersistenceBroker.retrieveAllReferences(Object obj); The first method load only the specified reference, the second one loads all references declared for the given object. Be careful when using "opposite" settings, e.g. if you declare a 1:1 reference with auto-retrieve="false" BUT auto-update="object" (or "true" or "link"). Before you can perform an update on the main object, you have to "retrieve" the 1:1 reference. Otherwise you will end up with an nullified reference enty in main object, because OJB doesn't find the referenced object on update and assume the reference was removed. true If set true the referenced objects (single reference or all n-side objects) will be automatic loaded by OJB when the main object was materialized. If OJB is configured to use proxies, the referenced objects are not materialized immmediately, but lazy loading proxy objects are used instead. In the following code sample, a reference-descriptor and a collection-descriptor are configured to use cascading retrieval ( auto-retrieve="true" ), cascading insert/update ( auto-update="object" or auto-update="true" ) and cascading delete ( auto-delete="object" or auto-delete="true" ) operations: <reference-descriptor name="productGroup" class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.ProductGroup" auto-retrieve="true" auto-update="object" auto-delete="object" <foreignkey field-ref="productGroupId"/> </reference-descriptor> <collection-descriptor name="allArticlesInGroup" element-class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article" auto-retrieve="true" auto-update="object" auto-delete="object" orderby="articleId" sort="DESC" <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="productGroupId"/> </collection-descriptor>
    Link references

    If in reference-descriptor or collection-descriptor the auto-update or auto-delete attributes are set to none , OJB does not touch the referenced objects on insert, update or delete operations of the main object. The user has to take care of the correct handling of referenced objects. When using referential integrity (who does not ?) it's essential that insert and delete operations are done in the correct sequence. One important thing is assignment of the FK values. The assign of the FK values is transcribed with link references in OJB. In 1:1 references the main object has a FK to the referenced object, in 1:n references the referenced objects have FK pointing to the main object and in non-decomposed m:n relations a indirection table containing FK values from both sides of the relationship is used. OJB provides some helper methods for linking references manually (assignment of the FK) in org.apache.ojb.broker.util.BrokerHelper class. public void link(Object obj, boolean insert) public void unlink(Object obj) public boolean link(Object obj, String attributeName, boolean insert) public boolean unlink(Object obj, String attributeName) These methods are accessible via org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBroker : BrokerHelper bh = broker.serviceBrokerHelper(); The link/unlink methods are only useful if you set auto-update/-delete to none . In all other cases OJB handles the link/unlink of references internally. It is also possible to set all FK values by hand without using the link/unlink service methods. Examples Now we prepared for some example. Say class Movie has an m:n reference with class Actor and we want to store an Movie object with a list of Actor objects. The auto-update setting of collection-descriptor for Movie is none : broker.beginTransaction(); // store main object first broker.store(movie); //now we store the right-side objects Iterator it = movie.getActors().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) Object actor = it.next(); broker.store(actor); // now both side exist and we can link the references broker.serviceBrokerHelper().link(movie, "actors", true); alternative call broker.serviceBrokerHelper().link(movie, true); broker.commitTransaction(); First store the main object and the references, then use broker.serviceBrokerHelper().link(movie, "actors", true) to link the main object with the references. In case of a m:n relation linking create all FK entries in the indirection table. In the next examples we want to manually delete a Project object with a 1:n relation to class SubProject . In the example, the Project object has load all SubProject objects and we want to delete the Project but don't want to delete the referenced SubProjects too (don't ask if this make sense ;-)). SubProject has an FK to Project, so we first have to unlink the reference from the main object to the references to avoid integrity constraint violation. Then we can delete the main object: broker.beginTransaction(); // first unlink the n-side references broker.serviceBrokerHelper().unlink(project, "subProjects"); // update the n-side references, store SubProjects with nullified FK Iterator it = project.getSubProjects().iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) SubProject subProject = (SubProject) it.next(); broker.store(subProject); // now delete the main object broker.delete(project); broker.commitTransaction();

    Using Proxy Classes
    Proxy classes can be used for "lazy loading" aka "lazy materialization". Using Proxy classes can help you in reducing unneccessary database lookups. There are two kind of proxy mechanisms available: Dynamic proxies provided by OJB. They can simply be activated by setting certain switches in repository.xml. This is the solution recommemded for most cases. As it is important to understand the mechanics of the proxy mechanism I highly recommend to read this section before turning to the next sections "using dynamic proxies", "using a single proxy for a whole collection" and "using a proxy for a reference", covering dynamic proxies. As a simple example we take a ProductGroup object pg which contains a collection of fifteen Article objects. Now we examine what happens when the ProductGroup is loaded from the database: Without using proxies all fifteen associated Article objects are immediately loaded from the db, even if you are not interested in them and just want to lookup the description-attribute of the ProductGroup object. If proxies are used, the collection is filled with fifteen proxy objects, that implement the same interface as the "real objects" but contain only an OID and a void reference. The fifteen article objects are not instantiated when the ProductGroup is initially materialized. Only when a method is invoked on such a proxy object will it load its "real subject" and delegate the method call to it. Using this dynamic delegation mechanism instantiation of persistent objects and database lookups can be minimized. To use proxies, the persistent class in question (in our case the Article class) must implement an interface (for example InterfaceArticle). This interface is needed to allow replacement of the proper Article object with a proxy implementing the same interface. Have a look at the code: public class Article implements InterfaceArticle /** maps to db-column "Artikel-Nr"; PrimaryKey*/ protected int articleId; /** maps to db-column "Artikelname"*/ protected String articleName; public int getArticleId() return articleId; public java.lang.String getArticleName() return articleName; public interface InterfaceArticle public int getArticleId(); public java.lang.String getArticleName(); public class ArticleProxy extends VirtualProxy implements InterfaceArticle public ArticleProxy(ojb.broker.Identity uniqueId, PersistenceBroker broker) super(uniqueId, broker); public int getArticleId() return realSubject().getArticleId(); public java.lang.String getArticleName() return realSubject().getArticleName(); private InterfaceArticle realSubject() return (InterfaceArticle) getRealSubject(); catch (Exception e) return null; The proxy is constructed from the identity of the real subject. All method calls are delegated to the object returned by realSubject() .
    This method uses getRealSubject() from the base class VirtualProxy: public Object getRealSubject() throws PersistenceBrokerException return indirectionHandler.getRealSubject(); The proxy delegates the the materialization work to its IndirectionHandler . If the real subject has not yet been materialized, a PersistenceBroker is used to retrieve it by its OID: public synchronized Object getRealSubject() throws PersistenceBrokerException if (realSubject == null) materializeSubject(); return realSubject; private void materializeSubject() throws PersistenceBrokerException realSubject = broker.getObjectByIdentity(id); To tell OJB to use proxy objects instead of materializing full Article objects we have to add the following section to the XML repository file: <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article" proxy="org.apache.ojb.broker.ArticleProxy" table="Artikel" The following class diagram shows the relationships between all above mentioned classes: The implementation of a proxy class is a boring task that repeats the same delegation scheme for each new class. To liberate the developer from this unproductive job OJB provides a dynamic proxy solution based on the JDK 1.3 dynamic proxy concept. (For JDK1.2 we ship a replacement for the required java.lang.reflect classes. Credits for this solution to ObjectMentor.) The basic idea of the dynamic proxy concept is to catch all method invocations on the not-yet materialized (loaded from database) object. When a method is called on the object, Java directs this call to the invocation handler registered for it (in OJB's case a class implementing the org.apache.ojb.broker.core.proxy.IndirectionHandler interface). This handler then materializes the object from the database and replaces the proxy with the real object. By default OJB uses the class org.apache.ojb.broker.core.proxy.IndirectionHandlerDefaultImpl . If you are interested in the mechanics have a look at this class. To use a dynamic proxy for lazy materialization of Article objects we have to declare it in the repository.xml file. <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article" proxy="dynamic" table="Artikel" Just as with normal proxies, the persistent class in question (in our case the Article class) must implement an interface (for example InterfaceArticle) to be able to benefit from dynamic proxies.
    Using a Single Proxy for a Whole Collection
    A collection proxy represents a whole collection of objects, where as a proxy class represents a single object. The advantage of this concept is a reduced number of db-calls compared to using proxy classes. A collection proxy only needs a single db-call to materialize all it's objects. This happens the first time its content is accessed (ie: by calling iterator();). An additional db-call is used to calculate the size of the collection if size() is called before loading the data. So collection proxy is mainly used as a deferred execution of a query. OJB uses three specific proxy classes for collections: List proxies are specific java.util.List implementations that are used by OJB to replace lists. The default set proxy class is org.apache.ojb.broker.core.proxy.ListProxyDefaultImpl Set proxies are specific java.util.Set implementations that are used by OJB to replace sets. The default set proxy class is org.apache.ojb.broker.core.proxy.SetProxyDefaultImpl Collection proxies are collection classes implementing the more generic java.util.Collection interface and are used if the collection is neither a list nor a set. The default collection proxy class is org.apache.ojb.broker.core.proxy.CollectionProxyDefaultImpl Which of these proxy class is actually used, is determined by the collection-class setting of this collection. If none is specified in the repository descriptor, or if the specified class does not implement java.util.List nor java.util.Set , then the generic collection proxy is used. The following mapping shows how to use a collection proxy for a relationship: <!-- Definitions for org.apache.ojb.broker.ProductGroupWithCollectionProxy --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.ProductGroupWithCollectionProxy" table="Kategorien" <field-descriptor name="groupId" column="Kategorie_Nr" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" <collection-descriptor name="allArticlesInGroup" element-class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article" proxy="true" <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="productGroupId"/> </collection-descriptor> </class-descriptor> The classes participating in this relationship do not need to implement a special interface to be used in a collection proxy. Although it is possible to mix the collection proxy concept with the proxy class concept, it is not recommended because it increases the number of database calls.
    Using a Proxy for a Reference
    A proxy reference is based on the original proxy class concept. The main difference is that the ReferenceDescriptor defines when to use a proxy class and not the ClassDescriptor. In the following mapping the class ProductGroup is not defined to be a proxy class in its ClassDescriptor. Only for shown relationship a proxy of ProductGroup should be used: <!-- Definitions for org.apache.ojb.broker.ArticleWithReferenceProxy --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.ArticleWithReferenceProxy" table="Artikel" <field-descriptor name="articleId" column="Artikel_Nr" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <reference-descriptor name="productGroup" class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.ProductGroup" proxy="true" <foreignkey field-ref="productGroupId"/> </reference-descriptor> </class-descriptor> Because a proxy reference is only about the location of the definition, the referenced class must implement a special interface (see using proxy classes ).
    Customizing the proxy mechanism
    Both the dynamic and the collection proxy mechanism can be customized by supplying a user-defined implementation. For dynamic proxies you can provide your own invocation handler which implements the org.apache.ojb.broker.core.proxy.IndirectionHandler interface. See OJB's default implementation org.apache.ojb.broker.core.proxy.IndirectionHandlerDefaultImpl for details on how to implement such an invocation handler. Each of the three collection proxy classes can be replaced by a user-defined class. The only requirement is that such a class implements both the corresponding interface ( java.util.Collection , java.util.List , or java.util.Set ) as well as the org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection interface. Proxy implementations are configured in the ojb properties file. These are the relevant settings: #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IndirectionHandler #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The IndirectionHandlerClass entry defines the class to be used by OJB's proxies to # handle method invocations IndirectionHandlerClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.core.proxy.IndirectionHandlerDefaultImpl #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ListProxy #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The ListProxyClass entry defines the proxy class to be used for collections that # implement the java.util.List interface. ListProxyClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.core.proxy.ListProxyDefaultImpl #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SetProxy #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The SetProxyClass entry defines the proxy class to be used for collections that # implement the java.util.Set interface. SetProxyClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.core.proxy.SetProxyDefaultImpl #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CollectionProxy #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The CollectionProxyClass entry defines the proxy class to be used for collections that # do not implement java.util.List or java.util.Set. CollectionProxyClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.core.proxy.CollectionProxyDefaultImpl
    Type and Value Conversions
    Say your database column contains INTEGER values but you have to use boolean attributes in your Domain objects. You need a type and value mapping described by a FieldConversion!

    Advanced O/R Mapping Technique

    Working with inheritance hierarchies is a common task in object oriented design and programming. Of course, any serious Java O/R tool must support inheritance and interfaces for persistent classes. To demonstrate we will look at some of the JUnit TestSuite classes. There is a primary interface "InterfaceArticle". This interface is implemented by "Article" and "CdArticle". There is also a class "BookArticle" derived from "Article". (See the following class diagram for details) OJB allows us to use interfaces, abstract, or concrete base classes in queries, or in type definitions of reference attributes. A Query against the interface InterfaceArticle must not only return objects of type Article but also of CdArticle and BookArticle ! The following test method searches for all objects implementing InterfaceArticle with an articleName equal to "Hamlet". The Collection is filled with one matching BookArticle object. public void testCollectionByQuery() throws Exception Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.addEqualTo("articleName", "Hamlet"); Query q = QueryFactory.newQuery(InterfaceArticle.class, crit); Collection result = broker.getCollectionByQuery(q); System.out.println(result); assertNotNull("should return at least one item", result); assertTrue("should return at least one item", result.size() > 0); Of course it is also possible to define reference attributes of an interface or baseclass type. In all above examples Article has a reference attribute of type InterfaceProductGroup .
    The query in the last example returned just one object. Now, imagine a query against the InterfaceArticle interface with no selecting criteria. OJB returns all the objects implementing InterfaceArticle. I.e. All Articles, BookArticles and CdArticles. The following method prints out the collection of all InterfaceArticle objects: public void testExtentByQuery() throws Exception // no criteria signals to omit a WHERE clause Query q = QueryFactory.newQuery(InterfaceArticle.class, null); Collection result = broker.getCollectionByQuery(q); System.out.println( "OJB proudly presents: The InterfaceArticle Extent\n" +result); assertNotNull("should return at least one item", result); assertTrue("should return at least one item", result.size() > 0); The set of all instances of a class (whether living in memory or stored in a persistent medium) is called an Extent in ODMG and JDO terminology. OJB extends this notion slightly, as all objects implementing a given interface are regarded as members of the interface's extent.

    In our class diagram we find:

  • two simple "one-class-only" extents, BookArticle and CdArticle.
  • A compound extent Article containing all Article and BookArticle instances.
  • An interface extent containing all Article, BookArticle and CdArticle instances.
  • There is no extra coding necessary to define extents, but they have to be declared in the repository file. The classes from the above example require the following declarations:
  • "one-class-only" extents require no declaration
  • A declaration for the baseclass Article, defining which classes are subclasses of Article:
  • <!-- Definitions for org.apache.ojb.ojb.broker.Article --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article" proxy="dynamic" table="Artikel" <extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.BookArticle" /> <extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.CdArticle" /> </class-descriptor>
  • A declaration for InterfaceArticle, defining which classes implement this interface:
  • <!-- Definitions for org.apache.ojb.broker.InterfaceArticle --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.InterfaceArticle"> <extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article" /> <extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.BookArticle" /> <extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.CdArticle" /> </class-descriptor> Why is it necessary to explicitely declare which classes implement an interface and which classes are derived from a baseclass? Of course it is quite simple in Java to check whether a class implements a given interface or extends some other class. But sometimes it may not be appropiate to treat special implementors (e.g. proxies) as proper implementors. Other problems might arise because a class may implement multiple interfaces, but is only allowed to be regarded as member of one extent. In other cases it may be neccessary to treat certain classes as implementors of an interface or as derived from a base even if they are not. As an example, you will find that the ClassDescriptor for class org.apache.ojb.broker.Article in the repository.xml contains an entry declaring class CdArticle as a derived class: <!-- Definitions for org.apache.ojb.ojb.broker.Article --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article" proxy="dynamic" table="Artikel" <extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.BookArticle" /> <extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.CdArticle" /> </class-descriptor>
    Mapping Inheritance Hierarchies
    In the literature on object/relational mapping the problem of mapping inheritance hierarchies to RDBMS has been widely covered. Have a look at the following inheritance hierarchy: If we have to define database tables that have to contain these classes we have to choose one of the following solutions: 1. Map all classes onto one table. A DDL for the table would look like: CREATE TABLE A_EXTENT ID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, SOME_VALUE_FROM_A INT, SOME_VALUE_FROM_B INT 2. Map each class to a distinct table and have all attributes from the base class in the derived class. DDL for the table could look like: CREATE TABLE A ID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, SOME_VALUE_FROM_A INT CREATE TABLE B ID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, SOME_VALUE_FROM_A INT, SOME_VALUE_FROM_B INT 3. Map each class to a distinct table, but do not map base class fields to derived classes. Use joins to materialize over all tables to materialize objects. DDL for the table would look like: CREATE TABLE A ID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, SOME_VALUE_FROM_A INT CREATE TABLE B A_ID INT NOT NULL, SOME_VALUE_FROM_B INT OJB provides direct support for all three approaches.

    But it's currently not recommended to mix mapping strategies within the same hierarchy ! In the following we demonstrate how these mapping approaches can be implemented by using OJB.
    Mapping All Classes on the Same Table
    Mapping several classes on one table works well under OJB. There is only one special situation that needs some attention: Say there is a baseclass AB with derived classes A and B. A and B are mapped on a table AB_TABLE. Storing A and B objects to this table works fine. But now consider a Query against the baseclass AB. How can the correct type of the stored objects be determined? OJB needs a column of type CHAR or VARCHAR that contains the classname to be used for instantiation. This column must be mapped on a special attribute ojbConcreteClass . On loading objects from the table OJB checks this attribute and instantiates objects of this type.

    The criterion for ojbConcreteClass is statically added to the query in class QueryFactory and it therefore appears in the select-statement for each extent. This means that mixing mapping strategies should be avoided. There is sample code for this feature in the method org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBrokerTest.testMappingToOneTable(). See the mapping details in the following Class declaration and the respective mapping: public abstract class AB /** the special attribute telling OJB the object's concrete type. * NOTE: this attribute MUST be called ojbConcreteClass protected String ojbConcreteClass; public class A extends AB int id; int someValue; public A() // OJB must know the type of this object ojbConcreteClass = A.class.getName(); <!-- Definitions for extent org.apache.ojb.broker.AB --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.AB"> <extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.A" /> <extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.B" /> </class-descriptor> <!-- Definitions for org.apache.ojb.broker.A --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.A" table="AB_TABLE" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="ojbConcreteClass" column="CLASS_NAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <field-descriptor name="someValue" column="VALUE_" jdbc-type="INTEGER" </class-descriptor> The column CLASS_NAME is used to store the concrete type of each object. If you cannot provide such an additional column, but need to use some other means of indicating the type of each object you will require some additional programming: You have to derive a Class from org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.RowReaderDefaultImpl and overridee the method RowReaderDefaultImpl.selectClassDescriptor() to implement your specific type selection mechanism. The code of the default implementation looks like follows: protected ClassDescriptor selectClassDescriptor(Map row) throws PersistenceBrokerException // check if there is an attribute which tells us // which concrete class is to be instantiated FieldDescriptor concreteClassFD = m_cld.getFieldDescriptorByName( ClassDescriptor.OJB_CONCRETE_CLASS); if (concreteClassFD == null) return m_cld; String concreteClass = (String) row.get( concreteClassFD.getColumnName()); if (concreteClass == null || concreteClass.trim().length() == 0) throw new PersistenceBrokerException( "ojbConcreteClass field returned null or 0-length string"); concreteClass = concreteClass.trim(); ClassDescriptor result = m_cld.getRepository(). getDescriptorFor(concreteClass); if (result == null) result = m_cld; return result; catch (PBFactoryException e) throw new PersistenceBrokerException(e); After implementing this class you must edit the ClassDescriptor for the respective class in the XML repository to specify the usage of your RowReader Implementation: <class-descriptor class="my.Object" table="MY_OBJECT" row-reader="my.own.RowReaderImpl" You will learn more about RowReaders in the next section.
    Mapping Each Class to a Distinct Table
    This is the most simple solution. Just write a complete ClassDescriptor for each class that contains FieldDescriptors for all of the attributes, including inherited attributes.
    Mapping Classes on Multiple Joined Tables
    Here are the definitions for the classes A and B: public class A // primary key int id; // mapped to a column in A_TABLE int someValueFromA; public class B extends A // id is primary key and serves also as foreign key referencing A.id int id; // mapped to a column in B_TABLE int someValueFromB; The next code block contains the class-descriptors for the the classes A and B. <!-- Definitions for org.apache.ojb.broker.A --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.A" table="A_TABLE" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="someValueFromA" column="VALUE_" jdbc-type="INTEGER" </class-descriptor> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.B" table="B_TABLE" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="someValueFromB" column="VALUE_" jdbc-type="INTEGER" <reference-descriptor name="super" class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.A" auto-retrieve="true" auto-update="true" auto-delete="true" <foreignkey field-ref="id"/> </reference-descriptor> </class-descriptor> As you can see from this mapping we need a special reference-descriptor that advises OJB to load the values for the inherited attributes from class A by a JOIN using the (B.id == A.id) foreign key reference. name="super" is not used to address an actual attribute of the class B but as a marker keyword defining the JOIN to the baseclass. Auto-update must be true to force insertion of A when inserting B. So have to define a auto-update true setting for this reference-descriptor! In most cases it's also useful to enable auto-delete . Be aware that this sample does not declare org.apache.ojb.broker.B to be an extent of org.apache.ojb.broker.A . Using extents here will lead to problems (instatiating the wrong class) because the primary key is not unique within the hiearchy defined in the repository. Attributes from the super-class A can be used the same way as attributes of B when querying for B. No path-expression is needed in this case: Criteria c = new Criteria(); c.addEqualTo("someValueFromA", new Integer(1)); c.addEqualTo("someValueFromB", new Integer(2)); Query q = QueryFactory.newQuery(B.class, c); broker.getCollectionByQuery(q); The above example is based on the assumption that the primary key attribute B.id and its underlying column B_TABLE.ID is also used as the foreign key attribute. Now let us consider a case where B_TABLE contains an additional foreign key column B_TABLE.A_ID referencing A_TABLE.ID . In this case the layout for class B could look like follows: public class B extends A // id is the primary key int id; // aID is the foreign key referencing A.id int aID; // mapped to a column in B_TABLE int someValueFromB; The mapping for B will then look like follows: <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.B" table="B_TABLE" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="aID" column="A_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" <field-descriptor name="someValueFromB" column="VALUE_" jdbc-type="INTEGER" <reference-descriptor name="super" class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.A"> <foreignkey field-ref="aID" /> </reference-descriptor> </class-descriptor> The mapping now contains an additional field-descriptor for the aID attribute. In the "super" reference-descriptor the foreignkey field-ref attribute had to be changed to "aID" . It is also possible to have the extra foreign key column B_TABLE.A_ID but without having a foreign key attribute in class public class B extends A // id is the primary key int id; // mapped to a column in B_TABLE int someValueFromB; We can use OJB's anonymous field feature to get everything working without the "aID" attribute. We keep the field-descriptor for aID, but declare it as an anonymous field. We just have to add an attribute access="anonymous" to the field-descriptor: <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.B" table="B_TABLE" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="aID" column="A_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" access="anonymous" <field-descriptor name="someValueFromB" column="VALUE_" jdbc-type="INTEGER" <reference-descriptor name="super" class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.A"> <foreignkey field-ref="aID" /> </reference-descriptor> </class-descriptor> You can learn more about the anonymous fields feature in this howto and how it work here .
    Using interfaces with OJB
    Sometimes you may want to declare class descriptors for interfaces rather than for concrete classes. With OJB this is no problem, but there are a couple of things to be aware of, which are detailed in this section. Consider this example hierarchy : public interface A String getDesc(); public class B implements A /** primary key */ private Integer id; /** sample attribute */ private String desc; public String getDesc() return desc; public void setDesc(String desc) this.desc = desc; public class C /** primary key */ private Integer id; /** foreign key */ private Integer aId; /** reference */ private A obj; public void test() String desc = obj.getDesc(); Here, class C references the interface A rather than B . In order to make this work with OJB, four things must be done:
  • All features common to all implementations of A are declared in the class descriptor of A . This includes references (with their foreignkeys) and collections.
  • Since interfaces cannot have instance fields, it is necessary to use bean properties instead. This means that for every field (including collection fields), there must be accessors (a get method and, if the field is not marked as access="readonly" , a set method) declared in the interface.
  • Since we're using bean properties, the appropriate org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.fieldaccess.PersistentField implementation must be used (see below ). This class is used by OJB to access the fields when storing/loading objects. Per default, OJB uses a direct access implementation ( org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.fieldaccess.PersistentFieldDirectAccessImpl ) which requires actual fields to be present.
    In our case, we need an implementation that rather uses the accessor methods. Since the PersistentField setting is (currently) global, you have to check whether there are accessors defined for every field in the metadata. If yes, then you can use the org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.fieldaccess.PersistentFieldIntrospectorImpl , otherwise you'll have to resort to the org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.fieldaccess.PersistentFieldAutoProxyImpl , which determines for every field what type of field it is and then uses the appropriate strategy.
  • If at some place OJB has to create an object of the interface, say as the result type of a query, then you have to specify factory-class and factory-method for the interface. OJB then uses the specified class and (static) method to create an uninitialized instance of the interface.
  • In our example, this would result in: public interface A void setId(Integer id); Integer getId(); void setDesc(String desc); String getDesc(); public class B implements A /** primary key */ private Integer id; /** sample attribute */ private String desc; public String getId() return id; public void setId(Integer id) this.id = id; public String getDesc() return desc; public void setDesc(String desc) this.desc = desc; public class C /** primary key */ private Integer id; /** foreign key */ private Integer aId; /** reference */ private A obj; public void test() String desc = obj.getDesc(); public class AFactory public static A createA() return new B(); The class descriptors would look like: <class-descriptor class="A" table="A_TABLE" factory-class="AFactory" factory-method="createA" <extent-class class-ref="B"/> <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="desc" column="DESC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" length="100" </class-descriptor> <class-descriptor class="B" table="B_TABLE" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="desc" column="DESC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" length="100" </class-descriptor> <class-descriptor class="C" table="C_TABLE" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="aId" column="A_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" <reference-descriptor name="obj" class-ref="A"> <foreignkey field-ref="aId" /> </reference-descriptor> </class-descriptor> One scenario where you might run into problems is the use of interfaces for nested objects . In the above example, we could construct such a scenario if we remove the descriptors for A and B , as well as the foreign key field aId from class C and change its class descriptor to: <class-descriptor class="C" table="C_TABLE" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="obj::desc" column="DESC" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" length="100" </class-descriptor> The access to desc will work because of the usage of bean properties, but you will get into trouble when using dynamic proxies for C . Upon materializing an object of type C , OJB will try to create the instance for the field obj which is of type A . Of course, this is an interface but OJB won't check whether there is class descriptor for the type of obj (in fact there does not have to be one, and usually there isn't) because obj is not defined as a reference. As a result, OJB tries to instantiate an interface, which of course fails.
    Currently, the only way to handle this is to write a custom invocation handler that knows how to create an object of type A .
    Change PersistentField Class
    OJB supports a pluggable strategy to read and set the persistent attributes in the persistence capable classes. All strategy implementation classes have to implement the interface org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.fieldaccess.PersistentField . OJB provide a few implementation classes which can be set in OJB.properties file: # The PersistentFieldClass property defines the implementation class # for PersistentField attributes used in the OJB MetaData layer. # By default the best performing attribute/refection based implementation # is selected (PersistentFieldDirectAccessImpl). # - PersistentFieldDirectAccessImpl # is a high-speed version of the access strategies. # It does not cooperate with an AccessController, # but accesses the fields directly. Persistent # attributes don't need getters and setters # and don't have to be declared public or protected # - PersistentFieldPrivilegedImpl # Same as above, but does cooperate with AccessController and do not # suppress the java language access check. # - PersistentFieldIntrospectorImpl # uses JavaBeans compliant calls only to access persistent attributes. # No Reflection is needed. But for each attribute xxx there must be # public getXxx() and setXxx() methods. # - PersistentFieldDynaBeanAccessImpl # implementation used to access a property from a # org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaBean. # - PersistentFieldAutoProxyImpl # for each field determines upon first access how to access this particular field # (directly, as a bean, as a dyna bean) and then uses that strategy PersistentFieldClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.fieldaccess.PersistentFieldDirectAccessImpl #PersistentFieldClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.fieldaccess.PersistentFieldPrivilegedImpl #PersistentFieldClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.fieldaccess.PersistentFieldIntrospectorImpl #PersistentFieldClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.fieldaccess.PersistentFieldDynaBeanAccessImpl #PersistentFieldClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.fieldaccess.PersistentFieldAutoProxyImpl E.g. if the PersistentFieldDirectAccessImpl is used there must be an attribute in the persistent class with this name, if the PersistentFieldIntrospectorImpl is used there must be a JavaBeans compliant property of this name. More info about the individual implementation can be found in javadoc .
    How do anonymous keys work?
    To play for safety it is mandatory to understand how this feature is working. In the HOWTO section is detailed described how to use anoymous keys . All involved classes can be found in org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.fieldaccess package. The classes used for anonymous keys start with a AnonymousXYZ.java prefix. Main class used for provide anonymous keys is org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.fieldaccess.AnonymousPersistentField . Current implementation use an object identity based weak HashMap. The persistent object identity is used as key for the anonymous key value. The (Anonymous)PersistentField instance is associated with the FieldDescriptor declared in the repository. This means that all anonymous key information will be lost when the object identity change, e.g. the persistent object will be de-/serialized or copied. In conjuction with 1:1 references this will be no problem, because OJB can use the referenced object to re-create the anonymous key information (FK to referenced object). Warning The use of anonymous keys in 1:n references (FK to main object) or for PK fields is only valid when object identity does not change, e.g. use in single JVM without persistent object serialization and without persistent object copying.
    Using Rowreader
    RowReaders provide a callback mechanism that allows to interact with the OJB load mechanism. All implementation classes have to implement interface RowReader . You can specify the RowReader implementation in #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RowReader #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the standard RowReader implementation. It is also possible to specify the # RowReader on class-descriptor level. RowReaderDefaultClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.RowReaderDefaultImpl within the class-descriptor to set the RowReader for a specific class. RowReader setting on class-descriptor level will override the standard reader set in OJB.properties file. If neither a RowReader was set in OJB.properties file nor in class-descriptor was set, OJB use an default implementation. To understand how to use them we must know some of the details of the load mechanism. To materialize objects from a rdbms OJB uses RsIterators, that are essentially wrappers to JDBC ResultSets. RsIterators are constructed from queries against the Database. The method RsIterator.next() is used to materialize the next object from the underlying ResultSet. This method first checks if the underlying ResultSet is not yet exhausted and then delegates the construction of an Object from the current ResultSet row to the method getObjectFromResultSet() : protected Object getObjectFromResultSet() throws PersistenceBrokerException if (getItemProxyClass() != null) // provide m_row with primary key data of current row getQueryObject().getClassDescriptor().getRowReader() .readPkValuesFrom(getRsAndStmt().m_rs, getRow()); // assert: m_row is filled with primary key values from db return getProxyFromResultSet(); // 0. provide m_row with data of current row getQueryObject().getClassDescriptor().getRowReader() .readObjectArrayFrom(getRsAndStmt().m_rs, getRow()); // assert: m_row is filled from db // 1.read Identity Identity oid = getIdentityFromResultSet(); Object result = null; // 2. check if Object is in cache. if so return cached version. result = getCache().lookup(oid); if (result == null) // 3. If Object is not in cache // materialize Object with primitive attributes filled from // current row result = getQueryObject().getClassDescriptor() .getRowReader().readObjectFrom(getRow()); // result may still be null! if (result != null) synchronized (result) getCache().enableMaterializationCache(); getCache().cache(oid, result); // fill reference and collection attributes ClassDescriptor cld = getQueryObject().getClassDescriptor() .getRepository().getDescriptorFor(result.getClass()); // don't force loading of reference final boolean unforced = false; // Maps ReferenceDescriptors to HashSets of owners getBroker().getReferenceBroker().retrieveReferences(result, cld, unforced); getBroker().getReferenceBroker().retrieveCollections(result, cld, unforced); getCache().disableMaterializationCache(); else // Object is in cache ClassDescriptor cld = getQueryObject().getClassDescriptor() .getRepository().getDescriptorFor(result.getClass()); // if refresh is required, update the cache instance from the db if (cld.isAlwaysRefresh()) getQueryObject().getClassDescriptor() .getRowReader().refreshObject(result, getRow()); getBroker().refreshRelationships(result, cld); return result; This method first uses a RowReader to instantiate a new object array and to fill it with primitive attributes from the current ResultSet row. The RowReader to be used for a Class can be configured in the XML repository with the attribute row-reader . If no RowReader is specified, the standard RowReader is used. The method readObjectArrayFrom(...) of this class looks like follows: public void readObjectArrayFrom(ResultSet rs, ClassDescriptor cld, Map row) Collection fields = cld.getRepository(). getFieldDescriptorsForMultiMappedTable(cld); Iterator it = fields.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) FieldDescriptor fmd = (FieldDescriptor) it.next(); FieldConversion conversion = fmd.getFieldConversion(); Object val = JdbcAccess.getObjectFromColumn(rs, fmd); row.put(fmd.getColumnName() , conversion.sqlToJava(val)); catch (SQLException t) throw new PersistenceBrokerException("Error reading from result set",t); In the second step OJB checks if there is already a cached version of the object to materialize. If so the cached instance is returned. If not, the object is fully materialized by first reading in primary attributes with the RowReader method readObjectFrom(Map row, ClassDescriptor descriptor) and in a second step by retrieving reference- and collection-attributes. The fully materilized Object is then returned. public Object readObjectFrom(Map row, ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws PersistenceBrokerException // allow to select a specific classdescriptor ClassDescriptor cld = selectClassDescriptor(row, descriptor); return buildWithReflection(cld, row); By implementing your own RowReader you can hook into the OJB materialization process and provide additional features.
    Rowreader Example
    Assume that for some reason we do not want to map a 1:1 association with a foreign key relationship to a different database table but read the associated object 'inline' from some columns of the master object's table. This approach is also called 'nested objects'. The section nested objects contains a different and much simpler approach to implement nested fields. The class org.apache.ojb.broker.ArticleWithStockDetail has a stockDetail attribute, holding a reference to a StockDetail object. The class StockDetail is not declared in the XML repository. Thus OJB is not able to fill this attribute by ordinary mapping techniques. We have to define a RowReader that does the proper initialization. The Class org.apache.ojb.broker.RowReaderTestImpl extends the RowReaderDefaultImpl and overrides the readObjectFrom(...) method as follows: public Object readObjectFrom(Map row, ClassDescriptor cld) Object result = super.readObjectFrom(row, cld); if (result instanceof ArticleWithStockDetail) ArticleWithStockDetail art = (ArticleWithStockDetail) result; boolean sellout = art.isSelloutArticle; int minimum = art.minimumStock; int ordered = art.orderedUnits; int stock = art.stock; String unit = art.unit; StockDetail detail = new StockDetail(sellout, minimum, ordered, stock, unit, art); art.stockDetail = detail; return art; return result; To activate this RowReader the ClassDescriptor for the class ArticleWithStockDetail contains the following entry: <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.ArticleWithStockDetail" table="Artikel" row-reader="org.apache.ojb.broker.RowReaderTestImpl"
    Nested Objects
    In the last section we discussed the usage of a user written RowReader to implement nested objects. This approach has several disadvantages. This section shows that nested objects can be implemented without writing code, and without any further trouble just by a few settings in the repository.xml file. The class org.apache.ojb.broker.ArticleWithNestedStockDetail has a stockDetail attribute, holding a reference to a StockDetail object. The class StockDetail is not declared in the XML repository as a first class entity class. public class ArticleWithNestedStockDetail implements java.io.Serializable * this attribute is not filled through a reference lookup * but with the nested fields feature protected StockDetail stockDetail; StockDetail class has the following layout: public class StockDetail implements java.io.Serializable protected boolean isSelloutArticle; protected int minimumStock; protected int orderedUnits; protected int stock; protected String unit; Only precondition to make things work is that StockDetail needs a default constructor. The nested fields semantics can simply declared by the following class- descriptor: <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.ArticleWithNestedStockDetail" table="Artikel" <field-descriptor name="articleId" column="Artikel_Nr" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="articleName" column="Artikelname" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <field-descriptor name="supplierId" column="Lieferanten_Nr" jdbc-type="INTEGER" <field-descriptor name="productGroupId" column="Kategorie_Nr" jdbc-type="INTEGER" <field-descriptor name="stockDetail::unit" column="Liefereinheit" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" <field-descriptor name="price" column="Einzelpreis" jdbc-type="FLOAT" <field-descriptor name="stockDetail::stock" column="Lagerbestand" jdbc-type="INTEGER" <field-descriptor name="stockDetail::orderedUnits" column="BestellteEinheiten" jdbc-type="INTEGER" <field-descriptor name="stockDetail::minimumStock" column="MindestBestand" jdbc-type="INTEGER" <field-descriptor name="stockDetail::isSelloutArticle" column="Auslaufartikel" jdbc-type="INTEGER" conversion="org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.conversions.Boolean2IntFieldConversion" </class-descriptor> That's all! Just add nested fields by using :: to specify attributes of the nested object. All aspects of storing and retrieving the nested object are managed by OJB.
    Instance Callbacks
    OJB does provide transparent persistence. That is, persistent classes do not need to implement an interface or extent a persistent baseclass. For certain situations it may be neccesary to allow persistent instances to interact with OJB. This is supported by a simple instance callback mechanism. The interface org.apache.ojb.PersistenceBrokerAware provides a set of methods that are invoked from the PersistenceBroker during operations on persistent instances: Example If you want that all persistent objects take care of CRUD operations performed by the PersistenceBroker you have to do the following steps: implement the method afterUpdate(PersistenceBroker broker) , afterInsert(PersistenceBroker broker) and afterDelete(PersistenceBroker broker) to perform your intended logic. In the following "for demonstration only code" you see a class BaseObject (all persistent objects extend this class) that does send a notification using a messenger object after object state change. public abstract class BaseObject implements PersistenceBrokerAware private Messenger messenger; public void afterInsert(PersistenceBroker broker) if(messenger != null) messenger.send(this.getClass + " Object insert"); public void afterUpdate(PersistenceBroker broker) if(messenger != null) messenger.send(this.getClass + " Object update"); public void afterDelete(PersistenceBroker broker) if(messenger != null) messenger.send(this.getClass + " Object deleted"); public void afterLookup(PersistenceBroker broker){} public void beforeDelete(PersistenceBroker broker){} public void beforeStore(PersistenceBroker broker){} public void setMessenger(Messenger messenger) this.messenger = messenger;
    Manageable Collection
    In 1:n or m:n relations, OJB can handle java.util.Collection as well as user defined collection classes as collection attributes in persistent classes. See collection-descriptor.collection-class attribute for more information. In order to collaborate with the OJB mechanisms these collection must provide a minimum protocol as defined by this interface org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection . public interface ManageableCollection extends java.io.Serializable * add a single Object to the Collection. This method is used during reading Collection elements * from the database. Thus it is is save to cast anObject to the underlying element type of the * collection. void ojbAdd(Object anObject); * adds a Collection to this collection. Used in reading Extents from the Database. * Thus it is save to cast otherCollection to this.getClass(). void ojbAddAll(ManageableCollection otherCollection); * returns an Iterator over all elements in the collection. Used during store and delete Operations. * If the implementor does not return an iterator over ALL elements, OJB cannot store and delete all * elements properly. Iterator ojbIterator(); * A callback method to implement 'removal-aware' (track removed objects and delete * them by its own) collection implementations. public void afterStore(PersistenceBroker broker) throws PersistenceBrokerException; The methods have a prefix "ojb" that indicates that these methods are "technical" methods, required by OJB and not to be used in business code. In package org.apache.ojb.broker.util.collections can be found a bunch of pre-defined implementations of org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection . More info about which collection class to used here .
    Types Allowed for Implementing 1:n and m:n Associations
    OJB supports different Collection types to implement 1:n and m:n associations. OJB detects the used type automatically, so there is no need to declare it in the repository file. There is also no additional programming required. The following types are supported:

    java.util.Collection, java.util.List, java.util.Vector as in the example above. Internally OJB uses java.util.Vector to implement collections. User-defined collections (see the file ProductGroupWithTypedCollection ). A typical application for this approach are typed Collections. is some sample code from the Collection class ArticleCollection . This Collection is typed, i.e. it accepts only InterfaceArticle objects for adding and will return InterfaceArticle objects with get(int index) . To let OJB handle such a user-defined Collection it must implement the callback interface ManageableCollection and the typed collection class must be declared in the collection-descriptor using the collection-class attribute. ManageableCollection provides hooks that are called by OJB during object materialization, updating and deletion. * add a single Object to the Collection. This method is * used during reading Collection elements from the * database. Thus it is is save to cast anObject * to the underlying element type of the collection. public void ojbAdd(java.lang.Object anObject) elements.add((InterfaceArticle) anObject); * adds a Collection to this collection. Used in reading * Extents from the Database. * Thus it is save to cast otherCollection to this.getClass(). public void ojbAddAll( ojb.broker.ManageableCollection otherCollection) elements.addAll( ((ArticleCollection) otherCollection).elements); * returns an Iterator over all elements in the collection. * Used during store and delete Operations. public java.util.Iterator ojbIterator() return elements.iterator(); And the collection-descriptor have to declare this class: <collection-descriptor name="allArticlesInGroup" element-class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article" collection-class="org.apache.ojb.broker.ArticleCollection" auto-retrieve="true" auto-update="false" auto-delete="true" <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="productGroupId"/> </collection-descriptor>
    Which collection-class type should be used?
    Earlier in this section the org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection was introduced. Now we talk about which type to use. By default OJB use a removal-aware collection implementation. These implementations (classes prefixed with Removal... ) track removal and addition of elements. This tracking allow the PersistenceBroker to delete elements from the database that have been removed from the collection before a PB.store() operation occurs. This default behaviour is undesired in some cases: In m:n relations , e.g. between Movie and Actor class. If an Actor was removed from the Actor collection of a Movie object expected behaviour was that the Actor be removed from the indirection table , but not the Actor itself. Using a removal aware collection will remove the Actor too. In that case a simple manageable collection is recommended by set e.g. collection-class="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.collections.ManageableArrayList" in collection-descriptor. In 1:n relations when the n-side objects be removed from the collection of the main object, but we don't want to remove them itself (be careful with this, because the FK entry of the main object still exists - more info about linking here ).
    Customizing collection queries
    Customizing the query used for collection retrieval allows a developer to take full control of collection mechanism. For example only children having a certain attribute should be loaded. This is achieved by a QueryCustomizer defined in the collection-descriptor of a relationship: <collection-descriptor name="allArticlesInGroup" <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="productGroupId"/> <query-customizer class="org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.QueryCustomizerDefaultImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="attr1" attribute-value="value1" </query-customizer> </collection-descriptor> The query customizer must implement the interface org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.QueryCustomizer . This interface defines the single method below which is used to customize (or completely rebuild) the query passed as argument. The interpretation of attribute-name and attribute-value read from the collection-descriptor is up to your implementation. * Return a new Query based on the original Query, the * originator object and the additional Attributes * @param anObject the originator object * @param aBroker the PersistenceBroker * @param aCod the CollectionDescriptor * @param aQuery the original 1:n-Query * @return Query the customized 1:n-Query public Query customizeQuery(Object anObject, PersistenceBroker aBroker, CollectionDescriptor aCod, Query aQuery); The class org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.QueryCustomizerDefaultImpl provides a default implentation without any functionality, it simply returns the query.
    Metadata runtime changes
    This was described in metadata section .

    OJB Queries

    This tutorial describes the use of the different queries mechanisms. The sample code shown here is taken mainly from JUnit test classes. The junit test source can be found under [db-ojb]/src/test in the source distribution.
    Query by Criteria
    In this section you will learn how to use the query by criteria. The classes are located in the package org.apache.ojb.broker.query . Using query by criteria you can either query for whole objects (ie. person) or you can use report queries returning row data. A query consists mainly of the following parts:
  • the class of the objects to be retrieved
  • a list of criteria
  • a DISTINCT flag
  • additional ORDER BY and GROUP BY
  • OJB offers a QueryFactory to create a new Query. Although the constructors of the query classes are public using the QueryFactory is the preferred way to create a new query. Query q = QueryFactory.newQuery(Person.class, crit); To create a DISTINCT-Query, simply add true as third parameter. Query q = QueryFactory.newQuery(Person.class, crit, true); Each criterion stands for a column in the SQL-WHERE-clause. Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.addEqualTo("upper(firstname)", "TOM"); crit.addEqualTo("lastname", "hanks"); Query q = QueryFactory.newQuery(Person.class, crit); This query will generate an SQL statement like this: SELECT ... FROM PERSON WHERE upper(FIRSTNAME) = "TOM" AND LASTNAME = "hanks"; OJB supports functions in field criteria ie. upper(firstname). When converting a field name to a database column name, the function is added to the generated sql. OJB does not and can not verify the correctness of the specified function, an illegal function will produce an SqlException.
    Query Criteria
    OJB provides selection criteria for almost any SQL-comparator. In most cases you do not have to deal directly with the implementing classes EqualToCriteria . Criteria class provides factory methods for the appropriate classes. There are four kinds of factory methods:
  • create criteria to compare a field to a value: ie. addEqualTo("firstname", "tom");
  • create criteria to compare a field to another field: ie. addEqualToField("firstname", "other_field");
  • create criteria to check null value: ie. addIsNull("firstname");
  • create a raw sql criteria: ie: addSql("REVERSE(name) like 're%'");
  • The following list shows some of the factory methods to compare a field to a value:
  • addEqualTo
  • addLike
  • addGreaterOrEqualThan
  • addGreaterThan
  • addLike
  • addBetween , this methods has two value parameters
  • addIn , this method uses a Collection as value parameter
  • and of course there negative forms
  • This list shows some factory methods to compare a field to another field, all those methods end on ...field:
  • addEqualToField
  • addGreaterThanField
  • and of course there negative forms
  • in / not in
    Some databases limit the number of parameters in an IN-statement. If the limit is reached OJB will split up the IN-Statement into multiple Statements, the limit is set to 3 for the following sample: SELECT ... FROM Artikel A0 WHERE A0.Kategorie_Nr IN ( ? , ? , ? ) OR A0.Kategorie_Nr IN ( ? , ? ) ORDER BY 7 DESC The IN-limit for prefetch can be defined in OJB.properties: # The SqlInLimit entry limits the number of values in IN-sql # statement, -1 for no limits. This hint is used in Criteria. SqlInLimit=200
    and / or
    All selection criteria added to a criteria set using the above factory methods will be AND ed in the WHERE-clause. To get an OR combination two criteria sets are needed. These sets are combined using addOrCriteria: Criteria crit1 = new Criteria(); crit1.addLike("firstname", "%o%"); crit1.addLike("lastname", "%m%"); Criteria crit2 = new Criteria(); crit2.addEqualTo("firstname", "hank"); crit1.addOrCriteria(crit2); Query q = QueryFactory.newQuery(Person.class, crit1); Collection results = broker.getCollectionByQuery(q); This query will generate an SQL statement like this: SELECT ... WHERE (FIRSTNAME LIKE "%o%") AND LASTNAME LIKE "%m%" OR FIRSTNAME = "hank"
    negating the criteria
    A criteria can be negated to obtain NOT in the WHERE-clause: Criteria crit1 = new Criteria(); crit1.addLike("firstname", "%o%"); crit1.addLike("lastname", "%m%"); crit1.setNegative(true); Collection results = broker.getCollectionByQuery(q); This query will generate an SQL statement like this: SELECT ... WHERE NOT (FIRSTNAME LIKE "%o%" AND LASTNAME LIKE "%m%")
    ordering and grouping
    The following methods of QueryByCriteria are used for ordering and grouping:
  • addOrderByAscending(String anAttributeName);
  • addOrderByDescending(String anAttributeName);
  • addGroupBy(String anAttributeName); this method is used for report queries You can of course have multiple order by and group by clauses, simply repeat the addOrderBy. crit = new Criteria(); query = new QueryByCriteria(Person.class, crit); query.addOrderByDescending("id"); query.addOrderByAscending("lastname"); broker.getCollectionByQuery(query); The code snippet will query all Persons and order them by attribute "id" descending and "lastname" ascending. The query will produce the following SQL-statement using column numbers in the ORDER BY clause: SELECT A0.ID,A0.FIRSTNAME,A0.LASTNAME FROM PERSON A0 ORDER BY 1 DESC, 3 When you use the column name "LASTNAME" instead of the attribute name "lastname" (query.addOrderBy("LASTNAME");), an additional column named "LASTNAME" without alias will be added. SELECT A0.ID,A0.FIRSTNAME,A0.LASTNAME,LASTNAME FROM PERSON A0 ORDER BY 1 DESC,4 If there are multiple tables with a column "LASTNAME" the SQL-Statement will produce an error, so it's better to always use attribute names.
    Subqueries can be used instead of values in selection criteria. The subquery should thus be a ReportQuery. The following example queries all articles having a price greator or equal than the average price of articles named 'A%': ReportQueryByCriteria subQuery; Criteria subCrit = new Criteria(); Criteria crit = new Criteria(); subCrit.addLike("articleName", "A%"); subQuery = QueryFactory.newReportQuery(Article.class, subCrit); subQuery.setAttributes(new String[] { "avg(price)" }); crit.addGreaterOrEqualThan("price", subQuery); Query q = QueryFactory.newQuery(Article.class, crit); Collection results = broker.getCollectionByQuery(q); It's also possible to build a subquery with attributes referencing the enclosing query. These attributes have to use a special prefix Criteria.PARENT_QUERY_PREFIX . The following example queries all product groups having more than 10 articles: ReportQueryByCriteria subQuery; Criteria subCrit = new Criteria(); Criteria crit = new Criteria(); subCrit.addEqualToField("productGroupId", Criteria.PARENT_QUERY_PREFIX + "groupId"); subQuery = QueryFactory.newReportQuery(Article.class, subCrit); subQuery.setAttributes(new String[] { "count(productGroupId)" }); crit.addGreaterThan(subQuery, "10"); // MORE than 10 articles crit.addLessThan("groupId", new Integer(987654)); Query q = QueryFactory.newQuery(ProductGroup.class, crit); Collection results = broker.getCollectionByQuery(q); Subqueries are not extent aware. Thus it's not possible to use an abstract class or an interface as search class of a subquery.
    Joins resulting from path expressions ("relationship.attribute") in criteria are automatically handled by OJB. Path expressions are supported for all relationships 1:1, 1:n and m:n (decomposed and non-decomposed) and can be nested. The following sample looks for all articles belonging to the product group "Liquors". Article and product group are linked by the relationship "productGroup" in class Article: <!-- Definitions for org.apache.ojb.ojb.broker.Article --> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article" proxy="dynamic" table="Artikel" <reference-descriptor name="productGroup" class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.ProductGroup" <foreignkey field-ref="productGroupId"/> </reference-descriptor> </class-descriptor> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.ProductGroup" proxy="org.apache.ojb.broker.ProductGroupProxy" table="Kategorien" <field-descriptor name="groupName" column="KategorieName" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" </class-descriptor> The path expression includes the 1:1 relationship "productGroup" and the attribute "groupName": Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.addEqualTo("productGroup.groupName", "Liquors"); Query q = QueryFactory.newQuery(Article.class, crit); Collection results = broker.getCollectionByQuery(q); If path expressions refer to a class having extents , the tables of the extent classes participate in the JOIN and the criteria is ORed. The shown sample queries all ProductGroups having an Article named 'F%'. The path expression 'allArticlesInGroup' refers to the class Articles which has two extents: Books and CDs. Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.addLike("allArticlesInGroup.articleName", "F%"); QueryByCriteria q = QueryFactory.newQuery(ProductGroup.class, crit, true); Collection results = broker.getCollectionByQuery(q); This sample produces the following SQL: SELECT DISTINCT A0.KategorieName,A0.Kategorie_Nr,A0.Beschreibung FROM Kategorien A0 INNER JOIN Artikel A1 ON A0.Kategorie_Nr=A1.Kategorie_Nr LEFT OUTER JOIN BOOKS A1E0 ON A0.Kategorie_Nr=A1E0.Kategorie_Nr LEFT OUTER JOIN CDS A1E1 ON A0.Kategorie_Nr=A1E1.Kategorie_Nr WHERE A1.Artikelname LIKE 'F%' OR A1E0.Artikelname LIKE 'F%' OR A1E1.Artikelname LIKE 'F%' OJB tries to do it's best to automatically use outer joins where needed. This is currently the case for classes having extents and ORed criteria. But you can force the SQLGenerator to use outer joins where you find it useful. This is done by the method QueryByCriteria#setPathOuterJoin(String) . ReportQueryByCriteria query; Criteria crit; Iterator result1, result2; crit = new Criteria(); query = new ReportQueryByCriteria(Person.class, crit); query.setAttributes(new String[] { "id", "name", "vorname", "sum(konti.saldo)" }); query.addGroupBy(new String[]{ "id", "name", "vorname" }); result1 = broker.getReportQueryIteratorByQuery(query); query.setPathOuterJoin("konti"); result2 = broker.getReportQueryIteratorByQuery(query); The first query will use an inner join for relationship "konti", the second an outer join.
    user defined alias
    This feature allows to have multiple aliases for the same table. The standard behaviour of OJB is to build one alias for one relationship. Suppose you have two classes Issue and Keyword and there is a 1:N relationship between them. Now you want to retrieve Issues by querying on Keywords. Suppose you want to retrieve all Issues with keywords 'JOIN' and 'ALIAS'. If these values are stored in the attribute 'value' of Keyword, OJB generates a query that contains " A1.value = 'JOIN' AND A1.value = 'ALIAS' " in the where-clause. Obviously, this will not work, no hits will occur because A1.value can not have more then 1 value at the time ! For the examples below, suppose you have the following classes (pseudo-code): class Container int id Collection allAbstractAttributes class AbstractAttribute int id inf ref_id String name String value Collection allAbstractAttributes OJB maps these classes to separate tables where it maps allAbstractAttributes using a collectiondescriptor to AbstractAttribute using ref_id as inverse foreignkey on Container for the collection descriptor. For demo purposes : AbstractAttribute also has a collection of abstract attributes. Criteria crit1 = new Criteria(); crit1.setAlias("company"); // set an alias crit1.addEqualTo("allAbstractAttributes.name", "companyName"); crit1.addEqualTo("allAbstractAttributes.value", "iBanx"); Criteria crit2 = new Criteria(); crit2.setAlias("contact"); // set an alias crit2.addEqualTo("allAbstractAttributes.name", "contactPerson"); crit2.addLike("allAbstractAttributes.value", "janssen"); Criteria crit3 = new Criteria(); crit3.addEqualTo("allAbstractAttributes.name", "size"); crit3.addGreaterThan("allAbstractAttributes.value", new Integer(500)); crit1.addAndCriteria(crit2); crit1.addAndCriteria(crit3); q = QueryFactory.newQuery(Container.class, crit1); q.addOrderBy("company.value"); // user alias The generated query will be as follows. Note that the alias name 'company' does not show up in the SQL. SELECT DISTINCT A0.ID, A1.VALUE FROM CONTAINER A0 INNER JOIN ABSTRACT_ATTRIBUTE A1 ON A0.ID=A1.REF_ID INNER JOIN ABSTRACT_ATTRIBUTE A2 ON A0.ID=A2.REF_ID INNER JOIN ABSTRACT_ATTRIBUTE A3 ON A0.ID=A3.REF_ID WHERE (( A0.NAME = 'companyName' ) AND (A0.VALUE = 'iBanx' )) AND (( A1.NAME = 'contactPerson' ) AND (A1.VALUE LIKE '%janssen%' )) AND (( A2.NAME = 'size' ) AND (A2.VALUE = '500' )) ORDER BY 2 The next example uses a report query. Criteria crit1 = new Criteria(); crit1.setAlias("ALIAS1"); crit1.addEqualTo("allAbstractAttributes.allAbstractAttributes.name", "xxxx"); crit1.addEqualTo("allAbstractAttributes.allAbstractAttributes.value", "hello"); Criteria crit2 = new Criteria(); crit2.setAlias("ALIAS2"); crit2.addEqualTo("allAbstractAttributes.name", "yyyy"); crit2.addLike("allAbstractAttributes.value", ""); crit1.addAndCriteria(crit2); q = QueryFactory.newReportQuery(Container.class, crit1); String[] cols = { id, "ALIAS2.name", "ALIAS2.name", "ALIAS1.name", "ALIAS1.name" }; q.setAttributes(cls); The generated query will be: SELECT DISTINCT A0.ID, A1.NAME, A1.VALUE, A2.NAME, A2.VALUE FROM CONTAINER A0 INNER JOIN ABSTRACT_ATTRIBUTE A1 ON A0.ID=A1.REF_ID INNER JOIN ABSTRACT_ATTRIBUTE A2 ON A1.ID=A2.REF_ID WHERE (( A2.NAME = 'xxxx' ) AND (A2.VALUE = 'hello' )) AND (( A1.NAME = 'yyyy' ) AND (A2.VALUE LIKE '%%' )) AND ORDER BY 2 When you define an alias for a criteria, you have to make sure that all attributes used in this criteria belong to the same class. If you break this rule OJB will probably use a wrong ClassDescriptor to resolve your attributes !
    class hints
    This feature allows the user to specify which class of an extent to use for a path-segment. The standard behaviour of OJB is to use the base class of an extent when it resolves a path-segment. In the following sample the path allArticlesInGroup points to class Article, this is defined in the repository.xml. Assume we are only interested in ProductGroups containing CdArticles performed by Eric Clapton or Books authored by Eric Clapton, a class hint can be defined for the path. This hint is defined by:
    Criteria# addPathClass ("allArticlesInGroup", CdArticle.class); // find a ProductGroup with a CD or a book by a particular artist String artistName = new String("Eric Clapton"); crit1 = new Criteria(); crit1.addEqualTo("allArticlesInGroup.musicians", artistName); crit1.addPathClass("allArticlesInGroup", CdArticle.class); crit2 = new Criteria(); crit2.addEqualTo("allArticlesInGroup.author", artistName); crit2.addPathClass("allArticlesInGroup", BookArticle.class); crit1.addOrCriteria(crit2); query = new QueryByCriteria(ProductGroup.class, crit1); broker.getObjectByQuery(query); This feature is also available in class QueryByCriteria but using it on Criteria-level provides additional flexibility. QueryByCriteria#addPathClass is only useful for ReportQueries to limit the class of the selected columns.
    prefetched relationships
    This feature can help to minimize the number of queries when reading objects with relationships. In our Testcases we have ProductGroups with a one to many relationship to Articles. When reading the ProductGroups one query is executed to get the ProductGroups and for each ProductGroup another query is executed to retrieve the Articles. With prefetched relationships OJB tries to read all Articles belonging to the ProductGroups in one query. See further down why one query is not always possible. Criteria crit = new Criteria(); crit.addLessOrEqualThan("groupId", new Integer(5)); QueryByCriteria q = QueryFactory.newQuery(ProductGroup.class, crit); q.addOrderByDescending("groupId"); q.addPrefetchedRelationship("allArticlesInGroup"); Collection results = broker.getCollectionByQuery(q); The first query reads all matching ProductGroups: SELECT ... FROM Kategorien A0 WHERE A0.Kategorie_Nr <= ? ORDER BY 3 DESC The second query retrieves Articles belonging to the ProductGroups read by the first query: SELECT ... FROM Artikel A0 WHERE A0.Kategorie_Nr IN ( ? , ? , ? , ? , ? ) ORDER BY 7 DESC After reading all Articles they are associated with their ProductGroup. This function is not yet supported for relationships using Arrays. Some databases limit the number of parameters in an IN-statement. If the limit is reached OJB will split up the second query into multiple queries, the limit is set to 3 for the following sample: SELECT ... FROM Artikel A0 WHERE A0.Kategorie_Nr IN ( ? , ? , ? ) ORDER BY 7 DESC SELECT ... FROM Artikel A0 WHERE A0.Kategorie_Nr IN ( ? , ? ) ORDER BY 7 DESC The IN-limit for prefetch can be defined in OJB.properties SqlInLimit .
    querying for objects
    OJB queries return complete objects, that means all instance variables are filled and all 'auto-retrieve' relationships are loaded. Currently there's no way to retrieve partially loaded objects (ie. only first- and lastname of a person). More info about manipulation of metadata setting here .
    Report Queries
    Report queries are used to retrieve row data, not 'real' business objects. A row is an array of Object. With these queries you can define what attributes of an object you want to have in the row. The attribute names may also contain path expressions like 'owner.address.street'. To define the attributes use ReportQuery #setAttributes(String[] attributes) . The following ReportQuery retrieves the name of the ProductGroup, the name of the Article etc. for all Articles named like "C%": Criteria crit = new Criteria(); Collection results = new Vector(); crit.addLike("articleName", "C%"); ReportQueryByCriteria q = QueryFactory.newReportQuery(Article.class, crit); q.setAttributes(new String[] { "productGroup.groupName","articleId", "articleName", "price" }); Iterator iter = broker.getReportQueryIteratorByQuery(q); The ReportQuery returns an Iterator over a Collection of Object[4] ([String, Integer, String, Double]).
    Limitations of Report Queries
    ReportQueries should not be used with columns referencing classes with extents. Assume we want to select all ProductGroups and summarize the amount and prize of items in stock per group. The class Article referenced by allArticlesInGroup has the extents Books and CDs. Criteria crit = new Criteria(); Collection results = new Vector(); ReportQueryByCriteria q = QueryFactory.newReportQuery(ProductGroup.class, crit); q.setAttributes(new String[] { "groupName", "sum(allArticlesInGroup.stock)", "sum(allArticlesInGroup.price)" }); q.addGroupBy("groupName"); Iterator iter = broker.getReportQueryIteratorByQuery(q); The ReportQuery looks quite reasonable, but it will produce an SQL not suitable for the task: SELECT A0.KategorieName,sum(A1.Lagerbestand),sum(A1.Einzelpreis) FROM Kategorien A0 LEFT OUTER JOIN artikel A1 ON A0.Kategorie_Nr=A1.Kategorie_Nr LEFT OUTER JOIN books A1E2 ON A0.Kategorie_Nr=A1E2.Kategorie_Nr LEFT OUTER JOIN cds A1E1 ON A0.Kategorie_Nr=A1E1.Kategorie_Nr GROUP BY A0.KategorieName This SQL will select the columns "Lagerbestand" and "Einzelpreis" from one extent only, and for ProductGroups having Articles, Books and CDs the result is wrong! As a workaround the query can be "reversed". Instead of selection the ProductGroup we go for the Articles: Criteria crit = new Criteria(); Collection results = new Vector(); ReportQueryByCriteria q = QueryFactory.newReportQuery(Article.class, crit); q.setAttributes(new String[] { "productGroup.groupName", "sum(stock)", "sum(price)" }); q.addGroupBy("productGroup.groupName"); This ReportQuery executes the following three selects (one for each concrete extent) and produces better results. SELECT A1.KategorieName,sum(A0.Lagerbestand),sum(A0.Einzelpreis) FROM artikel A0 INNER JOIN Kategorien A1 ON A0.Kategorie_Nr=A1.Kategorie_Nr GROUP BY A1.KategorieName SELECT A1.KategorieName,sum(A0.Lagerbestand),sum(A0.Einzelpreis) FROM cds A0 INNER JOIN Kategorien A1 ON A0.Kategorie_Nr=A1.Kategorie_Nr GROUP BY A1.KategorieName SELECT A1.KategorieName,sum(A0.Lagerbestand),sum(A0.Einzelpreis) FROM books A0 INNER JOIN Kategorien A1 ON A0.Kategorie_Nr=A1.Kategorie_Nr GROUP BY A1.KategorieName Of course there's also a drawback here: the same ProductGroup may be selected several times, so to get the correct sum, the results of the ProductGroup has to be added. In our sample the ProductGroup "Books" will be listed three times. After listing so many drawbacks and problems, here's the SQL the produces the desired result. This is a manually created SQL, not generated by OJB. Unfortunately it's not fully supported by some DBMS because of "union" and sub-selects. select KategorieName, sum(lagerbestand), sum(einzelpreis) SELECT A1.KategorieName,A0.Lagerbestand,A0.Einzelpreis FROM artikel A0 INNER JOIN Kategorien A1 ON A0.Kategorie_Nr=A1.Kategorie_Nr union SELECT A1.KategorieName,A0.Lagerbestand,A0.Einzelpreis FROM books A0 INNER JOIN Kategorien A1 ON A0.Kategorie_Nr=A1.Kategorie_Nr union SELECT A1.KategorieName,A0.Lagerbestand,A0.Einzelpreis FROM cds A0 INNER JOIN Kategorien A1 ON A0.Kategorie_Nr=A1.Kategorie_Nr group by kategorieName
    JDO queries

    Metadata handling

    To make OJB proper work information about the used databases (more info see connection handling ) and sequence managers is needed. Henceforth these metadata information is called connection metadata . Further on OJB needs information about the persistent objects and object relations, henceforth this information is called (persistent) object metadata . All metadata information need to be stored in the OJB repository file . connection metadata are completely decoupled from the persistent object metadata . Thus it is possible to use the same object metadata on different databases. But it is also possible to use different object metadata profiles In OJB there are several ways to make metadata information available:
  • using xml configuration files parsed at start up by OJB
  • set metadata instances at runtime by building metadata class instances at runtime
  • parse additional xml configuration files (additional repository files) and merge at runtime
  • All classes used for managing metadata stuff can be find under org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.* -package. The main class for metadata handling and entry point for metadata manipulation at runtime is org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.MetadataManager
    When does OJB read metadata
    By default all metadata is read at startup of OJB, when the first call to PersistenceBrokerFactory (directly or by a top-level api) or MetadataManager class was done. OJB expects a repository file at startup, but it is also possible to start OJB without an repository file or only load connection metadata object metadata at runtime or what ever combination fit your requirements.
    Connection metadata
    connection metadata encapsulate all information referring to used database and must be declared in OJB repository file . For each database a jdbc-connection-descriptor must be declared. This element encapusaltes the connection specific metadata information. JdbcConnectionDescriptor instances are managed by org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.ConnectionRepository
    Load and merge connection metadata
    It is possible to load additional connection metadata at runtime and merge it with the existing one. The used repository files have to be valid against the repository.dtd : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE descriptor-repository SYSTEM "repository.dtd"> <descriptor-repository version="1.0" isolation-level="read-uncommitted"> <jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias="runtime" platform="Hsqldb" jdbc-level="2.0" driver="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" protocol="jdbc" subprotocol="hsqldb" dbalias="../OJB_FarAway" username="sa" password="" batch-mode="false" <object-cache class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheDefaultImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="timeout" attribute-value="900"/> <attribute attribute-name="autoSync" attribute-value="true"/> </object-cache> <connection-pool maxActive="5" whenExhaustedAction="0" validationQuery="select count(*) from OJB_HL_SEQ" <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerHighLowImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="grabSize" attribute-value="5"/> </sequence-manager> </jdbc-connection-descriptor> <!-- user/passwd at runtime required --> <jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias="minimal" platform="Hsqldb" jdbc-level="2.0" driver="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" protocol="jdbc" subprotocol="hsqldb" dbalias="../OJB_FarAway" </jdbc-connection-descriptor> </descriptor-repository> In the above additional repository file two new jdbc-connection-descriptor (new databases) runtime and minimal are declared, to load and merge the additional connection metadata the MetadataManager was used: // get MetadataManager instance MetadataManager mm = MetadataManager.getInstance(); // read connection metadata from repository file ConnectionRepository cr = mm.readConnectionRepository("valid path/url to repository file"); // merge new connection metadata with existing one mm.mergeConnectionRepository(cr); After the merge the access to the new databases is ready for use.
    Persistent object metadata
    object metadata encapsulate all information referring to the persistent capable java objects and the associated tables in database. Object metadata must be declared in OJB repository file . Each persistence capable java object must be declared in a corresponding class-descriptor . ClassDescriptor instances are managed by org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.DescriptorRepository Per default OJB use only one global instance of this class - it's the repository file read at startup of OJB. But it is possible to change the global use repository: // get MetadataManager instance MetadataManager mm = MetadataManager.getInstance(); mm.setDescriptor(myGlobalRepository, true);
    Load and merge object metadata
    It is possible to load additional object metadata at runtime and merge it with the existing one. The used repository files have to be valid against the repository.dtd : An additional repository file may look like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE descriptor-repository SYSTEM "repository.dtd"> <descriptor-repository version="1.0" isolation-level="read-uncommitted"> <class-descriptor class="org.my.MyObject" table="MY_OBJ" <field-descriptor name="id" column="OBJ_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="name" column="NAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" </class-descriptor> </descriptor-repository> To load and merge the object metadata of the additional repository files first read the metadata using the MetadataManager // get MetadataManager instance MetadataManager mm = MetadataManager.getInstance(); // read the additional repository file DescriptorRepository dr = mm.readDescriptorRepository("valid path/url to repository file"); // merge the new class-descriptor with existing object metadata mm.mergeDescriptorRepository(dr); It is also possible to keep the different object metadata for the same classes parallel by using metadata profiles
    Global object metadata changes MetadataManager provide several methods to read/set and manipulate object metadata. Per default OJB use a global instance of class DescriptorRepository to manage all object metadata . This means that all PersistenceBroker instances (kernel component used by all top-level api) use the same object metadata. So changes of the object metadata (e.g. remove of a CollectionDescriptor instance from a ClassDescriptor) will be seen immediately by all PersistenceBroker instances. This is in most cases not the favoured behaviour and OJB supports per thread changes of object metadata .
    Per thread metadata changes
    Per default the manager handle one global DescriptorRepository for all calling threads (keep in mind PB-api is not threadsafe, thus each thread use it's own PersistenceBroker instance), but it is ditto possible to use different metadata profiles in a per thread manner - profiles means different instances of DescriptorRepository objects. Each thread/PersistenceBroker instance can be associated with a specific DescriptorRepository instance. All made object metadata changes only will be seen by the PersistenceBroker instances using the same DescriptorRepository instance. In theory each PersistenceBroker instance could be associated with a separate instance of object metadata, but the recommended way is to use metadata profiles . To enable the use of different DescriptorRepository instances for each thread do: MetadataManager mm = MetadataManager.getInstance(); // tell the manager to use per thread mode mm.setEnablePerThreadChanges(true); This can be done e.g. at start up or at runtime when it's needed. If method setEnablePerThreadChanges is set false only the global DescriptorRepository was used. Now it's possible to use dedicated DescriptorRepository instances per thread: // e.g get a coppy of the global repository DescriptorRepository dr = mm.copyOfGlobalRepository(); // now we can manipulate the persistent object metadata of the copy ...... // set the changed repository for current thread mm.setDescriptor(dr); // now let this thread lookup a PersistenceBroker instance // with the modified metadata // all other threads use still the global object metadata PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.createPersistenceBroker(myKey) Set object metadata (setting of the DescriptorRepository) before lookup the PersistenceBroker instance for current thread, because the metadata was bound to the PersistenceBroker instance at lookup.
    Object metadata profiles
    MetadataManager was shipped with a simple mechanism to add, remove and load different persistent objects metadata profiles (different DescriptorRepository instances) in a per thread manner. Use method addProfile to add different persistent object metadata profiles, method removeProfile to remove profiles and loadProfile load a profile for the calling thread. // get MetadataManager instance MetadataManager mm = MetadataManager.getInstance(); // enable per thread mode if not done before mm.setEnablePerThreadChanges(true); // Load additional object metadata by parsing an repository file DescriptorRepository dr_1 = mm.readDescriptorRepository("pathOrURLtoFile_1"); DescriptorRepository dr_2 = mm.readDescriptorRepository("pathOrURLtoFile_2"); // add profiles mm.addProfile("global", mm.copyOfGlobalRepository()); mm.addProfile("guest", dr_1); mm.addProfile("admin", dr_2); // now load a specific profile mm.loadProfile("admin"); broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker(); After the loadProfile call all PersistenceBroker instances will be associated with the admin profile. Method loadProfile only proper work if the per thread mode is enabled.
    Reference runtime changes on per query basis
    Fixme (arminw) Changes of reference settings on a per query basis will be supported with next upcoming release 1.1
    OJB's flexibility of metadata handling demanded specific attention on object caching. If a global cache (shared permanent cache) was used, be aware of side-effects caused by runtime metadata changes. For example, using two metadata profiles A and B . In profile A all fields of a class are showed, in profile B only the 'name filed' is showed. Thread 1 use profile A, thread 2 use profile B. It is obvious that a global shared cache will cause trouble.
    Start OJB without a repository file?
    It is possible to start OJB without any repository file. In this case you have to declare the jdbc-connection-descriptor and class-descriptor at runtime. See Connect to database at runtime? and Add new persistent objects (class-descriptors) at runtime? for more information.
    Connect to database at runtime?
    There are two possibilities to connect your database at runtime:
  • load connection metadata by parsing additional repository files
  • create the JdbcConnectionDescriptor at runtime The first one is described in section load and merge connection metadata . For the second one a new instance of class org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.JdbcConnectionDescriptor is needed. The prepared instance will be passed to class ConnectionRepository : ConnectionRepository cr = MetadataManager.getInstance().connectionRepository(); JdbcConnectionDescriptor jcd = new JdbcConnectionDescriptor(); jcd.setJcdAlias("testConnection"); jcd.setUserName("sa"); jcd.setPassWord("sa"); jcd.setDbAlias("aAlias"); jcd.setDbms("aDatabase"); // .... the other required setter // add new descriptor cr.addDescriptor(jcd); // Now it's possible to obtain a PB-instance PBKey key = new PBKey("testConnection", "sa", "sa"); PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory. createPersistenceBroker(key); Please read this section from beginning for further information.
    Add new persistent objects metadata ( class-descriptor) at runtime? There are two possibilities to add new object metadata at runtime:
  • load object metadata by parsing additional repository files
  • create new metadata objects at runtime
  • The first one is described in section load object metadata . To create and add new metadata objects at runtime we create new org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.ClassDescriptor instances at runtime and using the MetadataManager to add them to OJB: DescriptorRepository dr = MetadataManager.getInstance().getRepository(); ClassDescriptor cld = new ClassDescriptor(dr); cld.setClassOfObject(A.class); //.... other setter // add the fields of the class FieldDescriptor fd = new FieldDescriptor(cld, 1); fd.setPersistentField(A.class, "someAField"); cld.addFieldDescriptor(fd); // now we add the the class descriptor dr.setClassDescriptor(cld); Please read this section from beginning for further information.


    This section enumerates all things needed to deploy OJB in standalone or servlet based applications and j2ee-container.
    Things needed for deploying OJB
    1. The OJB binary jar archive
    You need a db-ojb-<version>.jar file containing the compiled OJB library.
    This jar files contains all OJB code neccessary in production level environments. It does not contain any test code. It also does not contain any configuration data. You'll find this file in the lib directory of the binary distribution. If you are working with the source distribution you can assemble the binary jar archive By calling ant jar This ant task generates the binary jar to the dist directory.
    2. Configuration data

    OJB needs two kinds of configuration data:

    Configuration of the OJB runtime environment. This data is stored in a file named OJB.properties Learn more about this file here . Configuration of the MetaData layer. This data is stored in file named repository.xml (and several included files). Learn more about this file here . These configuration files are read in through ClassLoader resource lookup and must therefore be placed on the classpath.
    3. External dependencies that do not come with OJB
    Some components of OJB depend on external libraries and components that cannot be shipped with OJB. You'll also need these if you want to compile OJB from source. Here is a list of these dependencies: This is the main archive of the J2EE SDK . We recommend that you use the 1.3 version as the 1.4 is rather new and not thoroughly tested yet with OJB. jdo.jar, jdori*.jar The JDO Reference implementation is required if you plan to use the JDO Api.
    4. Optional jar archives that come with OJB
    Some of jar files in the lib folder are only used during build-time or are only required by certain components of OJB, and so they might need not to be needed in runtime environments. Apart from wasting disk space they do no harm. If you don't care about disk space you just take all jars from the lib folder. If you do care, here is the list of jars you might omit during runtime: ANTLR is a parser generator which is used in the ODMG component of OJB. If you only use the PB Api, then you don't need this. junit.jar Torque is used to generate concrete databases from database-independent schema files. OJB uses it internally to setup databases for the unit tests. xdoclet-[version].jar, xjavadoc-[version].jar, xdoclet-ojb-module-[version].jar, commons-collections-[version].jar The XDoclet OJB module can be used to generate the repository metadata and Torque schema files from Javadoc comments in the Java source files. It is however not required at runtime, so you can safely ignore these files then. The repository.xml defines JDBC Connections to your runtime databases. To use the declared JDBC drivers the respective jar archives must also be present in the classpath. Refer to the documentation of your databases. In the following sections I will describe how to deploy these items for specific runtime environments.
    Deployment in standalone applications
    Deploying OJB for standalone applications is most simple. If you follow these four steps your application will be up in a few minutes.
    Deployment in servlet based applications
    Generally speaking the four steps described in the previous section have to be followed also in Servlet / JSP based environments. The exact details may differ for your specific Servlet container, but the general concepts should be quite similar. db-ojb-<version>.jar with your servlet applications WAR file.
    The WAR format specifies that application specific jars are to be placed in a directory WEB-INF/lib . Place db-ojb-<version>.jar to this directory. Deploy OJB.properties repository.xml with your servlet applications WAR file.
    The WAR format specifies that Servlet classes are to be placed in a directory WEB-INF/classes . The OJB configuration files have to be in this directory. By executing ant war you can generate a sample servlet application assembled to a valid WAR file. The resulting ojb-servlet.war file is written to the dist directory. You can deploy this WAR file to your servlet engine or unzip it to have a look at its directory structure. you can also use the target war as a starting point for your own deployment scripts.
    Deployment in EJB based applications
    The above mentioned guidelines concerning jar files and placing of the OJB.properties and the repository.xml are valid for EJB environments as well. But apart from these basic steps you'll have to perform some additional configurations to integrate OJB into a managed environment. The instructions to make OJB running within your application server should be similar for all server. So the following instructions for JBoss should be useful for all user. E.g. most OJB.properties file settings are the same for all application server. There are some topics you should examine very carefully:
    Configure OJB for managed environments considering as JBoss example
    The following steps describe how to configure OJB for managed environments and deploy on a ejb conform Application Server (JBoss) on the basis of the shipped ejb-examples . In managed environments OJB needs some specific properties. 1. Adapt OJB.properties file If the PB-api is the only persistence API being used (no ODMG nor JDO) and it is only being used in a managed environment, it is strongly recommended to use a special PersistenceBrokerFactory class, which enables PersistenceBroker instances to participate in the running JTA transaction (e.g. this makes PBStateListener proper work in managed environments and enables use of 'autoSync' property in ObjectCacheDefaultImpl): PersistenceBrokerFactoryClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.core.PersistenceBrokerFactorySyncImpl Don't use this setting in conjunction with any other top-level api (e.g. ODMG-api). OJB.properties file need the following additional settings to work within managed environments (apply to all used api): ConnectionFactoryClass= org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.ConnectionFactoryManagedImpl # set used application server TM access class JTATransactionManagerClass= org.apache.ojb.otm.transaction.factory.JBossTransactionManagerFactory A specific ConnectionFactory implementation was used to by-pass all forbidden method calls in managed environments. JTATransactionManagerClass set the used implementation class for transaction manager lookup, necessary for for javax.transaction.TransactionManager lookup to participate in running JTA transaction via javax.transaction.Synchronization interface. The ODMG-api needs some additional settings for use in managed environments (only needed when odmg-api was used): # only needed for odmg-api ImplementationClass=org.apache.ojb.odmg.ImplementationJTAImpl # only needed for odmg-api OJBTxManagerClass=org.apache.ojb.odmg.JTATxManager The ImplementationClass specify the ODMG base class implementation. In managed environments a specific implementation is used, able to participate in JTA transactions . The OJBTxManagerClass specify the used OJBTxManager implementation to manage the transaction synchronization in managed enviroments. Currently OJB integrate in managed environments via javax.transaction.Synchronization interface. When the JCA adapter is finished (work in progress) integration will be more smooth. 2. Declare datasource in the repository (repository_database) file and do additional configuration Do only use DataSource from the application server to connect to your database (Local used connections do not participate in JTA transaction). We strongly recommend to use JBoss 3.2.2 or higher of the 3.x series of JBoss. With earlier versions of 3.x we got Statement/Connection resource problems when running some ejb stress tests. As workaround we introduce a jboss specific attribute eager-release for version before 3.2.2, but it seems that this attribute can cause side-effects. Again, this problem seems to be fixed in 3.2.2. Define OJB to use a DataSource: <!-- Datasource example --> <jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias="default" default-connection="true" platform="Sapdb" jdbc-level="2.0" jndi-datasource-name="java:DefaultDS" username="sa" password="" eager-release="false" batch-mode="false" useAutoCommit="0" ignoreAutoCommitExceptions="false" <object-cache class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheDefaultImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="timeout" attribute-value="900"/> <attribute attribute-name="autoSync" attribute-value="true"/> </object-cache> <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerNextValImpl"> </sequence-manager> </jdbc-connection-descriptor> The attribute useAutoCommit="0" is mandatory in managed environments, because it's in most cases not allowed to change autoCommit state. In managed environments you can't use the default sequence manager (SequenceManagerHighLowImpl) of OJB. For alternative sequence manager implemetation see here . [2b. How to deploy ojb test hsqldb database to jboss] If you use hsql database for testing you can easy setup the DB on jboss. After creating the database in OJB test directory with ant prepare-testdb , take the generated .../target/test/OJB.script file and rename it to default.script . Then replace the jboss default.script file in .../jboss-3.x.y/server/default/db/hypersonic with this file. 3. Include all OJB configuration files in classpath Include the all needed OJB configuration files in your classpath: - OJB.properties
    - repository.dtd
    - repository.xml
    - repository_internal.xml
    - repository_database.xml,
    - repository_ejb.xml (if you want to run the ejb examples) To deploy the ejb-examples beans we include all configuration files in a ejb jar file - more info about this see below . The repository.xml for the ejb-example beans look like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- This is a sample metadata repository for the ObJectBridge System. Use this file as a template for building your own mappings--> <!-- defining entities for include-files --> <!DOCTYPE descriptor-repository SYSTEM "repository.dtd" [ <!ENTITY database SYSTEM "repository_database.xml"> <!ENTITY internal SYSTEM "repository_internal.xml"> <!ENTITY ejb SYSTEM "repository_ejb.xml"> <descriptor-repository version="1.0" isolation-level="read-uncommitted"> <!-- include all used database connections --> &database; <!-- include ojb internal mappings here --> &internal; <!-- include mappings for the EJB-examples --> </descriptor-repository> 4. Enclose all libraries OJB depend on In most cases it is recommended to include all libraries OJB depend on in the application .ear/.sar or ejb .jar file to make OJB run and (re-)deployable. Here are the libraries needed to make the ojb sample session beans run on JBoss:
  • The jakarta commons libraries files (all commons-xxx.jar) from OJB /lib directory
  • The antlr jar file (antlr-xxx.jar) from OJB /lib directory
  • jakarta-regexp-xxx.jar from OJB /lib directory
  • [jakarta turbine jcs.jar from OJB /lib directory, only if ObjectCacheJCSImpl was used]
  • (This was tested with jboss 3.2.2) 5. Take care of caching Very important thing is cache synchronization with the database. When using the ODMG-api or PB-api (with special PBF (see 1.) setting) it's possible to use all ObjectCache implementations as long as OJB doesn't run in a clustered mode. When the ObjectCacheDefaultImpl cache implementation was used it's recommended to enable the autoSync mode. In clustered environments (OJB run on different AppServer nodes) you need a distributed ObjectCache or you should use a local/empty cache like ObjectCacheClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCachePerBrokerImpl ObjectCacheClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheEmptyImpl The cache is pluggable, so you can write your own ObjectCache implementation to accomplish your expectations. More info you can find in clustering and ObjectCache topic. 6. Take care of locking If the used api supports Object Locking (e.g. ODMG-api, PB-api does not), in clustered environments (OJB run on different AppServer nodes) a distributed lock management is mandatory. 7. Put all together Now put all files together. We keep the examples as simple as possible, thus we deploy only a ejb .jar file. Below you can find a short instruction how to pack an ejb application .ear file including OJB. Generate the ejb-examples described below or build your own ejb .jar file including all beans, ejb-jar.xml and appServer dependend files. Then add all OJB configuration files, the db-ojb jar file and all libraries OJB depends on into this ejb .jar file. The structure of the ejb .jar file should now look like this: /OJB.properties /repository.dtd /repository.xml /all used repository-XYZ.xml /META-INF .../Manifest.mf .../ejb-jar.xml .../jboss.xml /all ejb classes /db-ojb-1.X.jar /all used libraries 7b. Example: Deployable jar For example the jar-file used to test the ejb-examples shipped with OJB, base on the db-ojb-XY-beans.jar file. This jar was created when the ejb-examples target was called. The generated jar contains only the ejb-classes and the deployment-descriptor. We have to add additional jars (all libraries used by OJB) and files (all configuration files) to make it deployable. The deployable db-ojb-XY-beans.jar should look like this: /OJB.properties /repository.dtd /repository.xml /repository_database.xml /repository_ejb.xml /repository_internal.xml /META-INF .../Manifest.mf .../ejb-jar.xml .../jboss.xml .../apache (all ejb classes) /db-ojb-1.X.jar /antlr-XXX.jar /commons-beanutils-XXX.jar /commons-collections-XXX.jar /commons-dbcp-XXX.jar /commons-lanf-XXX.jar /commons-logging-XXX.jar /commons-pool-XXX.jar /jakarta-regexp-XXX.jar Please pay attention on the configuration settings to make OJB work in managed environments (especially the OJB.properties settings). This example isn't a real world production example. Normally you will setup one or more enterprise archive files (.ear files) to bundle one or more complete J2EE (web) applications. More about how to build an J2EE application using OJB see here . The described example should be re-deployable/hot-deployable in JBoss. If you will get any problems, please let me know. All suggestions are welcome! In managed environments it is possible to access OJB in same way used in non-managed environments: // PB-api PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.create...; //ODMG-api Implementation odmg = OJB.getInstance(); But it is recommended to bind OJB api access classes to JNDI and lookup the the api entry classes via JNDI . 9. OJB logging within JBoss Jboss use log4j as standard logging api. In summary, to use log4j logging with OJB within jBoss: 1) in OJB.properties set LoggerClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.util.logging.Log4jLoggerImpl There is no need for a separate log4j.properties file of OJB-specific log4j settings (in fact the OJB.properties setting LoggerConfigFile is ignored). Instead, the jBoss log4j configuration file must be used: 2) in JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf/log4j.xml, define appenders and add categories to add or filter logging of desired OJB packages, following the numerous examples in that file. For example, <category name="org.apache.ojb"> <priority value="DEBUG" /> <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/> <appender-ref ref="FILE"/> </category> <category name="org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.RepositoryXmlHandler"> <priority value="ERROR" /> <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/> <appender-ref ref="FILE"/> </category>
    Example Session Beans
    The OJB source distribution was shipped with a bunch of sample session beans and client classes for testing. Please recognize that we don't say that these examples show "best practices" of using OJB within enterprise java beans - it's only one way to make it work. To keep the examples as simple as possible we directly use the OJB main classes via static lookup or helper classes on each ejbCreate() call. But we recommend to bind the OJB main classes in JNDI instead of direct use in the session beans. Generate the sample session beans The source code of the sample beans is stored in directory [db-ojb]/src/ejb/org/apache/ojb/ejb To generate the sample beans call ant ejb-examples This ant target copies the bean sources to [db-ojb]/target/srcejb generates all needed bean classes and deployment descriptor ( by using xdoclet ) to the same directory, compiles the sources and build an ejb .jar file called [db-ojb]/dist/db-ojb-XXX-beans.jar . Test clients for the generated beans included in the [db-ojb]/dist/db-ojb-XXX-client.jar . To run xdoclet properly the following xdoclet jar files needed in [db-ojb]/lib directory (xdoclet version 1.2xx or higher): xdoclet-xxx.jar xdoclet-ejb-module-xxx.jar xdoclet-jboss-module-xxx.jar xdoclet-jmx-module-xxx.jar xdoclet-web-module-xxx.jar xdoclet-xjavadoc-module-xxx.jar If you using a different application server than JBoss, you have to modifiy the xdoclet ant target in [db-ojb]/build-ejb-examples.xml to force xdoclet to generate the appServer specific files. See xdoclet documentation for further information. How to run test clients for PB / ODMG - api If the "extended ejb .jar" file was successfully deployed we need a test client to invoke the ejb-examples. As said above, the ejb-examples target generates a test client jar too. It's called [db-ojb]/dist/db-ojb-XXX-client.jar and contains junit based test clients for the PB-/ODMG-api. The main test classes are:
  • org.apache.ojb.ejb.AllODMGTests
  • org.apache.ojb.ejb.AllPBTests
  • OJB provide an ant target to run the client side bean tests. Include all needed appServer libraries in [db-ojb]/lib (e.g. for JBoss jbossall-client.jar do the job, beside the "j2ee jars"). To run the PB-api test clients (access running JBoss server with default settings) call ant ejb-examples-run -Dclient.class=org.apache.ojb.ejb.AllPBTests To run the test clients on an arbitrary appServer pass the JNDI properties for naming context initalisation too, e.g.
  • -Djava.naming.factory.initial="org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory"
  • -Djava.naming.provider.url="jnp://localhost:1099"
  • -Djava.naming.factory.url.pkgs="org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces"
  • Then the target call may looks like ant ejb-examples-run -Dclient.class=org.apache.ojb.ejb.AllPBTests -Djava.naming.factory.initial="org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory" -Djava.naming.provider.url="jnp://localhost:1099" -Djava.naming.factory.url.pkgs="org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces"
    Packing an .ear file
    Here is an example of the .ear package structure. It is redeployable without having to restart JBoss.
    The Package Structure
    The package structure of the .ear file should look like: /ejb.jar/ ...EJBs ...META-INF/ ......ejb-jar.xml ......jboss.xml ......MANIFEST.MF /web-app.war/ ...JSP ...WEB-INF/ ......web.xml /META-INF/ ...application.xml /ojb.jar /[ojb required runtime jar] /OJB.properties /repository.dtd /respository_internal.xml /repository.xml /repository_database1.xml /repository_app1.xml /repository_database2.xml /repository_app2.xml
    Make OJB API Resources available
    There are two approaches to use OJB api in the ejb.jar file: 1. To create a Manifest.mf file with classpath attribute that include all the runtime jar required by OJB (Very important to include all required jar). The sample below works fine (replace [version] with distributed JAR versions): Class-Path: db-ojb-[version].jar antlr-[version].jar commons-beanutils-[version].jar commons-collections-[version].jar commons-dbcp-[version].jar commons-lang-[version].jar commons-logging-[version].jar commons-pool-[version].jar jakarta-regexp-[version].jar If you to include the jar file under a directory of the ear file, says /lib/db-ojb-[version].jar and etc. At the classpath attribute it will be something like: Class-Path: ./lib/db-ojb-[version].jar and etc (The "." in front is important) 2. To add the required jar file as a "java" element in the application.xml file: <module> <java>antlr-[version].jar</java> </module> <module> <java>commons-beanutils-[version].jar</java> </module> <module> <java>commons-collections-[version].jar</java> </module> <module> <java>commons-dbcp-[version].jar</java> </module> <module> <java>commons-lang-[version].jar</java> </module> <module> <java>commons-logging-[version].jar</java> </module> <module> <java>commons-pool-[version].jar</java> </module> <module> <java>db-ojb-[version].jar</java> </module> To use this approach, all the library had to be in the root of the (This was tested on Jboss 3.2.3)
    Make OJB accessible via JNDI
    Current bean examples do directly use OJB main classes, but it's also possible to make OJB accessible via JNDI and use a JNDI-lookup to access OJB api's in your beans. To make the OJB api's accessible via JNDI, bind main/access classes to JNDI. How to do this depends on the used environment. The main classes/methods to bind are: PB-api:
    Method org.apache.ojb.broker.core.PersistenceBrokerFactoryFactory#instance() returns the used org.apache.ojb.broker.core.PersistenceBrokerFactoryIF . Make this instance accessible via JNDI. ODMG-api:
    Method org.apache.ojb.odmg.OJB#getInstance() returns a new instance of the org.odmg.Implementation instance. Open a new Database and make this instance and the Database instance accessible via JNDI. In JBoss you can write mbean classes to bind OJB main/access classes to JNDI, similar to the Weblogic example below. Let JBoss know about the new mbeans, so declare them in a jboss-service.xml file. Please see JBoss documentation how to write mbeans and bind objects to JNDI. Other Application Server In other application server you can do similar steps to bind OJB main api classes to JNDI. For example in Weblogic you can use startup class implementation to bind OJB main/access classes to JNDI (see below ).
    Instructions for Weblogic
    1. Add the OJB jar files and depedencies into the Weblogic classpath 2. As usual create the connection pool and the datasource. 3. Prepare the OJB.properties file. Should be similar to jboss . Expect the following entry: # Weblogic Transaction Manager Factory JTATransactionManagerClass= org.apache.ojb.broker.transaction.tm.WeblogicTransactionManagerFactory 4. Modify the connection information in the repository.xml (specify the datasource name). SequenceManager implementation depends on the used DB, more info see here : <jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias="default" default-connection="true" platform="Sapdb" jdbc-level="2.0" jndi-datasource-name="datasource_demodb" eager-release="false" batch-mode="false" useAutoCommit="0" ignoreAutoCommitExceptions="false" <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerNextValImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="grabSize" attribute-value="20"/> </sequence-manager> </jdbc-connection-descriptor> The following step is only neccessary if you want to bind OJB main api classes to JNDI. [5.] Compile the following classes (see at the end of this section ) and add them to the weblogic classpath. This allows to access the PB-api via JNDI lookup. Register via the weblogic console the startup class OjbPbStartup class below). The JNDI name and the OJB.properties file path can be specified as parameters in this startup class. To use the ODMG-api you have to write a similar startup class. This shouldn't be too complicated. Take a look in org.apache.ojb.jboss package src/connector/main ). Here you could find the jboss mbeans. All you have to do is bound a similar class to JNDI in weblogic. Implement ODMGJ2EEFactory Interface in your class bound this class to JNDI (in the ejb-examples the beans try to lookup the Implementation instance via "java:/ojb/defaultODMG" ). Your ODMGFactory class should implement this method public Implementation getInstance() return OJBJ2EE_2.getInstance(); Write a session bean similar to those provided for the JBOSS samples. It is also possible to use the ejb-example beans (doing minor modifications when the JNDI lookup should be used). Write an OJB startup class to make OJB accessible via JNDI can look like (I couldn't test this sample class, so don't know if it will work ;-)): package org.apache.ojb.weblogic; import javax.naming.*; import org.apache.ojb.broker.core.PersistenceBrokerFactoryFactory; import org.apache.ojb.broker.core.PersistenceBrokerFactoryIF; import weblogic.common.T3ServicesDef; import weblogic.common.T3StartupDef; import java.util.Hashtable; * This startup class created and binds an instance of a * PersistenceBrokerFactoryIF into JNDI. public class OjbPbStartup implements T3StartupDef, OjbPbFactory, Serializable private String defaultPropsFile = "org/apache/ojb/weblogic/OJB.properties"; public void setServices(T3ServicesDef services) public PersistenceBrokerFactoryIF getInstance() return PersistenceBrokerFactoryFactory.instance(); public String startup(String name, Hashtable args) throws Exception String jndiName = (String) args.get("jndiname"); if(jndiName == null || jndiName.length() == 0) jndiName = OjbPbFactory.DEFAULT_JNDI_NAME; String propsFile = (String) args.get("propsfile"); if(propsFile == null || propsFile.length() == 0) System.setProperty("OJB.properties", defaultPropsFile); System.setProperty("OJB.properties", propsFile); InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); bind(ctx, jndiName, this); // return a message for logging return "Bound OJB PersistenceBrokerFactoryIF to " + jndiName; catch(Exception e) e.printStackTrace(); // return a message for logging return "Startup Class error: impossible to bind OJB PB factory"; private void bind(Context ctx, String name, Object val) throws NamingException Name n; for(n = ctx.getNameParser("").parse(name); n.size() > 1; n = n.getSuffix(1)) String ctxName = n.get(0); ctx = (Context) ctx.lookup(ctxName); catch(NameNotFoundException namenotfoundexception) ctx = ctx.createSubcontext(ctxName); ctx.bind(n.get(0), val); The used OjbPbFactory interface: package org.apache.ojb.weblogic; import org.apache.ojb.broker.core.PersistenceBrokerFactoryIF; public interface OjbPbFactory public static String DEFAULT_JNDI_NAME = "PBFactory"; public PersistenceBrokerFactoryIF getInstance();

    Connection Handling

    In this section the connection handling within OJB is described. The connection management is implemented through two OJB interfaces:
    The org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.ConnectionFactory interface implementation is a pluggable component (via the OJB.properties file - more about the OJB.properties file here ) responsible for creation/lookup and release of connections. public interface ConnectionFactory Connection lookupConnection(JdbcConnectionDescriptor jcd) throws LookupException; void releaseConnection(JdbcConnectionDescriptor jcd, Connection con); void releaseAllResources(); To enable a specific ConnectionFactory implementation class in the OJB.properties file, set property ConnectionFactoryClass . Default: ConnectionFactoryClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.ConnectionFactoryPooledImpl OJB is shipped with several different implementation classes for use in different situations. The default implementation for example, will pool created Connection instances for increased performance (since instance creation normally makes a database server roundtrip and thus is costly). To make it more easier to implement your own ConnectionFactory class, an abstract base class called org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.ConnectionFactoryAbstractImpl exists, most shipped implementation classes inherit from this class. All shipped implementations of ConnectionFactory with support for connection pooling will only use object pools for connections obtained directly from the JDBC DriverManager. If you are using a DataSource configuration, the JNDI DataSource is responsible for pooling.
    A ConnectionFactory implementation using commons-pool to pool the Connection instances. On lookupConnection a Connection instance is borrowed from the object pool, and returned on the releaseConnection call. This implementation is used as default setting in the OJB.properties file. This implementation allows a wide range of different settings, more info about the configuration properties can be found in the metadata repository connection-pool section.
    Implementation that creates a new Connection instance on each lookupConnection call and closes (destroys) it on releaseConnection. All connection-pool settings are ignored by this implementation.
    Implementation specifically for use in managed environments like J2EE conformant application servers. In managed environments it is mandatory to use DataSource configuration, with Connection objects provided by the application server. OJB will not control Connection properties or transaction handling when using this implementation. connection-pool settings are ignored by this implementation.
    Implementation using commons-dbcp to pool the Connection instances. Since DBCP is using commons-pool internally, this implementation is very similar to ConnectionFactoryPooledImpl , but permits additional configuration for logging abandoned Connection instances (usable under development for detecting bad programming patterns). This implementation allows a wide range of different settings, more info about the configuration properties can be found in the metadata repository connection-pool section.
    The org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.ConnectionManagerIF interface implementation is a pluggable component (via the OJB.properties file - more about the OJB.properties file here ) responsible for managing the connection usage lifecycle and connection status (commit/rollback of connections). public interface ConnectionManagerIF JdbcConnectionDescriptor getConnectionDescriptor(); Platform getSupportedPlatform(); boolean isAlive(Connection conn); Connection getConnection() throws LookupException; boolean isInLocalTransaction(); void localBegin(); void localCommit(); void localRollback(); void releaseConnection(); void setBatchMode(boolean mode); boolean isBatchMode(); void executeBatch(); void executeBatchIfNecessary(); void clearBatch(); The ConnectionManager is used by the PersistenceBroker to handle connection usage lifecycle.
    Questions and Answers
    How does OJB handle connection pooling?
    OJB does connection pooling per default, except for datasources that are never pooled internally by OJB. Pooling of Connection instances when configuring OJB with DataSource lookup must be configured and performed in the DataSource provider. The implementations of the org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.ConnectionFactory.java interface are responsible for managing the connections in OJB. There are several implementations shipped with OJB called org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.ConnectionFactoryImpl.java . There is, among others, a non-pooling implementation and an implementation using Commons DBCP API. Configuration of the connection pooling is specified using the connection-pool element for each jdbc-connection-descriptor . The connection-pool element can be configured with properties for the specific ConnectionFactory implementation or JDBC driver used. For general information about the configuration, see the repository section or read the comments in repository.dtd .
    Can I directly obtain a java.sql.Connection within OJB?
    It is possible to obtain a Connection using the PB API and a PersistenceBroker instance. Example: PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.createPersistenceBroker(myKey); broker.beginTransaction(); // do something Connection con = broker.serviceConnectionManager().getConnection(); // perform your connection action and do more // close the created statement and result set broker.commitTransaction(); broker.close(); After obtaining a Connection with broker.serviceConnectionManager().getConnection() , the connection can be used for any JDBC operations (except for transaction handling, more on this below). The user is responsible for cleanup of created Statement and ResultSet instances, so be sure to guard your call with a finally clause and close resources after use. For read-only operations there is no need to start a PB transaction as in the example. Do not commit any transactions on the Connection level, this should be left to OJB's PB API and will be performed automatically by calling PersistenceBroker commit-/abortTransaction methods. Do not call Connection.close() on the obtained Connection, this should be left to OJB's ConnectionFactory and will be performed automatically when calling broker.close() . If no transaction is running, it is possible to release a connection "by hand" after use by calling: broker.serviceConnectionManager().releaseConnection(); This call performs cleanup operations on the used connection and pass the instance to the release method of ConnectionFactory (this will e.g. return the connection to pool or close it). If you do not do any connection cleanup, the connection will at the latest be released when calling broker.close() . Users who are interested in this section might also be interested in 'Is it possible to perform my own sql-queries in OJB?' .
    When does OJB open/close a connection
    This is dependent on the used OJB api. Generally OJB try to obtain a connection as late as possible and close the connection as soon as possible. Using the PB-api the connection is obtained when PersistenceBroker.beginTransaction() was called or a query is executed. On PersistenceBroker.commitTransaction() or PersistenceBroker.abortTransaction() call the connection was released. If no PB-tx is running, the connection will be released on PersistenceBroker.close() call. Using the ODMG-api the connection is obtained when a query is executed or when the transaction commit. On leaving the commit method, the connection will be released. All other top-level API should behave similar.

    The Object Cache

    OJB supports several caching strategies and allow to pluggin own caching solutions by implementing the ObjectCache interface. All implementations shipped with OJB can be found in package org.apache.ojb.broker.cache . The naming convention of the implementation classes is ObjectCacheXXXImpl . To classify the different implementations we differ local/session cache and shared/global/application cache implementations (we use the different terms synonymous). The ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl use both characteristics. distributed object cache implementation supports caching of objects across different JVM.
    Why a cache and how it works?
    OJB provides a pluggable object cache provided by the ObjectCache interface: public interface ObjectCache * Write to cache. public void cache(Identity oid, Object obj); * Lookup object from cache. public Object lookup(Identity oid); * Removes an Object from the cache. public void remove(Identity oid); * Clear the ObjectCache. public void clear(); Each PersistenceBroker instance (PersistenceBroker is a standalone api and the basic layer for all top-level api's like ODMG) use it's own ObjectCache instance. The ObjectCache instances are created by the ObjectCacheFactory class on PersistenceBroker instantiation. Each cache implementation holds objects previously loaded or stored by the PersistenceBroker - dependend on the implementation. Using a Cache has several advantages: It increases performance as it reduces database lookups or/and object materialization. If an object is looked up by Identity the associated PersistenceBroker instance does not perform SELECT against the database immediately but first looks up the cache if the requested object is already loaded. If the object is cached it is returned as the lookup result. If it is not cached a SELECT is performed. Other queries were performed against the database, but before an object from the ResultSet was materialized the object identity was looked up in cache. If not found the whole object was materialized. It allows to perform circular lookups (as by crossreferenced objects) that would result in non-terminating loops without such a cache (Note: Since OJB 1.0.2 this is handled internally by OJB and does not depend on the used cache implementation). object-cache element can be used to specify the ObjectCache implementation used by OJB. If no object-cache is declared in configuration files (see below), OJB use by default a noop-implementation of the ObjectCache interface. There are two levels of declaration:
  • jdbc-connection-descriptor level
  • class-descriptor level
  • and the possibility to exclude all persistent objects of specified package names . Use a jdbc-connection-descriptor level declaration to declare ObjectCache implementation on a per connection/user level. Additional configuration properties can be passed by using custom attributes entries: <jdbc-connection-descriptor ...> <object-cache class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheDefaultImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="timeout" attribute-value="900"/> <attribute attribute-name="useAutoSync" attribute-value="true"/> </object-cache> </jdbc-connection-descriptor> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.HighLowSequence" table="OJB_HL_SEQ" <object-cache class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheEmptyImpl"> </object-cache> </class-descriptor> Additional configuration properties can be passed by using custom attributes entries. If polymorphism was used it's only possible to declare the object-cache element in the class-descriptor of the top-level class/interface (root class), all object-cache declarations in the sub-classes will be ignored by OJB.
    Priority of Cache Level
    Since it is possible to mix the different levels of object-cache element declaration a ordering of priority is needed: The order of priority of declared object-cache elements in metadata are: per class > excluded packages > per jdbc-connection-descriptor E.g. if you declare ObjectCache 'OC1' on connection level and set ObjectCache 'OC2' in class-descriptor of class A. Then OJB use 'OC2' as ObjectCache for class A instances and 'OC1' for all other classes.
    Exclude classes from being cached
    If it's undesirable to cache an persistent object (e.g. persistent objects with BLOB fields or large binary fields) declare an object-cache descriptor with the noop-cache implementation called ObjectCacheEmptyImpl . <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.HighLowSequence" table="OJB_HL_SEQ" <object-cache class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheEmptyImpl"> </object-cache> </class-descriptor> If polymorphism was used and the class to exclude is part of an inheritance hierarchy and it's declared in in OJB metadata, it's not possible to exclude it. Only for the top-level class/interface (root class) it's allowed to specify the object-cache element in metadata. So it's only possible to exclude all sub-classes of the top-level class/interface (root class). More info see here .
    Exclude packages from being cached
    To exclude all persistent objects of a whole package from being cached use the custom attribute cacheExcludes on connection level within the object-cache declaration. To declare several packages use a comma seperated list. <jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias="myDefault" <object-cache class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="cacheExcludes" attribute-value="my.core, my.persistent.local"/> ... more attributes </object-cache> </jdbc-connection-descriptor To include a persistent class of a excluded package, simply declare an object-cache descriptor on class-descriptor level of the class to include, object cache declarations on class-descriptor level have a higher priority as the excluded packages - see more .
    Turn off caching
    If you don't declare a object-cache element in configuration files (see here ), OJB doesn't cache persistent objects by default. To explicitly turn off caching declare a no-op implementation of the ObjectCache interface as caching implementation. OJB was shipped with such a class called ObjectCacheEmptyImpl . To explicitly turn off caching for a used database look like this: <jdbc-connection-descriptor ...> <object-cache class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheEmptyImpl"> </object-cache> </jdbc-connection-descriptor> To get more detailed info about the different level of cache declaration, please see here .
    Shipped cache implementations:
    Per default OJB use a shared reference based ObjectCache implementation - ObjectCacheDefaultImpl . It's a really fast cache but there are a few drawbacks: There is no transaction isolation, when thread one modify an object, thread two will see the modification when lookup the same object or use a reference of the same object, so "dirty-reads" can happen. If you rollback/abort a transaction the modified/corrupted objects will be removed from the cache by default(when using PB-api, top-level api may support automatic cache synchronization). You have to do this by your own using a service method to remove cached objects or enable the autoSync property. This implementation cache full object graphs (the object with all referenced objects) and does not synchronize the references. So if cached object ProductGroup has a 1:n reference to Article , e.g. article1, article2, article3 and another thread delete article2, the ProductGroup still has a reference to article2. To avoid such a behavior you can use the collection-descriptor 'refresh' attribute to force OJB to query the referenced objects when the main object is loaded from cache or use another ObjectCache implementation supporting synchronization of references (e.g. ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl ). This implementation use by default SoftReference to wrap all cached objects. If the cached object was not longer referenced by your application but only by the cache, it can be reclaimed by the garbage collector. As we don't know when the garbage collector reclaims the freed objects, it is possible to set a timeout property. So an cached object was only returned from cache if it was not garbage collected and was not timed out. To enable this ObjectCache implementation declare <object-cache class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheDefaultImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="cacheExcludes" attribute-value=""/> <attribute attribute-name="timeout" attribute-value="900"/> <attribute attribute-name="autoSync" attribute-value="true"/> <attribute attribute-name="cachingKeyType" attribute-value="0"/> <attribute attribute-name="useSoftReferences" attribute-value="true"/> </object-cache> Lifetime of the cached objects in seconds. If expired, the cached object was discarded - default was 900 sec. When set to -1 the lifetime of the cached object never expire. If set true all cached/looked up objects within a PB-transaction are traced. If the the PB-transaction was aborted all traced objects will be removed from cache. Default is false . NOTE: This does not prevent "dirty-reads" by concurrent threads (more info see above). It's not a smart solution for keeping cache in sync with DB but should do the job in most cases. E.g. if OJB read 1000 objects from the database within a transaction, one object was modified and the transaction will be aborted, then 1000 objects will be passed to the cache on lookup, 1000 objects will be traced and all 1000 objects will be removed from cache on abort. Read these objects without running tx or in a former tx and then modify one object in a tx and abort the tx, only one object was traced/removed. Keep in mind that this property counteract the useSoftReferences property as long as the PB-transaction is running, because all traced objects will have strong references. Determines how the key was build for the cached objects: 0 - Identity object was used as key, this was the default setting. 1 - Idenity + jcdAlias name was used as key. Useful when the same object metadata model (DescriptorRepository instance) are used for different databases (JdbcConnectionDescriptor), because different databases should use separated caches (persistent object instances). 2 - Identity + model (DescriptorRepository) was used as key. Useful when different metadata model (DescriptorRepository instance) are used for the same database. Keep in mind that there was no synchronization between cached objects with same Identity but different metadata model. E.g. when the same database use different metadata versions of the same persistent object class. 3 - all together (Idenity + jcdAlias + model) If possible '0' is recommended, because it will be the best performing setting. If set true this class use {@link java.lang.ref.SoftReference} to cache objects. Default value is true . If set true and the cached object was not longer referenced by your application but only by the cache, it can be reclaimed by the garbage collector. If set false it's strongly recommended to the timeout property to prevent memory problems of the JVM. Recommendation:
    If you take care of cache synchronization (or use autoSync property) and be aware of dirty reads, this implementation is useful for read-only or less update centric classes.
    ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl is a two level ObjectCache implementation with a transactional session- and a shared application-cache part. The first level is a transactional session cache that cache objects till PersistenceBroker #close() or if a PB-tx is running till #abortTransaction() or #commitTransaction() was called. On commit all objects reside in the session cache will be pushed to the application cache. If objects be new materialized from the database (e.g. when achieve a query), the full materialized objects will be pushed immediately to the application cache (more precisely, if the application cache doesn't contain the "new materialized" objects). The second level cache can be specified with the applicationCache property. Properties of the specified application cache are allowed too. Here is an example how to use the two level cache with ObjectCacheDefaultImpl as second level cache. <object-cache class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl"> <!-- meaning of attributes, please see docs section "Caching" --> <!-- common attributes --> <attribute attribute-name="cacheExcludes" attribute-value=""/> <!-- ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl attributes --> <attribute attribute-name="applicationCache" attribute-value="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheDefaultImpl"/> <attribute attribute-name="copyStrategy" attribute-value="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl$CopyStrategyImpl"/> <!-- ObjectCacheDefaultImpl attributes --> <attribute attribute-name="timeout" attribute-value="900"/> <attribute attribute-name="autoSync" attribute-value="true"/> <attribute attribute-name="cachingKeyType" attribute-value="0"/> <attribute attribute-name="useSoftReferences" attribute-value="true"/> </object-cache> The most important characteristic of the two-level cache is that all objects put to or read from the application cache are copies of the target object, so the cached objects never could be corrupted by the user when changing fields, because all operations done on copies of objects cached in the application cache (in contrast to ObjectCacheDefaultImpl ). The strategy to make copies of the persistent objects is pluggable and can be specified by the copyStrategy property which expects an implementation of the ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl.CopyStrategy interface. The default ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl.CopyStrategy implementation make copies based on the field-descriptors of the cached object and set these values in a new instance of the cached object. If you lookup a cached object with 1:n or m:n relation a query is needed to get the ID's of the referenced objects, because in application cache only "flat" objects without references/reference-info will be cached. This two-level cache implementation does not guarantee that cache and persistent storage (e.g. database) are always consistent, because the session cache push the persistent objects to application cache after the PB-tx was commited. Let us assume that thread 1 (using broker 1) update objects A1, A2, ... within a transaction and does commit the tx. Now before OJB could execute the after commit call on thread 1 to force session cache to push the objects to the application cache, thread 2 (using broker 2) lookup and update object A2 too (improbably but could happen, because thread 1 has already commited the objects A1, A2,... to the persistent storage) and push A2 to application cache. After this thread 1 was able to perform the after commit call and the 'outdated' version of A2 was pushed to the application cache overwriting the actual version of A2 in cache - cache and persistent storage are out of synchronization. To avoid writing of outdated data to the persistence storage optimistic locking can be used. OL will not prevent the above scenario, but if it happens and e.g. broker 3 read the outdated object A1 from the cache and try to perform an update of A1, an optimistic locking exception will be thrown. So it is guaranteed that the persistent storage is always consistent. A possibility to completely prevent synchronization problems of cache and persistent storage is the usage of pessimistic locking (if the used api supports it) with an adequate locking isolation level. If only one thread/broker could modify an object at the same time and the lock will be released after all work is done, the above scenario can't happen. To avoid corrupted data, all objects cached by users (using the methods of the ObjectCache interface) will never be pushed to the application cache, they will be buffered in the session cache till it was cleared. Specifies the ObjectCache implementation used as application cache (second level cache). By default ObjectCacheDefaultImpl was used. It's recommended to use a shared cache implementation (all used PB instances should access the same pool of objects - e.g. by using a static Map in cache implementation). copyStrategy Specifies the implementation class of the ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl.CopyStrategy interface, which was used to copy objects on read and write operations to application cache. If not set, a default implementation was used ( ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl.CopyStrategyImpl make field-descriptor based copies of the cached objects). ObjectCachePerBrokerImpl is a local/session cache implementation allows to have dedicated caches per PersistenceBroker instance. Note: When the used broker instance was closed (returned to pool) the cache was cleared. This cache implementation is not synchronized with the other ObjectCache instances, there will be no automatic refresh of objects modified/updated by other threads ( PersistenceBroker instances). So, objects modified by other threads will not influence the cached objects, because for each broker instance the objects will be cached separately and each thread should use it's own PersistenceBroker instance.
    This is an no-op ObjectCache implementation. Useful when caching was not desired. This implementaion supports circular references as well (since OJB 1.0.2, materialization of object graphs with circular references will be handled internally by OJB).
    A shared ObjectCache implementation using a JCS region for each classname. More info see turbine-JCS .
    You're basically in good shape at this point. Now you've just got to set up OSCache to work with OJB. Here are the steps for that: Download OSCache from OSCache . Add the oscache-2.0.x.jar to your project so that it is in your classpath (for Servlet/J2EE users place in your WEB-INF/lib directory). Download JavaGroups from JavaGroups . Add the javagroups-all.jar to your classpath (for Servlet/J2EE users place in your WEB-INF/lib directory). Add oscache.properties from your OSCache distribution to your project so that it is in the classpath (for Servlet/J2EE users place in your WEB-INF/classes directory). Open the file and make the following changes: Add the following line to the CACHE LISTENERS section of your oscache.properties file: Add the following class to your project (feel free to change package name, but make sure that you specify the full qualified class name in configuration files). You can find source of this class under db-ojb/contrib/src/ObjectCacheOSCacheImpl or copy this source: public class ObjectCacheOSCacheImpl implements ObjectCacheInternal private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ObjectCacheOSCacheImpl.class); private static GeneralCacheAdministrator admin = new GeneralCacheAdministrator(); private static final int REFRESH_PERIOD = com.opensymphony.oscache.base.CacheEntry.INDEFINITE_EXPIRY; public ObjectCacheOSCacheImpl() public ObjectCacheOSCacheImpl(PersistenceBroker broker, Properties prop) public void cache(Identity oid, Object obj) admin.putInCache(oid.toString(), obj); catch(Exception e) admin.cancelUpdate(oid.toString()); log.error("Error while try to cache object: " + oid, e); public void doInternalCache(Identity oid, Object obj, int type) cache(oid, obj); public boolean cacheIfNew(Identity oid, Object obj) boolean result = false; Cache cache = admin.getCache(); cache.getFromCache(oid.toString()); catch(NeedsRefreshException e) cache.putInCache(oid.toString(), obj); result = true; catch(Exception e1) cache.cancelUpdate(oid.toString()); log.error("Error while try to cache object: " + oid, e); return result; public Object lookup(Identity oid) return admin.getFromCache(oid.toString(), REFRESH_PERIOD); catch(NeedsRefreshException e) // not found in cache if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Not found in cache: " + oid); return null; catch(Exception e) log.error("Unexpected error when lookup object from cache: " + oid, e); return null; public void remove(Identity oid) if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Remove from cache: " + oid); admin.flushEntry(oid.toString()); catch(Exception e) throw new RuntimeCacheException("Unexpected error when remove object from cache: " + oid, e); public void clear() if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Clear cache"); admin.flushAll(); catch(Exception e) throw new RuntimeCacheException("Unexpected error while clear cache", e); To allow usage of this implementation as application cache level in the two-level cache implement the internal object cache interface instead of the standard one. Now OSCache can be used by OJB as standalone cache (by declaring the implementation class on connection- or class-level ) or as application cache in the two-level cache .
    More implementations ...
    Additional ObjectCache implementations can be found in org.apache.ojb.broker.cache package.
    Distributed ObjectCache?
    If OJB was used in a clustered enviroment it is mandatory to distribute all shared cached objects across different JVM. OJB does not support distributed caching "out of the box", to do this a external caching library is needed, e.g. the OSCache implementation supports distributed caching. More information how to setup OJB in clustered enviroments see clustering howto .
    Implement your own cache
    The OJB cache implementations are quite simple but should do a good job for most scenarios. If you need a more sophisticated cache or need to pluggin a proprietary caching library you'll write your own implementation of the ObjectCache interface. Integration of your implementation in OJB is easy since the object cache is a pluggable component. All you have to do, is to declare it on connection- or class-level . Here an example howto declare the new implementation on connection level: <jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias="myDefault" <object-cache class="my.ObjectCacheMyImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="cacheExcludes" attribute-value=""/> ... additional attributes of the cache </object-cache> </jdbc-connection-descriptor If interested to get more detailed information about the "type" of the objects to cache (objects written to DB, new materialized objects,...) implement the ObjectCacheInternal interface (For an implementation example see source for ObjectCacheTwoLevelImpl ). Of course we interested in your solutions! If you have implemented something interesting, just contact us.
    Future prospects
    In OJB 1.1 the caching part will be rewritten to get rid of static classes, factories and member variables.

    Sequence Manager

    The OJB Sequence Manager
    All sequence manager implementations shipped with OJB you can find under the org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence package using the following naming convention SequenceManagerXXXImpl .
    Automatical assignment of unique values
    As mentioned in mapping tutorial OJB provides a mechanism to automatic assign unique values for primary key attributes. You just have to enable the autoincrement attribute in the respective field-descriptor of the XML repository file as follows: <class-descriptor class="my.Article" table="ARTICLE" <field-descriptor name="articleId" column="ARTICLE_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" </class-descriptor> This definitions contains the following information: The attribute articleId is mapped on the table's column ARTICLE_ID . The JDBC Type of this column is INTEGER . This is a primary key column and OJB shall automatically assign unique values to this attribute. This mechanism works for all whole-numbered column types like BIGINT, INTEGER, SMALLINT,... and for CHAR, VARCHAR columns. This mechanism helps you to keep your business logic free from code that computes unique ID's for primary key attributes.
    Force computation of unique values
    By default OJB triggers the computation of unique ids during calls to PersistenceBroker.store(...). Sometimes it will be necessary to have the ids computed in advance, before a new persistent object was written to database. This can be done by simply obtaining the Identity of the respective object as follows: Identity oid = broker.serviceIdentity().buildIdentity(Object newPersistentObject); This creates an Identity object for the new persistent object and set all primary key values of the new persistent object - But it only works if autoincrement is enabled for the primary key fields. Warning Force computation of unique values is not allowed when using database based Identity columns for primary key generation (e.g via Identity column supporting sequence manager ), because the real PK value is at the earliest available after database insert operation. If you nevertheless force PK computing, OJB will use an temporary dummy PK value in the Identity object and this may lead to unexpeted behavior. Info about lookup persistent objects by primary key fields see here .
    How to change the sequence manager?
    To enable a specific SequenceManager implementation declare an sequence-manager attribute within the jdbc-connection-descriptor element in the repository file . If no sequence-manager was specified in the jdbc-connection-descriptor , OJB use a default sequence manager implementation (default was SequenceManagerHighLowImpl ). Further information you could find in the repository.dtd section sequence-manager element. Example jdbc-connection-descriptor using a sequence-manager tag: <jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias="farAway" platform="Hsqldb" jdbc-level="2.0" driver="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" protocol="jdbc" subprotocol="hsqldb" dbalias="../OJB_FarAway" username="sa" password="" batch-mode="false" <connection-pool maxActive="5" whenExhaustedAction="0" validationQuery="select count(*) from OJB_HL_SEQ" <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerHighLowImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="grabSize" attribute-value="5"/> <attribute attribute-name="globalSequenceId" attribute-value="false"/> <attribute attribute-name="globalSequenceStart" attribute-value="10000"/> </sequence-manager> </jdbc-connection-descriptor> The mandatory className attribute needs the full-qualified class name of the desired sequence-manager implementation. If a implementation needs configuration properties you pass them using custom attribute tags with attribute-name represents the property name and attribute-value the property value. Each sequence manager implementation shows all properties on the according javadoc page.
    SequenceManager implementations
    Source code of all SequenceManager implementations can be found in org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence package. If you still think something is missing, you can just write your sequence manager implementation.
    High/Low sequence manager
    The sequence manager implementation class ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerHighLowImpl and is able to generate ID's unique to a given object and all extent objects declarated in the objects class descriptor. If you ask for an ID using an interface with several implementor classes, or a baseclass with several subclasses the returned ID have to be unique accross all tables representing objects of the interface or base class (more see here ). It's also possible to use this implementation in a global mode , generate global unique id's. This implementation needs an internal database table and object mapping declaration to persist the used sequences (see OJB internal mapping for more info). <sequence-manager className= "org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerHighLowImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="grabSize" attribute-value="20"/> <attribute attribute-name="sequenceStart" attribute-value="0"/> <attribute attribute-name="globalSequenceId" attribute-value="false"/> <attribute attribute-name="globalSequenceStart" attribute-value="10000"/> <attribute attribute-name="autoNaming" attribute-value="true"/> </sequence-manager> With property grabSize you set the size of the assigned ID's kept in memory for each autoincrement field. If the assigned ID's are exhausted a database call is made to lookup the next bunch of ID's (default grabSize is 20). If OJB was shutdown/redeployed all unused assigned ID's are lost. The attribute sequenceStart define the start value of the id generation (default was '1'). It's recommended to use start values greater than '0' to avoid problems with primitive primary key fields. If property globalSequenceId was set true you will get global unique ID's over all persistent objects. Default was false . The attribute globalSequenceStart define the start value of the global id generation (default was 10000). This property is deprecated, please use property 'sequenceStart' instead . This sequence manager implementation supports user defined sequence-names as well as automatic generated sequence-names to manage the sequences - more about sequence-names here . The attribute autoNaming can be used to enable auto-generation of sequence-names , default value is true . More info about attribute autoNaming here . Limitations: not use in managed environments when connections were enlisted in running transactions, e.g. when using DataSources of an application server
    - if set connection-pool attribute 'whenExhaustedAction' to 'block' (wait for connection if connection-pool is exhausted), under heavy load this sequence manager implementation can block application.
    - superfluously to mention, do not use if other non-OJB applications insert objects too
    In-Memory sequence manager
    Another sequence manager implementation is a In-Memory version called ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerInMemoryImpl . Only the first time an UID was requested for a object, the manager query the database for the max value of the target column - all following request were performed in memory. This implementation ditto generate unique ID's across all extents , using the same mechanism as the High/Low sequence manager implementation. <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerInMemoryImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="sequenceStart" attribute-value="0"/> <attribute attribute-name="autoNaming" attribute-value="true"/> </sequence-manager> The attribute sequenceStart define the start value of the id generation (default was '1'). It's recommended to use start values greater than '0' to avoid problems with primitive primary key fields. This sequence manager implementation supports user defined sequence-names as well as automatic generated sequence-names to manage the sequences - more about sequence-names . The attribute autoNaming can be used to enable auto-generation of sequence-names , default value is true . More info about autoNaming . This is the fastest standard sequence manager implementation and should work with all databases without any specific preparation, but has some Limitations:
    - do not use in clustered environments
    - superfluously to mention, do not use (or handle with care) if other non-OJB applications insert objects too
    Database sequences based implementation
    If your database support sequence key generation (e.g. Oracle, SAP DB, PostgreSQL, ...) you can use the SequenceManagerNextValImpl implementation to force generation of the sequence keys by your database. <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerNextValImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="autoNaming" attribute-value="true"/> </sequence-manager> Database based sequences (sequence objects, sequence generators) are special (single-row) tables in the database created with an specific statement, e.g. CREATE SEQUENCE sequenceName . This implementation use database based sequences to assign ID's in autoincrement fields . The sequences can be managed by hand, by a database tool or by OJB. If the autoNaming attribute is enabled OJB creates sequences if needed. Also it's possible to declare sequence names in the field-descriptor Attribute autoNaming , default setting is true . If set true OJB will try to auto-generate a sequence name if none was found in field-descriptor's sequence-name attribute and create a database sequence if needed - more details see autoNaming section. The auto-generated name will be set as sequence-name in the field-descriptor . If set false OJB throws an exception if none sequence-name was found in field-descriptor , also OJB does NOT try to create a database sequence when for a given sequence name (specified in field-descriptor ) no database sequence can be found. <class-descriptor class="org.greatest.software.Person" table="GS_PERSON" <field-descriptor name="seqId" column="SEQ_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="PERSON_SEQUENCE" </class-descriptor> Limitations:
    - none known
    Database sequences based high/low implementation
    Based on the sequence manager implementation described above , but use a high/low algorithm to avoid database access. <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerSeqHiLoImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="grabSize" attribute-value="20"/> <attribute attribute-name="autoNaming" attribute-value="true"/> </sequence-manager> With property grabSize you set the size of the assigned ID's kept in memory for each autoincrement field. If the assigned ID's are exhausted a database call is made to lookup the next bunch of ID's using the next database sequence (default grabSize is 20). If OJB was shutdown/redeployed all unused assigned ID's are lost. Attribute autoNaming is the same as for SequenceManagerNextValImpl . This sequence manager implementation supports user defined sequence-names to manage the sequences (see more ) or if not set in field-descriptor it is done automatic when autoNaming is enabled. Limitations:
    - superfluously to mention, do not use (or handle with care) if other non-OJB applications insert objects too
    Oracle-style sequencing
    (By Ryan Vanderwerf et al.) This solution will give those seeking an oracle-style sequence generator a final answer (Identity columns really suck). If you are using multiple application servers in your environment, and your database does not support read locking like Microsoft SQL Server, this is the only safe way to guarantee unique keys (HighLowSequenceManager WILL give out duplicate keys, and corrupt your data). SequenceManagerStoredProcedureImpl implementation enabled database sequence key generation in a Oracle-style for all databases (e.g. MSSQL, MySQL, DB2, ...). First add a new table OJB_NEXTVAL_SEQ to your database. CREATE TABLE OJB_NEXTVAL_SEQ SEQ_NAME VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL, MAX_KEY INTEGER, CONSTRAINT SYS_PK_OJB_NEXTVAL PRIMARY KEY(SEQ_NAME) You will also need a stored procedure called ojb_nextval_proc that will take care of giving you a guaranteed unique sequence number. Here is an example for the stored procedure you need to use sequencing for MSSQL server: CREATE PROCEDURE OJB_NEXTVAL_PROC @SEQ_NAME varchar(150) declare @MAX_KEY BIGINT -- return an error if sequence does not exist -- so we will know if someone truncates the table set @MAX_KEY = 0 UPDATE OJB_NEXTVAL_SEQ SET @MAX_KEY = MAX_KEY = MAX_KEY + 1 WHERE SEQ_NAME = @SEQ_NAME if @MAX_KEY = 0 select 1/0 select @MAX_KEY RETURN @MAX_KEY You have to adapt this script if MSSQL was not used (We are interested in scripts for other databases). Last, enable this sequence manager implementation: <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerStoredProcedureImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="autoNaming" attribute-value="true"/> </sequence-manager> For attribute autoNaming see . This sequence manager implementation supports user defined sequence-names to manage the sequences (see more ) or if not set in field-descriptor it is done automatic when autoNaming is enabled. Limitations:
    - currently none known
    Microsoft SQL Server 'uniqueidentifier' type (GUID) sequencing
    For those users you are using SQL Server 7.0 and up, the uniqueidentifier was introduced, and allows for your rows Primary Keys to be GUID's that are guaranteed to be unique in time and space. However, this type is different than the Identity field type, whereas there is no way to programmatically retrieve the inserted value. Most implementations when using the u.i. field type set a default value of "newid()". The SequenceManagerMSSQLGuidImpl class manages this process for you as if it was any normal generated sequence/identity field. Assuming that your PK on your table is set to 'uniqueidentifier', your field-description would be the same as using any other SequenceManager: <field-descriptor name="guid" column="document_file_guid" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" Note that the jdbc-type is a VARCHAR, and thus the attribute (in this case 'guid') on your class should be a String (SQL Server does the conversion from the String representation to the binary representation when retrieved/set). You also need to turn on the SequenceManager in your jdbc-connection-descriptor like this: <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerMSSQLGuidImpl" Limitations:
    -This will only work with SQL Server 7.0 and higher as the uniqueidentifier type was not introduced until then.
    This works well in situations where other applications might be updated the database as well, because it guarantees (well, as much as Microsoft can guarantee) that there will be no collisions between the Guids generated.
    Identity based sequence manager
    This sequence manager implementation supports database Identity columns (supported by MySQL, MsSQL, HSQL, ...). When using identity columns we have to do a trick to make the sequence manager work. OJB identify each persistence capable object by a unique ojb-Identity object . These ojb-Identity objects were created using the sequence manager instance to get UID's. Often these ojb-Identity objects were created before the persistence capable object was written to database. When using Identity columns it is not possible to retrieve the next valid UID before the object was written to database. As recently as the real object was written to database, you can ask the DB for the last generated UID. Thus in SequenceManagerNativeImpl we have to do a trick and use a 'temporary' UID till the object was written to database. So for best compatibility try to avoid using Identity columns in your database model. If this is not possible, use this sequence manager implementation to work with database Identity columns . To enable this sequence manager implementation set in your jdbc-connection-descriptor : <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerNativeImpl"> </sequence-manager> To declare the identity column in the persistent class mapping class-descriptor , add the following attributes to the primary key/identity key field-descriptor : primarykey="true" , autoincrement="true" and access="readonly" The first and second attributes are the same as all sequence manager implementations use to support autoincrement PK fields, the third one is mandatory for database Identity columns only. <field-descriptor name="identifier" column="NATIVE_ID" jdbc-type="BIGINT" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" access="readonly"/> Limitations:
    - The Identity columns have to start with value greater than '0' and should never be negative.
    - Use of Identity columns is not extent aware (This may change in further versions). More info here .
    The sequence-name attribute
    Several SequenceManager implementations using sequences (synonyms: sequence objects , sequence generators ) to manage the ID generation. Sequences are entities which generate unique ID's using e.g. database table per sequence, database row per sequence or an in-memory java-object. To address the sequences, each sequence has an unique sequence-name . In OJB the sequence-name of an autoincrement field is declared in a sequence-name attribute within the field-descriptor . <class-descriptor class="org.greatest.software.Person" table="GS_PERSON" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID_PERSON" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="PERSON_SEQUENCE" </class-descriptor> The sequence-name attribute in the field-descriptor is only needed if the used sequence manager supports sequences, the field should be autoincremented and the auto-assign of a sequence-name is not desired. Each sequence-name has be extent-aware . If you don't specify a sequence name in the field-descriptor it is possible to auto-assign a sequence-name by OJB if autoNaming is supported by the used sequence manager implementation.
    The autoNaming property
    All shipped SequenceManager implementations using sequences for ID generation support a property called autoNaming which can be declared as a custom attribute within the sequence-manager element: <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerNextValImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="autoNaming" attribute-value="true"/> </sequence-manager> If set true OJB try to build a sequence name by it's own (a simple algorithm was used to auto-generate the sequence name - more details how it works in pitfalls section ) and set this name as sequence-name in the field-descriptor of the autoincrement field if no sequence name is specified. If set false the sequence manager throw an exception if a sequence name can't be found or was not declared in the field-descriptor of the autoincrement field. In this case OJB expects a valid sequence-name in the field-descriptor . If the attribute autoNaming is set false the sequence manager never try to auto-generate a sequence-name (more detailed info here ). If set true and a sequence-name is set in the field-descriptor , the SequenceManager will use this one and does not override the existing one. The default setting is true .
    How to write my own sequence manager?
    Very easy to do, just write a implementation class of the interface org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManager . OJB use a factory ( SequenceManagerFactory ) to obtain sequence manager instances. This Factory can be configured to generate instances of your specific implementation by adding a sequence-manager tag in the jdbc-connection-descriptor . <sequence-manager className="my.SequenceManagerMYImpl"> </sequence-manager> That's it! If your sequence manager implementation was derived from org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.AbstractSequenceManager it's easy to pass configuration properties to your implementation using custom attributes . <sequence-manager className="my.SequenceManagerMYImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="myProperty" attribute-value="test"/> </sequence-manager> public String getConfigurationProperty(String key, String defaultValue) method get the properties in your implementation class. Of course we interested in your solutions! If you have implemented something interesting, just contact us.
    When using sequence-name attribute in field-descriptor?
    SequenceManager implementations based on sequence names . If you want retain control of sequencing use your own sequence-name attribute in the field-descriptor . In that case you are reponsible to use the same name across extents, we call it extent-aware (see more info about extents and polymorphism ). Per default the sequence manager build its own extent aware sequence name with an simple algorithm org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerHelper#buildSequenceName ) if necessary. In most cases this should be sufficient. If you have a very complex data model and you will do many metadata changes in the repository file in future, then it could be better to explicit use sequence-names in the field-descriptor . See avoid pitfals .
    What to hell does extent aware mean? Say we have a abstract base class Animal and two classes Dog and which extend Animal . For each non-abstract class we create a separate database table and declare the inheritance in OJB. Now it is possible to do a query like give me all animals . To make this working in OJB the ID's of Dog and Cat objects must be unique across the tables of both classes or else you may not get a vaild query result. The reason for this behaviour is the org.apache.ojb.broker.Identity class implementation (more details see javadoc/source of this class).
    How could I prevent auto-build of the sequence-name?
    All shipped SequenceManager implementations which using sequence names for UID generation, support by default auto-build (autoNaming) of the sequence name if none was found in the field-descriptor . To prevent this, all relevant SM implementations support a autoNaming property - set via attribute element. If set false OJB doesn't try to build sequence names automatic. <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerNextValImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="autoNaming" attribute-value="false"/> </sequence-manager> Keep in mind that user defined sequence names have to be extent-aware .
    Sequence manager handling using multiple databases
    If you use multiple databases you have to declare a sequence manager in each jdbc-connection-descriptor . If you don't specify a sequence manager OJB use a default one (currently ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerHighLowImpl ).
    One sequence manager with multiple databases?
    OJB was intended to use a sequence manager per database. But it shouldn't be complicated to realize a global sequence manager solution by writing your own SequenceManager implementation.
    Can I get direct access to the sequence manager?
    That's no problem: PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.createPersistenceBroker(myPBKey); SequenceManager sm = broker.serviceSequenceManager(); broker.close(); If you use autoincrement=true in your field-descriptor , there is no reason to obtain UID directly from the sequence manager or to handle UID in your object model. Except when using user-defined sequence manager implementations, in this case it could be needed. Don't use SequenceManagerFactory#getSequenceManager(PersistenceBroker broker), this method returns a new sequence manager instance for the given broker instance and not the current used SM instance of the given PersistenceBroker instance]
    Any known pitfalls?
    When using sequences based sequence manager implementations it's possible to enable auto-generation of sequence names - see autoNaming section . To build the sequence name an simple algorithm was used. The algorithm try to get the top-level class of the field's (the autoincrement field-descriptor ) enclosing class, if no top-level class was found, the table name of the field's enclosing class was used. If a top-level class was found, the first found extent class table name was used as sequence name. The algorithm can be found in org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerHelper#buildSequenceName . When using base classes/interfaces with extent classes (declared in the class-descriptor ) based on different database tables and the extent-class entries in repository often change (e.g. add new top-level class, change top-level class), the algorithm could be corrupted after restart of OJB, because the first found extent class's table name could be change, hence the used sequence-name. Now the ID generation start over and could clash with existing ID's. To avoid this, remove the implementation specific internal sequence name entry (e.g. from table OJB_HL_SEQ when using the Hi/Lo implementation, or remove the database sequence entry when using the 'Nextval' implementation) or use custom sequence name attributes in the field descriptor.
    Logging in OJB
    For generating log messages, OJB provides its own, simplistic logging component PoorMansLoggerImpl , but is also able to use the two most common Java logging libraries, commons-logging (which is actually a wrapper around several logging components) and Log4j . In addition, it is also possible to define your own logging implementation. Per default, OJB uses its own PoorMansLoggerImpl which does not require configuration and prints to stdout .
    Logging configuration within OJB
    How and when OJB determines what kind of logging to use
    Logging is the first component of OJB that is initialized. If you access any component of OJB, logging will be initialized first before that component is doing anything else. Therefore, you'll have to provide for the configuration of logging before you access OJB in your program (this is mostly relevant if you plan to initialize OJB at runtime as is described below ). Please note that logging configuration is independent of the configuration of other parts of OJB, namely the runtime (via OJB.properties ) and the database/repository (via repository.xml ). These are the individual steps OJB performs in order to initialize the logging component: First, OJB checks whether the system property org.apache.ojb.broker.util.logging.Logger.class is set. If specified, this property gives the fully qualified class name of the logger class (a class implementing the Logger interface). Along with this property, another property is then read which may specify a properties file for this logger class, org.apache.ojb.broker.util.logging.Logger.configFile . If this property is not set, then OJB tries to read the file OJB-logging.properties . The name and path of this file can be changed by setting the runtime property of the same name. See below for the contents of this file. For backwards compatibility, OJB next tries to read the logging settings from the file OJB.properties which is the normal runtime configuration file of OJB. Again, the name and path of this file can be changed by setting the runtime property of the same name. This file may contain the same entries as the OJB-logging.properties file. If the the OJB.properties file does not contain logging settings, next it is checked whether the commons-logging log property org.apache.commons.logging.Log or the commons-logging log factory system property org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory is set. If that's the case, OJB will use commons-logging for its logging purposes. Next, OJB checks for the presence of the Log4j properties file log4j.properties . If it is found, the OJB uses Log4j directley (without commons-logging). Finally, OJB tries to find the commons-logging properties file commons-logging.properties which when found directs OJB to use commons-logging for its logging. If none of the above is true, or if the specified logger class could not be found or initialized, then OJB defaults to its PoorMansLoggerImpl logger which simply logs to stdout . The only OJB component whose logging is not initialized this way, is the boot logger which is used by logging component itself and a few other core components. It will (for obvious reasons) always use PoorMansLoggerImpl and therefore log to stdout . You can define the log level of the boot logger via the OJB.bootLogLevel system property. Per default, WARN is used.
    Configuration of logging for the individual components
    Regardless of the logging implementation that is used by OJB, the configuration is generally similar. The individual logging implementations mainly differ in the syntax and in the configuration of the format of the output and of the output target (where to log to). See below for specific details and examples.
    In general, you specify a default log level and for every component (usually a class) that should log differently, the amount and level of detail that is logged about that component. These are the levels:
    Messages that express what OJB is currently doing. This is the most detailed debugging level
    Informational messages
    Warnings that may denote potentional problems (this is the default level)
    As the name says, this level is for errors which means that some action could not be completed successfully
    Fatal errors which usually prevent an application from continuing
    The levels DEBUG and INFO usually result in a lot of log messages which will reduce the performance of the application. Therefore these levels should only be used when necessary. There are two special loggers to be aware of. The boot logger is the logger used by the logging component itself as well as a few other core components. It will therefore always use the PoorMansLoggerImpl logging implementation. You can configure its logging level via the OJB.bootLogLevel system property.
    The default logger is denoted in the OJB-logging.properties file by the keyword DEFAULT instead of the class name. It is used by components that don't require their own logging configuration (usually because they are rather small components).
    Logging configuration via configuration files
    This file usually specifies which logging implementation to use using the org.apache.ojb.broker.util.logging.Logger.class property, and which properties file this logger has (if any) using the org.apache.ojb.broker.util.logging.Logger.configFile property. You should also use this file to specify log levels for OJB's components if you're not using Log4j or commons-logging (which have their own configuration files). A typical OJB-logging.properties file looks like this: # Which logger to use org.apache.ojb.broker.util.logging.Logger.class=org.apache.ojb.broker.util.logging.PoorMansLoggerImpl # Configuration file of the logger #org.apache.ojb.broker.util.logging.Logger.configFile= # Global default log level used for all logging entities if not specified ROOT.LogLevel=ERROR # The log level of the default logger DEFAULT.LogLevel=WARN # Logger for PersistenceBrokerImpl class org.apache.ojb.broker.core.PersistenceBrokerImpl.LogLevel=WARN # Logger for RepositoryXmlHandler, useful for debugging parsing of repository.xml! org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.RepositoryXmlHandler.LogLevel=WARN
    This file is used by commons-logging . For details on its structure see here . An example commons-logging.properties file would be: # Use Log4j org.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger # Configuration file of the log log4j.configuration=log4j.properties Since commons-logging provides the same function as the logging component of OJB, it will likely be used as OJB's logging component in the near future.
    The commons-logging configuration file. Details can be found here . A sample log4j configuration is: # Root logging level is WARN, and we're using two logging targets log4j.rootCategory=WARN, A1, A2 # A1 is set to be ConsoleAppender sending its output to System.out log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender # A1 uses PatternLayout log4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5r %-5p [%t] %c{2} - %m%n # Appender A2 writes to the file "org.apache.ojb.log". log4j.appender.A2=org.apache.log4j.FileAppender log4j.appender.A2.File=org.apache.ojb.log # Truncate the log file if it aleady exists. log4j.appender.A2.Append=false # A2 uses the PatternLayout. log4j.appender.A2.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.A2.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5r %-5p [%t] %c{2} - %m%n # Special logging directives for individual components log4j.logger.org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.RepositoryXmlHandler=DEBUG log4j.logger.org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.ConnectionManager=INFO log4j.logger.org.apache.ojb.odmg=INFO
    Where to put the configuration files
    OJB and the different logging implementations usually look up their configuration files in the classpath. So for instance, OJB searches for the OJB-logging.properties file directly in any of the entries of the classpath, directories and jar files. If the classpath contains in that order some-library.jar , db-ojb.jar , and . , then it will first search in the two jars (which themselves contain a directory structure in which OJB will search only in the root), and lastly in the current directory (which only happens if . is part of the classpath) but not in sub directories of it. For applications, this classpath can easily be set either as an environment variable CLASSPATH or by using the commandline switch -classpath when invoking the java executable. For web applications however, the server will define the classpath. There are specific folders in the webapp structure that are always part of the webapp's classpath. The one that is normally used to store configuration files, is the classes folder: [folder containing webapps]\ mywebapp\ WEB-INF\ classes\ <-- Put your configuration files here
    Logging configuration at runtime
    Sometimes you want to configure OJB completely at runtime (within your program). How to do that for logging depends on the used logging implementation, but you can usually configure them via system properties. The only thing to keep in mind is that logging in OJB is initialized as soon as you use one of its components, so you'll have to define the properties prior to using any OJB parts. With system properties (which are accessible via System.getProperty() from within a Java program) you can always define the following OJB logging settings: In addition, all Log4j properties (e.g. log4j.rootCategory ) can be specified as system properties.
    Defining your own logger
    It is rather easy to use your own logger. All you need to do is to provide a class that implements the interface Logger . Besides the actual log methods ( debug, info, warn, error, fatal ) this interface defines a method void configure(Configuration) which is used to initialize the logger with the logging properties (as contained in OJB-logging.properties ). Because commons-logging performs a similar function to the OJB logging component, it is likely that it will be used as such in the near future. Therefore you're encouraged to also implement the Log interface which is nearly the same as the Logger interface.


    Lock management is needed to synchronize concurrent access to objects from multiple transactions (possibly in clustered environments). An example: Assume there are two transactions tx1 and tx2 running. The first transaction tx1 modify object A and perform an update. At the same time transaction tx2 modify an object A' with the same identity oidA , so both objects represent the same row in DB table and both operate on the "same" row at the same time, thus the state of object with identity oidA is inconsistent. Assume that tx1 was committed, now the modified object A' in tx2 based on outdated data (state before A changed). If now tx2 commits object A' the changes of tx1 will be overwritten with the "illegal" object A' . The OJB lock manager is responsible for detecting such a conflict and e.g. doesn't allow tx2 to read or modify objects with identity oidA as long as tx1 commit or rollback ( pessimistic locking ). In other words, if in a running transaction an object in a with identity oidA has a write lock , the lock manager doesn't allow other transactions to acquire a read or write lock on the same identity oidA objects (for the sake of completeness: dependent on the used locking isolation level). OJB supports two kind of locking strategies: OJB provide an pluggable low-level locking-api (located in org.apache.ojb.broker.locking ) for pessimistic locking , which can be used by the top-level api's like ODMG . The PB-api itself does not support pessimistic locking out of the box. The base classes of the locking-api can be found in org.apache.ojb.broker.locking and the entry point is class LockManager . Object locking helps to guarantee data consistency without the need of database locks. During a transaction objects can be locked without the use a database connection, e.g the ODMG implementation lookup a database connection not until the transaction commit was called. If database locks are used, a connection is needed during the whole transaction.
    Optimistic Locking
    To control concurrent access to objects optimistic locking uses a version field on each persistent object. Optimistic locking use an additional field/column for each persistent-object/table ( Long , Integer or Timestamp ) which is incremented each time changes are committed to the object, and is utilizied to determine whether an optimistic transaction should succeed or fail. Optimistic locking is fast, because it checks data integrity only at update time. You then need a (possibly private) attribute in your java class corresponding to the column. Say the attribute is defined as: private int versionMaintainedByOjb; in repository.xml you need a field-descriptor for this attribute. This field-descriptor must specify attribute locking="true" Using of TIMESTAMP as optimistic locking field could cause problems, because dependent of the used operating system and database the precision of timestamp values differ (e.g. new value only after 10 ms or 1000 ms). In high concurrency applications this will cause problems.
    To control concurrent access to objects pessimistic locking uses shared and exclusive locks on persistent object (more precisely, on the identity object of the persistent object). Pessimistic locking is currently used by the ODMG-api implementation. The PB-api does not support PL out of the box. Obtaining two concurrent write locks on a given object is not allowed (case 14). Obtaining read locks is allowed even if another transaction is writing to that object (case 13). (Thats why this level is also called dirty reads , because you can read lock objects with an existing write lock). Committed Reads Obtaining two concurrent write locks on a given object is not allowed. Obtaining read locks is allowed only if there is no write lock on the given object (case 13). Repeatable Reads Same as commited reads, but obtaining a write lock on an object that has been locked for reading by another transaction is not allowed (case 7). Serializable transactions Repeatable Reads, but it is even not allowed to have multiple read locks on a given object (case 6). The isolation level none and optimistic are self-explanatory: none - don't lock objects associated with this isolation level optimistic - don't lock objects associated with this isolation level, because optimistic locking was used instead. Thus the lock manager will ignore all objects associated with these isolation level. It's not needed to declare the optimistic isolation level in all persistent objects class-descriptor using this isolation level, because OJB will automatically detect an enabled optimistic locking and will bypass pessimistic locking.
    Only the proper settings for optimistic locking are mandatory. The locking isolation levels named similar to the database transaction isolation level, but the definitions are different from it, so take care when comparing database transaction isolation level with object locking isolation level. The proper behaviour of the different locking isolation level is checked by JUnit TestCases that implement test methods for each of the 17 cases specified in the above table. (See code for classes in package org.apache.ojb.broker.locking in OJB test suite ). The semantics of the strategies are defined by the following table: The table is to be read as follows. The acquisition of a single read lock on a given object (case 1) is allowed (returns True) for all isolationlevels. To upgrade a single read lock (case 2) is also allowed for all isolationlevels. If there is already a write lock on a given object for tx1, it is not allowed (returns False) to obtain a write lock from tx2 for all isolationlevels (case 14). If the low-level locking api was used by hand:
    Not all LockManager implementation support the LockManager#upgrade(...) method (e.g. upgrade was delegated to write lock) or behavior of this method is a wee bit other than shown above. More detail see javadoc comment of the used LockManager implementation.
    How to specify locking isolation level
    The locking isolation level can be specified global or per class . The global setting is done in the descriptor-repository element: <descriptor-repository version="1.0" isolation-level="read-uncommitted" proxy-prefetching-limit="50"> </descriptor-repository> The isolation level of a class can be configured with the following attribute to a class-descriptor : <ClassDescriptor isolation-level="read-uncomitted" ...> </ClassDescriptor> If no isolation-level was specified a default isolation level was used - see interface IsolationLevels . The semantics of isolation levels are described in isolation level section.
    Specify the LockManager Implementation
    To specify the used lock manager implementation set the LockManagerClass property in OJB.properties file. By default an in memory lock manager is enabled. LockManagerClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.locking.LockManagerInMemoryImpl
    The LockManager Implementations
    Below all LockManager implementations shipped with OJB are listed. The LockManager implementation can optionally support block timeout: The maximal time to wait for acquire a lock (e.g. when an object was locked by another thread). Implementations which do not support this feature are called non-blocking
    A non-blocking , single JVM, in-memory LockManager implementation. All LockManager.upgradeLock(...) calls are delegated to write locks. It's a simple and fast implementation. The timeout of locks is supported. The block timeout is ignored, because it's non-blocking.
    This implementation use the locking part of apache's commons-transaction api. The timeout of locks is currently (OJB 1.0.2) not supported, maybe in further versions. This implementation supports blocking (with deadlock detection) and non-blocking of acquired locks.
    Supports locking in distributed environments based on a servlet. The LockManagerRemoteImpl class delegates all locking calls to a remote servlet ( LockManagerServlet ). The URL to contact the servlet have to be set in OJB.properties file using the LockServletUrl property, e.g. LockServletUrl= To make deployment of the LockManagerServlet on a servlet container easier an Ant target lockservlet-war exist, which will build an example .war file containing all needed files (maybe some useless files) for deployment. The generated web.xml file look like: <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd"> <web-app> <display-name>OJB ODMG Lock Server</display-name> <description> OJB ODMG Lock Server </description> <servlet> <servlet-name>lockserver</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.apache.ojb.broker.locking.LockManagerServlet</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>lockManager</param-name> <param-value>org.apache.ojb.broker.locking.LockManagerInMemoryImpl</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>lockTimeout</param-name> <param-value>80000</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>blockTimeout</param-name> <param-value>1000</param-value> </init-param> <!--load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup--> </servlet> <!-- The mapping for the webdav servlet --> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>lockserver</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <!-- Establish the default list of welcome files --> <welcome-file-list> <welcome-file>index.jsp</welcome-file> <welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file> <welcome-file>index.htm</welcome-file> </welcome-file-list> </web-app> It's possible to use each LockManager implementation as backend of the lock manager servlet - only adapt the lockManager init-param entry in the web.xml file.
    ODMG-api Locking
    The OJB ODMG implementation provides object level transactions as specified by the ODMG. This includes features like registering objects to transactions, persistence by reachability (a toplevel object is registered to a transaction, and also all its associated objects become registered implicitely) and as a very important aspect: object level locking. The ODMG locking implementation is located in org.apache.ojb.odmg.locking and base on the OJB kernel locking code in org.apache.ojb.broker.locking . The odmg implementation use it's own internal locking interface org.apache.ojb.odmg.locking.LockManager with specific methods to handle transactions as owner of a lock and persistent object Identity objects as resources to lock..
    What it does
    The ODMG-Api allows transactions to lock an object obj as follows: org.odmg.Transaction.lock(Object obj, int lockMode) where lockMode defines the locking modes: org.odmg.Transaction.READ org.odmg.Transaction.UPGRADE org.odmg.Transaction.WRITE A sample session could look as follows: // get odmg facade instance Implementation odmg = ... //get open database Database db = ... // start a transaction Transaction tx = odmg.newTransaction(); tx.begin(); MyClass myObject = ... ; // lock object for write access tx.lock(myObject, Transaction.WRITE); // now perform write access on myObject ... // finally commit transaction to make changes to myObject persistent tx.commit(); The ODMG specification does not say if locks must be acquired explicitely by client applications or may be acquired implicitely. OJB provides implicit locking for the application programmers convenience: On commit of a transaction all read-locked objects are checked for modifications. If a modification is detected, a write lock is acquired for the respective object. If automatic acquisition of read- or write-lock failes, the transaction is aborted. On locking an object to a transaction, OJB automatically locks all associated objects (as part of the persistence by reachability feature ) with the same locking level. If application use large object nets which are shared among several transactions acquisition of write-locks may be very difficult. Thus OJB can be configured to aquire only read-locks for associated objects.
    You can change this behaviour by modifying the OJB.properties and changing the entry LockAssociations=WRITE LockAssociations=READ . The ODMG specification does not prescribe transaction isolation levels or locking strategies to be used. Thus there are no API calls for setting isolation levels. OJB provides four different isolation levels that can be configured global or for each persistent class in the configuration files.
    Locking in distributed environment
    In distributed or clustered environments the object level locking ( pessimistic locking ) have to be consistent over several JVM. The optimistic locking works in clustered/distributed environments without any modifications. Currently OJB was shipped was simple servlet based LockManager implementation called LockManagerRemoteImpl . Here is a description how to use it: 1. Change LockManagerClass entry in OJB.properties file to the remote implementation: org.apache.ojb.broker.locking.LockManagerRemoteImpl and the LockServletUrl to the servelt engine where the lock-server servlet will be deployed: LockManagerClass=org.apache.ojb.broker.locking.LockManagerRemoteImpl LockServletUrl= 2. Run the ant lockservlet-war target to generate the lock-server servlet .war application file. The generated file will be found in [db-ojb]/dist . 3. Check that all needed libraries be copied in lockservlet-war file. This implementation has some drawbacks, e.g. it uses one servlet node to deploy the LockMap servlet. A much better solution will be a JMS- or JavaGroups-based LockManager implementation (hope we can start working on such a implementation some day).
    Pluggin own locking classes
    OJB was shipped with several locking classes implementations. This may not be viable in some environments. Thus OJB allows to plug in user defined LockManager implementations. To specify specific implementations change the following entry in the OJB.properties configuration file: LockManagerClass=my.ojb.LockManagerMyImpl Of course we are interested in your solutions! If you have implemented something interesting, just contact us.

    XDoclet OJB module documentation

    Acquiring and building
    The XDoclet OJB module is part of OJB source. As such, the source of the module is part of the OJB source tree and can be found in directory src/xdoclet. Likewise, binary versions of the module and the required libraries (xjavadoc, xdoclet) are to be found in the lib folder. In order to build the XDoclet OJB module from source, you'll need a source distribution of XDoclet version 1.2, either a source distribution from the sourceforge download site or a CVS checkout/drop. See the XDoclet website at http://xdoclet.sourceforge.net/install.html for details.
    Building with a XDoclet source distribution
    Unpack the source distribution of XDoclet which is contained in a file xdoclet-src-<version>.<archive-format> somewhere. If you unpacked it side-by-side of OJB, you'll get a directory layout similar to: \xdoclet-1.2 \config \core \db-ojb \contrib The XDoclet OJB module is then build using the build-xdoclet-module.xml ant script: ant -Dxdoclet.src.dir=../xdoclet-1.2 -f build-xdoclet-module.xml The build process will take some time, and after successful compilation the three jars xjavadoc-<version>.jar , xdoclet-<version>.jar , and xdoclet-ojb-module-<version>.jar are copied to the library directory of OJB.
    Building with a XDoclet CVS checkout
    When checking out from CVS (the xdoclet-all target), you'll get a directory like: \xdoclet-all \xdoclet \config \core \xdocletgui \xjavadoc \db-ojb \contrib Building is XDoclet OJB module is performed by calling: ant -Dxdoclet.src.dir=../xdoclet-all/xdoclet -f build-xdoclet-module.xml Since this is the default structure assumed by the build script, this can be shortend to: ant -f build-xdoclet-module.xml
    Other build options
    The build script for the XDoclet OJB module uses the OJB build properties so the following line added to the build.properties file in the OJB root directory allows to omit -Dxdoclet.src.dir=<xdoclet src dir> commandline option: xdoclet.src.dir=<xdoclet src dir>
    Using the XDoclet OJB module is rather easy. Put the module jar along with the xdoclet and xjavadc jars in a place where ant will find it, and then invoke it in your build file like: <target name="repository-files"> <taskdef name="ojbdoclet" classname="xdoclet.modules.ojb.OjbDocletTask" classpathref="build-classpath"> <ojbdoclet destdir="./build"> <fileset dir="./src"/> <ojbrepository destinationFile="repository_user.xml"/> <torqueschema databaseName="test" destinationFile="project-schema.xml"/> </ojbdoclet> </target> The XDoclet OJB module has two sub tasks, ojbrepository and torqueschema , which generate the OJB repository part containing the user descriptors and the torque table schema, respectively. Please note that the XDoclet OJB module (like all xdoclet tasks) expects the directory structure of its input java source files to match their package structure. In this regard it is similar to the javac ant task.
    Due to a bug in XDoclet, you should not call the ojbdoclet task more than once in the same taskdef scope. So, each ojbdoclet call should be in its own target with a leading taskdef .

    The main ojbdoclet task has two attributes:

    The amount of the checks performed. Per default, strict checks are performed which means that for instance classes specified in an attribute (e.g. collection-class , row-reader etc.) are loaded from the classpath and checked. So in this mode it is necessary to have OJB as well as the processed classes on the classpath (using the classpathref attribute of the taskdef ant task above). If this is for some reason not possible, then use basic which performs most of the checks but does not load classes from the classpath. none does not perform any checks so use it with care and only if really necessary (in this case it would be helpful if you would post the problem to the ojb-user mailing list). ojbrepository subtask has the following attributes: Allows to specify the url of the torque dtd. This is necessary e.g. for XML parsers that have problems with the default dtd url (http://jakarta.apache.org/turbine/dtd/database.dtd), or when using a newer version of torque. classpathref attribute in the taskdef can be used to define the classpath for xdoclet (containing the xdoclet and ojb module jars), e.g. via: <path id="build-classpath"> <fileset dir="lib"> <include name="**/*.jar"/> </fileset> </path> Using the generated torque schema is a bit more tricky. The easiest way is to use the build-torque.xml script which is part of OJB. Include the lib subdirectory of the OJB distribution which also includes torque (e.g. in build-classpath as shown above). You will also want to use your OJB settings (if you're using the ojb-blank project, then only build.properties ), so include them at the beginning of the build script if they are not already there: <property file="build.properties"/> Now you can create the database with ant calls similar to these: <target name="init-db" depends="repository-files"> <!-- Torque's build file --> <property name="torque.buildFile" value="build-torque.xml"/> <!-- The name of the database which we're taking from the profile --> <property name="torque.project" value="${databaseName}"/> <!-- Where the schemas (your project and, if required, ojb's internal tables) are --> <property name="torque.schema.dir" value="src/schema"/> <!-- Build directory of Torque --> <property name="torque.output.dir" value="build"/> <!-- Torque will put the generated sql here --> <property name="torque.sql.dir" value="${torque.output.dir}"/> <!-- Torque shall use the classpath (to find the jdbc driver etc.) --> <property name="torque.useClasspath" value="true"/> <!-- Which jdbc driver to use (again from the profile) --> <property name="torque.database.driver" value="${jdbcRuntimeDriver}"/> <!-- The url used to build the database; note that this may be different from the url to access the database (e.g. for MySQL) --> <property name="torque.database.buildUrl" value="${urlProtocol}:${urlSubprotocol}:${urlDbalias}"/> <!-- Now we're generating the database sql --> <ant dir="." antfile="${torque.buildFile}" target="sql"> <!-- Next we create the database --> <ant dir="." antfile="${torque.buildFile}" target="create-db"> <!-- And the tables --> <ant dir="." antfile="${torque.buildFile}" target="insert-sql"> </target> As you can see, the major problem of using Torque is to correctly setup Torque's build properties. One important thing to note here is that the latter two calls modify the database and in the process remove any existing data, so use them with care. Similar to the above targets, you can use the additional targets datadump for storing the data currently in the database in an XML file, and datasql for inserting the data from an XML file into the database. Also, these steps are only valid for the torque that is delivered with OJB, but probably not for newer or older versions.
    Tag reference
    Interfaces and Classes
    ojb.class ojb.extent-class ojb.modify-inherited ojb.object-cache ojb.index ojb.delete-procedure ojb.insert-procedure ojb.update-procedure ojb.constant-argument ojb.runtime-argument ojb.class tag marks interfaces and classes that shall be present in the repository descriptor. This includes types that are used as reference targets or as collection elements, but for instance not abstract base classes not used elsewhere. Attributes:
    When set to true , then the XDoclet OJB module will automatically determine all extents (ojb-relevant sub types) of this type. If set to false , then extents need to be specified via the ojb.extent-class class tag (see below). Optionally contains documentation on the class. If no table-documentation attribute is specified, then the value is also used for the table documentation in the database schema. Setting this to false prevents the generation of field/reference/collection descriptors in the repository XML file, and also automatically enforces generate-table-info = false .
    Note that there is one case where the XDoclet module will still generate field descriptors. If the type is referenced by a reference or collection, then the corresponding foreign key fields (if 1:n collection) or primary keys (if reference or m:n collection) will be automatically included in the class descriptor, even if they are only defined in subtypes. This attribute controls whether the type has an associated table. If set to true , a torque table descriptor will be created in the database schema. Otherwise, no table will be in the database schema for this type. Determines whether base type fields/references/collections with the appropriate tags ojb.field , ojb.reference , ojb.collection ) will be included in the descriptor and table definition of this class. Note that all base type fields/references/collections with an appropriate tag are included regardless of whether the base types have the ojb.class tag or The name of the table used for this type. Is only used when table info is generated. If not specified, then the short name of the type is used. class-descriptor attributes are also supported in the ojb.class tag and will be written directly to the generated class descriptor (see the repository.dtd for their meaning): * @ojb.class generate-table-info="false" public abstract class AbstractArticle implements InterfaceArticle, java.io.Serializable * @ojb.class table="ARTICLE" * proxy="dynamic" * include-inherited="true" * documentation="This is important documentation on the Article class." * table-documentation="And this is important documentation on the ARTICLE table." * attributes="color=blue,size=big" public class Article extends AbstractArticle implements InterfaceArticle, java.io.Serializable AbstractArticle class will have an class descriptor in the repository file, but no field, reference or collection descriptors. The Article class however will not only have descriptors for its own fields/references/collections but also for those inherited from AbstractArticle . Also, its table definition in the torque file will be called "Artikel", not "Article". The resulting class descriptors look like: <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.AbstractArticle" <extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article"/> </class-descriptor> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article" proxy="dynamic" table="ARTICLE" <documentation>This is important documentation on the Article class.</documentation> <attribute attribute-name="color" attribute-value="blue"/> <attribute attribute-name="size" attribute-value="big"/> </class-descriptor>
    Use the ojb.extent-class to explicitly specify extents (direct persistent sub types) of the current type. The class-ref attribute contains the fully qualified name of the class. However, these tags are only evaluated if the determine-extents attribute of the ojb.class tag is set to false . Attributes: * @ojb.class determine-extents="false" * generate-table-info="false" * @ojb.extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.CdArticle" public abstract class AbstractCdArticle extends Article implements java.io.Serializable which results in: <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.AbstractCdArticle" <extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.CdArticle"/> </class-descriptor>
    Allows to modify attributes of inherited fields/references/collections (normally, all attributes are used without modifications) for this and all sub types. One special case is the specification of an empty value which leads to a reset of the attribute value. As a result the default value is used for this attribute. Attributes: All of ojb.field , ojb.reference , and ojb.collection (with the exception of the attributes related to indirection tables ( indirection-table , remote-foreignkey , indirection-table-primarykeys , indirection-table-documentation , foreignkey-documentation , remote-foreignkey-documentation ), and also: * @ojb.class table="Artikel" * @ojb.modify-inherited name="productGroup" * proxy="true" * auto-update="object" public class ArticleWithReferenceProxy extends Article produces the class descriptor <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.ArticleWithReferenceProxy" table="Artikel" <reference-descriptor name="productGroup" class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.ProductGroup" proxy="true" auto-update="object" <documentation>this is the reference to an articles productgroup</documentation> <attribute attribute-name="color" attribute-value="red"/> <attribute attribute-name="size" attribute-value="tiny"/> <foreignkey field-ref="productGroupId"/> </reference-descriptor> </class-descriptor>
    ojb.object-cache tag allows to specify the ObjectCache implementation that OJB uses for objects of this class (instead of the one defined in the jdbc connection descriptor or in the ojb.properties file). Classes specified with this tag have to implement the org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCache interface. Note that object cache specifications are not inherited. Attributes: Optionally contains attributes of the object cache as a comma-separated list of name-value pairs. * @ojb.class * @ojb.object-cache class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCachePerBrokerImpl" * documentation="Some important documentation" public class SomeClass implements Serializable and the class descriptor <class-descriptor class="SomeClass" table="SomeClass" <object-cache class="org.apache.ojb.broker.cache.ObjectCachePerBrokerImpl"> <documentation>Some important documentation</documentation> </object-cache> </class-descriptor>
    ojb.index tag is used to define possibly unique indices for the class. An index consists of at least one field of the class (either locally defined or inherited, anonymous or explicit). There is an default index (without a name) that is made up by all fields that have the indexed attribute set to true . All other indices have to be defined via the ojb.index tag. In contrast to the indexed attribute, indices defined via the ojb.index tag are not inherited. Attributes: The name of the index (required). If there are multiple indices with the same name, then only the first one is used (all others are ignored).
    Whether all fields of the class that make up the primary key, shall be passed to the procedure. If set to true then the arguments value is ignored.
    Identifies a field of the class that will receive the return value of the procedure. Use only if the procedure has a return value. * @ojb.class * @ojb.delete-procedure name="DELETE_PROC" * arguments="arg1,arg2" * return-field-ref="attr2" * documentation="Some important documentation" * @ojb.constant-argument name="arg1" * value="0" * @ojb.runtime-argument name="arg2" * field-ref="attr1" public class SomeClass /** @ojb.field */ private Integer attr1; /** @ojb.field */ private String attr2; leads to the class descriptor <class-descriptor class="SomeClass" table="SomeClass" <field-descriptor name="attr1" column="attr1" jdbc-type="INTEGER" </field-descriptor> <field-descriptor name="attr2" column="attr2" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" length="254" </field-descriptor> <delete-procedure name="DELETE_PROC" return-field-ref="attr2" <documentation>Some important documentation</documentation> <constant-argument value="0" </constant-argument> <runtime-argument field-ref="attr2" </runtime-argument> </delete-procedure> </class-descriptor>
    Identifies the database procedure that shall be used for inserting objects into the database. Attributes: Specifies whether all persistent fields of the class shall be passed to the procedure. If so, then the arguments value is ignored. The persistent field that receives the return value of the procedure (should only be used if the procedure returns a value). Whether all persistent fields of the class shall be passed to the procedure in which case the arguments value is ignored. A persistent field that will receive the return value of the procedure (only to be used if the procedure returns a value).
    A constant argument for a database procedure. These arguments are referenced by the procedure tags in the arguments attribute via their names. Attributes: * @ojb.class * @ojb.insert-procedure name="INSERT_PROC" * arguments="arg" * @ojb.constant-argument name="arg" * value="Some value" * attributes="name=value" public class SomeClass will result in the class descriptor <class-descriptor class="SomeClass" table="SomeClass" <insert-procedure name="INSERT_PROC" <constant-argument value="Some value" <attribute attribute-name="name" attribute-value="value"/> </constant-argument> </insert-procedure> </class-descriptor>
    An argument for a database procedure that is backed by a persistent field. Similar to constant arguments the name is important for referencing by the procedure tags in the arguments attribute. Attributes: * @ojb.class * @ojb.update-procedure name="UPDATE_PROC" * arguments="arg" * @ojb.runtime-argument name="arg" * field-ref="attr" * documentation="Some documentation" public class SomeClass /** @ojb.field */ private Integer attr; will result in the class descriptor <class-descriptor class="SomeClass" table="SomeClass" <field-descriptor name="attr" column="attr" jdbc-type="INTEGER" </field-descriptor> <update-procedure name="UPDATE_PROC" <runtime-argument value="attr" <documentation>Some documentation</documentation> </runtime-argument> </update-procedure> </class-descriptor>
    Fields and Bean properties
    Fields or accessor methods (i.e. get/is and set methods) for properties are marked with the ojb.field tag to denote a persistent field. When a method is marked, then the corresponding bean property is used for naming purposes (e.g. "value" for a method getValue() ). The XDoclet OJB module ensures that a field is not present more than once, therefore it is safe to mark both fields and their accessors. However, in that case these ojb.field tags are required to have the same attributes. Due to a bug in XDoclet, it is currently not possible to process final or transient fields. Marked fields are used for descriptor generation in the same type (if it has an ojb.class tag) and all sub types with the ojb.class tag having the include-inherited attribute set to true . It is also possible to use the ojb.field tag at the class level (i.e. in the JavaDoc comment of the class). In this case, the tag is used to define an anonymous field, e.g. a "field" that has no counterpart in the class but exists in the database. For anonymous fields, both the name and the jdbc-type attributes are required, and the access attribute is ignored (it defaults to the value anonymous ). Beside these differences, anonymous fields are handled like other fields, e.g. they result in field-descriptor entries in the repository descriptor, and in columns in the table schema, and they are inherited and can be modified via the ojb.modify-inherited tag. The XDoclet OJB module orders the fields in the repository descriptor and table schema according to the following rules:
  • Fields (anonymous and non-anonymous) from base types/nested objects and from the current file that have an id, sorted by the id value. If fields have the same id, then they are sorted following the rules for fields without an id.
  • Fields (anonymous and non-anonymous) from base types/nested objects and from the current file that have no id, in the order they appear starting with the farthest base type. Per class, the anonymous fields come first, followed by the non-anonymous fields.
  • readonly marks fields that are not to modified. readwrite marks fields that may be read and written to. Anonymous fields do not have to be marked (i.e. anonymous value) as the position of the ojb.field tag in the class JavaDoc comment suffices. Defines whether this field gets its value automatically. If ojb is specified, then OJB fills the value using a sequence manager. If the value is database , then the column is also defined as autoIncrement in the torque schema (i.e. the database fills the field), and in the repository descriptor, the field is marked as access='readonly' (if it isn't an anonymous field). The database value is intended to be used with the org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerNativeImpl sequence manager. For details, see the Sequence Manager documentation .
    The default value is none which means that the field is not automatically filled. The name of the database column for this field. If not given, then the name of the attribute is used. The name of the class to be used for conversion between the java type of the field (e.g. java.lang.Boolean or java.util.Date ) and the java type for the JDBC type (e.g. java.lang.Integer or java.sql.Date ). Conversion classes must implement the org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.conversions.FieldConversion interface. If no explicit JDBC type is defined and the java type has no defined conversion (see below), then per default the org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.conversions.Object2ByteArrFieldConversion conversion class is used. Default conversion is also used for the following java types when no jdbc type is given (default type is used instead), and no conversion is specified: Optionally contains documentation on the field. If no column-documentation attribute value is specified, then this value is also used for the documentation of the column in the database schema. An integer specifying the position in the repository descriptor and table schema. For the placement rules see above . jdbc-type : BIT | TINYINT | SMALLINT | INTEGER | BIGINT | DOUBLE | FLOAT | REAL | NUMERIC | DECIMAL | CHAR | VARCHAR | LONGVARCHAR | DATE | TIME | TIMESTAMP | BINARY | VARBINARY | LONGVARBINARY | CLOB | BLOB | STRUCT | ARRAY | REF | BOOLEAN | DATALINK The JDBC type for the column. The XDoclet OJB module will automatically determine a jdbc type for the field if none is specified. This means that for anonymous fields, the jdbc-type attribute is required. The automatic mapping performed by the XDoclet OJB module from java type to jdbc type is as follows: For any other type (including array types) the default mapping is to LONGVARBINARY using the Object2ByteArrFieldConversion conversion (see conversion attribute above). The length of the column which might be required by the jdbc type in some databases. This is the reason that for some jdbc types, the XDoclet OJB module imposes default lengths if no length is specified: The precision and scale of the column if required by the jdbc type. They are usually used in combination with the DECIMAL and NUMERIC types, and then specifiy the number of digits before ( precision ) and after ( scale ) the comma (excluding the plus/minus sign). Due to restrictions in some databases (e.g. MySQL), the XDoclet OJB module imposes default values for some types if none are specified: For other types, if only the precision is specified, the scale defaults to 0. If only scale is specified, precision defaults to 1. Other attributes supported in the ojb.field tag that have the same meaning as in the repository descriptor (and partly in the torque table schema) are: * @ojb.field column="Auslaufartikel" * jdbc-type="INTEGER" * conversion="org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.conversions.Boolean2IntFieldConversion" * column-documentation="Some documentation on the column" * id="10" * attributes="color=green,size=small" protected boolean isSelloutArticle; will result in the following field descriptor: <field-descriptor name="isSelloutArticle" column="Auslaufartikel" jdbc-type="INTEGER" conversion="org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.conversions.Boolean2IntFieldConversion" <attribute attribute-name="color" attribute-value="green"/> <attribute attribute-name="size" attribute-value="small"/> </field-descriptor> The column descriptor looks like: <table name="Artikel"> <column name="Auslaufartikel" javaName="isSelloutArticle" type="INTEGER" description="Some documentation on the column" </table> An anonymous field is declared like this: * @ojb.class table="TABLE_F" * include-inherited="false" * @ojb.field name="eID" * column="E_ID" * jdbc-type="INTEGER" * @ojb.reference class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.E" * auto-retrieve="true" * auto-update="object" * auto-delete="object" * foreignkey="eID" public class F extends E implements Serializable In this case an anonymous field is declared and also used as the foreignkey of an anonymous reference. The corresponding class descriptor looks like: <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.F" table="TABLE_F" <field-descriptor name="eID" column="E_ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" access="anonymous" </field-descriptor> <reference-descriptor name="super" class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.E" auto-retrieve="true" auto-update="object" auto-delete="object" <foreignkey field-ref="eID"/> </reference-descriptor> </class-descriptor> Here the anonymous field and reference (which implicitly refers to super ) are used to establish the super-subtype relationship between E and F on the database level. For details on this see the advanced technique section .

    Similar to fields, references (java fields or accessor methods) are marked with the ojb.reference tag. We have a reference when the type of the java field is itself a persistent class (has an ojb.class tag) and therefore the java field represents an association. This means that the referenced type of an association (or the one specified by the class-ref attribute, see below) is required to be present in the repository descriptor (it has ojb.class tag). Foreign keys of references are also declared in the torque table schema (see example below). OJB currently requires that the referenced type has at least one field used to implement the reference, usually some id of an integer type. A reference can be stated in the JavaDoc comment of the class (anonymous reference), but in this case it silently refer to super (see the example of ojb.field ) which can be used to establish an inheritance relationship. Note that anonymous references are not inherited (in contrast to anonymous fields and normal references). Attributes: Allows to explicitly specify the referenced type. Normally the XDoclet OJB module searches the type of the field and its sub types for the nearest type with the ojb.class tag. If the type is specified explicitly, then this type is used instead. For anonymous references, the class-ref has to specified as there is no field to determine the type from. Note that the type is required to have the ojb.class tag. Specifies whether a database foreignkey shall be generated for the reference. Note that this attribute is only evaluated if the XDoclet module has determined that a database foreignkey could be generated. You cannot force the generation with this attribute, and the value of the attribute is not considered when checking if database foreignkeys can be generated in case the referencing class has subtypes (in which case database foreignkeys can only be generated if all subtypes map to the same table or don't map to a table or the inheritance is mapped via a super-reference). Contains one or more foreign key fields separated by commas (required). The foreign key fields are fields with the ojb.field tag in the same class as the reference, which implement the association, i.e. contains the values of the primarykeys of the referenced object. public abstract class AbstractArticle implements InterfaceArticle, java.io.Serializable protected InterfaceProductGroup productGroup; * @ojb.reference class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.ProductGroup" * foreignkey="productGroupId" * documentation="this is the reference to an articles productgroup" * attributes="color=red,size=tiny" protected InterfaceProductGroup productGroup; * @ojb.field protected int productGroupId; Here the java type is InterfaceProductGroup although the repository reference uses the sub type ProductGroup . The generated reference descriptor looks like: <field-descriptor name="productGroupId" column="Kategorie_Nr" jdbc-type="INTEGER" </field-descriptor> <reference-descriptor name="productGroup" class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.ProductGroup" <documentation>this is the reference to an articles productgroup</documentation> <attribute attribute-name="color" attribute-value="red"/> <attribute attribute-name="size" attribute-value="tiny"/> <foreignkey field-ref="productGroupId"/> </reference-descriptor> In the torque table schema for the Article class, the foreign key for the product group is explicitly declared: <table name="Artikel"> <column name="Kategorie_Nr" javaName="productGroupId" type="INTEGER" <foreign-key foreignTable="Kategorien"> <reference local="Kategorie_Nr" foreign="Kategorie_Nr"/> </foreign-key> </table> For an example of an anonymous reference, see the examples of ojb.field .

    Persistent collections which implement 1:n or m:n associations are denoted by the ojb.collection tag. If the collection is an array, then the XDoclet OJB module can determine the element type automatically (analogous to references). Otherwise the type must be specified using element-class-ref attribute. m:n associations are also supported (collections on both sides) via the indirection-table , foreignkey and remote-foreignkey attributes. Attributes: Specifies the class that implements the collection. This attribute is usually only required if the actual type of the collection object shall be different from the variable type, e.g. if an interface like java.util.Collection is used as the declared type. Collections that use java.util.Collection , java.util.List or java.util.Set can be handled by OJB as-is so specifying collection-class is not necessary. For the types that do not, the XDoclet OJB module checks whether the declared collection field type implements the org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection interface, and if so, generates the collection-class attribute automatically. Otherwise, you have to specify it. Specifies whether a database foreignkey shall be generated for the collection. Note that this attribute is only evaluated if the XDoclet module has determined that a database foreignkey could be generated. You cannot force the generation with this attribute, and the value of the attribute is not considered when checking if database foreignkeys can be generated in the case of subtypes of the element type or the type having the collection (if m:n collection). For 1:n collections, database foreignkeys can only be generated if all subtypes of the element type map to the same table or don't map to a table or the inheritance is mapped via a super-reference. For m:n collections, the same applies to the class owning the collection. Allows to explicitly specify the type of the collection elements. Note that the type is required to have the ojb.class tag. Contains one or more foreign key field or columns separated by commas (required). If the collection implements an 1:n association, then this attribute specifies the fields in the element type that implement the association on the element side, i.e. they refer to the primary keys of the class containing this collection. Note that these fields are required to have the ojb.field tag. When the collection is one part of an m:n association (e.g. with an indirection table), this attribute specifies the columns in the indirection table that point to the type owning this collection. This attribute is required of both collections. If the other type has no explicit collection, use the remote-foreignkey attribute to specify the foreign keys for the other type. Optionally contains documentation for the columns in the indirection table in the database schema that point to this class. Gives the name of the indirection table used for m:n associations. The XDoclet OJB module will create an appropriate torque table schema. The specified foreign keys are taken from the foreignkey attribute in this class and the corresponding collection in the element class, or if the element class has no collection, from the remote-foreignkey attribute of this collection. The XDoclet OJB module associates the foreignkeys (in the order they are stated in the foreignkey / remote-foreignkey attributes) to the ordered primarykey fields (for the ordering rules see the ojb.field tag), and use ther jdbc type (and length setting if necessary) of these primarey keys for the columns. Specifies that the columns in the indirection table that point to this type, are primary keys of the table. If the element type has no corresponding collection, then this setting is also applied to the columns pointing to the element type.
    Contains the fields used for sorting the collection and, optionally, the sorting order (either ASC or DESC for ascending or descending, respectively) as a comma-separated list of name-value pairs. For instance, field1=DESC,field2,field3=ASC specifies three fields after which to sort, the first one in descending order and the other two in ascending order (which is the default and can be omitted). Specifies attributes for the query customizer. This attribute is ignored if no query customizer is specified for this collection. Contains one or more foreign key columns (separated by commas) in the indirection table pointing to the elements. Note that this field should only be used if the other type does not have a collection itself which the XDoclet OJB module can use to retrieve the foreign keys. This attribute is ignored if used with 1:n collections (no indirection table specified). Optionally contains documentation for the columns in the indirection table in the database schema that point to the element type. This value can be used when the element type has no corresponding collection (i.e. remote-foreignkey is specified) or if the corresponding collection does not specify the foreignkey-documentation attribute. The same attributes as for references are written directly to the repository descriptor file (see repository.dtd ) : * @ojb.collection element-class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article" * foreignkey="productGroupId" * auto-retrieve="true" * auto-update="link" * auto-delete="object" * orderby="productGroupId=DESC" * query-customizer="org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.QueryCustomizerDefaultImpl" * query-customizer-attributes="attr1=value1" private ArticleCollection allArticlesInGroup; The corresponding collection descriptor is: <collection-descriptor name="allArticlesInGroup" element-class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Article" collection-class="org.apache.ojb.broker.ArticleCollection" auto-retrieve="true" auto-update="link" auto-delete="object" <orderby name="productGroupId" sort="DESC"/> <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="productGroupId"/> <query-customizer class="org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.QueryCustomizerDefaultImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="attr1" attribute-value="value1"/> </query-customizer> </collection-descriptor> An m:n collection is defined using the indirection-table attribute: * @ojb.class generate-table-info="false" public abstract class BaseContentImpl implements Content * @ojb.collection element-class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Qualifier" * auto-retrieve="true" * auto-update="link" * auto-delete="none" * indirection-table="CONTENT_QUALIFIER" * foreignkey="CONTENT_ID" * remote-foreignkey="QUALIFIER_ID" private List qualifiers; * @ojb.class table="NEWS" public class News extends BaseContentImpl * @ojb.class generate-table-info="false" public interface Qualifier extends Serializable BaseContentImpl has a m:n association to the Qualifier interface. for BaseContentImpl class, this association is implemented via the CONTENT_ID column (specified by the foreignkey ) in the indirection table CONTENT_QUALIFIER . Usually, both ends of an m:n association have a collection implementing the association, and for both ends the foreignkey specifies the indirection table column pointing to the class at this end. The Qualifier interface however does not contain a collection which could be used to determine the indirection table column that implements the association from its side. So, this column is also specified in the BaseContentImpl class using the remote-foreignkey attribute. The class descriptors are: <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.BaseContentImpl" <extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.News"/> </class-descriptor> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.News" table="NEWS" <collection-descriptor name="qualifiers" element-class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.Qualifier" indirection-table="CONTENT_QUALIFIER" auto-retrieve="true" auto-update="link" auto-delete="none" <fk-pointing-to-this-class column="CONTENT_ID"/> <fk-pointing-to-element-class column="QUALIFIER_ID"/> </collection-descriptor> </class-descriptor> <class-descriptor class="org.apache.ojb.broker.Qualifier" <extent-class class-ref="org.apache.ojb.broker.BaseQualifierImpl"/> </class-descriptor> As can be seen, the collection definition is inherited in the News class and the two indirection table columns pointing to the ends of the m:n associaton are correctly specified.
    Nested objects
    The features of a class can be included in another class by declaring a field of that type and using this tag. The XDoclet OJB module will then add every tagged feature (i.e. fields/bean properties ojb.field , ojb.reference or ojb.collection tag, or even with ojb.nested ) from the type of the field to the current class descriptor. It is not required that the field's type has the ojb.class tag, though. All attributes of the features are copied (even primarykey ) and modified if necessary (e.g. the foreignkey of a reference is adjusted accordingly). For changing an attribute use the ojb.modify-nested tag. For an example of nesting, see the example of ojb.modify-nested .
    Similar to ojb.modify-inherited , this tag allows to modify attributes of a nested feature. Attributes: All of ojb.field , ojb.reference , and ojb.collection with the exception of the attributes related to indirection tables ( indirection-table , remote-foreignkey , indirection-table-primarykeys , indirection-table-documentation , foreignkey-documentation , remote-foreignkey-documentation ), and also: public class NestedObject implements java.io.Serializable /** @ojb.field primarykey="true" */ protected int id; /** @ojb.field */ protected boolean hasValue; /** @ojb.field */ protected int containerId; * @ojb.reference foreignkey="containerId" protected ContainerObject container; /** @ojb.class */ public class ContainerObject implements java.io.Serializable * @ojb.field primarykey="true" * autoincrement="ojb" * id="1" protected int id; /** @ojb.field id="2" */ protected String name; * @ojb.nested * @ojb.modify-nested name="hasValue" * jdbc-type="INTEGER" * conversion="org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.conversions.Boolean2IntFieldConversion" * id="3" * @ojb.modify-nested name="id" * primarykey="" protected NestedObject nestedObj; result in the one class descriptor <class-descriptor class="ContainerObject" table="ContainerObject" <field-descriptor name="id" column="id" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="name" column="name" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" length="24" <field-descriptor name="nestedObj::hasValue" column="nestedObj_hasValue" jdbc-type="INTEGER" conversion="org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.conversions.Boolean2IntFieldConversion" <field-descriptor name="nestedObj::id" column="nestedObj_id" jdbc-type="INTEGER" <field-descriptor name="nestedObj::containerId" column="nestedObj_containerId" jdbc-type="INTEGER" <reference-descriptor name="nestedObj::container" class-ref="ContainerObject" <foreignkey field-ref="nestedObj::containerId"/> </reference-descriptor> </class-descriptor> and the table descriptor <table name="ContainerObject"> <column name="id" javaName="id" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" required="true" <column name="name" javaName="name" type="VARCHAR" size="24" <column name="nestedObj_hasValue" type="INTEGER" <column name="nestedObj_id" type="INTEGER" <column name="nestedObj_containerId" type="INTEGER" <foreign-key foreignTable=\"ContainerObject\">\n"+ <reference local=\"nestedObj_containerId\" foreign=\"id\"/>\n"+ </foreign-key>\n"+ </table> Note how one ojb.modify-nested tag changes the type of the nested hasValue field, add a conversion and specifies the position for it. The other modification tag removes the primarykey status of the nested id field.

    OJB Performance

    There is no such thing as a free lunch." Object/relational mapping tools hide the details of relational databases from the application developer. The developer can concentrate on implementing business logic and is liberated from caring about RDBMS related coding with JDBC and SQL. O/R mapping tools allow to separate business logic from RDBMS access by forming an additional software layer between business logic and RDBMS. Introducing new software layers always eats up additional computing resources.
    In short: the price for using O/R tools is performance. But on the other hand the biggest performance consumption is the database access itself (database performance, network performance, jdbc driver, driver settings, ...). So the percentage of O/R tool performance consumption isn't big. Software architects have to take in account this tradeoff between programming comfort and performance to decide if it is appropiate to use an O/R tool for a specific software system. This document describes the OJB Performance Test Suite which was created to lighten the decision between native JDBC, OJB (the different OJB API's) and other O/R mapper.
    The Performance Test Suite
    OJB Performance Test Suite allows to compare all supported OJB API's against native single-threaded JDBC programming against your RDBMS of choice and run OJB API's in a virtual multithreaded environment . Further on it is possible to compare OJB against any O/R mapping tool using a simple framework. All tests are integrated in the OJB build script, you only need to perform the according ant target: ant target The following 'targets' exist: By changing the JdbcConnectionDescriptor in the configuration files you can point to your specific RDBMS. Please refer to this document for details .
    Interpreting test results
    Interpreting the result of these benchmarks carefully will help to decide whether using OJB is viable for specific application scenarios or if native JDBC programming should be used for performance reasons. Take care of compareable configuration properties when run performance tests with different O/R tools. If the decision made to use an O/R mapping tool the comparison with other tools helps to find the best one for the thought scenario. But performance shouldn't be the only reason to take a specific O/R tool. There are many other points to consider: - Usability of the supported API's
    - Flexibility of the framework
    - Scalability of the framework
    - Community support
    - The different licences of Open Source projects
    - etcetera ...
    How OJB compares to native JDBC programming - single-threaded
    OJB is shipped with tests compares native JDBC with ODMG and PB-API implementation. This part of the test suite is integrated into the OJB build mechanism. A single client test you can invoke it by typing ant performance or ant performance . If running OJB out of the box the tests will be performed against the Hypersonic SQL shipped with OJB. A typical output looks like follows: performance: [ojb] .[performance] INFO: Test for PB-api [ojb] [performance] INFO: [ojb] [performance] INFO: inserting 1500 Objects: 625 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: updating 1500 Objects: 375 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 31 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 16 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: fetching 1500 Objects: 188 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: deleting 1500 Objects: 140 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: [ojb] [performance] INFO: inserting 1500 Objects: 188 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: updating 1500 Objects: 265 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 0 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 0 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: fetching 1500 Objects: 16 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: deleting 1500 Objects: 63 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: [ojb] [performance] INFO: inserting 1500 Objects: 187 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: updating 1500 Objects: 282 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 15 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 0 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: fetching 1500 Objects: 31 msec [ojb] [performance] INFO: deleting 1500 Objects: 110 msec [ojb] Time: 5,672 [ojb] OK (1 test) [jdbc] .[performance] INFO: Test for JDBC [jdbc] [performance] INFO: [jdbc] [performance] INFO: inserting 1500 Objects: 219 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: updating 1500 Objects: 219 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 187 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 94 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: fetching 1500 Objects: 16 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: deleting 1500 Objects: 62 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: [jdbc] [performance] INFO: inserting 1500 Objects: 157 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: updating 1500 Objects: 187 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 94 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 94 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: fetching 1500 Objects: 16 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: deleting 1500 Objects: 62 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: [jdbc] [performance] INFO: inserting 1500 Objects: 125 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: updating 1500 Objects: 219 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 109 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 110 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: fetching 1500 Objects: 0 msec [jdbc] [performance] INFO: deleting 1500 Objects: 62 msec [jdbc] Time: 8,75 [jdbc] OK (1 test) [odmg] .[performance] INFO: Test for ODMG-api [odmg] [performance] INFO: [odmg] [performance] INFO: inserting 1500 Objects: 750 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: updating 1500 Objects: 516 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 1484 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 547 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: fetching 1500 Objects: 78 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: deleting 1500 Objects: 218 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: [odmg] [performance] INFO: inserting 1500 Objects: 266 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: updating 1500 Objects: 359 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 531 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 531 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: fetching 1500 Objects: 47 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: deleting 1500 Objects: 125 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: [odmg] [performance] INFO: inserting 1500 Objects: 282 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: updating 1500 Objects: 375 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 546 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: querying 1500 Objects: 532 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: fetching 1500 Objects: 31 msec [odmg] [performance] INFO: deleting 1500 Objects: 156 msec [odmg] Time: 13,75 [odmg] OK (1 test) Some notes on these test results: PB and native JDBC need about the same time for the three runs although JDBC performance is better for most operations. This is caused by the second run of the querying operations. In the second run OJB can load all objects from the cache, thus the time is much shorter. Hence the interesting result: if you have an application that has a lot of lookups, OJB can be faster than a native JDBC application (without caching extensions)! ODMG is much slower than PB or JDBC. This is due to the complex object level transaction management it is doing and the fact that ODMG doesn't have a specific method to lookup objects by it's identity. The second reason is responsible for slow querying results, because in test always a complex query is done for each object. It is possible to use the PB-api within ODMG, then the query by identity will be as fast as in PB-api. You can see that for HSQLDB operations like insert and update are faster with JDBC than with PB. This performance difference strongly depends on the used cache implementation and can rise up to 50% when the cache operate on object copies. This ratio is so high, because HSQLDB was running with in memory mode and is much faster than ordinary database servers. If you work against Oracle or DB2 the percentual OJB overhead is going down a lot (10 - 15 %), as the database latency is much longer than the OJB overhead. Also it's possible to change the number of test objects by editing the ant-target in build.xml. Another test compares PB-api,ODMG-api and native JDBC you can find next section .
    OJB performance in multi-threaded environments
    This test was created to check the performance and stability of the supported API's (PB-api, ODMG-api, JDO-api) in a multithreaded environment. Also this test compares the api's and native JDBC. Running this test out of the box (a virgin OJB version against hsql) shouldn't cause any problems. To run the JDO-api test too, see JDO tutorial and comment in the test in target perf-test in build.xml Per default OJB use hsql as database, by changing the JdbcConnectionDescriptor in the repository.xml file you can point to your specific RDBMS. Please refer to this document for details . To run the multithreaded performance test call ant perf-test A typical output of this test looks like (OJB against in-memory hsql, this shows the overhead caused by the O/R layer): [ojb] ================================================================ [ojb] OJB PERFORMANCE TEST SUMMARY [ojb] 12 concurrent threads, handle 500 objects per thread [ojb] - performance mode - results per thread [ojb] ================================================================ [ojb] API Period Total Total Insert Fetch Update Delete [ojb] [sec] [sec] [%] [msec] [msec] [msec] [msec] [ojb] ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ojb] JDBC 2.533 2.243 100 1215 29 731 266 [ojb] PB 3.181 2.835 126 1397 89 940 409 [ojb] ODMG 3.862 2.965 132 1526 63 902 472 [ojb] OTM 5.846 5.225 233 2720 70 1424 1009 [ojb] ================================================================ [ojb] PerfTest takes 125 [sec] To change the test properties go to target perf-test in the build.xml file and change the program parameter. The test needs five parameter:
    - A comma separated list of the test implementation classes (no blanks!)
    - The number of test loops
    - The number of concurrent threads
    - The number of managed objects per thread
    - The desired test mode. false means run in performance mode, true means run in stress mode (useful only for developer to check stability). <target name="perf-test" depends="prepare-testdb" description="Simple performance benchmark and stress test for PB- and ODMG-api"> <java fork="yes" classname="org.apache.ojb.performance.PerfMain" dir="${build.test}/ojb" taskname="ojb" failonerror="true" > <classpath refid="runtime-classpath"/> <!-- comma separated list of the PerfTest implementations --> <arg value= "org.apache.ojb.compare.OJBPerfTest$JdbcPerfTest, org.apache.ojb.compare.OJBPerfTest$PBPerfTest, org.apache.ojb.compare.OJBPerfTest$ODMGPerfTest, org.apache.ojb.compare.OJBPerfTest$OTMPerfTest" <arg value="6"/> <!-- test loops, default was 6 --> <arg value="12"/> <!-- performed threads, default was 12 --> <arg value="500"/> <!-- number of managed objects per thread, default was 500 --> <arg value="false"/> <!-- if 'false' we use performance mode, 'true' we do run in stress mode --> <jvmarg value="-Xms128m"/> <jvmarg value="-Xmx256m"/> </java> <!-- do some cleanup --> <ant target="copy-testdb"/> </target>
    How OJB compares to other O/R mapping tools?
    Many user ask this question and there is more than one answer. But OJB was shipped with a simple performance "framework" (independend from OJB) which allows a rudimentarily comparision of OJB with other (java-based) O/R mapping tools. All involved classes can be found in dirctory [db-ojb]/src/test in package org.apache.ojb.performance . ant perf-test-jar to build the jar file contain all necessary classes to set up a test with an arbitrary O/R mapper. After the build, the db-ojb-XXX-performance.jar can be found in [db-ojb]/dist directory. Steps to set up the test for other O/R frameworks:
  • [If persistent objects (used within your mapping tool) must be derived from a specific base class or must be implement a specific interface write your own persistent object class by implementing PerfArticle interface and override method #newPerfArticle() in your PerfHandle implementation class. Otherwise a default implementation of PerfArticle was used] You can find a example implementation called org.apache.ojb.compare.OJBPerfTest in the test-sources directory under [db-ojb]/src/test (when using source-distribution). This implementation class is used to compare performance of the PB-API, ODMG-API, OTM-api and native JDBC. See more section multi-threaded performance . OJBPerfTest is made up of inner classes. At each case two inner classes represent a test for one api (as described above). Run the test You have two possibilities to run the test: a) Integration in the OJB build script Add the full qualified class name of your PerfTest implementation class to the perf-test target of the OJB build.xml file, add all necessary jar files to [db-ojb]/lib . The working directory of the test is [db-ojb]/target/test/ojb . java -classpath CLASSPATH org.apache.ojb.performance.PerfMain [comma separated list of PerfTest implementation classes, no blanks!] [number of test loops] [number of threads] [number of insert/fetch/delete loops per thread] [boolean - run in stress mode if set true, run in performance mode if set false, default false] For example: java -classpath CLASSPATH my.A_PerfTest,my.B_PerfTest 3 10 2000 false This will use A_PerfTest and B_PerfTest and perform three loops each loop run 10 threads and each thread operate on 2000 objects. The test run in performance mode. Take care of compareable configuration properties when run performance tests with different O/R tools (caching, locking, sequence key generation, connection pooling, ...). Please, don't start flame wars by posting performance results to mailing lists made with this simple test. This test was created for OJB QA and to give a clue how good or bad OJB performs, NOT to start discussion like XY is 12% faster then XZ !!.
    What are the best settings for maximal performance?
    We don't know, that depends from the environment OJB runs (hardware, database, driver, application server, ...). But there are some settings which affect the performance: Use of batch mode (when supported by the DB). See repository.dtd element 'jdbc-connection-descriptor' for more information. PersistenceBroker pool size. See OJB.properties for more information. The JDBC driver settings (e.g. statement caching on/off). Writing the repository.xml file for only a few classes can easily be done manually with the text or xml editor of your choice. But keeping the repository in sync with the java codebase and the database gets more difficult if several hundred classes and large developer teams are involved. This page contains tips how to integrate mapping tools and code-generators into your build process.
    classification of O/R related transformations
    Let's start with a classification of the source transformation problems that developers have to face in an O/R environment. Typical development environments contain some or all of the following artefacts: The database. This could be an online DB or a DDL script representing the database tables. The database contains all tables used to store instances of the persistent classes. The technique you will use depends a lot on the problem you have to solve, on the methodology and the tool chain you have in use, which of transformations between those artefacts fit to your development process. Forward engineering from XMI: A UML model in XMI format with class diagrams of your persistent classes exists and is used as the master source (model driven approach). Java code, repository.xml and DDL for the database tables have to be generated from this model. Forward engineering from Torque: A model of the persistent entity classes exists in form of a Torque.XML file. Java code, repository.xml and DDL for the database tables have to be generated from this model. Forward engineering from the repository.xml: The OJB repository.xml file is used a model format. Java code and DDL for the database tables have to be generated from this model. Xdoclet transformation from Java code: Java code for the persistent classes exists and contains special comment tags in the Xdoclet ojb-module format. Repository.xml and DDL for the database tables have to be generated from the java files via Xdoclet transformation. Reverse engineering from database: There is a database with existing tables or a DDL script. Java code and repository.xml have to be generated from the database. These transformations are depicted in the following graphics. The numbers close to the arrows correspond to the numbers in the above enumeration. All related transformations have the same colour. In the following sections we will have a closer look at each of these transformations an discuss tools that provide support each approach.
    Forward engineering from XMI
    This approach is recommended if you start from scratch with a new project and have to deal with a large number of persistent classes. This approach works best when there are no restrictions regarding the database, like integration of legacy tables. Forward engineering from XMI fits perfectly into a model driven architecture (MDA) software development process. Tool support AXGen AXgen is a code generator using XMI as input and Velocity templates for transformation. The power of AXgen is in its simplicity. You don't have to understand complicated structure of your XMI file to write an XSLT stylsheet for transformation. AXgen uses nsuml to deal with the xmi file, which gives access to the Metamodel in an objectoriented way. Further AXgen makes use of Jakartas Velocity. Velocity is a very sophisticated Java-based template engine. This means that inside your templates you can call Java methods. Feel free to write templates that generate anything you want. Our motive for AXgen is to generate Java Classes for use in a O/R Mapping tool that allows transparent persistence for Java Objects against relational databases. Therefore AXgen comes with a bundle of ready to use templates for generating ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) specific stuff like:
  • Entity Classes
  • XML Repository
  • SQL script to build the DB scheme
  • AndroMDA is a code generator framework - it takes a Unified Modeling Language (UML) model from a CASE-tool in XMI format and generates custom components. It comes with a set of sample templates that generate classes attributed with XDoclet tags. One build step later, the XDoclet tool generates full-blown components that can readily be deployed in the JBoss application server (and the other servers that XDoclet can feed).
    Currently AndroMDA provides no special support for OJB. But by tagging classes with tags of the XDoclet OJB module it is possible to use it as a full forward engineering engine. Searching the Sourceforge project list for "XMI" returns a long list of projects dealing with code generation. It may be a good idea to check if you find a tool that matches your requirements. Torque is a persistence layer. Torque includes a generator to generate all the database resources required by your application and includes a runtime environment to run the generated classes. Torque was developed as part of the Turbine Framework. It is now decoupled and can be used by itself. Starting with version 2.2 Turbine uses the decoupled Torque. Torque uses a single XML database schema to generate the SQL for your target database and Torque's Peer-based object relation model representing your XML database schema. You can use devaki-nextobjects to create the model for your application. OJB uses Torque's generator engine to setup the testbed database and feed it with initial data. Besides the SQL generation facilities Torque also provides special support for OJB related transformations. It provides the following two ant targets: A complete list of all availableTorque targets can be found at the Torque Generator site .
    Forward engineering from repository.xml
    There is currently no tool available that directly supports this model. It is not difficult to implement an XSLT stylesheet that transforms the OJB repository.xml directly into DDL Statements. An even simpler approach could be to transform the repository.xml file into a Torque xml file. DDL can then be generated by the Torque engine.
    If you write such an XSLT file please tell us about it!
    XDoclet transformation from Java code
    XDoclet XDoclet is a code generation engine. It enables Attribute-Oriented Programming for java. In short, this means that you can add more significance to your code by adding meta data (attributes) to your java sources. This is done in special JavaDoc tags. OJB was shipped with its own xdoclet-module . XDoclet will parse your source files and generate many artifacts such as XML descriptors and/or source code from it. These files are generated from templates that use the information provided in the source code and its JavaDoc tags. XDoclet lets you apply Continuous Integration in component-oriented development. Developers should concentrate their editing work on only one Java source file per component. XDoclet originated as a tool for creating EJBs, it has evolved into a general-purpose code generation engine. XDoclet consists of a core and a constantly growing number of modules.
    Reverse engineering from database
    Druid is a tool that allows users to create databases in a graphical way. The user can add or import tables, fields, folders to group tables and can modify most of the database options that follow the SQL-92 standard. In addition to sql options, the user can document each table and each field with HTML information. It is distributed with modules for generating Java classes, OJB metadata, and JDO metadata. Impart Eclipse Plugin for OJB The Impart Eclipse plugin is based on the OJB ReverseDB Tool and provides the same functionality (and also some additional goodies). It ships as a plugin to the Eclipse IDE. It provides a very convenient GUI that integrates smoothly into the Eclipse platform. RDBS2J is a GUI based mapping tool from relational database scheme to persistent java classes which use JDO as persistence mechanism. The mapping can be modified by the GUI.
    The current version is designed to create code for OJB.
    The ODMG and the JDO interface are supported. RDBS2J creates the *.jdo files and the repository_user.xml, which are needed by OJB. OJB ships with a simple reverse engineering tool that allows to connect to a RDBMS via JDBC and to take the tables from the database catalog as input.
    This tool provides a nice GUI to generate Java classes and the matching repository.xml file.
    You can invoke the ReverseDB tool with the ANT target reverse-db .
    Why Do We Need Anonymous Keys?
    The core difference between referential integrity in Java and in an RDBMS lies in where the specific referential information is maintained. Java, and most modern OO languages, maintain referential integrity information in the runtime environment. Actual object relationships are maintained by the virtual machine so that the symbolic variable used in the application is dereferenced it will in fact provide access to the object instance which it is expected to provide access to. There is no need for a manual lookup or search across the heap for the correct object instance. Entity reference integrity is maintained and handled for the programmer by the environment. Relational databases, on the other, purposefully place the referential integrity and lookups into the problem domain - that is the problem they are designed to solve. An RDBMS presumes you can design something more efficient for your specific circumstances than the JVM does (you trust its ability to do object lookups in the heap is sufficiently efficient). As an RDBMS has a much larger heap equivalent it is designed to not operate under that assumption (mostly). So, in an RDBMS the concept of specific foreign keys exists to maintain the referential integrity. In crossing the object to relational entity barrier there is a mismatch between the referential integrity implementations. Java programmers do not want to have to maintain both object referential integrity and key referential integrity analogous to Foo child = new SomeOtherFooType(); Foo parent = new SomeFooType(); child.setParent(parent); child.setParentId(parent.getId()); This is double the work required - you set up the object relationship, then set up the key relationship. OJB knows about the relationship of the objects, thus it is only needed to Foo child = new Foo(); Foo parent = new Foo(); child.setParent(parent); OJB can provide transparent key relationship maintenance behind the scenes for 1:1 relations via anonymous access fields . As object relationships change, the relationships will be propogated into the key values without the Java object ever being aware of a relational key being in use. This means that the java object does not need to specify a FK field for the reference. Without use of anonymous keys class Foo have to look like: class Foo Integer id; Integer fkParentFoo; Foo parent; // optional getter/setter When using anonymous keys the FK field will become obsolete: class Foo Integer id; Foo parent; // optional getter/setter Under specific conditions it's also possible to use anonymous keys for other relations or primary keys. More info in advanced-technique section .
    How it works
    To play for safety it is mandatory to understand how this feature is working. More information how it works please see here .
    Using Anonymous Keys
    Now we can start using of the anonymous key feature. In this section the using is detailed described on the basis of an example.
    The Code
    Take the following classes designed to model a particular problem domain. They may do it reasonably well, or may not. Presume they model it perfectly well for the problem being solved. public class Desk private Finish finish; /** Contains Drawer instances */ private List drawers; private int numberOfLegs; private Integer id; public Desk() this.drawers = new ArrayList(); public List getDrawers() return this.drawers; public int getNumberOfLegs() return this.numberOfLegs; public void setNumberOfLegs(int num) this.numberOfLegs = num; public Finish getFinish() return this.finish; public void setFinish(Finish finish) this.finish = finish; public class Drawer /** Contains Thing instances */ private List stuffInDrawer; private Integer id; public List getStuffInDrawer() return this.stuffInDrawer; public Drawer() this.stuffInDrawer = new ArrayList(); public class Finish private String wood; private String color; private Integer id; public String getWood() return this.wood; public void setWood(String wood) this.wood = wood; public String getColor() return this.color; public void setColor(String color) this.color = color; public class Thing private String name; private Integer id; public String getName() return this.name; public void setName(String name) this.name = name; A Desk will typically reference multiple drawers and one finish.
    The Database
    When we need to store our instances in a database we use a fairly typical table per class persistance model. CREATE TABLE finish id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, wood VARCHAR(255), color VARCHAR(255) CREATE TABLE desk id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, num_legs INTEGER, finish_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (finish_id) REFERENCES finish(id) CREATE TABLE drawer id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, desk_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (desk_id) REFERENCES desk(id) CREATE TABLE thing id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), drawer_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (drawer_id) REFERENCES drawer(id) At the database level the possible relationships need to be explicitely defined by the foreign key constraints. These model all the possible object relationships according to the domain model (until generics enter the Java language for the collections API, this is technically untrue for the classes used here).
    The Repository Configuration
    When we go to map the classes to the database, it is almost a one-to-one property to field mapping. The exception here is the primary key on each entity. This is meaningless information in Java, so we would like to keep it out of the object model. Anonymous access keys allow us to do that. The repository.xml must know about the database columns used for referential integrity, but OJB can maintain the foreign key relationships behind the scenes - freeing the developer to focus on more accurate modeling of her objects to the problem, instead of the the persistance mechanism. Doing this is also very simple - in the repository.xml file mark the field descriptors with a access="anonymous" attribute. <class-descriptor class="Desk" table="desk"> <field-descriptor name="id" column="id" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="numberOfLegs" column="num_legs" jdbc-type="INTEGER" <field-descriptor name="finishId" column="finish_id" jdbc-type="INTEGER" access="anonymous" /> <collection-descriptor name="drawers" element-class-ref="Drawer" <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="deskId"/> </collection-descriptor> <reference-descriptor name="finish" class-ref="Finish"> <foreignkey field-ref="finishId"/> </reference-descriptor> </class-descriptor> <class-descriptor class="Finish" table="finish"> <field-descriptor name="id" column="id" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="wood" column="wood" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" size="255" <field-descriptor name="color" column="color" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" size="255" </class-descriptor> <class-descriptor class="Drawer" table="drawer"> <field-descriptor name="id" column="id" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="deskId" column="desk_id" jdbc-type="INTEGER" access="anonymous" <collection-descriptor name="stuffInDrawer" element-class-ref="Thing" <inverse-foreignkey field-ref="drawerId"/> </collection-descriptor> </class-descriptor> <class-descriptor class="Thing" table="thing"> <field-descriptor name="id" column="id" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" <field-descriptor name="name" column="name" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" size="255" <field-descriptor name="drawerId" column="drawer_id" jdbc-type="INTEGER" access="anonymous" </class-descriptor> Look first at the class descriptor for the Thing class. Notice the field-descriptor with the name attribute "drawerId". This field is labeled as anonymous access. Because it is anonymous access OJB will not attempt to assign the value here to a "drawerId" field or property on the Thing class. Normally the name attribute is used as the Java name for the attribute, in this case it is not. The name is still required because it is used as an indicated for references to this anonymous field. In the field descriptor for Drawer, look at the collection descriptor with the name stuffInDrawer . This collection descriptor references a foreign key with the field-ref="drawerId" . This reference is to the anonymous field descriptor in the Thing descriptor. The field-ref matches to the name in the descriptor whether or not the name also maps to the Java attribute name. This dual use of name can be confusing - be careful. The same type mapping that is used for the collection descriptor in the Drawer descriptor is also used for the 1:1 reference descriptor in the Desk descriptor. The primary keys are populated into the objects as it is generally a good practice to not implement primary keys as anonymous access fields. Primary keys may be anonymous-access but references will get lost if the cache is cleared or the persistent object is serialized.
    Benefits and Drawbacks
    There are both benefits and drawbacks to using anonymous field references for maintaining referential integrity between Java objects and database relations. The most immediate benefit is avoiding semantic code duplication. The second major benefit is avoiding cluttering class definitions with persistance mechanism artifacts. In a well layered application, the persistance mechanism will not really need to be so obvious in the object model implementation. Anonymous fields helpt o achieve this - thereby making persistence mechanisms more flexible. Moving to a different one becomes easier.

    HOWTO - Use DB Sequences

    It is easy to use OJB with with database generated sequences. Typically a table using database generated sequences will autogenerate a unique id for a field as the default value for that field. This can be particularly useful if multiple applications access the same database. Not every application will be using OJB and find it convenient to pull unique values from a high/low table. Using a database managed sequence can help to enforce unique id's across applications all adding to the same database. All of that said, care needs to be taken as using database generated sequences imposes some portability problems. OJB includes a sequence manager implementation that is aware of database sequences and how to use them. It is known to work against Oracle, SAP DB, and PostgreSQL. MySQL has its own sequence manager implementation because it is special. This tutorial will build against PostgreSQL, but working against Oracle or SAP will work the same way. Additional information on sequence managers is available in the Sequence Manager documentation.
    The Sample Database
    Before we can work with OJB against a database with a sequence, we need the database. We will create a simple table that pulls its primary key from a sequence named 'UniqueIdentifier'. CREATE TABLE thingie name VARCHAR(50), id INTEGER DEFAULT NEXTVAL('UniqueIdentifier') We must also define the sequence from which it is drawing values: CREATE SEQUENCE UniqueIdentifier; So that we have the following table: Table "public.thingie" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------- name | character varying(50) | id | integer | default nextval('UniqueIdentifier'::text) If we manually insert some entries into this table they will have their id field set automagically. INSERT INTO thingie (name) VALUES ('Fred'); INSERT INTO thingie (name) VALUES ('Wilma'); SELECT name, id FROM thingie; name | id -------+---- Fred | 0 Wilma | 1 (2 rows)
    Using OJB
    The Database Repository Descriptor
    The next step is to configure OJB to access our thingie table. We need to configure the corrct sequence manager in the repository-database.xml . The default repository-database.xml uses the High/Low Sequence manager. We will delete or comment out that entry, and replace it with the org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerNextValImpl manager. This manager will pull the next value from a named sequence and use it. The entry for our sequence manager in the repository is: <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerNextValImpl" /> This needs to be declared within the JDBC Connection descriptor, so an entire repository-database.xml might look like: <jdbc-connection-descriptor jcd-alias="default" default-connection="true" platform="PostgreSQL" jdbc-level="2.0" driver="org.postgresql.Driver" protocol="jdbc" subprotocol="postgresql" dbalias="test" username="tester" password="" eager-release="false" batch-mode="false" useAutoCommit="1" ignoreAutoCommitExceptions="false" <connection-pool maxActive="21" validationQuery=""/> <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerNextValImpl" /> </jdbc-connection-descriptor>
    Defining a Thingie Class
    For the sake of simplicity we will make a very basic Java Thingie: public class Thingie /** thingie(name) */ private String name; /** thingie(id) */ private int id; public String getName() { return this.name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public int getId() { return this.id; } We also need a class descriptor in repository-user.xml that appears as follows: <class-descriptor class="Thingie" table="THINGIE" <field-descriptor name="id" column="ID" jdbc-type="INTEGER" primarykey="true" autoincrement="true" sequence-name="UniqueIdentifier" <field-descriptor name="name" column="NAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" </class-descriptor> Look over the id field descriptor carefully. The autoincrement sequence-name attributes are important for getting our desired behavior. These tell OJB to use the sequence manager we defined to auto-increment the the value in id , and they also tell the sequence manager which database sequence to use - in this case UniqueIdentifier We could allow OJB to create an extent-aware sequence and use it, however as we are working against a table that defaults to a specific named sequence, we want to make sure to pull values from that same sequence. Information on allowing OJB to create its own sequences is available in the Sequence Manager documentation.
    Using Thingie
    Just to demonstrate that this all works, here is a simple application that uses our Thingie. import org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBroker; import org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBrokerFactory; public class ThingieDriver public static void main(String [] args) PersistenceBroker broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker(); Thingie thing = new Thingie(); Thingie otherThing = new Thingie(); thing.setName("Mabob"); otherThing.setName("Majig"); broker.beginTransaction(); broker.store(thing); broker.store(otherThing); broker.commitTransaction(); System.out.println(thing.getName() + " : " + thing.getId()); System.out.println(otherThing.getName() + " : " + otherThing.getId()); broker.close(); When it is run, it will create two Thingie instances, store them in the database, and report on their assigned id values. java -cp [...] ThingieDriver Mabob : 2 Majig : 3

    HOWTO - Work with LOB Data Types

    Using Oracle LOB Data Types with OJB
    In a lot of applications there is a need to store large text or binary objects into the database. The definition of large usually means that the object's size is beyond the maximum length of a character field. In Oracle this means the objects to be stored can grow to > 4 KB each.

    Depending on the application you are developing your "large objects" may either be in the range of some Kilobytes (for example when storing text-only E-Mails or regular XML documents), but they may also extend to several Megabytes (thinking of any binary data such as larger graphics, PDFs, videos, etc.).

    In practice, the interface between your application and the database used for fetching and storing of your "large objects" needs to be different depending on the expected size. While it is probably perfectly acceptable to handle XML documents or E-Mails in memory as a string and always completely retrieve or store them in one chunk this will hardly be a good idea for video files for example.

    This HOWTO will explain:
  • Why you would want to store large objects in the database
  • Oracle LARGE versus LOB data types
  • LOB handling in OJB using JDBC LOB types
  • This tutorial presumes you are familiar with the basics of OJB.
    Backgrounder: Large objects in databases
    This section is meant to fill in non-DBA people on some of the topics you need to understand when discussing large objects in databases.
    Your database: The most expensive file system?
    Depending on background some people tend to store anything in a database while others are biased against that. As databases use a file system for physical storage anyway, why would it make sense to store pictures, videos and the like as a large object in a database rather that just create a set of folders and store them right into the database. When listening to Oracle's marketing campaingns one might get the impression that there is no need to have plain filesystems anymore and that they all will vanish and be replaced by Oracle database servers. If that happened this would definitely boast Oracle's revenues, but at the same time make IT cost in companies explode. But there are applications where it in fact makes sense to have the database take care of unstructured data that you would otherwise just store in a file. The most common criteria for storing non-relational data in the database instead of storing it directly into the file system is whenever there is a strong link between this non-relatinal and some relational data. Typical examples for that would be:
  • Pictures or videos of houses in a real estate agent's offer database
  • E-Mails related to a customer's order
  • If you are not storing these objects into the database you would need to create a link between the relational and the non-relational data by saving filenames in the database. This means that you application is responsible for managing this weak link in any respect. In order to make sure your application will be robust you need to make sure in your own code that
  • When creating a new record you create a valid and unique filename for storing the object.
  • When deleting a record you delete the corresponding file as well
  • When accessing the file referred to in the record you double-check the file is there and no locked
  • (There might be other, more subtle implications.) All this is done for you by the database in case you choose to store your objects there. In addition to that, when discussing text data, a database might come with an option to automatically index the stored text documents for easy retrievel. This would allow you to perform an SQL seach such as "give me all customers that ever referred to the project foo in an e-mail". (In Oracle you need to install the InterMedia option, aka Oracle Text in order to get this extra functionality. Several vendors have also worked on technologies that allowed to seach rich content such as PDFs files, pictures or even sound or video stored in a database from SQL.)
    Oracle LARGE versus LOB datatypes

    Some people are worried about the efficiency of storing large objects in databases and the implications on performance. They are not necessarily entirely wrong in fearing that storing large objects in databases might be problematic the best or might require a lot of tweaks to parameters in order to be able to handle the large objects. It all depends on how a database implements storing large objects.

    Oracle comes with two completely different mechanisms for that:
  • LARGE objects
  • LOB objects
  • When comparing the LARGE datatypes such as (*fixme*) to the LOB datatypes such as CLOB, BLOB, NCLOB (*fixme*) they don't read that different at first. But there is a huge difference in how they are handled both internally inside the database as well when storing and retrieving from the database client. LARGE fields are embedded directly into the table row. This has some consequences you should be aware of: If your record is made up of 5 VARCHAR fields with a maximum length of 40 bytes each and one LONGVARCHAR and you store 10 MB into the LONGVARCHAR column, your database row will extent to 10.000.200 bytes or roughly 10 MB. The database always reads or writes the entire row. So if you do a SELECT on the VARCHAR fields in order to display their content in a user interface as a basis for the user to decide if he or she will need the content of the LONGVARCHAR at all the database will already have fetched all the 10 MB. If you SELECT and display 25 records each with a 10 MB object in it this will mean about 250 MB of I/O. When storing or fetching such a row you need to make sure your fetch buffer is sized appropriately.

    In practice this cannot be efficient. It might work as long as you stay in the KB range, but you will most likely run into trouble as soon as it gets into the MBs per record. Additionally, there are more limitations to the concept of LONG datatypes such as limiting the number of them you can have in one row and how you can index them. This is probably why Oracle decided to deprecate LONG datatypes in favor of LOB columns. A lot of non-Oracle-DBA people believe that LOB means "large OBject" because some other vendors have used the term BLOB for "Binary Large OBject" in their products. This is not only wrong but - even worse - misleading, because people are asking: "What's the difference between large and long?" (Bear with all non native English speakers here, please!) Instead, LOB stands for Locator OBject which exactly describes what is is. It is a pointer to the place where the actual data itself is stored. This locator will need only occupy some bytes in the row thus not harming row size at all. So all the issues discussed above vanish immediatelly. For the sake of simplicity think of a LOB as a pointer to a file on the databases internal file system that stores the actual content of that field. (Oracle might use plain files or different mechanisms in their implementation, we don't have to care.) But as there is always a trade-off while LOBs are exstremely handy inside a row, they are more complex to store and retrieve. As opposed to all other column types their actual content stays where it is even if you transfer the row from the database to the client. All that goes over the wire in that case will be a token representing the actual LOB column content.

    In order to read the content or to write LOB content it needs to open a separate stream connection over the network that can be read from or written to similar to a file on a network file system. JDBC (starting at version *fixme*) comes with special objects such as java.sql.Blob and java.sql.Clob to access the content of LOBs that do not represent character arrays or strings but streams!

    Large Objects in OJB

    After having skipped the above Backgrounder (in case you do Oracle administration for a living) of having read and understood it (hopefully applies to the rest of us) now that you've most likely decided to go for LOBs and forget about LONGs how is this handled with OJB?

    Strategy 1: Using streams for LOB I/O
    ########## to be written #########
    Strategy 2: Embedding OJB content in Java objects
    ########## to be written #########
    Querying CLOB content
    ########## to be written #########

    HOWTO - Use OJB in clustered environments

    How to use OJB in clustered environments
    Object/Relational Bridge will work fine in environments that require robustness features such as load-balancing, failover, and clustering. However, there are some important steps that you need to take in order for your data to be secure, and to prevent isolation failures. These steps are outlined below. I have tested this in a number of environments, and with Servlet engines and J2EE environments. If you run into problems, please post questions to the OJB users mail list. This outline for clustering is based on an email from the OJB Users Mail List: This is that mail.
    Three steps to clustering your OJB application
    A lot of people keep asking for robust ways to run their OJB engines in multi-VM or clustered environments. This email covers how to do that safely and securely using Open Symphony's OSCache caching product. OSCache is a high-performance, robust caching product that supports clustering. I've been using it for a while in production and it is excellent. Back to the Topic: There are three main things that you should do in order to make your OJB application ready for using a cache in a multi-VM or distributed environment.
    First: Take care of the sequence manager
    that you define within jdbc-connection-descriptor element in your repository.xml file. If none was set OJB use per default the SequenceManagerHighLowImpl sequence manager implementation. As of Release Candidate 5 (rc5), you can use SequenceManagerHighLowImpl in distributed (non-managed) environments. The SequenceManagerHighLowImpl now supports its own optimistic locking that makes the implementation cluster aware by versioning an entry in the OJB_HL_SEQ table. However, the SequenceManagerHighLowImpl has not been heavily tested in clustered environments, so if you want absolute security use an sequence manager implementation which delegates key generation to database. If your database supports database based sequence key generation (like PostgreSQL, Oracle, ...) it's recommended to use SequenceManagerNextValImpl (supports database based sequence keys). Using this sequence manager will prevent conflicts in multi-vm or clustered environments. More about sequence manager here .
    Handling sequence names
    If you are using SequenceManagerNextValImpl you have two possibilities:
  • Do it by your own:
  • Create a sequence object in your database.
  • An Oracle sequence lookslike: "create sequence ackSequence increment by 1 start with 1;"
  • A Postgres sequence looks like: "CREATE SEQUENCE ackSequence START 1";
  • To tell OJB to use that sequence for your table add in your repository.xml the sequence name to the field-descriptor for your table's primary key field: SequenceManagerNextValImpl implementation create the sequence in database automatic if none was found. If you don't want to declare a sequence-name attribute in your field-descriptor , you can enable an automatic sequence name building by setting a specific custom-attribute , then SequenceManagerNextValImpl build an internal sequence name if none was found. <sequence-manager className="org.apache.ojb.broker.util.sequence.SequenceManagerNextValImpl"> <attribute attribute-name="autoNaming" attribute-value="true"/> </sequence-manager> More about sequence manager here .
    Second: Enable optimistic locking
    You need to secure the data at the database. Thomas Mahler (lead OJB developer and considerable ORM guru) recommended in one email that you use the Optimistic Locking feature that is provided by OJB when using the PB API in a clustered environment. Sounds good to me. To do this you need to do three small steps: When using one of the top-level API in most cases Pessimistic (Object) Locking is supported. In that case it is recommended to use a distributed lock management instead of optimistic locking. More information about ODMG API and Locking here .
  • Add a database column to your table that is either an INTEGER or a TIMESTAMP
  • Add the field to your java class, and getter/setter methods (depends on the used PersistentField implementation ): locking="true"/> Now OJB will handle the locking for you. No explicit transactional code necessary!
    Do The Cache
    The detailed steps to setup the OSCache can be found in caching document You're ready to go! Now just create two instances of your application and see how they communicate at the cache level. Very cool.
    For J2EE/Servlet users: I have tested this on a number of different application servers. If you're having problems with your engine, post an email to the OJB Users mail list. OSCache also supports JMS for clustering here, which I haven't covered. If you either don't have access to a multicast network, or just plain like JMS, please refer to the OSCache documentation for help with that, see OSCache Clustering with JMS ). I have also tested this with Tangosol Coherence. Please refer to this Blog entry for that setup: Coherence Setup
  • OJB also has ships with JCS. Feel free to try that one out on your own.
  • HOWTO - Stored Procedure Support

    OJB supports the use of stored procedures to handle the basic DML operations (INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE). This document will describe the entries that you'll need to add to your repository in order to get OJB to utilize stored procedures instead of 'traditional' INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements. Please note that there will be references to 'stored procedures' throughout this document. However, this is just a simplification for the purposes of this document. Any place you see a reference to 'stored procedure', you can assume that either a stored procedure or function can be used. Information presented in this document includes the following:
    Repository entries
    For any persistable class (i.e. "com.myproject.Customer") where you want to utilize stored procedures to handle persistence operations instead of traditional DML statements (i.e. INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE), you will need to include one or more of the following descriptors within the corresponding class-descriptor for the persistable class: All of these descriptors must be nested within the class-descriptor that they apply to. Here is an example of a simple class-descriptor that includes each of the procedure descriptors listed above: <class-descriptor class="com.myproject.Customer" table="CUSTOMER"> <field-descriptor column="ID" jdbc-type="DECIMAL" name="id" primarykey="true"/> <field-descriptor column="NAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" name="name"/> <insert-procedure name="CUSTOMER_PKG.ADD"> <runtime-argument field-ref="id" return="true"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="name"/> </insert-procedure> <update-procedure name="CUSTOMER_PKG.CHG"> <runtime-argument field-ref="id"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="name"/> </update-procedure> <delete-procedure name="CUSTOMER_PKG.CHG"> <runtime-argument field-ref="id"/> </delete-procedure> </class-descriptor>
    Common attributes
    All three procedure descriptors have the following attributes in common: return-field-ref - This identifies the field in the class where the return value from the stored procedure will be stored. If this attribute is blank or not specified, then OJB will assume that the stored procedure does not return a value and will format the SQL command accordingly. The basic syntax that is used to call a procedure that has a return value looks something like this: {?= call &lt;procedure-name&gt;[&lt;arg1&gt;,&lt;arg2&gt;, ...]} The basic syntax that is used to call a procedure that does not include a return value looks something like this: {call &lt;procedure-name&gt;[&lt;arg1&gt;,&lt;arg2&gt;, ...]} When OJB assembles the SQL to call a stored procedure, it will use the value of the 'name' attribute in place of 'procedure-name' in these two examples. In addition, if the procedure descriptor includes a value in the 'return-field-ref' attribute that is 'valid', then the syntax that OJB builds will include the placeholder for the result parameter. The previous section referred to the idea of a 'valid' value in the 'return-field-ref' attribute. A value is considered to be 'valid' if it meets the following criteria:
  • The value is not blank
  • There is a field-descriptor with a 'name' that matches the value in the 'return-field-ref' attribute.
  • If the 'return-field-ref' attribute is not 'valid', then the placeholder for the result parameter will not be included in the SQL that OJB assembles.
    The insert-procedure descriptor identifies the stored procedure that should be used whenever a class needs to be inserted into the database. In addition to the common attributes listed earlier, the insert-procedure includes the following attribute: This attribute provides an efficient mechanism for passing all attributes of a persistable class to a stored procedure. If this attribute is set to true, then OJB will ignore any nested argument descriptors . Instead, OJB will assume that the argument list for the stored procedure includes arguments for all attributes of the persistable class and that those arguments appear in the same order as the field-descriptors for the persistable class. The default value for this attribute is 'false'. If the field-descriptors in your repository do not 'align' exactly with the argument list for the stored procedure, or you want to maintain explicit control over the values that are passed to the stored procedure, then either set the 'include-all-fields' attribute to 'false' or leave it off the insert-procedure descriptor.
    The update-procedure descriptor identifies the stored procedure that should be used whenever a class needs to be updated in the database. In addition to common attributes listed earlier, the update-procedure includes the following attribute:
  • include-all-fields
  • This attribute provides the same capabilities and has the same caveats as include-all-fields attribute on insert-procedure descriptor.
    The delete-procedure descriptor identifies the stored procedure that should be used whenever a class needs to be deleted from the database. In addition to the common attributes listed earlier, the delete-procedure includes the following attribute: This attribute provides an efficient mechanism for passing all of the attributes that make up the primary key for a persistable class to the specified stored procedure. If this attribute is set to true, then OJB will ignore any nested argument descriptors . Instead, OJB will assume that the argument list for the stored procedure includes arguments for all attributes that make up the primary key for the persistable class (i.e. those field-descriptors where the 'primary-key' attribute is set to 'true'). OJB will also assume that those arguments appear in the same order as the corresponding field-descriptors for the persistable class. The default value for this attribute is 'false'. If the field-descriptors in your repository that make up the primary key for a persistable class do not 'align' exactly with the argument list for the stored procedure, or you want to maintain explicit control over the values that are passed to the stored procedure, then either set the 'include-pk-only' attribute to 'false' or leave it off the delete-procedure descriptor.
    Argument descriptors
    Argument descriptors are the mechanism that you will use to tell OJB two things:
  • How many placeholders should be included in the argument list for a stored procedure?
  • What value should be passed for each of those arguments?
  • There are two types of argument descriptors that can be defined in the repository: You may notice that there is no argument descriptor specifically designed to pass a null value to the procedure. This capability is provided by runtime argument descriptor. The argument descriptors are essentially the 'mappings' between stored procedure arguments and their runtime values. Each procedure descriptor can include 0 or more argument descriptors in it's definition. After reading that last comment, you may wonder why OJB allows you to configure a procedure descriptor with no argument descriptors since the primary focus of OJB is to handle object persistence. How could OJB perform any sort persistence operation using a stored procedure that did not involve the passage of at least one value to the stored procedure? To be honest, it is extremely unlikely that you would ever set up a procedure descriptor with no argument descriptors. However, since there is no minimum number of arguments required for a stored procedure, we did not want to implement within OJB a requirement on the number of arguments that was more restrictive than the limits imposed by most/all database systems.
    runtime-argument descriptors
    A runtime-argument descriptor is used to set a stored procedure argument equal to a value that is only known at runtime. Two attributes can be specified for each runtime-argument descriptor:
  • field-ref The 'field-ref' attribute identifies the specific field descriptor that will provide the argument's value. If this attribute is not specified or does not resolve to a valid field-descriptor, then a null value will be passed to the stored procedure.
  • return The 'return' attribute is used to determine if the argument is used by the stored procedure as an 'output' argument. If this attribute is set to true, then the corresponding argument will be registered as an output parameter. After execution of the stored procedure, the value of the argument will be 'harvested' from the CallableStatement and stored in the attribute identified by the field-ref attribute. If this attribute is not specified or set to false, then OJB assumes that the argument is simply an 'input' argument, and it will do nothing special to the argument.
    constant-argument descriptors
    A constant-argument descriptor is used to set a stored procedure argument equal to constant value. There is one attribute that can be specified for the constant-argument descriptor:
  • value The 'value' attribute identifies the value for the argument. This section provides background information and a simple example that illustrates how OJB's support for stored procedures can be utilized. The background information covers the following topics: sequence that will be used by the stored procedures to assign primary key falues, the insert and update triggers that maintain the four 'audit' columns and the package that provides the stored procedures that will handle the persistence operations. All primary key values are to be by the stored procedure that handles the insert operation. The value that is assigned should be reflected in the object that 'triggered' the insert operation. The update trigger will set DATE_UPDATED to the current system date. The update trigger will also ensure that the original value of DATE_CREATED is never modified. Any changes that are made by the insert or update triggers to any of the four 'audit' columns had to be reflected in the object that caused the insert or update operation to occur.
    The database objects
    The database objects that are described in this section utilize Oracle specific syntax. However, you should not infer from this that the stored procedure support provided by OJB can only be used to access data that is stored in an Oracle database. In reality, stored procedures can be used for persistence operations in any database that supports stored procedures. Click here to skip the information about the database objects and go straight to the implementation.
    The CUSTOMER table
    This example will deal exclusively with persistence operations related to the a table named 'CUSTOMER' that is built using the following DDL: CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER ( ID NUMBER(18) NOT NULL , NAME VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL , USER_CREATED VARCHAR2(30) , DATE_CREATED DATE , USER_UPDATED VARCHAR2(30) , DATE_UPDATED DATE , CONSTRAINT PK_CUSTOMER PRIMARY KEY (ID)
    The sequence
    This sequence will be used to assign unique values to CUSTOMER.ID . CREATE SEQUENCE CUSTOMER_SEQ;
    The insert and update triggers
    The package
    This Oracle package will handle all INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations involving the CUSTOMER table. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE CUSTOMER_PKG AS -- This procedure should be used to add a record to the CUSTOMER table. PROCEDURE ADD ( AID IN OUT CUSTOMER.ID%TYPE , ANAME IN CUSTOMER.NAME%TYPE , AUSER_CREATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.USER_CREATED%TYPE , ADATE_CREATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.DATE_CREATED%TYPE , AUSER_UPDATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.USER_UPDATED%TYPE , ADATE_UPDATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.DATE_UPDATED%TYPE ); -- This procedure should be used to change a record on the CUSTOMER table. PROCEDURE CHANGE ( AID IN CUSTOMER.ID%TYPE , ANAME IN CUSTOMER.NAME%TYPE , AUSER_CREATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.USER_CREATED%TYPE , ADATE_CREATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.DATE_CREATED%TYPE , AUSER_UPDATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.USER_UPDATED%TYPE , ADATE_UPDATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.DATE_UPDATED%TYPE ); -- This procedure should be used to delete a record from the CUSTOMER table. PROCEDURE DELETE ( AID IN CUSTOMER.ID%TYPE ); END CUSTOMER_PKG; CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY CUSTOMER_PKG AS -- This procedure should be used to add a record to the CUSTOMER table. PROCEDURE ADD ( AID IN OUT CUSTOMER.ID%TYPE , ANAME IN CUSTOMER.NAME%TYPE , AUSER_CREATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.USER_CREATED%TYPE , ADATE_CREATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.DATE_CREATED%TYPE , AUSER_UPDATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.USER_UPDATED%TYPE , ADATE_UPDATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.DATE_UPDATED%TYPE ) NEW_SEQUENCE_1 CUSTOMER.ID%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT CUSTOMER_SEQ.NEXTVAL INTO NEW_SEQUENCE_1 FROM DUAL; INSERT INTO CUSTOMER ( ID, NAME, USER_CREATED, USER_UPDATED ) VALUES ( NEW_SEQUENCE_1, ANAME, AUSER_CREATED, AUSER_UPDATED ) RETURNING ID, USER_CREATED, DATE_CREATED, USER_UPDATED, DATE_UPDATED INTO AID, AUSER_CREATED, ADATE_CREATED, AUSER_UPDATED, ADATE_UPDATED; END ADD; -- This procedure should be used to change a record on the CUSTOMER table. PROCEDURE CHANGE ( AID IN CUSTOMER.ID%TYPE , ANAME IN CUSTOMER.NAME%TYPE , AUSER_CREATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.USER_CREATED%TYPE , ADATE_CREATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.DATE_CREATED%TYPE , AUSER_UPDATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.USER_UPDATED%TYPE , ADATE_UPDATED IN OUT CUSTOMER.DATE_UPDATED%TYPE ) BEGIN UPDATE CUSTOMER SET NAME = ANAME , USER_CREATED = USER_CREATED , USER_UPDATED = AUSER_UPDATED WHERE ID = AID RETURNING USER_CREATED, DATE_CREATED, USER_UPDATED, DATE_UPDATED INTO AUSER_CREATED, ADATE_CREATED, AUSER_UPDATED, ADATE_UPDATED; END CHANGE; -- This procedure should be used to delete a record from the CUSTOMER table. PROCEDURE DELETE ( AID IN CUSTOMER.ID%TYPE ) BEGIN DELETE FROM CUSTOMER WHERE ID = AID; END DELETE; END CUSTOMER_PKG; Please note the following about the structure of the CUSTOMER_PKG package: ADD procedure is defined as IN OUT . This allows the procedure to return the newly assigned ID to the caller. In the ADD and CHANGE procedures, the arguments that correspond to the four 'audit' columns are defined as IN OUT . This allows the procedure to return the current value of these columns to the 'caller'. Getting OJB to utilize the stored procedures described earlier in this document is as simple as adding a few descriptors to the repository. Here is a class-descriptor related to the CUSTOMER table that includes all of the necessary descriptors. <class-descriptor class="com.myproject.Customer" table="CUSTOMER"> <field-descriptor column="ID" jdbc-type="DECIMAL" name="id" primarykey="true"/> <field-descriptor column="NAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" name="name"/> <field-descriptor column="USER_CREATED" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" name="userCreated"/> <field-descriptor column="DATE_CREATED" jdbc-type="TIMESTAMP" name="dateCreated"/> <field-descriptor column="USER_UPDATED" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" name="userUpdated"/> <field-descriptor column="DATE_UPDATED" jdbc-type="TIMESTAMP" name="dateUpdated"/> <insert-procedure name="CUSTOMER_PKG.ADD"> <runtime-argument field-ref="id" return="true"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="name"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="userCreated" return="true"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="dateCreated" return="true"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="userUpdated" return="true"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="dateUpdated" return="true"/> </insert-procedure> <update-procedure name="CUSTOMER_PKG.CHG"> <runtime-argument field-ref="id"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="name"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="userCreated" return="true"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="dateCreated" return="true"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="userUpdated" return="true"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="dateUpdated" return="true"/> </update-procedure> <delete-procedure name="CUSTOMER_PKG.CHG"> <runtime-argument field-ref="id"/> </delete-procedure> </class-descriptor> Some things to note about this class-descriptor: In the insert-procedure descriptor, the first runtime-argument descriptor correspnds to the "AID" argument that is passed to the CUSTOMER_PKG.ADD routine. The "return" attribute on this runtime-argument is set to "true". With this configuration, OJB will 'harvest' the value that is returned by the CUSTOMER_PKG.ADD stored procedure and store the value in the "id" attribute on the com.myproject.Customer class. In both the insert-procedure and update-procedure descriptors, the runtime-argument descriptors that correspond to the four 'audit' columns all have the "return" argument set to "true". This allows any updates that are made by the procedure or the insert/update triggers to be reflected in the "Customer" object that caused the insert/update operation to occur. This example builds upon the simple example that was presented earlier by introducing some additional requirements beyond those that were specified in the simple example. Some of these additional requirements may seem a little contrived. To be honest, they are. The only purpose of these additional requirements is to create situations that illustrate how the additional capabilities provided by OJB's support for stored procedures can be utilized. The additional requirements for this example include the following: All procedures will include two additional arguments. These two new arguments will be added to the end of the argument list for all existing procedures. ASOURCE_SYSTEM - identifies the system that initiated the persistence operation. This will provide a higher level of audit tracking capability. In our example, this will always be "SAMPLE". ACOST_CENTER - identifies the 'cost center' that should be charged for the persistence operation. In our example, this argument will always be null. For all "ADD" and "CHG" stored procedures, the value that was assigned to the "DATE_UPDATED" column will no longer be returned to the caller via an "IN OUT" argument. Instead, it will be returend to the caller via the procedure's return value. Based on these new requirements, the class-descriptor for the "com.myproject.Customer" class will look like this. The specific changes are detailed below. <class-descriptor class="com.myproject.Customer" table="CUSTOMER"> <field-descriptor column="ID" jdbc-type="DECIMAL" name="id" primarykey="true"/> <field-descriptor column="NAME" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" name="name"/> <field-descriptor column="USER_CREATED" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" name="userCreated"/> <field-descriptor column="DATE_CREATED" jdbc-type="TIMESTAMP" name="dateCreated"/> <field-descriptor column="USER_UPDATED" jdbc-type="VARCHAR" name="userUpdated"/> <field-descriptor column="DATE_UPDATED" jdbc-type="TIMESTAMP" name="dateUpdated"/> <insert-procedure name="CUSTOMER_PKG.ADD" return-field-ref="dateUpdated"> <!-- See note 1 --> <runtime-argument field-ref="id" return="true"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="name"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="userCreated" return="true"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="dateCreated" return="true"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="userUpdated" return="true"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="dateUpdated"/> <!-- See note 2 --> <constant-argument value="SAMPLE"/> <!-- See note 3 --> <runtime-argument/> <!-- See note 4 --> </insert-procedure> <update-procedure name="CUSTOMER_PKG.CHG" return-field-ref="dateUpdated"> <!-- See note 1 --> <runtime-argument field-ref="id"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="name"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="userCreated" return="true"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="dateCreated" return="true"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="userUpdated" return="true"/> <runtime-argument field-ref="dateUpdated"/> <!-- See note 2 --> <constant-argument value="SAMPLE"/> <!-- See note 3 --> <runtime-argument/> <!-- See note 4 --> </update-procedure> <delete-procedure name="CUSTOMER_PKG.CHG"> <runtime-argument field-ref="id"/> <constant-argument value="SAMPLE"/> <!-- See note 3 --> <runtime-argument/> <!-- See note 4 --> </delete-procedure> </class-descriptor> Here are an explanation of each modification: Note 1: The value that is returned by the "ADD" and "CHG" stored procedures will now be stored in the "dateUpdated" attribute on the "com.myproject.Customer" class. Note 2: Since the ADATE_UPDATED argument is no longer defined as an "IN OUT" argument, we have removed the "return" attribute from the corresponding runtime-argument descriptor. Note 3: This is the first of two new arguments that were added to the argument list of each procedure. This argument represents the 'source system', the system that initiated the persistence operation. In our example, we will always pass a value of 'SAMPLE'. Note 4: This is the second of two new arguments that were added to the argument list of each procedure. This argument represents the 'cost center' that should be charged for the persistence operation. In our example, we have no cost center, so we need to pass a null value. This is accomplished by including a 'runtime-argument' descriptor that has no 'field-ref' specified. Building an Object/Relational mapping tool with support for multiple API's is really error prone. To create a solid and stable software, the most awful thing in programmers life has to be done - Testing. Quality assurance taken seriously! OJB and provide specific tests for each supported API. Currently more than 800 test cases for regression tests exist. As testing framework JUnit was used.
    Where can I find the test sources?
    The test sources of the OJB Test-Suite can be find under [db-ojb]/src/test/org/apache/ojb . It's also possible to browse the test sources online using the apache cvs view . The test directory can be found here: [db-ojb]/src/test/org/apache/ojb .
    How to run the Test Suite
    If the platform depended settings are done, the test suite can be started with the ant target: ant junit If compiling of the sources should be skipped use ant junit-no-compile If you did not manage to set up the target database with the ant prepare-testdb you can use ant junit-no-compile-no-prepare to run the testsuite without generation of the test database (and without compiling). After running the regression tests you should see a console output similar to this: junit-no-compile-no-prepare: [junit] Running org.apache.ojb.broker.AllTests [junit] Tests run: 620, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 81,75 sec [junit] Running org.apache.ojb.odmg.AllTests [junit] Tests run: 183, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 21,719 sec [junit] Running org.apache.ojb.soda.AllTests [junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 7,641 sec [junit] Running org.apache.ojb.otm.AllTests [junit] Tests run: 79, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 28,266 sec junit-no-compile-no-prepare-selected: junit-no-compile: junit: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 3 minutes 26 seconds We aim at shipping that releases have no failures and errors in the regression tests! If the Junit tests report errors or failures something does not work properly! There may be several reasons: You made a mistake in configuration (OJB was shipped with settings pass all tests). See platform , OJB.properties , repository file ,
  • Your database doesn't support specific features used by the tests
  • Evil hex
  • Bug in OJB
  • JUnit writes a log-file for each tested API. You can find the logs under [db-ojb]/target/test . The log files named like tests-XXX.txt . The test logs show in detail what's going wrong. In such a case please check again if you followed all the above steps. If you still have problems you might post a request to the OJB user mailinglist.
    How to run the test-suite with a different database than OJB default DB
    Basically all you have to do is: file. The tests reproduce open bugs will be skipped on released OJB versions. It is possible to enable these tests to see all failing test cases of the shipped version by changing a flag in [db-ojb]/build.properties file: # If 'true', junit tests marked as known issue in the junit-test # source code (see OJBTestCase class for more detailed info) will be # skipped. Default value is 'true'. For development 'false' is recommended, # because this will show unsolved problems. OJB.skip.issues=true
    Donate own tests for OJB Test Suite
    Details about donate own test to OJB you can find here .

    Write Tests

    As described in the test suite document, OJB emphasizes on quality assurance and provide a huge test suite. But of course it is impossible to cover all parts of OJB with unit tests and OJB will never be perfect (although we would like to think it's s nearly perfect ;-)), thus if you are missing a testcase or think you found an bug -- don't hesitate to write your own test and send it to the developer list or, if you have an existing issue report, attach it in the issue tracker .
    How to write a new Test
    Before starting to write your own test case, please pay attention to these rules.
    The Test Class
    All test classes have to inherit from org.apache.ojb.junit.OJBTestCase and have to provide a static main method to start the Junit test: public class MyTest extends OJBTestCase public static void main(String[] args) String[] arr = {MyTest.class.getName()}; junit.textui.TestRunner.main(arr); public void testMyFirstOne() You will find some test classes for specific scenarios in the org.apache.ojb.junit package: org.apache.ojb.junit.JUnitExtensions - servers as a base class when writing multi-threaded test classes. For more info, see the JavaDoc of the class. public class ReferenceRuntimeSettingTest extends PBTestCase public static void main(String[] args) String[] arr = {ReferenceRuntimeSettingTest.class.getName()}; junit.textui.TestRunner.main(arr); public void testChangeReferenceSetting() ClassDescriptor cld = broker.getClassDescriptor(MainObject.class); // and so on The PersistenceBroker cleanup is done by PBTestCase .
    Persistent Objects used by Test
    We recommend to introduce separate persistent objects for each TestCase class. In the test suite two concepts are used:
    Test Class Metadata
    Currently all test specific object metadata (class-descriptor used for tests) are shared among several xml files. The naming convention is repository_junit_XXX.xml . Thus metadata for new tests should be included in one of the existing junit repository (sub) files or writen in an new separate one and included in the main repository file. <!DOCTYPE descriptor-repository PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD OJB Repository//EN" "repository.dtd" <!ENTITY database SYSTEM "repository_database.xml"> <!ENTITY internal SYSTEM "repository_internal.xml"> <!ENTITY user SYSTEM "repository_user.xml"> <!-- Start of JUnit included files --> <!ENTITY junit SYSTEM "repository_junit.xml"> <!ENTITY junit_odmg SYSTEM "repository_junit_odmg.xml"> <!ENTITY junit_otm SYSTEM "repository_junit_otm.xml"> <!ENTITY junit_ref SYSTEM "repository_junit_reference.xml"> <!ENTITY junit_meta_seq SYSTEM "repository_junit_meta_seq.xml"> <!ENTITY junit_model SYSTEM "repository_junit_model.xml"> <!ENTITY junit_cloneable SYSTEM "repository_junit_cloneable.xml"> <!-- Your entity here: --> <!ENTITY junit_myfirsttest SYSTEM "repository_junit_myfirsttest.xml"> <descriptor-repository version="1.0" isolation-level="read-uncommitted" proxy-prefetching-limit="50"> <!-- include all used database connections --> &database; <!-- include ojb internal mappings here --> &internal; <!-- include user defined mappings here --> &user; <!-- include mappings for JUnit tests --> &junit; &junit_odmg; &junit_otm; &junit_ref; &junit_meta_seq; &junit_model; &junit_cloneable; &junit_myfirsttest;