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after reboot I have noticed my analog sound card hardware disappear on the sound preference hardware list.While I try to run

Code: Select all

$ start-pulseaudio-x11
I get this output

Code: Select all

$ Connection failure: Connection refused
pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused
same command with sudo brings this output

Code: Select all

$ Home directory not accessible: Permission denied
Connection failure: Connection refused
pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused
while I try ctl+alt+F1 the next error just keep running all over the screen

Code: Select all

usb 3-3: 3:1: cannot get min/max values for control 2 (id 3)
I also try to chown the home folder and add %USER to audio group and pulseaudio group --- nothing same problem I already googled this errors try many different solutions such as:
http://askubuntu.com/questions/338382/p ... ion-denied
http://askubuntu.com/questions/70560/wh ... iled-error
and some more
I am using Linux mint 17.2 Rafaela (Ubuntu Trusty) 64bit Mate
thanks for any replay
First, your problem with sudo is that you are not running as your regular user , you are running as root, so of course your /home/[user] directory is not accessible.
Second, although you have NOT stated what hardware you are using, which makes it difficult to answer your questions, it seems from your [vague] description that it may be a timing problem with systemd and your hardware sound card available time on startup. While I recognize symptoms similar to that type of problem, specific hardware nomenclature and driver would be required to go further, if that is actually the problem.