, thank you for reporting this error. We apologize for the issue you see and would be happy to investigate it. Please send us the repro steps and the affected .rp file at
[email protected]
so we can reproduce the issue on our side.
Meanwhile, if your file was closed, you can restore an earlier version of your file by following the steps detailed in the link provided below:
I tried multiple times and found that the crash may be caused by the Chinese language pack I added. However, I was able to use the language pack without any issues before. The crash occurred before I updated Axure or macOS, so I can preliminarily rule out these two reasons. Moreover, even after updating to the latest macOS and Axure versions, the crash still occurs.
In addition, my Mac has an Intel chip, and I’m using the latest macOS version and Axure version.
Please help me find a solution.
, can you tell us if Axure RP crashes when you don’t use a language pack? If Axure keeps crashing without this language pack, please send us your Axure log files at
[email protected]
so we can investigate what might be happening. You can find these log files in the following location:
(open the Finder and use “Go > Go to Folder” to paste the file path):
~/Library/Application Support/Axure/Axure-10-0/logs