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New weekly trending repos in unknown languages!
aishwaryanr / awesome-generative-ai-guide
A one stop repository for generative AI research updates, interview resources, notebooks and much more!
stars this week
YueChan / Live
Collect some high-definition live broadcast sources on the Internet.
stars this week
CyC2018 / CS-Notes
📚 技术面试必备基础知识、Leetcode、计算机操作系统、计算机网络、系统设计
📚 Essential basic knowledge for technical interviews, Leetcode, computer operating system, computer network, system design
stars this week
academic / awesome-datascience
📝 An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems.
stars this week
slowmist / Blockchain-dark-forest-selfguard-handbook
Blockchain dark forest selfguard handbook. Master these, master the security of your cryptocurrency.
stars this week
getify / You-Dont-Know-JS
A book series on JavaScript.
on twitter.
stars this week
datawhalechina / so-large-lm
大模型基础: 一文了解大模型基础知识
Basics of large models: Learn the basics of large models in one article
stars this week
tldrsec / awesome-secure-defaults
Awesome secure by default libraries to help you eliminate bug classes!
stars this week
awesomedata / awesome-public-datasets
A topic-centric list of HQ open datasets.
stars this week
karanpratapsingh / system-design
Learn how to design systems at scale and prepare for system design interviews
stars this week
smartcontractkit / full-blockchain-solidity-course-js
Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with Javascript
stars this week
janhq / awesome-local-ai
An awesome repository of local AI tools
stars this week
nahamsec / Resources-for-Beginner-Bug-Bounty-Hunters
A list of resources for those interested in getting started in bug bounties
stars this week
h4x0r-dz / CVE-2024-3400
Palo Alto OS Command Injection
stars this week
Threekiii / Awesome-POC
A vulnerability POC knowledge base
stars this week
New weekly trending repos in unknown languages!
elidianaandrade / dio-curso-git-github
Repositório do curso Versionamento de Código com Git e GitHub da Digital Innovation One.
Repository for the Code Versioning with Git and GitHub course from Digital Innovation One.
stars this week
jordan-cutler / path-to-senior-engineer-handbook
All the resources you need to get to Senior Engineer and beyond
stars this week
HqWu-HITCS / Awesome-Chinese-LLM
Organize open source Chinese language models, focusing on smaller models that can be deployed privately and have lower training costs, including base models, fine-tuning and applications in vertical fields, data sets and tutorials, etc.
stars this week
Profluent-AI / OpenCRISPR
AI-generated gene editing systems
stars this week
ByteByteGoHq / system-design-101
Explain complex systems using visuals and simple terms. Help you prepare for system design interviews.
stars this week
DovAmir / awesome-design-patterns
A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns.
stars this week
binhnguyennus / awesome-scalability
The Patterns of Scalable, Reliable, and Performant Large-Scale Systems
stars this week
dinaashraf20003 / Software-Internship-Guide
Software Internship Guide for Egyptian Undergraduates
stars this week
InterviewReady / system-design-resources
These are the best resources for System Design on the Internet
stars this week
Emote Portrait Alive: Generating Expressive Portrait Videos with Audio2Video Diffusion Model under Weak Conditions
stars this week
birobirobiro / awesome-shadcn-ui
A curated list of awesome things related to shadcn/ui.
stars this week
OdysseusYuan / Mocreak
基于 LKY_OfficeTools 构建的图形化版本。一键自动化下载、安装、激活 Office 正版的办公增强工具。该工具完全免费、无广告、绿色、无毒、简约、高效、安全。
Graphical version built on LKY_OfficeTools. Automatically download, install, and activate Office genuine office enhancement tools with one click. This tool is completely free, ad-free, green, non-toxic, simple, efficient and safe.
stars this week
cat-milk / Anime-Girls-Holding-Programming-Books
Anime Girls Holding Programming Books
stars this week
nodelrd / ChatGPT-Next-Web-PLUS
基于chatgpt-next-web 增强版本,后台管理,接入知识库等。将按需持续接入midjourney绘画功能,接入了stable-diffusion,支持oss,支持dall-e-3、gpt-4-vision-preview、whisper、tts,支持gpt-4-all,支持GPTs商店。
Based on the enhanced version of chatgpt-next-web, background management, access to knowledge base, etc. It will continue to access the midjourney painting function on demand. It is connected to stable-diffusion, supports oss, supports dall-e-3, gpt-4-vision-preview, whisper, tts, supports gpt-4-all, and supports GPTs stores.
stars this week
Az0x7 / vulnerability-Checklist
This repository contain a lot of web and api vulnerability checklist , a lot of vulnerability ideas and tips from twitter
stars this week
mentalDetector / Quansheng_UV-K5_PCB_R51-V1.4_PCB_Reversing_Rev._0.9
Reverse engineering of the Quansheng UV-K5 V1.4 PCB in KiCad 7
stars this week
cipher387 / cheatsheets
High quality and text versions of cheat sheets from Cyber Detective Twitter
stars this week
Finallyt / Heroglyph
Incentives For Transforming Ethereum Validator Dynamics
stars this week
New weekly trending repos in unknown languages!
codecrafters-io / build-your-own-x
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
stars this week
systemdesign42 / system-design
A resource to help you learn system design.
stars this week
DataTalksClub / llm-zoomcamp
LLM Zoomcamp - a free online course about building an AI bot that can answer questions about your knowledge base
stars this week
ml-tooling / best-of-ml-python
🏆 A ranked list of awesome machine learning Python libraries. Updated weekly.
stars this week
zbezj / HEU_KMS_Activator
stars this week
Kludex / fastapi-tips
FastAPI Tips by The FastAPI Expert!
stars this week
afshinea / stanford-cs-229-machine-learning
VIP cheatsheets for Stanford's CS 229 Machine Learning
stars this week
Awesome-Windows / Awesome
💻 🎉 An awesome & curated list of best applications and tools for Windows.
stars this week
bpc-clone / bypass-paywalls-chrome-clean
stars this week
khangich / machine-learning-interview
Machine Learning Interviews from FAANG, Snapchat, LinkedIn. I have offers from Snapchat, Coupang, Stitchfix etc. Blog:
stars this week
firstcontributions / first-contributions
🚀✨ Help beginners to contribute to open source projects
stars this week
Pawdroid / Free-servers
🚀 免费订阅地址,🚀 免费节点,🚀 6小时更新一次,共享节点,节点质量高可用,完全免费。免费clash订阅地址,免费翻墙、免费科学上网、免费梯子、免费ss/v2ray/trojan节点、谷歌商店、翻墙梯子。注意:目前进入官网需开启代理。
🚀 Free subscription address, 🚀 Free nodes, 🚀 updated every 6 hours, shared nodes, high node quality and available, completely free. Free clash subscription address, free circumvention, free scientific Internet, free ladder, free ss/v2ray/trojan node, Google store, circumvention ladder. Note: Currently, you need to enable the proxy to enter the official website.
stars this week
mlabonne / llm-datasets
High-quality datasets, tools, and concepts for LLM fine-tuning.
stars this week
project-fika / Fika-Documentation
stars this week
krishnaik06 / Perfect-Roadmap-To-Learn-Data-Science-In-2024
stars this week
casubsverssnor1979 / Aviator-Prediction-App
stars this week
New weekly trending repos in unknown languages!
sdmg15 / Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit
🔗 Some useful websites for programmers.
stars this week
deepseek-ai / DeepSeek-V2
stars this week
ashishps1 / awesome-low-level-design
Learn Low Level Design (LLD) and prepare for interviews using free resources.
stars this week
ossu / computer-science
🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
stars this week
forthespada / CS-Books
🔥🔥More than 1,000 classic computer books, personal notes, and resources involved in my articles published on various platforms. Book resources include C/C++, Java, Python, Go language, data structures and algorithms, operating systems, back-end architecture, computer system knowledge, databases, computer networks, design patterns, front-end, assembly, and various interview experiences for school and social recruitment ~
stars this week
ibm-granite / granite-code-models
Granite Code Models: A Family of Open Foundation Models for Code Intelligence
stars this week
lydiahallie / javascript-questions
A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations ✨
stars this week
enaqx / awesome-react
A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem
stars this week
CodingChallengesFYI / SharedSolutions
Publicly shared solutions to Coding Challenges
stars this week
ca110us / epeius
Deploy Trojan using a Serverless approach
stars this week
Ouckah / Summer2025-Internships
Collection of Summer 2025 tech internships!
stars this week
CS-BAOYAN / CSSummerCamp2024
stars this week
madd86 / awesome-system-design
A curated list of awesome System Design (A.K.A. Distributed Systems) resources.
stars this week
dair-ai / ML-Papers-of-the-Week
🔥Highlighting the top ML papers every week.
stars this week
GoldHEN / GoldHEN
PS4 Homebrew Enabler
stars this week
HotBoy-java / PotatoTool
这款工具是一款功能强大的网络安全综合工具,旨在为安全从业者、红蓝对抗人员和网络安全爱好者提供全面的网络安全解决方案。它集成了多种实用功能,包括解密、分析、扫描、溯源等,为用户提供了便捷的操作界面和丰富的功能选择。This tool offers robust network security solutions for professionals and enthusiasts. With features like decryption, analysis, scanning, and traceability, it provides a user-friendly interface and diverse functionality.
This tool is a powerful comprehensive network security tool designed to provide comprehensive network security solutions for security practitioners, red and blue countermeasures personnel and network security enthusiasts. It integrates a variety of practical functions, including decryption, analysis, scanning, source tracing, etc., providing users with a convenient operation interface and rich function choices. This tool offers robust network security solutions for professionals and enthusiasts. With features like decryption, analysis, scanning, and traceability, it provides a user-friendly interface and diverse functionality.
stars this week
nomi-sec / PoC-in-GitHub
📡 PoC auto collect from GitHub.
Be careful Malware.
stars this week