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本文档详细介绍了OpenCL 1.0中关于图像对象的操作,包括clGetSupportedImageFormats获取支持的图像格式,以及clEnqueueReadImage、clEnqueueWriteImage和clEnqueueCopyImage系列函数进行图像与缓冲区之间的读写复制。重点讨论了clEnqueueMapBuffer和clEnqueueMapImage的映射与解锁内存对象,并强调了Map Count在内存管理中的作用。利用clGetMemObjectInfo和clGetImageInfo获取内存对象和图像对象的相关信息。 摘要由CSDN通过智能技术生成


clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer(): enqueue a command to copy an image object to a buffer object

clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage(): enqueue a command to copy a buffer object to a image object


map a region of the buffer object given by buffer into the host address space and returns a pointer to this mapped region



实际上是使用Reference Count技术,这里称为Map Count

clGetMemObjectInfo(): get information that is common to all memory objects

clGetImageInfo: get information specific to an image object

<br />clGetSupportedImageFormats();<br /> <br />clEnqueueReadImage()<br />clEnqueueWriteImage()<br />clEnqueueCopyImage()<br /> <br />clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer(): enqueue a command to copy an image object to a buffer object<br />clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage
我想,这个对微软以外的厂商都是件好事吧。CUDA有了竞争者应该会发展的更快。 http://www.macworld.com/article/137413/2008/12/ opencl .html DX10已经由于绑定Vista迟迟不能推广,其本身也放弃DS转投OpenAL。 不得不说,微软的影响力正在快速下降。 如果微软不支持 OpenCL ,其在诸多应用领域必然落后苹果。 但是,支持 OpenCL 的...
Modern processor architectures have embraced parallelism as an important pathway to increased performance. Facing technical challenges with higher clock speeds in a fixed power envelope, Central Processing Units (CPUs) now improve performance by adding multiple cores. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have also evolved from fixed funct ion rendering devices into programmable parallel processors. As today’s computer systems often include highly parallel CPUs, GPUs and other types of processors, it is important to enable software developers to take full advantage of these heterogeneous processing platforms.
<br />Executing Kernels<br /> <br />// en queue a command to execute a kernel on a device cl_int clEn queue NDRangeKernel( cl_ command _ queue command _ queue , cl_kernel kernel, cl_uint work_dim, const size_t *global_wor
opencl 中, image buffer 是一个非常高效的操作图像的缓冲区。在定义 image buffer 的cl_ image _format的时候,往往需要查询当前设备支持的 image format。 查询函数:clGetSupported Image Formats 官网API:https://www.khronos.org/registry/ OpenCL /sdk/ 1.0 /docs/man/xhtml/c...
根据《 OpenCL Overview》与《 OpenCL Technical Overview》整理编写,由于第一次接触 OpenCL ,定会有部分的专业词汇翻译不当,敬请指正。 1.《 OpenCL Overview》整理 笔记 这是一个异构的世界 OpenCL 让程序员写单一的可移植程序,在一个异构平台上使用所有的资源。 OpenCL 使用   1. 定义平台; 2.