  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
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Hello, I’m trying to make a command prompt thingy. When I try and open it in a preview on PyChamp the code runs fine, but in a regular file it closes, and I was able to see the error Python error Traceback(most recent call last): I know the problem is where I try to import pythonroblox. Any help?

import pythonroblox
import time
import os
ex = 0
print("Thanks for using me! Type 'commands' for help!")
while ex < 1:
    cmdd: str = input("Enter a valid command: ")
    if cmdd == "group":
        grp: str = input("Group ID here: ")
    groups = pythonroblox.Groups()
    result = groups.search_id(grp)
    groupmem = result.member_count
    groupname = result.name
    groupid = result.id
    descg = result.description
    groupown = result.owner_name
    print("["+groupname+"]", "Member Count:", groupmem, "| Group Owner:", groupown, "| Description:", descg, "| Group ID:", groupid)

EDIT: sorry if this has an obvious answer, I just started a few days ago.

Hello, I’m trying to make a command prompt thingy. When I try and open it in
a preview on PyChamp the code runs fine, but in a regular file it closes, and
I was able to see the error Python error Traceback(most recent call last): I
know the problem is where I try to import pythonroblox. Any help?

Paste this line at the very top of you file and run it again:

import sys; print(f"Try running: {sys.executable} -m pip install <package_name>"); sys.exit(0)

It will suggest a command to run from the command line.

Run that command, replacing <package_name> with just pythonroblox,
remove the helpful line you added the top and try running your program again as

Does it work?


Do you get an error? Now try the same thing without using PyChamp. Do
you get an error now?

If so, then the two environments are different.

In PyChamp, run this:

import sys

Then do the same thing without PyChamp. How are they different?