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  • If the player has lost their wolfbane dagger:
    • Drezel: Greetings again adventurer. How go your travels in Morytania? Is it as evil as I have heard?
    • Player: I've lost my wolfbane dagger.
    • (Player receives wolfbane dagger.)
    • Drezel: Yes, I know! Luckily for you it washed up on the banks of the Salve earlier! Here, take it again, but please try and be more careful this time.
    • Drezel: It's a family heirloom after all!
    • Player: Thanks for that!
  • If the player has lost their temple library key:
    • Player: I've lost my library key.
    • (Player receives temple library key.)
    • Drezel: Ok, here's another one for you.
    • Player: Thanks for that!
  • Before Nature Spirit:
    • Player: Do you know of anything I can do in Morytania?
    • Drezel: Well, not a great deal... but there is something you could do for me if you're interested. Though it is quite dangerous.
    • Well, what is it, I may be able to help?
      • Player: Well, what is it, I may be able to help?
      • Drezel: There's a man called Filliman who lives in Mort Myre. He comes by the temple from time to time but I haven't seen him recently. I was wondering if you could check in on him?
      • Drezen: I must warn you though, it could be dangerous. Mort Myre is filled with ghasts!
      • Start Nature Spirit quest?
        • Player: Yes, I'll go look for him.
        • Drezel: That's great! Many thanks!
        • Drezel: Now, please be aware of the ghasts, you cannot attack them, only Filliman knew how to take them on. Just run from them if you can. If you get lost, try to make your way back to the temple.
        • Drezel hands you some food.
        • Drezel: Please take this food to Filliman, he'll likely appreciate it. His home is somewhere in the southern end of Mort Myre. I don't know the exact location I'm afraid.
        • Player: Don't worry, if he's there and he's still alive, I'll find him.
        • (Transcript missing - Continued dialogue should probably go on a Nature Spirit transcript edit )
        • Player: Sorry, I don't think I can help.
        • Drezel: That's fine, I'm sure someone else will be along shortly who can. Now, if you excuse me, I do have some things to be getting on with.
        • (End of dialogue)
    • Sorry, not interested.
      • Player: Sorry, not interested.
      • Drezel: Well, I understand. You must be busy.
      • (End of dialogue)
  • After Darkness of Hallowvale:
    • Drezel: Hello, [player name]. How are things in Morytania?
    • Player: Not as well as I'd hope, Drezel. I'm still working with the Myreque. I just hope that we can find a way to defeat those Drakans.
    • Drezel: You can be sure that a great many people hope for exactly the same thing, [player name]. Good luck to you, and Myreque prevail!
    • Player: Myreque prevail, Drezel.
    • (End of dialogue)
  • After A Taste of Hope:
    • Drezel: How's everything going, [player name]?
    • Player: We've managed to create a new weapon to fight the vampyres with. I used it to kill Ranis Drakan!
    • Drezel: This is amazing news, [player name]. Myreque prevail!
    • Player: Myreque prevail, Drezel.
  • After Sins of the Father:
    • Drezel: [player name]. How are things?
    • Player: As well as they could be, everything considered. We lost everything, Drezel.
    • Drezel: Not everything. There's still you, me and Ivan. Veliaf is out there somewhere as well. It's not much, but it's something to be thankful for.
    • Player: I suppose.
    • Drezel: Morytania has never been darker. Trust in Saradomin, friend. There is still a chance we will live through this darkness.
  • (End of dialogue)

Treasure Trails This transcript or section is incomplete and could do with improvement.

  • Drezel: Ah! Here you go!
  • Player: What?
  • Drezel: I need you to help me with this.
  • (Player receives a challenge scroll.)
  • Drezel has given you a challenge scroll!
  • (End of dialogue)

When talked to again
  • Drezel: Please give me your answer!
  • When given the wrong answer:
    • Drezel: Nope, not correct!
    • (End of dialogue)
  • When given the correct answer:
    • Drezel: Correct!
    • (Player receives another clue scroll/a casket.)
    • Drezel has given you another clue scroll!
    • (End of dialogue)