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Super appreciate you mentioning the workaround here
, would you have any interest in adding a
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forum post in our Discussions for this?
I'm also compiling a new list of issues surrounding language server download bugs, to give to the team, and I'll include the issue about adding an
Can I download C++ language server manually?
Failed to download language server: c++ (timeout)
Apr 7, 2023
Failed to download language server: c++ (timeout)
Language server install failure: c++ (timeout)
Apr 7, 2023
Language server install failure: c++ (timeout)
Language server download failure: c++ (timeout)
Apr 7, 2023
Super appreciate you mentioning the workaround here
, would you have any interest in adding a
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forum post in our Discussions for this?
I'm also compiling a new list of issues surrounding language server download bugs, to give to the team, and I'll include the issue about adding an
Super appreciate you mentioning the workaround here
, would you have any interest in adding a
Share a Tip
forum post in our Discussions for this?
I'm also compiling a new list of issues surrounding language server download bugs, to give to the team, and I'll include the issue about adding an
Thank you so much! Hugely appreciated!