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oci_bind_by_name (
resource $statement ,
string $param ,
mixed &$var ,
int $max_length = -1 ,
int $type = 0
): bool 将 PHP 变量 var 绑定到 Oracle 位置占位符 param 。绑定对 Oracle 数据库性能很重要,同时也是避免 SQL 注入安全问题的一种方式。 绑定允许数据库重用语句上下文和以前执行语句的缓存,即使另一个用户或进程最初(originally)执行它也是如此。绑定减少了 SQL 注入问题,因为与绑定变量关联的数据永远不会被视为 SQL 语句的一部分。不需要引用或转义。 已经绑定的 PHP 变量可以改变,语句重新执行,而不需要重新解析语句或重新绑定。 在 Oracle 中,绑定变量通常分为用于传递到数据库的值的 IN 绑定和用于返回给 PHP 的值的 OUT 绑定。绑定变量可以同时为 IN OUT 。绑定变量是用于输入还是输出是在运行时确定的。 使用 OUT 绑定时必须指定 max_length 以便 PHP 分配足够的内存来保存返回值。 对于 IN 绑定,如果使用不同的 PHP 变量值多次重新执行该语句,建议设置 max_length 长度。否则 Oracle 可能会将数据截断为初始 PHP 变量值的长度。如果不知道最大长度是多少,则在每次调用 oci_execute() 之前使用当前数据大小重新调用 oci_bind_by_name() 。绑定不必要的大长度将对数据库中的进程内存产生影响。 绑定调用告诉 Oracle 从哪个内存地址读取数据。对于 IN 绑定,调用 oci_execute() 时地址需要包含有效数据。这意味着变量绑定必须保留在作用域内直到执行。否则,可能会出现意外结果或错误,例如“ORA-01460:未实现或不合理的转换请求”。对于 OUT 绑定,一个问题是没有在 PHP 变量中设置值。 对于重复执行的语句,永远不变的绑定值可能会降低 Oracle 优化器选择最佳语句执行计划的能力。很少重新执行的长时间运行的语句可能无法从绑定中获益。但是,在这两种情况下,绑定可能比将字符串连接到 SQL 语句中更安全,因为如果连接未过滤的用户文本,这可能会带来安全风险。

示例 #1 使用 oci_bind_by_name() 插入数据


// Create the table with:
// CREATE TABLE mytab (id NUMBER, text VARCHAR2(40));

$conn = oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
if (!
$conn ) {
$m = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $m [ 'message' ]), E_USER_ERROR );

$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , "INSERT INTO mytab (id, text) VALUES(:id_bv, :text_bv)" );

$id = 1 ;
$text = "Data to insert " ;
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ":id_bv" , $id );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ":text_bv" , $text );
oci_execute ( $stid );

// Table now contains: 1, 'Data to insert '


示例 #2 一次绑定多次执行


// Create the table with:
// CREATE TABLE mytab (id NUMBER);

$conn = oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
if (!
$conn ) {
$m = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $m [ 'message' ]), E_USER_ERROR );

$a = array( 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 ); // data to insert

$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , 'INSERT INTO mytab (id) VALUES (:bv)' );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ':bv' , $v , 20 );
foreach (
$a as $v ) {
$r = oci_execute ( $stid , OCI_DEFAULT ); // don't auto commit
oci_commit ( $conn ); // commit everything at once

// Table contains five rows: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11

oci_free_statement ( $stid );
oci_close ( $conn );


示例 #3 使用 foreach 循环绑定


= oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
if (!
$conn ) {
$m = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $m [ 'message' ]), E_USER_ERROR );

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM departments WHERE department_name = :dname AND location_id = :loc' ;
$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , $sql );

$ba = array( ':dname' => 'IT Support' , ':loc' => 1700 );

foreach (
$ba as $key => $val ) {

// oci_bind_by_name($stid, $key, $val) does not work
// because it binds each placeholder to the same location: $val
// instead use the actual location of the data: $ba[$key]
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , $key , $ba [ $key ]);

oci_execute ( $stid );
$row = oci_fetch_array ( $stid , OCI_ASSOC + OCI_RETURN_NULLS );
foreach (
$row as $item ) {
$item . "<br>\n" ;

oci_free_statement ( $stid );
oci_close ( $conn );


示例 #4 在 WHERE 子句中绑定


= oci_connect ( "hr" , "hrpwd" , "localhost/XE" );
if (!
$conn ) {
$m = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $m [ 'message' ]), E_USER_ERROR );

$sql = 'SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE department_id = :didbv ORDER BY last_name' ;
$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , $sql );
$didbv = 60 ;
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ':didbv' , $didbv );
oci_execute ( $stid );
while ((
$row = oci_fetch_array ( $stid , OCI_ASSOC )) != false ) {
$row [ 'LAST_NAME' ] . "<br>\n" ;

// Output is
// Austin
// Ernst
// Hunold
// Lorentz
// Pataballa

oci_free_statement ( $stid );
oci_close ( $conn );


示例 #5 使用 LIKE 子句绑定


= oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
if (!
$conn ) {
$m = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $m [ 'message' ]), E_USER_ERROR );

// Find all cities that begin with 'South'
$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , "SELECT city FROM locations WHERE city LIKE :bv" );
$city = 'South%' ; // '%' is a wildcard in SQL
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ":bv" , $city );
oci_execute ( $stid );
oci_fetch_all ( $stid , $res );

foreach (
$res [ 'CITY' ] as $c ) {
$c . "<br>\n" ;
// Output is
// South Brunswick
// South San Francisco
// Southlake

oci_free_statement ( $stid );
oci_close ( $conn );


示例 #6 与 REGEXP_LIKE 绑定


= oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
if (!
$conn ) {
$m = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $m [ 'message' ]), E_USER_ERROR );

// Find all cities that contain 'ing'
$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , "SELECT city FROM locations WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(city, :bv)" );
$city = '.*ing.*' ;
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ":bv" , $city );
oci_execute ( $stid );
oci_fetch_all ( $stid , $res );

foreach (
$res [ 'CITY' ] as $c ) {
$c . "<br>\n" ;
// Output is
// Beijing
// Singapore

oci_free_statement ( $stid );
oci_close ( $conn );


示例 #7 在 IN 子句中绑定多个值


= oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
if (!
$conn ) {
$m = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $m [ 'message' ]), E_USER_ERROR );

$sql = 'SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE employee_id in (:e1, :e2, :e3)' ;
$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , $sql );
$mye1 = 103 ;
$mye2 = 104 ;
$mye3 = NULL ; // pretend we were not given this value
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ':e1' , $mye1 );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ':e2' , $mye2 );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ':e3' , $mye3 );
oci_execute ( $stid );
oci_fetch_all ( $stid , $res );
foreach (
$res [ 'LAST_NAME' ] as $name ) {
$name . "<br>\n" ;

// Output is
// Ernst
// Hunold

oci_free_statement ( $stid );
oci_close ( $conn );


示例 #8 Binding a ROWID returned by a query


// Create the table with:
// CREATE TABLE mytab (id NUMBER, salary NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(40));
// INSERT INTO mytab (id, salary, name) VALUES (1, 100, 'Chris');

$conn = oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
if (!
$conn ) {
$m = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $m [ 'message' ]), E_USER_ERROR );

$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , 'SELECT ROWID, name FROM mytab WHERE id = :id_bv FOR UPDATE' );
$id = 1 ;
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ':id_bv' , $id );
oci_execute ( $stid );
$row = oci_fetch_array ( $stid , OCI_ASSOC + OCI_RETURN_NULLS );
$rid = $row [ 'ROWID' ];
$name = $row [ 'NAME' ];

// Change name to upper case & save the changes
$name = strtoupper ( $name );
$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , 'UPDATE mytab SET name = :n_bv WHERE ROWID = :r_bv' );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ':n_bv' , $name );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ':r_bv' , $rid , - 1 , OCI_B_ROWID );
oci_execute ( $stid );

// The table now contains 1, 100, CHRIS

oci_free_statement ( $stid );
oci_close ( $conn );


示例 #9 INSERT 时绑定 ROWID


// This example inserts an id & name, and then updates the salary
// Create the table with:
// CREATE TABLE mytab (id NUMBER, salary NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(40));
// Based on original ROWID example by thies at thieso dot net (980221)

$conn = oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
if (!
$conn ) {
$m = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $m [ 'message' ]), E_USER_ERROR );

$sql = "INSERT INTO mytab (id, name) VALUES(:id_bv, :name_bv)

$ins_stid = oci_parse ( $conn , $sql );

$rowid = oci_new_descriptor ( $conn , OCI_D_ROWID );
oci_bind_by_name ( $ins_stid , ":id_bv" , $id , 10 );
oci_bind_by_name ( $ins_stid , ":name_bv" , $name , 32 );
oci_bind_by_name ( $ins_stid , ":rid" , $rowid , - 1 , OCI_B_ROWID );

$sql = "UPDATE mytab SET salary = :salary WHERE ROWID = :rid" ;
$upd_stid = oci_parse ( $conn , $sql );
oci_bind_by_name ( $upd_stid , ":rid" , $rowid , - 1 , OCI_B_ROWID );
oci_bind_by_name ( $upd_stid , ":salary" , $salary , 32 );

// ids and names to insert
$data = array( 1111 => "Larry" ,
2222 => "Bill" ,
3333 => "Jim" );

// Salary of each person
$salary = 10000 ;

// Insert and immediately update each row
foreach ( $data as $id => $name ) {
oci_execute ( $ins_stid );
oci_execute ( $upd_stid );

$rowid -> free ();
oci_free_statement ( $upd_stid );
oci_free_statement ( $ins_stid );

// Show the new rows
$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , "SELECT * FROM mytab" );
oci_execute ( $stid );
while (
$row = oci_fetch_array ( $stid , OCI_ASSOC + OCI_RETURN_NULLS )) {
var_dump ( $row );

oci_free_statement ( $stid );
oci_close ( $conn );


示例 #10 为 PL/SQL 存储函数绑定


// Before running the PHP program, create a stored function in
// SQL*Plus or SQL Developer:
// RETURN p * 3;
// END;

$conn = oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
if (!
$conn ) {
$e = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $e [ 'message' ]), E_USER_ERROR );

$p = 8 ;

$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , 'begin :r := myfunc(:p); end;' );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ':p' , $p );

// The return value is an OUT bind. The default type will be a string
// type so binding a length 40 means that at most 40 digits will be
// returned.
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ':r' , $r , 40 );

oci_execute ( $stid );

" $r \n" ; // prints 24

oci_free_statement ( $stid );
oci_close ( $conn );


示例 #11 为 PL/SQL 存储过程绑定参数


// Before running the PHP program, create a stored procedure in
// SQL*Plus or SQL Developer:
// p2 := p1 * 2;
// END;

$conn = oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
if (!
$conn ) {
$e = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $e [ 'message' ]), E_USER_ERROR );

$p1 = 8 ;

$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , 'begin myproc(:p1, :p2); end;' );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ':p1' , $p1 );

// The second procedure parameter is an OUT bind. The default type
// will be a string type so binding a length 40 means that at most 40
// digits will be returned.
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ':p2' , $p2 , 40 );

oci_execute ( $stid );

" $p2 \n" ; // prints 16

oci_free_statement ( $stid );
oci_close ( $conn );


示例 #12 绑定 CLOB 列


// Before running, create the table:
// CREATE TABLE mytab (mykey NUMBER, myclob CLOB);

$conn = oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
if (!
$conn ) {
$e = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $e [ 'message' ]), E_USER_ERROR );

$mykey = 12343 ; // arbitrary key for this example;

$sql = "INSERT INTO mytab (mykey, myclob)
RETURNING myclob INTO :myclob"

$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , $sql );
$clob = oci_new_descriptor ( $conn , OCI_D_LOB );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ":mykey" , $mykey , 5 );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ":myclob" , $clob , - 1 , OCI_B_CLOB );
oci_execute ( $stid , OCI_DEFAULT );
$clob -> save ( "A very long string" );

oci_commit ( $conn );

// Fetching CLOB data

$query = 'SELECT myclob FROM mytab WHERE mykey = :mykey' ;

$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , $query );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ":mykey" , $mykey , 5 );
oci_execute ( $stid );

'<table border="1">' ;
while (
$row = oci_fetch_array ( $stid , OCI_ASSOC + OCI_RETURN_LOBS )) {
'<tr><td>' . $row [ 'MYCLOB' ]. '</td></tr>' ;
// In a loop, freeing the large variable before the 2nd fetch reduces PHP's peak memory usage
unset( $row );
'</table>' ;


示例 #13 绑定 PL/SQL BOOLEAN


= oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
if (!
$conn ) {
$e = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $e [ 'message' ]), E_USER_ERROR );

$plsql =
:output1 := true;
:output2 := false;

$s = oci_parse ( $c , $plsql );
oci_bind_by_name ( $s , ':output1' , $output1 , - 1 , OCI_B_BOL );
oci_bind_by_name ( $s , ':output2' , $output2 , - 1 , OCI_B_BOL );
oci_execute ( $s );
var_dump ( $output1 ); // true
var_dump ( $output2 ); // false

不要同时使用 addslashes() oci_bind_by_name() ,因为不需要引号。任何应用的引号都将写入数据库,因为 oci_bind_by_name() 逐字插入数据并且不会删除引号或转义字符。 如果将字符串绑定到 WHERE 子句中的 CHAR 列,请记住 Oracle 对 CHAR 列使用空白填充的比较语义。PHP 变量使用空格填充到与成功的 WHERE 子句的列相同的宽度。 PHP var 参数是引用。某些形式的循环无法按预期工作:
foreach ( $myarray as $key => $value ) {
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , $key , $value );
abiyi2000 at yahoo dot com
12 years ago
I unfortunately spent the whole day trying to make this work as part of OCI bind_by_name insert:

if( is_numeric ( $v2 )){
oci_bind_by_name ( $stmth , $bvar , $v2 , - 1 , OCI_B_INT );
$v2 = (string) $v2 ;
oci_bind_by_name ( $stmth , $bvar , $v2 , - 1 , SQLT_CHR );

The string field is always inserting correctly w/o any truncation. The string field is a varchar2(160) CHAR, but the data used to populate it is 40 chars in length.

The numeric part is of Type Number in the database which is being used to store unix time (10 digit seconds since 1970/01/01.

The problem, the insert was truncating to 9 digits with some bogus value not even related to the input i.e., it's not just a matter of dropping the leftmost or rightmost digit, it'll just insert a 9 digit bogus number.

The only way I was able to resolve this for the numeric field was to set the maxlength to 8 (not 10 which is the number of digits in the input):

if( is_numeric ( $v2 )){
oci_bind_by_name ( $stmth , $bvar , $v2 , 8 , OCI_B_INT );
$v2 = (string) $v2 ;
oci_bind_by_name ( $stmth , $bvar , $v2 , - 1 , SQLT_CHR );

Hopefully you'll see this soon before you expend a lot of time repeating the same problem I had.
martin dot abbrent at ufz dot de
7 years ago
Example #7 only shows the binding of a small fixed number of values in an IN clause. There is also a way to bind multiple conditions with a variable number of values.

= array(
103 ,

$conn = oci_pconnect ( $user , $pass , $tns );
// Using ORACLE table() function to get the ids from the subquery
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM employees WHERE employee_id IN (SELECT column_value FROM table(:ids))' ;
$stmt = oci_parse ( $conn , $sql );
// Create collection of numbers. Build in type for strings is ODCIVARCHAR2LIST, but you can also create own types.
$idCollection = oci_new_collection ( $conn , 'ODCINUMBERLIST' , 'SYS' );

// Maximum length of collections of type ODCINUMBERLIST is 32767, maybe you should check that!
foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
$idCollection -> append ( $id );

oci_bind_by_name ( $stmt , ':ids' , $idCollection , - 1 , SQLT_NTY );
oci_execute ( $stmt , OCI_DEFAULT );
oci_fetch_all ( $stmt , $return );
oci_free_statement ( $stmt );

oci_close ( $conn );

avenger at php dot net
15 years ago
Dont forget the 5th parameter: $type. It's will slowly your code some times. Eg:

= "select * from (select * from b xxx) where rownum < :rnum" ;
$stmt = OCIParse ( $conn , $sql );
OCIBindByName ( $stmt , ":rnum" , $NUM , - 1 );
OCIExecute ( $stmt );

Below code was slow 5~6 time than not use bind value.Change the 3rd line to:

( $stmt , ":rnum" , $NUM , - 1 , SQLT_INT );

will resloved this problem.

This issue is also in the ADODB DB class(adodb.sf.net), you will be careful for use the SelectLimit method.
splintyg at gmail dot com
6 years ago
Guys, i've been looking for long time, how to pass clob to and get from procedure
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE myproc(p1 IN clob, p2 OUT clob);

Here You are an answer:

= oci_connect ( "TEST" , "html" , "//hostname" , "UTF8" );

$filename = "./clob.txt" ;
$handle = fopen ( $filename , "r" );
$f = fread ( $handle , filesize ( $filename ));
fclose ( $handle );

$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , "begin myproc(:p1, :p2); end;" );
$p1 = oci_new_descriptor ( $conn , OCI_D_LOB );
$p2 = oci_new_descriptor ( $conn , OCI_D_LOB );

oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ":p1" , $p1 , - 1 , OCI_B_CLOB );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ":p2" , $p2 , - 1 , OCI_B_CLOB );
$p1 -> writeTemporary ( $f , OCI_TEMP_BLOB );
oci_execute ( $stid ); -- Figure out OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT
( $conn );
$p2 -> load ();

$p1 -> close ();
$p2 -> close ();
oci_free_statement ( $stid );
oci_close ( $conn );

And perfect book about "PHP and Oracle"
dub357 at gmail dot com
3 months ago
The note about the PHP var argument being a reference and some kinds of loops not working is very important here. However, you can make a foreach loop work if you create a temporary variable, use that in the bind and then unset it. For example:

foreach ( $myarray as $key => $val ) {
$value = $val ;
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , $key , $value );
$value );

This binds each key to the location of $value, but when you unset it after binding, it can be set and used again.

charles dot fisher at arconic dot com
2 years ago
I am trying to rework ADOdb library calls to OCI, and I wrote this function today which is helping.

function OraQry(&$Results, $Query, $Binds = false) {
global $xdb;

$Results = oci_parse($xdb, $Query);

if($Binds) foreach($Binds as $BindNm => $BindValJunk)
oci_bind_by_name($Results, $BindNm, $Binds[$BindNm], -1);

oci_execute($Results, OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT);

return null;

This also has similarity to PDO in passing an array of bind variables, with the added benefit that if they are named numerically (starting at zero), then the call to the array() function can be omitted:

'select status from all_tables where owner=:0 and table_name=:1',
[$owner, $table_name]);

while($arr = oci_fetch_assoc($rs)) echo $arr['STATUS'] . "\n";
asui dot dev dot null at gmail dot com
4 years ago
If you are getting "ORA-01722: invalid number error" while inserting/updating a FLOAT value into a NUMBER column, please check the correctness of a binded value format according to the current locale settings.

Default "american" locale assumes that value send to oracle will be a dot decimal separator (just like 4127.5). But with setlocale('pl_PL.UTF-8') your float number would be represented as 4127,5 and that form will be used while sending data do oracle causing a problem...
That was my case (8 hours of debugging).

You can check your current locale with setlocale(LC_ALL, 0).

What I can recommend as a solutions:
a) do not set locale, or set it to 'C' for a time of sending data;
b) convert float to a string format compatible with current oracle session NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS parameter value.
For example: when NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS = '.,' float value 4127.5 should be converted to '4127.5'. Then oracle will catch it correctly even if current locale are set differently.
splintyg at gmail dot com
6 years ago
Guys, i've been looking for long time, how to pass clob to and get from procedure
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE myproc(p1 IN clob, p2 OUT clob);

Here You are an answer:

= oci_connect ( "TEST" , "html" , "//hostname" , "UTF8" );

$filename = "./clob.txt" ;
$handle = fopen ( $filename , "r" );
$f = fread ( $handle , filesize ( $filename ));
fclose ( $handle );

$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , "begin myproc(:p1, :p2); end;" );
$p1 = oci_new_descriptor ( $conn , OCI_D_LOB );
$p2 = oci_new_descriptor ( $conn , OCI_D_LOB );

oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ":p1" , $p1 , - 1 , OCI_B_CLOB );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , ":p2" , $p2 , - 1 , OCI_B_CLOB );
$p1 -> writeTemporary ( $f , OCI_TEMP_BLOB );
oci_execute ( $stid ); -- Figure out OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT
( $conn );
$p2 -> load ();

$p1 -> close ();
$p2 -> close ();
oci_free_statement ( $stid );
oci_close ( $conn );

And perfect book about "PHP and Oracle"
marki at trash-mail dot com
8 years ago
Please note that in my earlier note about having oci_bind_by_name() in a function, this becomes a little more complicated when returning values like "UPDATE table SET bla='blubb' RETURNING id INTO :id".

You can do it as follows:

function sql ( $q , & $vars_in =array(), & $vars_out =array()) {
$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , $q );
reset ( $vars_in );
do {
if (
current ( $vars_in )=== FALSE ) {
$b = oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , key ( $vars_in ), current ( $vars_in ));
// insert exception handling here
} while ( each ( $vars_in ) !== FALSE );

// we'll fix this to integer type because for now we need this for index IDs
foreach ( $vars_out as $k => $v ) {
$b = oci_bind_by_name ( $stid , $k , $vars_out [ $k ], - 1 , SQLT_INT );
// insert exception handling here


Use like this:

= 'blubb' ;
$b = array( ':bla' => $blubb );
$b_out = array( ':id' => '' ); // leave value empty
$x = sql ( $q , $b , $b_out );
$id = $b_out [ ':id' ];

(The point is: you would not be able to return anything into $b[':bla'] because $b[':bla'] becomes current($vars_in) inside sql() and cannot be written to.)
marki at trash-mail dot com
8 years ago
I had a query that was working properly at first sight, no errors on execute, nothing, but there were simply no results returned at runtime.

Be careful when putting the database commands into a function and binding your variables there while using oci_fetch_xxx() outside the function.

function sql($conn, $stmt, $var) {
$stid = oci_parse($conn, $stmt);
oci_bind_by_name($stid, ':val', $var);
sql($conn, $q, $var);
$row = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS);

As you see from the definition of oci_bind_by_name(), $var needs to be passed as reference, so your function has to have this reference ready like this:

function sql($conn, $stmt, &$var) {
$stid = oci_parse($conn, $stmt);
oci_bind_by_name($stid, ':val', $var);

The background is that if you don't pass by reference (in which case $var inside the function is a copy of $var outside the function), then oci_bind_by_name() will work just fine at first glance.
However, since the oci_fetch statements that you use to actually get the data will reference the $var that has ceased to exist when the function finished. In fact, since the varbind seems to be a pointer, that pointer will point to an invalid location at that point and your variables won't be substitued in the SQL.

All this also means that:

1) You have to pass a variable, and not just a value

This doesn't work:

$stid = sql($conn, $q, array('bla'=>'blubb'));

This is better:

$vars = array('bla'=>'blubb');
$stid = sql($conn, $q, $vars);

2) Even when passing as reference to your helper function you cannot use e.g. foreach:

This doesn't work:

function sql($conn, $q, $vars) {
foreach ($vars as $k => $v) {
oci_bind_by_name($stid, $k, $v);

Again, because $k and $v are local variables that will have disappeared once you perform an oci_fetch outside the function.

Instead you have to work the array in a more low-level way like this:

function sql($conn, $q, &$vars) {
$stid = oci_parse($conn, $q);
do {
if (current($vars)===FALSE) { // end of array
$b = oci_bind_by_name($stid, key($vars), current($vars));
if ($b === FALSE) {
DIE('Could not bind var');
} while (each($vars) !== FALSE);
$binds = array(':bla1' => 'blubb1',
':bla2' => 'blubb2');
$stid = sql($conn, $q, $binds);
$row = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS);

Wherever you oci_bind_by_name(), the pointer to the initial data has to exist from beginning to end.
xorinox at gmx dot ch
9 years ago
Working with Oracle and raw types in and out worked like the following for me.

/*oracle procedure
procedure open_session(
i_instance_id in raw,
o_session_id out raw,
o_errcode out number,
o_errmsg out varchar2

//open database
$conn = DBOpen ( DB_DEV_USER );

//get session id
$sql = "begin p_loader.open_session( hextoraw( :instance_id ), :session_id, :errcode, :errmsg ); end;" ;
$stmt = oci_parse ( $conn , $sql );
$instanceId = DB_INSTANCE_ID ;
oci_bind_by_name ( $stmt , ":instance_id" , $instanceId , 1 , SQLT_CHR );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stmt , ":session_id" , $sessionId , 16 , SQLT_BIN );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stmt , ":errcode" , $errcode , 12 , SQLT_INT );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stmt , ":errmsg" , $errmsg , 4000 , SQLT_CHR );

oci_execute ( $stmt );
$sessionId = bin2hex ( $sessionId ); //now this is a hex string

//close database
DBClose ( $conn );
ajitsingh4u at gmail dot com
16 years ago
//Calling Oracle Stored Procedure
//I assume that you have a users table and three columns in users table i.e. id, user, email in oracle
// For example I made connection in constructor, you can modify as per your requirement.
// http://www.devshed.com/c/a/PHP/Understanding-Destructors-in-PHP-5/1/
class Users {
$connection ;

public function
__construct ()
$this -> connection = oci_connect ( "scott" , "tiger" , $db ); // Establishes a connection to the Oracle server;

public function
selectUsers ( $start_index = 1 , $numbers_of_rows = 20 )
$sql = "BEGIN sp_users_select(:p_start_index, :p_numbers_of_rows, :p_cursor, :p_result); END;" ;
$stmt = oci_parse ( $this -> connection , $sql );

//Bind in parameter
oci_bind_by_name ( $stmt , ':p_start_index' , $start_index , 20 );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stmt , ':p_numbers_of_rows' , $numbers_of_rows , 20 );

//Bind out parameter
oci_bind_by_name ( $stmt , ':p_result' , $result , 20 ); // returns 0 if stored procedure succeessfully executed.

//Bind Cursor
$p_cursor = oci_new_cursor ( $this -> connection );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stmt , ':p_cursor' , $p_cursor , - 1 , OCI_B_CURSOR );

// Execute Statement
oci_execute ( $stmt );
oci_execute ( $p_cursor , OCI_DEFAULT );

oci_fetch_all ( $p_cursor , $cursor , null , null , OCI_FETCHSTATEMENT_BY_ROW );

$result ;
'<br>' ;
var_dump ( $cursor ); // $cursor is an associative array so we can use print_r() to print this data.
// you can return data from this function to use it at your user interface.

public function
deleteUser ( $id )
$sql = "BEGIN sp_user_delete(:p_id, :p_result); END;" ;
$stmt = oci_parse ( $this -> connection , $sql );

// bind in and out variables
oci_bind_by_name ( $stmt , ':p_id' , $id , 20 );
oci_bind_by_name ( $stmt , ':p_result' , $result , 20 );

//Execute the statement
$check = oci_execute ( $stmt );

$check == true )
$commit = oci_commit ( $this -> connection );
$commit = oci_rollback ( $this -> connection );

$result ;

// You can make function for insert ,update using above two functions

17 years ago
This is what the old OCI_B_* constants are now called:
(PHP 5.1.6 win32)

Chris Delcamp
17 years ago
This is an example of returning the primary key from an insert so that you can do inserts on other tables with foreign keys based on that value. The date is just used to provied semi-unique data to be inserted.

$conn = oci_connect("username", "password")
$stmt = oci_parse($conn, "INSERT INTO test (test_msg) values (:data) RETURN test_id INTO :RV");
$data = date("d-M-Y H:i:s");
oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":RV", $rv, -1, SQLT_INT);
oci_bind_by_name($stmt, ":data", $data, 24);
print $rv;
hfuecks at nospam dot org
18 years ago
Note that there have been some changes on the constant identifiers and the documentation is currently not entirely accurate.

Running the following script;

foreach ( array_keys ( get_defined_constants ()) as $const ) {
if (
preg_match ( '/^OCI_B_/' , $const ) ) {
" $const \n" ;

Under PHP 4.4.0 I get;

OCI_B_SQLT_NTY < renamed to OCI_B_NTY with PHP5

Under PHP 5.0.4 I get;

OCI_B_BFILE < docs are wrong right now
OCI_B_CFILEE < docs are wrong right now
OCI_B_BIN < it's a mystery
adrian dot crossley at hesa dot ac dot uk
14 years ago
Sometimes you get the error "ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column". This error is highly misleading especially when you have no LONG columns or LONG values.

From my testing it seems this error can be caused when the value of a bound variable exceeds the length allocated.

To avoid this error make sure you specify lengths when binding varchars e.g.
( $stmt , ':string' , $string , 256 );

And for numerics use the default length (-1) but tell oracle its an integer e.g.
( $stmt , ':num' , $num , - 1 , SQLT_INT );
jjeffman at cpovo.net
10 years ago
It is very important to set up the maxlength of the returning parameter (:r), even when it is returning a number, otherwise the ORA-01460 exception (unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested) may be raised.