  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
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PHP agent installation: ARM64


If you're compiling from source, ARM64 is only supported with New Relic PHP agent release 9.18.1 through release 10.9.0. ARM64 binaries are ONLY provided starting with the New Relic PHP Agent release 10.10.0 or later.

Tarball installation

To install or update the New Relic PHP agent on ARM64 with the New Relic PHP Agent release 10.10.0 or later, please follow the instructions for installing from a tarball found in our docs for installation instructions.

Build from source

To install or update the New Relic PHP agent on ARM64 with the New Relic PHP Agent release 9.18.0 - 10.9.0, you must install New Relic's PHP agent source for ARM64 platforms github.com/newrelic/newrelic-php-agent .

Building the New Relic PHP Agent for ARM64 from source is only supported for Amazon Linux 2 and CentOS Linux 8 (including use with AWS Graviton 2 processor )

Install dependencies

  1. Run the appropriate code:

    For Amazon Linux 2:

    sudo yum update -y
    sudo yum install -y git
    sudo yum install -y amazon-linux-extras
    sudo amazon-linux-extras install -y epel
    sudo amazon-linux-extras install -y golang1.11
    sudo yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
    sudo yum -y install \
    libcurl-devel \
    openssl-devel openssl-static \
    pcre-devel pcre-static \
    zlib-devel zlib-static
    sudo amazon-linux-extras install -y php8.0
    sudo yum install -y php-devel

    For CentOS 8 Ensure you have PHP 8.0 or 8.1 installed

    sudo yum update -y
    sudo yum -y install epel-release
    sudo yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
    sudo yum -y install dnf-plugins-core
    sudo yum config-manager --set-enabled powertools
    sudo yum -y install libcurl-devel php-devel openssl-devel pcre-devel pcre-static zlib-devel zlib-static golang

Clone the agent


ARM64 is only supported from release 9.18.1 or later.

Clone from github.com/newrelic/newrelic-php-agent . Here, you can also suggest a change and learn how to contribute to our PHP agent open source repository.



The file docs/development.md in the newrelic-php-agent repository has an in-depth guide for installation.

Run the following from the top of the cloned repository:

  1. make all OPTIMIZE=1
  2. sudo make agent-install
  3. sudo mkdir /var/log/newrelic
  4. sudo chmod 777 /var/log/newrelic
  5. sudo cp bin/daemon /usr/bin/newrelic-daemon

Configure the agent

  1. Copy agent/scripts/newrelic.ini.template file to the same directory as php.ini . (Run php --ini to get its file path.)

  2. Once you've created newrelic.ini and put it in the correct location, edit the file to add the following:

    • Add a valid to the line newrelic.license = "INSERT_YOUR_LICENSE_KEY" .
    • Change the application name that's shown in one.newrelic.com on the line newrelic.appname = "PHP Application" (optional).

Did this doc help with your installation?