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豁达的椰子  ·  CR660x 简评 & AX3600 ...·  6 月前    · 
活泼的芒果  ·  7 devtool Quick ...·  7 月前    · 

OPENAM-22151: Expiration of cache held in StatelessJWTCache could cause Internal Server Error

OPENAM-22067: Stateless Session denylist caching and bloomfilter layers removed on config change

OPENAM-22031: LDAP Decision node change of behavior when user is locked from password change screen

OPENAM-21820: Set policy result TTL to 0 when using Environment Policy Active Session

OPENAM-21819: Default value for LinkedIn configuration uses out of data scopes

OPENAM-21683: AM lets you create anonymous user when it already exists

OPENAM-15948: Update DS profiles to add VLV indexes for CTS use

OPENAM-22846: External application/policy store active/passive load balancing isn’t working

OPENAM-22795: SAML2 encryption method can’t be changed using IDP remote SP host settings

OPENAM-22674: Unable to create encrypted PEM that works for Secrets ENCRYPTED_PEM

OPENAM-22656: Setting JWKs URI content cache timeout to a small value throws an error

OPENAM-22608: Non-extractable secrets in HSM fail to work on AM for SAML v2.0 XML signing

OPENAM-22479: LDAPv3 Userstore Connection doesn’t reconnect without Heartbeat enabled

OPENAM-22151: Expiration of cache held in StatelessJWTCache could cause Internal Server Error

OPENAM-22102: Adjusting evalThreadSize has no effect

OPENAM-22009: Providing an invalid alias to a secret store mapping breaks AM

OPENAM-21959: Unable to create next-generation script in XUI if default script language is Groovy

OPENAM-21893: Configurator not releasing resources on failure

OPENAM-21823: Page node with Scripted Decision node doesn’t persist withErrorMessage value

OPENAM-21741: SSOADM fails to install or run due to mtlsAlias field in boot.json

OPENAM-21636: AM is unable to run in FIPS compliance mode due to RAW keys

OPENAM-19810: No installed provider supports this key: sun.security.pkcs11.P11Key$P11PrivateKey' or cannot work with unextractable key when using HSM

OPENAM-16797: Allow Custom OATH/Push/WebauthN device integrations to be managed by standard AM interface

OPENAM-15834: Access token call fails when an unsupported claim is requested

OPENAM-12197: Custom methods postSingleSignOnSuccess and postSingleSignOnFailure aren’t called by SAML Authentication module or node

OPENAM-4201: XUI returning messages based on localized responses from REST authentication interface

OPENAM-21609: OAuth2Provider service created immediately after install/restart isn’t available in code flow

OPENAM-21569: Rapid policy evaluation using token of deleted user leads to HTTP 500 error

OPENAM-21545: Unable to create a circle of trust in file-based configuration with external data store

OPENAM-21497: Editing the mappings for an existing secret store throws an exception

OPENAM-21441: Policy evaluation with LDAPFilter condition uses config store user instead of identity store user

OPENAM-21379: Unable to read SMS config when request is too quick after changing configuration

OPENAM-21363: Unable to modify an external data store configuration when set as a global default data store but not referenced in a realm

OPENAM-21311: XUI performs logout of newly created session when resuming authentication with no further callbacks

OPENAM-21294: Remove openam-core from Soap STS server

OPENAM-21284: AM returns a 500 Internal Server Error response when providing an invalid client_id to the deleteUserPasswords agent action

OPENAM-21178: Social authentication "Secret" field not mandatory

OPENAM-20927: User info is still cached after removing privilege from group

OPENAM-15948: Update DS profiles to add VLV indexes for CTS use

OPENAM-21802: Email Service value Transport type is overwritten in the static config export

OPENAM-21773: The Secondary Configurations tab is missing from the Global Email service

OPENAM-21772: No OAuth 2.0 clients displayed in the UI when AM has more than 1000 clients

OPENAM-21743: WebAuthN Node with AM XUI: Error is rendered along with Recovery code button

OPENAM-21734: WebAuthn Registration Node: UserNotVerifiedException not caught leading to Node failure

OPENAM-21683: AM lets you create anonymous user when it already exists

OPENAM-21682: OAuth 2.0: AM doesn’t redirect back to the client if consent is denied and no redirect_uri is present in the query parameters

OPENAM-21535: The logout at AM’s GUI only target the root realm instead of the respective sub realm

OPENAM-21466: AM using social OIDC authentication fails to verify idtoken if the remote JWK_URIs have duplicate kid

OPENAM-21441: Policy evaluation with LDAPFilter condition uses config store user instead of identity store user

OPENAM-21407: External data store config min connection pool can be set higher than the max connection pool and the config can still be persisted

OPENAM-21406: Realm services are no longer accessible after deleting the “External Data Stores” service

OPENAM-21379: Unable to read SMS config when request is too quick after changing configuration

OPENAM-21363: Unable to modify an external data store config when it is set as a global default datastore but not referenced in any realm

OPENAM-21354: OAuth2 provider: Insufficient debug logging for SAML bearer authorization grant

OPENAM-21327: Unable to specify property name with a '-' when configuring policy environment conditions

OPENAM-21322: AM Console allows Entity Provider to be created with space at end of the name

OPENAM-21319: Policy and Application Store Cache is not updated in multiple server deployment when changes are made

OPENAM-21309: DefaultDataStoreConfigurationManager shouldn’t establish DS connection in FBC mode

OPENAM-21305: Dynamic Client Registration does not permit setting Client ID Token Public Encryption key

OPENAM-21294: Remove openam-core from Soap-STS server

OPENAM-21273: TOTP Registration information no longer contains Issuer in the otpauth’s PATH

OPENAM-21270: OAuth2 resource owner password credential grant (ROPC) token response does not tell reason for failure

OPENAM-21204: Scripted node - idRepository.setAttribute does not execute catch block when setting userPassword attribute fails

OPENAM-21193: AM-Config-upgrader amupgrade cannot work on Windows

OPENAM-21191: In AM 7.3, web agent sessions have a lifetime of 42 years

OPENAM-21187: AM agent UI fails when an agent configuration present in FBC and external store is used,

OPENAM-21127: Config Upgrader Exception CreateSecretStores at 6.5.x-to-7.x.x on Windows 2019

OPENAM-21114: Trusted JWT Issuer does not provider correct error and lack information on defined behaviour

OPENAM-21085: Undefined bindings in Groovy scripts are evaluated as defined

OPENAM-21076: KerberosNode and Window SSO module uses System.setProperty to set kerberos realm

OPENAM-21055: Unable to get AMIdentityRepository in custom code in 7.3

OPENAM-21053: UserId is missing from access.audit.json for JWT client authentication flow using org.forgerock.security.oauth2.enforce.sub.claim.uniqueness=false

OPENAM-21046: Insufficient logging in Create and Patch Object nodes

OPENAM-21003: IE11 not working during SAML tree authentication due to use of Arrow function

OPENAM-20976: Consent Collector node "Next" button text localization not working

OPENAM-20975: OATH Registration node "Next" button text localization not working

OPENAM-20937: Migration from OATH module to Auth Tree using OATH Token Verifier causes OathVerificationException: null

OPENAM-20920: NPE in SPSSOFederate#getSingleSignOnServiceEndpoint when binding is null and SSO endpoint list contains non-SAML2 entries

OPENAM-20899: ConfigurationAttributes class is exposed but there is no class file or Javadoc available for it

OPENAM-20896: Supported AMIdentity API getMembership and others changed

OPENAM-20809: IE11 doesn’t work with AM 7.2.1-RC1 and AM 7.3.0

OPENAM-20766: Insufficient debug logging to troubleshoot WS-Federation issuing party issue

OPENAM-20314: Social Provider Handler Node / Social Identity Provider Service - the search for existing link is hard coded to Sub claim (regression)

OPENAM-18111: Next attempt in InnerTreeEvaluatorNode will get previous transient state

OPENAM-17679: User text not showing up for IDM Provisioning Service

OPENAM-17340: AM 7 lack of integration for logger from config for logback

OPENAM-15948: Update DS profiles to add VLV indexes for CTS use

OPENAM-15410: Enable modifying Access Token audience claim in OIDC

OPENAM-20751: Authentication errors with AM on Windows and connection errors in session log

OPENAM-20703: Tree secure state retained unnecessarily long

OPENAM-20647: Incorrect exception thrown when trying to access the static method of a non-allowlisted class

OPENAM-20572: End user password reset email field is not validated

OPENAM-20557: OATH recovery codes are not displayed if Registration node is followed by OATH Token Verifier node

OPENAM-20556: OATH recovery codes are not displayed if Store device data in shared state is selected in OATH Registration node

OPENAM-20543: Display page node header, description, and footer, in correct default language

OPENAM-20520: HttpClient sent request is not returning the correct response object

OPENAM-20517: Acceptable variance configuration not working for Device Match node

OPENAM-20516: Create tree command fails when using POST with _action=create

OPENAM-20515: Delete fails for Authentication node, when its _id is not a UUID

OPENAM-20513: Random login failure when using registration tree

OPENAM-20496: Null refresh_token for OAuth 2.0 token exchange delegation case

OPENAM-20324: Default install of AM does not have the updated identity classes in the policy script whitelist

OPENAM-20299: com.iplanet.am.session.agentSessionIdleTime is not honored using Agent authentication tree

OPENAM-20188: Using session cookie created before AM is restarted

OPENAM-20077: Access token modification script does not have access to client for client_credential grant flow if realm configured to ignore profile

OPENAM-19988: Using an id_token generated by AM in a policy condition does not work

OPENAM-19878: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in SAML2

OPENAM-19829: Build fails on module openam-encryption-support when using JDK 18

OPENAM-21441: Policy evaluation with LDAPFilter condition is done with config store user instead of identity store user

OPENAM-21683: AM lets you create anonymous user when it already exists

OPENAM-21682: OAuth 2.0: AM doesn’t redirect back to the client if consent is denied and no redirect_uri is present in the query parameters

OPENAM-21074: Amazon SNS client code doesn’t support external proxy authentication

OPENAM-20927: User info is still cached after removing privilege from group

OPENAM-20754: SAML pages saml2-write.js and saml2-read.js can cause error due to javascript

OPENAM-20442: Trim whitespace at the end of email input before validation in Attribute Collector node

OPENAM-20546: Ensure AM handles an empty value for the authorization JWT response signing algorithm

OPENAM-20479: OIDC authentication request fails if request is sent as unsecured JWS

OPENAM-20457: DeviceLocationMatchNode fails when location service is disabled in browser and is unable to collect location information

OPENAM-20396: Authentication tree is selected by order of acr to tree mapping, not the default values and order is not preserved

OPENAM-20104: The fragment response_mode for the /oauth2/authorize endpoint is not working

OPENAM-19451: When using Chrome WebAuthn simulator and WebAuthn set with attestation DIRECT fails

OPENAM-19422: KeepAlive search filter shouldn’t be Absolute True and False Filters

OPENAM-19375: Searching JavaDoc does not function correctly

OPENAM-19371: Updating an auth tree over REST requires all the nodes to be listed in the payload

OPENAM-19261: Introspect call for tokens obtained via the client credentials grant produces error, warning

OPENAM-19213: AM doesn’t work in Tomcat 10

OPENAM-19187: Unable to remove Saml2 IDP Attribute Mapper scripts using UI

OPENAM-19139: AM reports authorization errors using fragments on form_post requests

OPENAM-19118: Authentication audit events not logged when ScriptedDecisionNode script contains a syntax error

OPENAM-19084: Response does not comply to Standard when Requesting Claim that are Unavailable

OPENAM-19081: Modules of type OpenID Connect id_token bearer are not correctly handled in UI and in datastore

OPENAM-19030: AM Logs an Error if Resource Type cannot be found

OPENAM-19008: AuthTreesSecretsApiStep creates a potentially invalid secret mapping

OPENAM-18961: BasicOAuth2RequestImpl throws error at "ERROR" level

OPENAM-18935: Inconsistent behavior in ConfigProviderNode when omitting config properties

OPENAM-18544: AM Access Auditing Reports FAILURE on 302

OPENAM-18512: UMA resource set endpoint doesn’t list all relevant resource sets

OPENAM-18481: OIDC client mandates kid value in JOSE header

OPENAM-18469: Persistent Claims doc string references "RFC 123"

OPENAM-18394: Bazel fails to download Maven dependencies on first compilation

OPENAM-18375: Common password policy validation fails when using Registration Tree

OPENAM-18351: Form parameter is not recognized in access_token endpoint

OPENAM-18254: Attempting to create a user via Registration Tree fails after scaling up ds pods

OPENAM-18122: FBC rule written to remove reference to MAY_ACT default script set null instead of [Empty]

OPENAM-17957: Identify Existing User node fails with exception when more than one user is found

OPENAM-13329: Trees Display Character Encoding in Settings Dropdown Menu

OPENAM-12492: Identities: 500 Error when switch to Services tab on anonymous profile

OPENAM-21158: Windows Hello registration fails on TPM attestation parsing on Windows 11 22H2

OPENAM-21155: Unable to remove OAuth 2.0 client with name that includes a period ( . ) in XUI

OPENAM-21100: SAML v2.0 IDP single logout (SLO) using HTTP redirect needs Request stickiness and HA.

OPENAM-21031: Google KMS secret store configured in AM exceeds the rate limit

OPENAM-20927: User info is still cached after removing privilege from group

OPENAM-20766: Insufficient debug logging to troubleshoot WS-Federation issuing party issue

OPENAM-20761: Create EngineConfiguration fails when using POST with action=create

OPENAM-20754: SAML v2.0 pages saml2-write.js and saml2-read.js can error out due to javascript

OPENAM-20753: With the LDAP authentication node, the username is incorrectly set for multi-valued attributes

OPENAM-20745: Insufficient debug logging to troubleshoot JWK_URI keys issue

OPENAM-20742: WS-Federation entities can not be manged through the AM UI

OPENAM-20728: Push log is noisy even when the Push Service is not used

OPENAM-20706: Unnecessary config store queries for services that don’t exist

OPENAM-20705: SAML v2.0 circle of trust status has no effect

OPENAM-20683: UI does not handle multi-valued attributes

OPENAM-20645: JWK_URI endpoint is not thread safe

OPENAM-20582: JWT client authentication: iss claim value must match sub claim value

OPENAM-20581: JWT Client authentication fails but the root cause can not be determined from the logs

OPENAM-20570: NullPointerException is thrown when searchAttribute is not available in the user identity

OPENAM-20539: Access Token to OIDC Id Token exchange fails for pairwise subject type

OPENAM-20505: OAuth 2.0 clients / groups list sort function is not working

OPENAM-20480: FBC/Amster config upgrade rules are missing for removed properties

OPENAM-20441: OATH Registration node generates Base32 padded secret

OPENAM-20405: Transient state that is populated in an inner tree is not available in the parent tree

OPENAM-20379: REST STS doesn’t work with com.iplanet.am.cookie.encode=true

OPENAM-20333: The Enable Cookies Message is inconsistent

OPENAM-20332: When the requested scope and consent scope are different, a server error occurs during JWT Bearer Authorization policy evaluation

OPENAM-20331: Policy scope evaluator does not work well with JWT Bearer Authorization grant

OPENAM-20308: Access token with auth_level changes does not persist after refreshing token

OPENAM-20271: Certificate Validation node fails when optional properties are not configured

OPENAM-20261: Problem with User/CTS affinity failover when the DS disk volume is detached

OPENAM-20254: When Hosted SP Default RelayState is specified, you shouldn’t need an entry in the Relay State URL List

OPENAM-20242: Certification Validation node: Certificate-based authentication requires LDAP

OPENAM-20239: Setting the keepalive or heartbeat interval to a negative value in the IdRepo config causes an error

OPENAM-20234: Setting the LDAP Connection Heartbeat Interval to zero breaks persistent search

OPENAM-20231: OAuth 2.0 token introspection - stacktrace is withheld

OPENAM-20216: Fixed size LDAP connection pool not properly established

OPENAM-20202: org.forgerock.services.cts.store.root.suffix CTS setting is used when CTS store mode is default

OPENAM-20177: Insufficient information in warning message to troubleshoot root cause

OPENAM-20143: Unnecessary ERRORs logged when adding pointers in the Field allowlist filters

OPENAM-19749: Authentication failure when using a specific locale containing a _ character in Message node

OPENAM-19743: Message node allows empty value for locale name

OPENAM-18818: Persistent search error message shows wrong DS identifier

OPENAM-18613: Web upgrader fails during second instance upgrade

OPENAM-18558: OIDC Client Group Inheritance not honoured immediately

OPENAM-17768: Enabling allowlisting in trees causes an infinite redirect loop in the registration tree

OPENAM-17687: XUI selects wrong partials if a new partial exists with the same prefix

OPENAM-17418: OpenId account mapping fails because userInfo subject claim has value usr!demo

OPENAM-17315: Update defaults scripts with the change introduced in COMMONS-628

OPENAM-16449: Filter fields on the Scripts admin page do not work

OPENAM-17452: SAML bearer grant flow using signed assertions fails - signature validation failure

OPENAM-17394: Callback types should be part of the supported API

OPENAM-17256: Text is overlapping buttons in configuration UI in Firefox while adding new server

OPENAM-16939: IDM nodes does not follow proxy settings

OPENAM-16561: OAuth Consent screen does not apply theming

OPENAM-16554: Misplaced bufferingEnabled checkbox in New Syslog configuration

OPENAM-16539: userinfo endpoint does not return expected user attributes

OPENAM-16522: Device Save Node failed on Platform environment

OPENAM-16491: SAML Update introduces javascript calls that aren’t available in IE8 and below (or IE11 using Enterprise mode)

OPENAM-16280: German login page translation is not complete

OPENAM-16261: Node dev guide - CoreWrapper is not supported API

OPENAM-16258: Resource login fails to work to Authenticate to Module instance

OPENAM-16229: Exceptions logged while upgrading to AM7

OPENAM-16202: Deleting SAML2 entities in console does not remove them from COT

OPENAM-16197: social authmodule does not send activaion email if un-authenticated SMTP server is used

OPENAM-16105: AM Login UI cannot handle self service and SDK authentication callbacks

OPENAM-16076: An auth node config marked @password (type char[]) cannot also be Optional

OPENAM-16068: Annotation based service implementation provides no way to deregister service listeners

OPENAM-15892: ScriptingSchemaStep clears whitelist customisations on upgrade

OPENAM-15879: openam > ui-admin > entire sessions view disappears when querying with asterisk

OPENAM-15861: NullPointerException in CollectionHelper.getServerMapAttrs

OPENAM-15860: IdP Init SAML SSO results in two set-cookie: amlbcookie headers in SP Consumer response

OPENAM-15812: WebAuthN Node for a user with a webauthn profile for another site causes authenticator to complain using wrong security key

OPENAM-15791: The /json/groups endpoint is not accessible to the Agents

OPENAM-15727: JWT minted by oauth2/authorize does not have correct acr claim when an upgraded SSO token is used

OPENAM-15699: _fields query parameter for API "Action" end point eg _action=refresh does not work as documented

OPENAM-15609: CorsService API Descriptor text doesn’t match functionality

OPENAM-15534: LDAP connection errors when using DS7 and rest2ldap test

OPENAM-15351: During Upgrade Scripts are not updated

OPENAM-15253: Upgrade fails if external data store for Applications and Policies is used

OPENAM-15037: React-select-multi component - when key pressed to add an entry the previously selected entry remains highlighted

OPENAM-15027: React-select-multi component - when enter is clicked on the 'x' of selected entry to delete, form is submitted

OPENAM-14897: Default values for JWKs URI content cache timeout and miss timeout are not set on upgrade

OPENAM-14887: TimerPool logs error during AM graceful shutdown

OPENAM-14882: OAuth2 do not log scopes while using device code flow

OPENAM-14838: Trusted JWT issuer cache is refreshed inefficiently affecting other lookups

OPENAM-14837: Trusted Issuer lookup does not pick up modified issuer values

OPENAM-14834: JWT bearer grant implementation finds trusted JWT issuers by performing an unindexed search

OPENAM-14755: NullPointerException if auth module callback xml file can not be retrieved by ResourceLookup

OPENAM-14666: XUI - InternalError: "too much recursion" error can appear when Adding/Viewing/Updating realms

OPENAM-14602: The API documentation for some Node API is missing methods/fields in 6.5/7

OPENAM-14594: Possible thread-safety issue in OIDC pairwise subject identifiers

OPENAM-14576: Configuration LDAP accessed when users endpoint accessed

OPENAM-14500: SAML SP-initiated SSO without existing SSO Session - value of 'goto' parameter not URLencoded

OPENAM-14499: SAML IdP-initiated SSO without existing SSO Session - value of 'goto' parameter not URLencoded

OPENAM-14494: In Firefox the text is cropped inside of the realm’s card on Dashboard

OPENAM-14404: Multiple calls being made to session endpoint by XUI when session cookie lost

OPENAM-14343: AM console - localisation issue for algorithms in global Common Federation Configuration

OPENAM-14322: Servers → Directory Configuration API Can Be Broken With Crafted Payload

OPENAM-14290: Caching issue for 'users' REST endpoint

OPENAM-14263: Bad title for External Data Stores secondary configuration page

OPENAM-14207: NullPointerException AM Console if IDPSSODescriptor is missing attribute 'WantAuthnRequestsSigned'

OPENAM-13962: Errors during shutdown of AM

OPENAM-13513: Call Authentication Tree in a Radius Client

OPENAM-12207: Created OAuth2 client using curl request with defined scopes breaks the AM UI

OPENAM-11737: http.response.headers not populating in audit logs

OPENAM-11083: Delegated Admin cannot create Oauth2 Provider in realm

OPENAM-10696: Login screen does not show mobile users feedback on failure

OPENAM-10554: AM installation fails if BASE_DIR is different from the path in .openamcfg

OPENAM-10427: LDAP connections created by the configurator wizard are never closed

OPENAM-71: SAML2 error handling in HTTP POST and Redirect bindings

OPENAM-18245: Creating a SAML2 entity with a double space results in SAML2 entity with a single space

OPENAM-18039: WebAgent groups with 'Custom Properties' can not be managed via XUI-based AM console after upgrade

OPENAM-18034: Unable to set OAuth2Provider service attributes with ssoadm

OPENAM-17375: Social Auth Provider links only show on login page if using ldapService

OPENAM-17246: LDAP IdRepo - it’s not possible to change the value of the 'LDAP Users Search Attribute' of an user identity subject via identity REST API

OPENAM-17245: 'User Attribute Mapping to Session Attribute' does not work for authentication trees

OPENAM-17203: With the OIDC Hybrid flow and implied consent on, scopes added by a customer scope validator are not available in claims script

OPENAM-17198: "Illegal character in scheme name" error when creating client-based access and refresh tokens with client ID that contains special chars

OPENAM-16976: Resource-based authentication does not evaluate policies in new policy set (not in default iPlanetAMWebAgentService)

OPENAM-16745: client_id in access token ignores what’s been registered when idm cache is disabled

OPENAM-16712: Importing SAML2 Metadata with both IDP and SP with cot ends up with duplicated extended metadata

OPENAM-16703: OAuth2 Access token obtained from refresh token is certificate-bound regardless of "Certificate-Bound Access Tokens" configuration (when client_secret_basic used for credentials)

OPENAM-16669: IdentityGateway Agent entry missing attribute required to support org.forgerock.openam.agent.TokenRestrictionResolver#getAgentInfo

OPENAM-16540: Issues with Social Login URLs when navigating quickly between providers

OPENAM-16282: Upgrade may fails during upgrading SAML2 secret

OPENAM-16223: Product nodes and marketplace/community/custom node cause naming clashes and prevent nodes with same name coinciding together

OPENAM-16067: Potential memory leak when OAuth2 provider config changes

OPENAM-15900: Kerberos fails when used with IBM JDK.

OPENAM-15809: Update CORS service for IE11 compatibility

OPENAM-15785: OIDC spec violation - HTTP POST can not be used to send Authentication Request

OPENAM-15784: Form elements in policy environment condition tab are displayed twice. Workaround Ignore the repeated form field.

OPENAM-15659: WS-Federation IP incorrectly determines login URL when AM is deployed to root context

OPENAM-15501: Xml encryption 1.1 namespaces aren’t always mapped to prefixes correctly

OPENAM-15431: Incorrect SHA-256 and DSA config in xml-security-config.xml

OPENAM-15371: ssoadm import-svc-cfg fails with unable to recognize the data store type error

OPENAM-15370: ssoadm import-svc-cfg fails with Unable to obtain Server URL

OPENAM-15297: AM with Embedded DS - baseDN is hard-coded as dc

OPENAM-15154: Update supported ID token encryption algorithms to include ECDH-ES

OPENAM-15101: Remove the ability to disable XUI

OPENAM-15065: HTTP 500 authentication error in CIBA workflow when user deny request

OPENAM-15064: HTTP 500 authentication error in CIBA workflow when user do not have registered mobile device

OPENAM-15063: when there is quote in binding message of CIBA request, notification fail to be sent

OPENAM-15052: when id_token_hint is not JWT, CIBA authorization request returns HTTP 500

OPENAM-15049: wrong JWT while obtaining CIBA auth request id will result in HTTP 500 NPE

OPENAM-15040: CIBA authorization request returns HTTP 500 NPE when file is wrong

OPENAM-15006: A Choice collector inside a Page Node when re-opened does not show choices

OPENAM-14853: Intermittent bug caused by partials not being loaded in-time.

OPENAM-14791: AM does not return scope attribute in response when granted scope is empty

OPENAM-14666: XUI - InternalError: "too much recursion" error can appear when Adding/Viewing/Updating realms

OPENAM-14545: Debug log showing NullPointerException in com.sun.identity.federation.common.FSUtils#getRemoteServiceURLs

OPENAM-14047: SAML1 and ID-FF configuration should no longer be present

OPENAM-14030: Pressing Enter does not submit New Tree form

OPENAM-13985: Authentication Devices Context (Settings) menu is off-screen on mobile devices

OPENAM-13942: SAML2 Circle of Trust - REST Update doesn’t update the metadata of the provider

OPENAM-13937: AM stack trace in container logs

OPENAM-13905: XUI Authentication - Switching realms is not possible

OPENAM-13904: Authentication by using the REST API - Switching realms is not possible.

OPENAM-13836: Logout page is shown even when the server can’t be contacted

OPENAM-13486: AM Upgrade fails on opendj_remove_session_listener_on_all_sessions.

OPENAM-13428: EntitlementException not passed to PLL or JSON policy layer.

OPENAM-12673: Title should display a translation text, not type in the radius sub configuration pages

OPENAM-9098: Changes in debugconfig.properties do not take effect immediately.

OPENAM-3285: OpenID Connect authorization response is not returning required session_state.