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I am attempting to use the PCAtools R package. I have imported my own data matrix (pca.matrix) and metadata (metadata) files. When just running this code, everything works great and I get plots:

p <- pca(pca.matrix, removeVar = 0.1)

-- removing the lower 10% of variables based on variance


When I try to link and check the metadata, all seems to be working:

pca.matrix <-pca.matrix[,which(colnames(pca.matrix) %in% rownames(metadata))]
all(colnames(pca.matrix) == rownames(metadata))

[1] TRUE

However, when I try to run the PCA with the metadata, I get the following:

p <- pca(pca.matrix, metadata = metadata, removeVar = 0.1)

Error in pca(pca.matrix, metadata = metadata, removeVar = 0.1) : 'colnames(mat)' is not identical to 'rownames(metadata)'

Shouldn't it be trying to match up 'colnames(pca.matrix)' with 'rownames(metadata)'? What is 'colnames(mat)'? I feel like I'm totally missing some key information.

Any help would be great! Thank you!

Hi kevin,

I also having the similar issue,

counts_data <- read.csv('count_values_featurecounts.csv', row.names = 1)

head(counts_data) colnames(counts_data)

colnames(counts_data) [1] "Sample1_1387_S76_FE_1B" "sample2_1391_S80_FE_1B" "sample3_1388_S77_MM9_2B" [4] "sample4_1389_S78_MM9_1B" "sample5_1390_S79_BIP_1C" "sample6_1392_S81_BIP_2B"

read in sample info

colData <- read.csv('metadata.csv', row.names = 1) rownames(colData) [1] "Sample1_1387_S76_FE_1B" "sample2_1391_S80_FE_1B" "sample3_1388_S77_MM9_2B" [4] "sample4_1389_S78_MM9_1B" "sample5_1390_S79_BIP_1C" "sample6_1392_S81_BIP_2B"

making sure the row names in colData matches to column names in counts_data (smaller dataset %in% larger dataset)

all(rownames(colData) %in% colnames(counts_data)) [1] TRUE

are they in the same order?

all(colnames(counts_data1) == rownames(colData)) [1] TRUE

Step 2: construct a DESeqDataSet object ----------

dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts_data,

  • colData = colData,
  • design = ~ treatment) Warning message: In DESeqDataSet(se, design = design, ignoreRank) : some variables in design formula are characters, converting to factors class: DESeqDataSet dim: 5406 6 metadata(1): version assays(1): counts rownames(5406): R65_hybrid_00001 R65_hybrid_00002 ... R65_hybrid_05462_gene R65_hybrid_05463_gene rowData names(0): colnames(6): Sample1_1387_S76_FE_1B sample2_1391_S80_FE_1B ... sample5_1390_S79_BIP_1C sample6_1392_S81_BIP_2B colData names(1): treatment
  • transform the data to variance-stabilised expression levels

    vst <- vst(dds) -- note: fitType='parametric', but the dispersion trend was not well captured by the function: y = a/x + b, and a local regression fit was automatically substituted. specify fitType='local' or 'mean' to avoid this message next time.

    generate a PCA plot

    p <- pca(vst,c("iron","mm9","bip") ) Error in t.default(mat) : argument is not a matrix

    head(assay(vsd), 3) Sample1_1387_S76_FE_1B sample2_1391_S80_FE_1B sample3_1388_S77_MM9_2B R65_hybrid_00001 12.040811 11.832936 11.711007 R65_hybrid_00002 3.163354 1.903476 2.956567 R65_hybrid_00003 11.630781 11.263561 11.434657 sample4_1389_S78_MM9_1B sample5_1390_S79_BIP_1C sample6_1392_S81_BIP_2B R65_hybrid_00001 11.079648 12.55149 13.050876 R65_hybrid_00002 3.186474 3.59161 3.289681 R65_hybrid_00003 10.113185 12.55919 12.039214

    plotPCA(vsd, intgroup = c("iron","mm9","bip"))

    using ntop=500 top features by variance Error in .local(object, ...) : the argument 'intgroup' should specify columns of colData(dds)

    Please stop spamming comments to the answer field and put formatting. It's the 10101 button. Select code, then press the button to trigger markdown highlighting. This has nothing to do with the toplevel question. intgroup must be part of the colData of dds. So dds$iron must exist and mm9 and bip must be levels of iron.