If you get stuck, please try discussing the issue on the Rollup Discord or posting a question to Stackoverflow . If you've found a bug, or Rollup can't meet your needs, please try raising an issue . Lastly, you may try contacting @RollupJS on Twitter.
You probably already know that '
is evil', at least according to some people. But it's particularly harmful with Rollup, because of how it works – unlike other module bundlers, which wrap each module in a function, Rollup puts all your code in the same scope.
That's more efficient, but it means that the shared scope is 'polluted' whenever you use
, whereas with a different bundler, modules that
use eval would not be polluted. A minifier can't mangle variable names in polluted code, because it can't guarantee that the code to be evaluated doesn't reference those variable names.
it poses a security risk
in that a malicious module could access another module's private variables with
Luckily, unless you really do intend for the evaluated code to have access to local variables (in which case you're probably doing something wrong!), you can achieve the same effect in one of two ways:
eval2 = eval
Simply 'copying'
provides you with a function that does exactly the same thing, but which runs in the global scope rather than the local one:
new Function
Using the
Function constructor
generates a function from the supplied string. Again, it runs in the global scope. If you need to call the function repeatedly, this is much,
faster than using
Tree-shaking doesn't seem to be working
Sometimes, you'll end up with code in your bundle that doesn't seem like it should be there. For example, if you import a utility from
, you might expect that you'll get the bare minimum of code necessary for that utility to work.
But Rollup has to be conservative about what code it removes in order to guarantee that the end result will run correctly. If an imported module appears to have side effects , either on bits of the module that you're using or on the global environment, Rollup plays it safe and includes those side effects.
Because static analysis in a dynamic language like JavaScript is hard, there will occasionally be false positives. Lodash is a good example of a module that
like it has lots of side effects, even in places that it doesn't. You can often mitigate those false positives by importing submodules (e.g.
import map from 'lodash-es/map'
rather than
import { map } from 'lodash-es'
Rollup's static analysis will improve over time, but it will never be perfect in all cases – that's just JavaScript.
Error: "[name] is not exported by [module]"
Occasionally you will see an error message like this:
'foo' is not exported by bar.js (imported by baz.js)
Import declarations must have corresponding export declarations in the imported module. For example, if you have
import a from './a.js'
in a module, and a.js doesn't have an
export default
declaration, or
import {foo} from './b.js'
, and b.js doesn't export
, Rollup cannot bundle the code.
This error frequently occurs with CommonJS modules converted by rollup-plugin-commonjs , this package has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. Please use @rollup/plugin-commonjs .
Error: "this is undefined"
In a JavaScript module,
at the top level (i.e., outside functions). Because of that, Rollup will rewrite any
references to
so that the resulting behaviour matches what will happen when modules are natively supported.
There are occasional valid reasons for
to mean something else. If you're getting errors in your bundle, you can use
to change this behaviour.
Warning: "Sourcemap is likely to be incorrect"
You'll see this warning if you generate a sourcemap with your bundle (
sourcemap: true
sourcemap: 'inline'
) but you're using one or more plugins that transformed code without generating a sourcemap for the transformation.
Usually, a plugin will only omit the sourcemap if it (the plugin, not the bundle) was configured with
sourcemap: false
– so all you need to do is change that. If the plugin doesn't generate a sourcemap, consider raising an issue with the plugin author.
Warning: "Treating [module] as external dependency"
Rollup will only resolve relative module IDs by default. This means that an import statement like this…
…won't result in
being included in your bundle – instead, it will be an external dependency that is required at runtime. If that's what you want, you can suppress this warning with the
option, which makes your intentions explicit:
If you
want to include the module in your bundle, you need to tell Rollup how to find it. In most cases, this is a question of using
Some modules, like
, are built in to Node.js. If you want to include those (for example, so that your bundle runs in the browser), you may need to include
Error: "EMFILE: too many open files"
For large projects, you may run into an EMFILE error when running Rollup in watch mode on macOS. If you experience this, disabling FSEvents may eliminate the problem: