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So basically Im running into an issue where Im getting an inferior result using EffectComposer .

Renderer + .outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding : (correct)

image 1008×658 125 KB

EffectComposer + RenderPass + GammaCorrectionPass : (ugly)

image 1008×658 110 KB

Is this the expected outcome with some textures or is there some way to improve the EffectComposer's quality?
PS. The texture used is a Scene.background CubeTexture with .encoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding

@Mugen87 Oh so thats where GAMMA_FACTOR comes from. That’s good to know, but unfortunately setting it to 2.2 only enforces the ugly effect, which I now believe to be gamma correction applied twice. However Im not entirely sure as its hard for me to trust the code at this point :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Further in this post, I’ll refer to the undesirable second output as DoubleGamma , for convenience sake.

So after a bit of testing, I believe I’ve found some strange behaviors:

  • Using only renderer:
  • looks properly and respects renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding (changes its color space accordingly)
  • Using EffectComposer with only 1 RenderPass :
  • again, looks properly and respects renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding
  • Using EffectComposer + RenderPass + CopyPass :
  • The Problem Case: DoubleGamma appears and renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding is no longer respected . DoubleGamma simply occurs, regardless whether you set the encoding to sRGB or not.

    (note: In the 3rd case CopyPass can be any pass, be it FXAA or Bloom, DoubleGamma still occurs. I’ve chosen to use ShaderPass( CopyShader ) , since, as far as I understand, it’s supposed to return exact copy of the previous pass, and it doesnt, so it presents the issue clearly)

    @looeee Im using r112 - the newest and shiniest version of three.js :smiley:
    My postprocessing setup is the simplest possible.
    Please have a look at the issue through this repo. I’ve updated it to use postprocessing. Uncomment copyPass from initPostProcessing function (line 147) to see changes.


    PS. You will have to apply a tiny change from this PR in order to be able to create a CubeTexture out of 6 compressed images.