If I am invited to an event and the invitation owner changes the date or time, I get the invite change in my email but when accepting it, it does not change the event to the new date/time in Calendar.
It happens in all updates I get (so not linked to any particular source, calendar system, etc…)
Is this a known defect? Any idea if it can be resolved soon?
So are you receiving these event invitations and updates to your
To solve this you will first need to start taking calendar logs
Go to Menu > Settings > Advanced > Logging and click the box to enable Google Calendar logging for the affected account
Close eM Client and then restart it.
Replicate the issue you’re experiencing (receive and accept an event invite, and then accept and receive an event update)
Then go back to Menu > Settings > Advanced > Logging
At the top of this window, there will be the logging directory which you can copy/paste into the file explorer to find the location of the log files.
Look for the most recent log files that mention Google Calendar
Put those files here for evaluation.
I kindly ask you to erase them please after investigation as they might contain personal data under European regulations.
Re: Synching eg: Outlook calendar events to Google calendars in eM Client normally envolves adding a shared remote calendar.
By default though when you add other parties shared eg: Outlook calendar to eM Client Google Calendar, it can take 12-24 hours to show any Outlook calendar changes in eM Client.
This is not a fault of eM Client, and its just that Google doesn’t realtime pickup shared calendar changes from Outlook. Shared Outlook calendar event changes can take 12-24hrs to update in eM Client Google calendar. So not ideal.
So from my own experience with Shared Outlook calendars synching to Google calendars in eM Client, you also need to run "GAS-ICS-SYNC (on your Google drive acct), and modify the script. The script is not easy, but you can get help from the author via “Discord” chat program. Once you have the script up and running, you will get Outlook shared calendar event changes synched to eM Client Google Calendar within 15mins.
# GAS-ICS-Sync
This is a standalone script (that consists of multiple files). The purpose is to sync ics/ical calendars to Google Calendar. Google Calendar *can* already do this, but updates only happen once every 12 or even 24 hrs. This script can be run much more frequently.
[If you want to use this, please copy the script from here](https://script.google.com/d/1BOk8MDLbLaHh6SwG1M1tsgNXjkcC-79LE0QoipRuTDxbO3fMVvqoROQD/edit?newcopy=true)
**To make a copy in the new Google Apps Script interface:**
1. Go to the project overview icon on the left (looks like this: ⓘ)
2. Click the "copy" icon on the top right (looks like two files on top of each other)
**NOTE:** If too many people are accessing the file at the same time, Google may lock you out. You can follow these instructions to set up the script: https://github.com/derekantrican/GAS-ICS-Sync/wiki/Setting-up-the-script-manually
### Questions? Comments? Anything else?
[Join the Discord!](https://discord.gg/DRBpb4k)

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Hi Cyberzork, I don’t think your answer links to my request for assistance above. I have no issue whatsoever the first time I receive an event from a third party. It nicely sets itself in the emClient calendar. The issue is when the person who sent it changes the date/time. In this case I receive an update email which I accept but the event in the EmClient Calendar does not move to the new slot.
To automatically move / adjust the event date in eM Client Google Calendar (when the Outlook Event organizer changes it (eM Client won’t normally do that) “via you clicking a new adjusted event email” from the organizer. Only Outlook Calendar to Outlook Calendar normally works like that from my own experience. I suspect that would have to be programmed by eM Client devs to manually update / move the exiting Google Calendar event to the new date / time etc.
Normally to get eM Client Google calendar to move / adjust to the updated date / time, the Outlook event organizer updates their Calendar date / time to a new adjusted date / time and then eM Client Google Calendar will update / move the event usually within 12-24hrs “via the Outlook Shared calendar” you add into eM Client.
However as i advised if you can optionally use the GAS-ICS-Sync script in your Google Drive then the Outlook event changes will update within 15mins if the event organizer changes the date / time etc.
So i would suggest to ask the Outlook event organized for a Shared calendar link if possible to avoid having to manually add Outlook Calendar events for future.
Thanks Cyberzork,
As for your advice here, “…So i would suggest to ask the Outlook event organized for a Shared calendar link if possible to avoid having to manually add Outlook Calendar events for future.” unfortunately this is not possible as the Outlook owners are clients from multiple organizations with their own policies…
My Google Calendar gets updated immediately (literally seconds) after I enter an emClient calendar event (and viceversa). So I do not see a need for the script.
I think emClient should recognize the “modified” event sent. In fact the email format does as it underscores the old date/time and shows the new one, asking for accept/provisional/reject… The issue is that it does not erase the old (which indeed happens when an old event is deleted by the organizer) and places the new in the updated slot.
I hope emClient looks at this missed functionality as a bug and resolves it as part of future updates.
Update to this issue. Accepted event time change now shows in eM Client calendar, but does not sync with Google Calendar.
Does not seem to be an overall sync issue because on same event I updated the reminder time in eM Client and that gets reflected in Google Calendar.
This is for a recurring meeting that I am invited to.