hi use this ..
When u create a Condition record, values are stored in A++
When u create a sales order values are picked up from A++, and the pricing structure is stored in KONV and KONP. For retrieving this key field is Condition record number.
We have another Table - KOND - Conditions (Data).which was missing in the list.
this was the flow of storing and retrieving the data in pricing tables A++,
KONAIND Index: Groups of Conditions/Header Record Conditions
KOND Conditions (Data)
KOND3 Conditions: Campaign Determination - Data Part
KONDD Material Substitution - Data Division
KONDDP Conditions: Additional Materials for Material Determination
KONDH Conditions: Batch Strategy - Data Division
KONDI Conditions: Data part for certificates
KONDIND General Document Index for Conditions
KONDN Conditions: Free goods - Data section
KONDNS Conditions: Free goods determination - scales
KONDP Conditions: Packing Object Data Section
KONDR Conditions: Derivation strategy - data part
KONDRPR Conditions: Derivation strategy - recipient item data
KONDRPS Conditions: Derivation strategy - sender item data
KONDV Conditions: Data part for certificates
KONH Conditions (Header)
KONM Conditions (1-Dimensional Quantity Scale)
KONP Conditions (Item)
KONV Conditions (Transaction Data)
KONW Conditions (1-Dimensional Value Scale)
KOTN900 LSI Free Goods Condition Table