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中英对照: 2022年7月25日外交部发言人赵立坚主持例行记者会 [3]

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian’s Regular Press Conference on July 25, 2022 [3]

发布时间:2022年07月25日 Published on Jul 25, 2022
赵立坚 我们已经发布了有关消息。如果有最新的情况,我们会及时发布。
Zhao Lijian We have released relevant announcement. If there’s any update, we will keep you informed.
路透社记者 据《金融时报》报道,针对美国会众议院议长佩洛西可能访台,中方对美方加强了警告,这些警告或威胁比过去更加强烈。该报消息人士还称,中方可能作出军事回应。该报道是否准确?如果中方可能作出军事回应,将会是哪种回应呢?
Reuters According to the Financial Times, China has heightened its warnings to the US over the possible US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. These warnings or threats have been perceived to be stronger than in the past. According to the sources of the Financial Times, they may include a possible military response. Is it accurate? And if there may be a possible military response, what kind of response is involved here?
赵立坚 中方近期已多次向美方表明坚决反对佩洛西众议长访台的严重关切和严正立场。我们正严阵以待。如果美方一意孤行,中方必将采取坚定有力措施,捍卫国家主权和领土完整,由此造成的一切严重后果应由美方负责。
Zhao Lijian The Chinese side has repeatedly made clear to the US side our serious concern over Speaker Pelosi’s potential visit to Taiwan and our firm opposition to the visit. We are fully prepared for any eventuality. If the US side insists on making the visit, the Chinese side will take firm and strong measures to safeguard our sovereignty and territorial integrity. The US must assume full responsibility for any serious consequence arising thereof.
俄新社记者 上周五,俄罗斯、土耳其、乌克兰和联合国签署了乌克兰粮食外运协议。俄罗斯国防部长称,未来几天,乌克兰可能从黑海的港口开始出口粮食。中方对这个协议有何评论?中方将于何时开始接收受冲突影响被滞留在乌克兰港口的粮食?
RIA Novosti Last Friday, the deal on food exports from Ukraine was signed by Russia, Türkiye, Ukraine and the United Nations. Russian Defense Minister said the export of grain from Ukraine’s Black Sea ports may start in the next few days. I’d like to ask what’s China’s comment on the deal? And do you have any information about when China will start receiving grain that was blocked in Ukrainian ports due to the conflict?
赵立坚 中方对有关协议达成表示欢迎。中方始终高度重视国际粮食安全问题,将粮食安全列为全球发展倡议八大重点合作领域之一,并于日前提出国际粮食安全合作倡议,为解决当前世界粮食问题贡献中国方案。中方支持联合国在达成乌粮食安全运输协议方面发挥积极作用。当前形势下,国际社会应共同为解决世界粮食安全问题作出积极努力。关于你关心的具体问题,请向有关部门咨询。
Zhao Lijian China welcomes the agreement. China attaches high importance to the issue of international food security. We have included food security as one of the eight priority areas of cooperation in the Global Development Initiative and recently put forward China’s initiative on international food security cooperation to contribute Chinese solution to the current global food challenge. China supports the UN’s active role in the conclusion of the grain export agreement. Under the current circumstances, the international community needs to make strong effort to jointly address the global food security issue. Regarding the specific question you raised, I’d like to refer you to the relevant authorities.
彭博社记者 美军参谋长联席会议主席米莱称,中方军队在过去五年里变得更加咄咄逼人、更加危险。他还称,在这段时间内,中方舰机在太平洋地区拦截美及其盟友和不安全互动的次数显著增加。中方对此有何回应?
Bloomberg US General Mark Milley, who’s the chairman of the Chief of Staff, said that China’s military has become significantly more aggressive and dangerous over the past five years. He said that the number of intercepts by Chinese aircraft and ships in the Pacific region with the US and partner forces has increased significantly over that time. And the number of unsafe interactions has risen also. How does the ministry respond to Milley’s remarks?
赵立坚 美方有关表态完全是颠倒黑白。美方一些人固守冷战零和思维,言必称“中国挑战”,他们无非是为自己扩充军力寻找借口而已。美国军费总额世界第一,近来又提交约8130亿美元的新财年国防预算草案。美国在全球拥有800多个海外军事基地,建国以来仅有16年没打过仗。到底是谁频频派遣军舰、军机到本国以外地区耀武扬威,到底是谁在挑战地区和平安全与稳定,到底是谁更具侵略性,事实一目了然。
Zhao Lijian The US side’s remarks completely confuse right and wrong. Some people in the US have clung to the Cold War zero-sum mentality and kept making references to a “China challenge”. Their sole purpose is to justify the US’s military build-up. The US total military expenditure ranks first in the world. On top of that, it has recently submitted a proposed Fiscal Year 2023 Budget request of about $813 billion for defense. The US runs more than 800 overseas military bases globally, and has not waged wars for 16 years only since it was founded. Who’s been dispatching military vessels and aircraft abroad to flex its muscles? Who’s been challenging regional peace, security and stability? And who is more aggressive? The facts speak for themselves.
The US official needs to abandon the Cold War zero-sum mentality, stop hyping up the “China threat”, and stop finding fault with China and using it as pretext to beef up defense budget and military capacity.
新华社记者 据报道,22日,德国外交部长贝尔伯克接受采访时称,中国不再接受“一国两制”,德国须像美国一样认真对待中国大陆的“攻台”宣言,因此德美共同制定了北约战略;德国要与伙伴国家一起,减少对华经济依赖。中方对此有何评论?
Xinhua News Agency It is reported that German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said in an interview on July 22 that China no longer accepts One Country, Two Systems, Germany should take China’s declaration on “attacking Taiwan” seriously just like the US and this is why Germany and the US worked out the strategy of NATO. Baerbock also said that Germany will work with partners to reduce economic dependency on China. Do you have any comment?
赵立坚 这位德国官员的表态都是典型的对华偏见。我想强调四点:
Zhao Lijian The remarks of the German official you mentioned reflect some typical biased views on China. I would like to stress four points.
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