I met same issue in testing environment after restoring live backup to it and deleting all server and client session records by SQL script.
Same error appear in event viewer.
By using deleting *.auc file solution, client can be opened normally.
Deleting AUC file didn't help for me as other users are also facing the same issue.
We have multiple AOS of same version and client on the same machine. it works for all other AOS. only for 1 aos, we are facing this issue. there are multiple people logs in on this AOS and use AX client.
It was working fine till yesterday evening and somehow started crashing today morning with the same error mentioned in main question of the post.
Application: Ax32.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException
at <Module>._wWinMainCRTStartup()
Any help would be appreciated.
it was an issue i faced back in Dec'12.
The issue of client crashing was fixed by deleting auc files.
The issue with client freeze was B'cas the authenticaion window for rolecentre was hiding behind the upgrade checklist. and there is no way that i can reach the window, i removed the rolecenter url from sql and added it later :-)
HI Krishna Prakash,
you mentioned that you have multiple AOS in a single server of different versions.
do u have the clients for these three AOS in the same server?
if you have the client in the same server.Please do the the following steps.
1. take the new sever which is not having any Ax client components.
2. run the Ax 2012 R2 set up and install the Client components for your upgraded Ax2012 R2 AOS.
3.Then you will be able to access the R2 instance with out any issues.
other wise in the AOS server uninstall all the existing Client components and install the Client components of the Ax version for which you are facing problem.
i hope this will resolve your issue.
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