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Resolving the “Cannot Find Module ‘ajv’” Error in Node.js

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Node.js, a powerful JavaScript runtime, is widely used for building server-side applications. However, like any technology, it is not immune to errors. One common error that developers may encounter is the “Cannot Find Module ‘ajv’” error. This error is related to a missing or improperly installed module, and resolving it requires a series of steps. In this article, we will walk through the process of troubleshooting and fixing this issue.

Troubleshooting Steps:

1. Check Package.json: Start by examining your project’s package.json file. Ensure that the 'ajv' module is listed as a dependency. If it's missing, add it to the dependencies section and run npm install to install the missing module.

"dependencies": {  
 "ajv": "8.6.1"  

After updating the package.json file, run npm install in your terminal to install the 'ajv' module.

2. Node Modules Folder: Verify that the ‘ajv’ module is present in the ‘node_modules’ folder. If it’s not there, it means the installation might have failed. Delete the ‘node_modules’ folder and run npm install again to reinstall all dependencies.

rm -rf node_modules