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爱喝酒的葫芦 · Random dark ...· 2 月前 · |
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坚强的领结 · 美媒列出每支球队球衣最应该退役的一人,谁的球 ...· 4 月前 · |
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力能扛鼎的键盘 · 《魔力宝贝》-- 17173.com网络游戏专区· 4 月前 · |
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腹黑的鸵鸟 · 可执行文件 — PostgREST ...· 5 月前 · |
log arcgis |
https://enterprise.arcgis.com/en/server/latest/administer/windows/core-server-log-codes.htm |
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5 月前 |
This table lists the core log codes written by ArcGIS Server and their associated messages. Message variables, such as a folder name, server directory name, cluster name, and so on, will appear as "{0}" or "{1}" in the following log code meanings.
Code | Meaning |
6500 |
Failed to update the log settings on machine ''{0}''. The server machine will be notified of this change when it comes back online. |
6501 |
Failed to retrieve the information of the folder ''{0}''. |
6502 |
Failed to get ArcGIS Server web services message version. |
6503 |
Failed to get ArcGIS Server web services message format. |
6504 |
Failed to retrieve the configuration of the cluster ''default''. |
6505 |
Initialization of the site failed. |
6506 |
Failed to disconnect the site from the configuration store. |
6507 |
Initializing the configuration store. |
6508 |
Initializing the server directories. |
6509 |
Registering the server directory ''{0}''. |
6510 |
Failed to register the server directory ''{0}''. |
6511 |
Failed to unregister the server directory ''{0}''. |
6512 |
Failed to return server directories. |
6513 |
Initializing the server machine. |
6514 |
Creating the cluster ''{0}''. |
6515 |
Cluster ''{0}'' successfully created. |
6516 |
Failed to create the cluster ''{0}''. |
6517 |
Cluster ''{0}'' started successfully. |
6518 |
Failed to start the cluster ''{0}''. |
6519 |
Cluster ''{0}'' stopped successfully. |
6520 |
Failed to stop the cluster ''{0}''. |
6521 |
Protocol for the cluster ''{0}'' was edited successfully. |
6522 |
Failed to edit the protocol for the cluster ''{0}'' |
6523 |
Cluster ''{0}'' was deleted successfully. |
6524 |
Failed to delete the cluster ''{0}''. |
6525 |
Failed to retrieve the configuration for the cluster ''{0}''. |
6526 |
Failed to return all cluster configurations. |
6527 |
Failed to remove one or machine machines from the cluster ''{0}'' . |
6528 |
Removed server machine from the cluster ''{0}''. |
6529 |
Added machine ''{0}'' to the cluster ''{0}'' successfully. |
6530 |
Machines were added to the cluster successfully. |
6531 |
Failed to add one or more machines to the cluster ''{0}''. |
6532 |
Creating default system services . |
6533 |
Failed to create the site. |
6534 |
Site created successfully. |
6535 |
Failed to delete the site. |
6536 |
Site deleted successfully. |
6537 |
''{0}'' is joining the site ''{1}''. |
6538 |
Failed to join the site ''{0}''. |
6539 |
Server machine ''{0}'' has been added to the site ''{1}'' successfully. |
6540 |
Failed to update the configuration store. |
6541 |
Failed to configure the server machine ''{0}''. |
6542 |
Server machine ''{0}'' was configured successfully. |
6543 |
Failed to register the server machine ''{0}''. |
6544 |
Server machine ''{0}'' registered successfully. |
6545 |
Server machine ''{0}'' was edited successfully. |
6546 |
Failed to edit the server machine ''{0}''. |
6547 |
Server machine ''{0}'' was unregistered successfully. |
6548 |
Failed to unregister the server machine ''{0}''. |
6549 |
Server machine ''{0}'' started successfully. |
6550 |
Failed to start the server machine ''{0}''. |
6552 |
Server machine ''{0}'' was stopped successfully . |
6552 |
Failed to stop the server machine ''{0}''. |
6553 |
Server object extensions in the file ''{0}'' have been registered. |
6554 |
Failed to register server object extensions in the file ''{0}'' . |
6555 |
Server object extensions in the file ''{0}'' have been unregistered. |
6556 |
Failed to unregister server object extensions in the file ''{0}''. |
6557 |
Folder ''{0}'' was created successfully. |
6558 |
Failed to create the folder ''{0}''. |
6559 |
Folder ''{0}'' was deleted successfully. |
6560 |
Failed to delete the folder ''{0}''. |
6561 |
Failed to return all folder configurations. |
6562 |
Service ''{0}'' was created successfully. |
6563 |
Failed to create the service ''{0}''. |
6564 |
Service ''{0}'' was edited successfully. |
6565 |
Failed to edit service ''{0}''. |
6566 |
Failed to retrieve the status of the service ''{0}''. |
6567 |
One or more services were deleted successfully. |
6568 |
One or more services failed to delete. |
6570 |
Failed to start one or more services. |
6571 |
Service ''{0}'' stopped successfully. |
6572 |
Failed to stop one or more services: {0}. |
6573 |
Web Adaptor {0} has been registered. |
6574 |
Web Adaptor {0} has been unregistered successfully. |
6575 |
Server directory ''{0}'' was registered successfully. |
6576 |
Failed to register the server directory ''{0}''. |
6577 |
Item '' {0}'' uploaded successfully. |
6578 |
Deleted the item ''{0}'' successfully. |
6579 |
Server directory ''{0}'' was cleaned. |
6580 |
Failed to clean the server directory ''{0}''. |
6581 |
Failed to validate user credentials. |
6582 |
Failed to generate a token for the user. |
6583 |
Security configuration was updated successfully. |
6584 |
Failed to update the security configuration. |
6585 |
Identity store configuration updated successfully. |
6586 |
Failed to update the identity store configuration. |
6587 |
Failed to return the server directory ''{0}''. |
6588 |
Failed to return cluster configuration for the machine ''{0}''. |
6589 |
Service ''{0}'' started successfully. |
6589 |
Failed to return server directories of type ''{0}''. |
6590 |
Failed to return cluster lookup information. |
6591 |
Unable to register the data store ''{0}''. |
6592 |
Failed to create KMZ file. |
6593 |
Server directory with the name ''{0}'' not found. |
6594 |
Error deleting physical path corresponding to the data item ''{0}''. |
6595 |
Failed to return all registered extensions. |
6596 |
Failed to retrieve extensions information. |
6597 |
Failed to get server machine configuration. |
6598 |
Failed to get the status of the server machine ''{0}''. |
6599 |
Failed to get the configuration of the server machine ''{0}''. |
6600 |
Failed to get server machine configurations. |
6601 |
Failed to return default service type information ''{0}''. |
6602 |
Failed to return the service configuration ''{0}''. |
6603 |
Failed to remove cluster references from all services. |
6604 |
Failed to return default service configuration ''{0}''. |
6605 |
Failed to return all services configurations in the folder ''{0}''. |
6606 |
Unable to retrieve ''Security'' resource information. |
6607 |
Unable to retrieve ''System'' resource information. |
6608 |
Unable to retrieve ''Machine'' resource information. |
6609 |
Unable to retrieve ''Token'' resource information. |
6610 |
Unable to retrieve ''Cluster'' resource information. |
6610 |
Unable to retrieve ''Metric'' resource information. |
6611 |
Unable to retrieve data store information. |
6611 |
Could not remove metric configuration ''{0}'' |
6612 |
Unable to retrieve ''Service'' resource information. |
6612 |
Metric ''{0}'' was deleted successfully. |
6613 |
Unable to retrieve ''Upload'' resource information. |
6613 |
Failed to delete the metric ''{0}''. |
6614 |
Unable to retrieve ''KML Content'' resource information. |
6614 |
Metric ''{0}'' is currently being configured by another administrative operation. Please try again later. |
6615 |
Unable to retrieve ''Permissions'' resource information. |
6615 |
Creating the metric ''{0}''. |
6616 |
Failed to get the privilege for role ''{0}''. |
6616 |
Metric ''{0}'' successfully created. |
6617 |
Failed to compute the privilege for the user ''{0}''. |
6617 |
Failed to create the metric ''{0}''. |
6618 |
Failed to return security configuration. |
6618 |
Failed to retrieve the configuration for the metric ''{0}''. |
6619 |
Failed to return user store. |
6619 |
A metric by name ''{0}'' does not exist. |
6620 |
Failed to return role store. |
6620 |
Metric ''{0}'' was edited successfully. |
6621 |
Failed to register the Web Adaptor ''{0}''. |
6621 |
Failed to edit the metric ''{0}'' |
6622 |
Failed to unregister the Web Adaptor ''{0}''. |
6622 |
Failed to update the configuration for Metrics |
6623 |
Failed to return Web Adaptor configuration ''{0}''. |
6623 |
A metric by the name ''{0}'' already exists. |
6624 |
Initializing security configuration. |
6624 |
Error when gathering metric data. |
6625 |
Failed to return all Web Adaptor configurations. |
6626 |
Failed to upload the item ''{0}''. |
6627 |
Item directory ''{0}'' for uploaded item was not found. |
6628 |
Failed to delete the item ''{0}''. |
6629 |
Failed to return item directory for item ''{0}''. |
6630 |
Failed to return all uploaded items. |
6631 |
Failed to return folder configuration ''{0}''. |
6632 |
Folder ''{0}'' does not exist. |
6633 |
Failed to edit folder ''{0}''. |
6634 |
Failed to register extensions in ''{0}''. |
6635 |
The extension file ''{0}'' cannot be updated because an extension file with the same name exists with different extensions in it. Update does not support registering new extensions or unregistering old ones. |
6636 |
Failed to update extension. |
6637 |
Unable to find uploaded item {0} information. |
6638 |
Failed to retrieve service item information for ''{0}''. |
6639 |
Failed to update service item information for ''{0}''. |
6640 |
Failed to upload ''{0}'' to the service item information for ''{1}''. |
6641 |
Failed to delete service item information for ''{0}''. |
6642 |
Unable to create security config folder. |
6643 |
Failed to start Token service. |
6644 |
Failed to stop Token service. |
6645 |
Configuring local server machine. |
6646 |
checking for expired items in {0} |
6647 |
Unable to remove {0} from server directory {1}. |
6648 |
Job {0} completed and will be removed. |
6649 |
Unexpected error while cleaning {0} server directory. |
6650 |
Unable to get service usage timeout for {0}. Defaulting to server directory timeout. |
6651 |
Directory cleanup removed {0} from {1}. |
6652 |
Unable to read the service ''{0}'' from the configuration store. {1} |
6653 |
Failed to register data source. |
6654 |
Failed to return registered data sources. |
6655 |
REST cache cleared on all server machines. |
6656 |
Failed to clear REST cache on one or more server machines. |
6657 |
Unable to access the log service. |
6658 |
Unable to query for logs on ''{0}''. |
6659 |
Input server directory is not registered with the server. |
6660 |
Unable to remove {0} service subfolder from the input server directory. |
6661 |
Unable to create {0} service subfolder in the input server directory. |
6662 |
Invalid number of instances per process. |
6663 |
Number of instances per process must be 1 for HIGH isolation level. |
6664 |
Number of instances per process must be greater than ''{0}''. |
6665 |
Number of instances per process must be less than ''{0}''. |
6666 |
Cluster protocol applied successfully to cluster ''{0}''. |
6667 |
Failed to apply cluster protocol to cluster ''{0}''. |
6668 |
Failed to clean configuration store. One or more files/folders may be in use. |
6669 |
Java debugging ports have not been specified. |
6670 |
Invalid port range specified for debugging Java extensions. |
6671 |
The selected server directory is currently used by {0} service(s): {1}. You cannot delete this directory until these services are edited to reference a different directory or deleted. |
6672 |
Failed to obtain asynchronous jobs manager. |
6673 |
Failed to delete server directory ''{0}''. |
6674 |
ArcGIS Server is using too many open file handles({0}). Unexpected errors will occur unless the ulimit({1}) is increased. You can edit /etc/security/limits.conf to set the nofile limit. |
6675 |
ArcGIS Server is using {0} file handles out of a total limit of {1}. |
6676 |
Failed to get metadata information of the service. |
6677 |
Incorrect administrator account name. |
6678 |
Incorrect secret answer. |
6679 |
Failed to update account. |
6680 |
Failed to return the users's password change question. |
6681 |
Password for user {0} was successfully reset and written to System directory. |
6682 |
Services Directory successfully enabled. |
6683 |
Services Directory successfully disabled. |
6684 |
Enable Services Directory failed. |
6685 |
Disable Services Directory failed. |
6686 |
Folder ''{0}'' is a pre-configured folder and cannot be deleted. |
6687 |
Service ''{0}'' is required and cannot be deleted. |
6688 |
Delete procedure is successfully launched. The service resources will be cleaned asynchronously. |
6689 |
Service input directory ''{0}'' is in use and can not be deleted. |
6690 |
Service input directory ''{0}'' is successfully deleted. |
6691 |
Server directory ''{0}'' has been successfully edited. |
6692 |
Failed to edit server directory ''{0}''. |
6693 |
REST handler reinitialized. |
6694 |
SOAP handler reinitialized. |
6695 |
Failed to reinitialize REST handler. |
6696 |
Failed to reinitialize SOAP handler. |
6697 |
Cannot write to directory path ''{0}''. Please check that the location is valid and that the ArcGIS Server account has permissions to the location. |
6698 |
Username cannot be null or contain empty spaces. |
6699 |
Password cannot be null or contain empty spaces. |
6700 |
The configuration store at ''{0}'' already contains registered server directories. Ignoring the user request to create server directories at ''{1}''. |
6701 |
Error occurred while merging service properties. |
6702 |
Unable to undeploy the service from ''{0}''. The server may not be running or reachable at this time. |
6703 |
The license of ArcGIS Server at ''{0}'' does not match with the license of the site running at ''{1}''. All the machines in the site are required to have the same license. |
6704 |
The license edition of the server does not permit running and administering the service ''{0}''. |
6705 |
The configuration store location contains server configuration files that are being used by another site. |
6706 |
The specified server directory location ''{0}'' is being used by another site. |
6707 |
Token manager configuration was updated successfully. |
6708 |
Failed to update token manager configuration. |
6709 |
The server cache directory ''{0}'' has been edited. The contents of the old cache directory must be manually copied to the new cache directory ''{1}'' and cached services must be restarted. |
6710 |
Machine ''{0}'' was successfully renamed to ''{1}'' |
6711 |
Failed to rename machine ''{0}''. |
6712 |
Stores tile caches used by map, globe, and image services for rapid performance. |
6713 |
Stores indexes of data locations used by the search service. |
6714 |
Stores source files (such as maps and data) for services that you publish. |
6715 |
Stores results and other information from geoprocessing services. |
6716 |
Stores various information generated by services, such as map images. |
6717 |
Stores files that are used internally by the GIS server. |
6718 |
Stores items uploaded to ArcGIS Server during publishing from a remote server. |
6719 |
Stores files used by KML network links published on ArcGIS Server . |
6720 |
The specified configuration store location is not accessible. Ensure that the ArcGIS Server account has read and write access to the location. |
6721 |
Service ''{0}'' is a preconfigured service and cannot be renamed. |
6722 |
Failed to roll back server directory edits. |
6723 |
Server machine ''{0}'' is not reachable. All machines in the site must be reachable for this operation to complete. |
6724 |
ArcGIS Server failed to obtain a host name for ''{0}'' from a domain name server and is unable to proceed with this operation. Please contact your systems administrator to resolve this problem. |
6725 |
Failed to remove certificate ''{0}'' |
6726 |
Successfully removed certificate |
6727 |
Enable SSL Failed. |
6728 |
Successfully enabled SSL. |
6729 |
Successfully generated certificate |
6730 |
Failed to generate certificate ''{0}'' |
6731 |
Failed to list all certificates ''{0}'' |
6732 |
Failed to list certificate ''{0}'' |
6733 |
Generate certificate signing request failed ''{0}'' |
6734 |
Successfully generated certificate signing request. |
6735 |
Successfully exported a certificate. |
6736 |
Exporting certificate failed. |
6737 |
Successfully imported CA certificate. |
6738 |
Importing CA certificate failed. |
6739 |
Failed to roll back changes made while editing the configuration store. |
6740 |
The machine ''{0}'' was not reachable while performing this operation. The server machine will be notified of this change when it comes back online. If ArcGIS Server is going to continue to be unavailable, remove the machine from the site. |
6741 |
Unable to decrypt request parameters using RSA. |
6743 |
Stores directories and files used internally by ArcGIS Server . |
6744 |
Unable to clean all log files. |
6745 |
Failed to create log directory at {0}. All machines in this site must have the same log directory path and the ArcGIS Server account must have permissions to the path. |
6746 |
Unable to move log files from {0} to {1}. |
6747 |
Machine ''{0}'' cannot access {1} data store(s) registered with the site. Please ensure that the ArcGIS Server account has read and write access to the data store(s). |
6748 |
Failed to migrate the configuration store from ''{0}'' to ''{1}''. |
6749 |
Error while starting AppServer. Required port '{0}' already in use. |
6750 |
Cannot dissociate owner. Owner must unregister |
6751 |
Thread is not the owner of the context |
6752 |
Could not find ''{0}'' file. This file contains admin default properties. |
6753 |
Missing key ''{0}'' in the properties file. |
6754 |
Local server machine ''{0}'' has not been configured. |
6755 |
Could not start application server within stipulated time. |
6756 |
Could not stop application server within stipulated time. |
6757 |
Could not delete service archive file ''{0}''. Undeploy failed. |
6758 |
Failed to remove SSL configuration: ''{0}'' |
6759 |
Failed to restart tomcat. Please check the log for more details. |
6760 |
The requested port ''{0,number,#}'' is not available/free on this machine. |
6761 |
Cannot assign port to the application server as it exceeds the bounds. |
6762 |
The machine does not have a valid license. Please authorize using the Software Authorization for ArcGIS Server wizard. |
6763 |
The machine does not have a valid license. Please authorize ArcGIS Server by running the authorizeSoftware script found under ''{0}''. |
6764 |
Machines licensed at the Workgroup level are not allowed to join another site |
6765 |
''{0}'' is not accessible. |
6766 |
There is no site created on ''{0}''. |
6767 |
Unsupported configuration store type ''{0}'' for permission store. |
6768 |
Local machine ''{0}'' is not participating in any Site. Please create a new Site or join an existing Site. |
6769 |
Invalid path ''{0}''. Path must be a directory |
6770 |
Configuration store directory path must be an absolute path. |
6771 |
Unsupported configuration store type ''{0}''. |
6772 |
The destination configuration store appears to be part of another Site. |
6773 |
Could not update configuration store connection on one or more machines within stipulated time. Please check the log for details. |
6774 |
Cannot write to directory path ''{0}''. Please check that the location is valid and that the ArcGIS Server account has permissions to the location. |
6775 |
This operation is not supported when Admin client is directly accessing the configuration store. |
6776 |
This operation is not supported when connection to the Admin is through an URL. |
6777 |
The machine name ''{0}'' does not compare with its fully qualified domain name ''{1}''." |
6778 |
Could not restart all clusters in this site within the stipulated time. Please check the log for details. |
6779 |
Server machine ''{0}'' is participating in another cluster. |
6780 |
Machine ''{0}'' is not a registered server machine. |
6781 |
Server machine ''{0}'' is not reachable at this time. |
6782 |
Server machine ''{0}'' does not belong to cluster ''{1}''. |
6783 |
A 'System' needs to be configured for the Server. |
6784 |
A cluster by the name ''{0}'' already exists. |
6785 |
Server machine ''{0}'' added to the cluster is not a registered server machine. |
6786 |
Failed to apply the clustering protocol to one or more machines. |
6787 |
TCP cluster port number ''{0,number,#}'' is already under use. |
6788 |
UDP multicast port number ''{0,number,#}'' is already under use. |
6789 |
UDP multicast address ''{0}'' is already under use. |
6790 |
The multicast address and port is currently under use. |
6791 |
Unable to find a valid cluster protocol. |
6792 |
A cluster by name ''{0}'' does not exist. |
6793 |
Server machine ''{0}'' is not registered with the Site. |
6794 |
Multicast address is not within valid range. Valid multicast addresses must be between and |
6795 |
JSON object for ClusterProtocol is missing required attribute ''{0}''. |
6796 |
UDP Multicast port should be a positive integer ''{0,number,#}''. |
6797 |
TCP cluster port should be a positive integer ''{0,number,#}''. |
6798 |
Cluster protocol of type ''{0}'' is not supported. |
6799 |
No response from remote admin. |
6800 |
Could not connect to the ArcGIS Server on machine ''{0}''.The ArcGIS Server service on that machine may not be running or the machine may not be reachable at this time. |
6801 |
Server machine ''{0}'' returned an error. ''{1}'' |
6802 |
No write access to upload directory ''{0}'' |
6803 |
Server directory of type ''{0}'' has not been configured on the server. |
6804 |
Items with these extensions are not supported. |
6805 |
Unable to delete directory for data item ''{0}'' |
6806 |
Unable to delete kmz file ''{0}'' |
6807 |
Data item ''{0}'' does not exist. |
6808 |
kmz file with name ''{0}'' already exists |
6809 |
Input part ''{0}''inputPart + "' does not exist. |
6810 |
Item ''{0}'' has not been registered. |
6811 |
Could not find Rest Handler configuration parameters. |
6812 |
Could not clear REST cache on machine : ''{0}'' |
6813 |
ServiceType can not be null. |
6814 |
Failed to clear REST cache on one or more server machines. Please check the log for more details. |
6815 |
Could not reinitialize Rest handler on machine ''{0}''. |
6816 |
Server is not licensed. |
6817 |
Failed to read server license file |
6818 |
Querying for licenses failed |
6819 |
Directory name can not be null. |
6820 |
Physical path can not be null. |
6821 |
Directory type can not be null. |
6822 |
Server Directory Type one of the following values : ''{0}'' |
6823 |
Cleanup Mode should be one of the following values : ''{0}'' |
6824 |
Invalid maxFileAge value ''{0}''. Max File Age should be a positive integer. |
6825 |
Unable to access the server directory ''{0}'' |
6826 |
Failed to register the server directory ''{0}''. Only one directory can be registered for the ''{1}'' type. |
6827 |
Server directory path cannot be empty. |
6828 |
A server directory with the name ''{0}'' is already registered with the server. |
6829 |
A server directory with physical path ''{0}'' is already registered with the server. |
6830 |
Only one directory can be registered for the ''{0}'' type. |
6831 |
Could not create sub-directory under System directory ''{0}'' . |
6832 |
No write access to the directory ''{0}'' |
6833 |
Could not validate server directory paths. |
6834 |
Directory with this name : ''{0}'' does not exist. |
6835 |
Invalid path ''{0}'' . Path must be a directory |
6836 |
Server directory path must be an absolute path. |
6837 |
''{0}}' is currently being used by the server directory type ''{1}'' |
6838 |
Server directory ''{0}'' does not exist |
6839 |
unimplemented |
6840 |
We detected that the configuration store location that you specified contains server configuration files that will not work in the current release of ArcGIS Server . Please provide a different location for the configuration store or delete the folder ''{0}'' and recreate the site. |
6841 |
Error saving configuration store version to file ''{0}'' |
6842 |
Could not create directory path ''{0}''. This is required to maintain the Site configuration. Please check that the location is valid and that the ArcGIS Server account has permissions to the location. |
6843 |
Unable to obtain a connection to the config-store. |
6844 |
Unable to access the configuration store on ''{0}''. |
6845 |
Unable to access directory path ''{0}'' on the shared configuration store. |
6846 |
Cannot write to directory path ''{0}'' on the shared configuration store. |
6847 |
Unable to validate the configuration store connection. |
6848 |
Site stamp cannot be null in the ConfigStoreConnection. |
6849 |
Unable to clean up configuration store directory ''{0}''. |
6850 |
ArcGIS Server Site is currently being configured by another administrative operation. Please try again later. |
6851 |
Server machine ''{0}'' is currently being configured by another administrative operation. Please try again later. |
6852 |
Another administrative operation is currently accessing the store. Please try again later. |
6853 |
Cluster ''{0}'' is currently being configured by another administrative operation. Please try again later. |
6854 |
Service ''{0}''.''{1}'' in folder ''{2}'' is currently being configured by another administrative operation. Please try again later. |
6855 |
AdminServiceURL property for a new server machine configuration cannot be null. |
6856 |
Could not remove server machine ''{0}''. |
6857 |
Could not remove cluster configuration ''{0}'' |
6858 |
Could not delete service ''{0}''.''{1}'' in folder ''{2}'' |
6859 |
Another administrative operation is currently writing the service configuration. Please try again later. |
6860 |
Uploaded content ''{0}'' not found at ''{1}'' for the service ''{2}'' |
6861 |
Unable to get Metadata information. |
6862 |
Metadata information is not found |
6863 |
Invalid Folder Path. |
6864 |
Folder path cannot contain relative path such as .. or . |
6865 |
Could not delete service archive file ''{0}'' |
6866 |
Could not create folder ''{0}'' in the configuration store. |
6867 |
Could not remove folder configuration. |
6868 |
System or Input Directory can not be deleted. |
6869 |
Could not delete server directory with name ''{0}''. |
6870 |
Could not remove uploaded item configuration ''{0}''. |
6871 |
Could not delete file ''{0}''. |
6872 |
Error saving the logSettings to file |
6873 |
Error loading the dataspace from file. |
6874 |
Error saving the dataspace to file. |
6875 |
Could not acquire write lock on the security configuration file. |
6876 |
User ''{0}'' already exists. |
6877 |
folder ''{0}'' is currently used by another administrative operation. Please try again later. |
6878 |
The store implementation is not connected to a configuration store. Please call the 'connect' method before invoking any other method. |
6879 |
Unable to get list of certificates. |
6880 |
Unable to save SSL certificate. |
6881 |
Certificate does not exist. |
6882 |
Unable to export certificate. |
6883 |
Unable to delete SSL certificate. |
6884 |
Unable to save SSL certificate. |
6885 |
Unable to delete SSL certificate. |
6886 |
Unable to configure SSL certificate. |
6887 |
AdminServiceURL property for a new server machine configuration cannot be null. |
6888 |
Missing elements ''{0}'' or ''{1}'' |
6889 |
Unable to delete configuration store connection file ''{0}'' |
6890 |
Could not find connection file. ArcGIS Server Site may not have been configured. |
6891 |
Connection file does not contain key ''{0}'' |
6892 |
JSONObject is missing required parameter: ''{0}'' |
6893 |
''{0}'' should be one of the following values : ''{1}'' |
6894 |
Machine security credentials cannot be null or empty. |
6895 |
JSON object for ''{0}'' is missing required attribute ''{1}'' |
6896 |
Invalid item path |
6897 |
Path and type must be specified. |
6898 |
Cannot modify object after it has already been built. |
6899 |
Item path not specified. |
6900 |
Item type not specified. |
6901 |
Invalid item type. |
6902 |
Error converting the Dataspace to XML |
6903 |
Data store of type ''{0}'' can not be validated. |
6904 |
KML directory has not been configured on the server. |
6905 |
'machines' contains no machines that belong to this site. |
6906 |
Error consolidating logs from server machines |
6907 |
Errorreports directory not found |
6908 |
Cannot register a machine that belongs to another Site. |
6909 |
Invalid port value ''{0,number,#}''. Port should be a positive integer. |
6910 |
Server machine ''{0}'' is not a local server machine. |
6911 |
Could not delete machine configuration file ''{0}''. |
6912 |
Error while assigning specific port. Port already in use. Port number = ''{0,number,#}''. |
6913 |
Port assignment failed as it exceeds the upper bound set on the machine. |
6914 |
Could not find machine configuration file ''{0}''. Server machine may not have been configured. |
6915 |
Another process or application is currently accessing the store. Please try again later. |
6916 |
Incorrect machine name: ''{0}'' |
6917 |
Start time should be of the format : yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss |
6918 |
Unable to save thumbnail data from metadata to iteminfo. Thumbnail image format is not supported |
6919 |
Unknown thumbnail file type |
6920 |
A ''{0}'' directory has not been configured on the ArcGIS Server . |
6921 |
AN ''{0}'' directory has not been configured on the ArcGIS Server . |
6922 |
A configuration factory operation ''{0}'' timed out. |
6923 |
Service Extension can not be created. |
6924 |
Service Extension Type ''{0}'' is not registered as extension for Server Object Type ''{0}'' |
6925 |
Service Type ''{0}'' is not registered with the Server. |
6926 |
Item ''{0}'' not found. |
6927 |
''{0}'' does not contain any valid extensions. |
6928 |
The server object extension could not be registered on one or more machines. |
6929 |
Could not find an SOE configuration file. |
6930 |
Could not find extension ''{0}'' in configuration store. |
6931 |
An extension with name ''{0}'' is already registered for service type ''{1}'' |
6932 |
''{0}'' contains an extension with an invalid Extension Id ''{1}''. Extension Ids that start with 'esri' are reserved for internal use. |
6933 |
Library ''{0}'' not found in ''{1}'' |
6934 |
Resource ''{0}'' not found in ''{1}'' |
6935 |
Property pages not found. |
6936 |
Unable to find ''{0}'' for updating. |
6937 |
The server object extension could not be unregistered from one or more machines. |
6938 |
Could not find file ''{0}'' |
6939 |
Invalid token, ClientID does not match. |
6940 |
Did not find any parent server object types listed in the configuration. |
6941 |
Could not create directory ''{0}'' for service under output directory. |
6942 |
Service can not be created |
6943 |
Extension can not be added. Extension Type ''{0}'' is not registered with the Service type ''{1}''. |
6944 |
Invalid number of instances per process. Must be 1 for HIGH isolation level. |
6945 |
Invalid number of instances per process. Must be greater than 0. |
6946 |
Invalid number of instances per process. Must be less than ''{0}''. |
6947 |
Time must be represented in HH:MM 24 hour clock format. |
6948 |
''{0}'' is not a valid extension type for ''{1}''. |
6949 |
Folder ''{0}'' already exists. |
6950 |
Number of services of type ''{0}'' reached the limit of ''{1}'' per site. |
6951 |
Cannot rename or change the type of an existing service. |
6952 |
Cluster ''{0}'' on which the service is to be deployed does not exist. |
6953 |
Could not create output directory service at ''{0}''. |
6954 |
Cannot rename - service ''{0}'' does not exist. |
6955 |
Cannot rename - service ''{0}'' already exists. |
6956 |
Service ''{0}'' is not deployed to any cluster. |
6957 |
List of services to start is empty. |
6958 |
Index Directory is not registered. |
6959 |
Register data source is only supported on services of type search |
6960 |
Service Properties can not be null. |
6961 |
Get Indexing Status is only supported on search service |
6962 |
Service ''{0}''.''{1}'' exists in folder ''{2}''. |
6963 |
Could not create output directory service at ''{0}''. |
6964 |
A cluster configuration by name ''{0}'' does not exist. |
6965 |
Could not undeploy services from one or more machines. ''{0}''. |
6966 |
Service ''{0}''.''{1}'' does not exist in folder ''{2}''. |
6967 |
Invalid token. |
6968 |
Input Values for check expiration is incorrect. |
6969 |
NumberFormatException in parsing token date value ''{0}''. |
6970 |
Could not lookup attributes in domain controller configuration. |
6971 |
Could not lookup attribute ''{0}'' in domain controller configuration. |
6972 |
User store configuration is missing 'class' attribute. |
6973 |
Could not find user account in the Identity Store. |
6974 |
Failed to log in. Invalid username or password specified. |
6975 |
One or more server machines could not be updated with new token manager configuration. |
6976 |
Missing authentication tier in the security configuration |
6977 |
Missing Web Adaptor shared secret in the configuration store. |
6978 |
Missing authentication mode in the security configuration. |
6979 |
One or more server machines could not be updated with new security configuration. |
6980 |
One or more server machines could not be updated with new user or role store configurations. |
6981 |
Incorrect user name or the user store is a read-only store. |
6982 |
The user ''{0}'' is not a primary administrator or user account does not exist in the user store. |
6983 |
A secret question has not been assigned to this account. |
6984 |
A system directory is required to reset user passwords. |
6985 |
Passwords can be reset only for administrators or publishers. |
6986 |
Missing configuration property ''{0}''. |
6987 |
Could not decrypt token. Token may not be valid. |
6988 |
Token Expired. |
6989 |
Expiration time is invalid. |
6990 |
The expiration time requested is greater than maximum expiration time of ''{0}'' minutes. |
6991 |
Client ID is required for long expiration tokens. |
6992 |
Missing client ID. |
6993 |
Incorrect username or old password. |
6994 |
User ''{0}'' does not exist. |
6995 |
Role ''{0}'' already exists. |
6996 |
Role ''{0}'' does not exist. |
6997 |
Role ''{0}'' could not be found. |
6998 |
User account does not exist for ''{0}''. |
6999 |
Answer to secret question does not match. |
7000 |
Another process is currently updating permissions. Please try again later. |
7001 |
At least DataItemType must be specified. |
7002 |
Invalid ''{0}'' value. ''{0}'' should be 0 or 1. |
7003 |
Invalid ''{0}'' value. ''{0}'' should be between ''{1}'' to ''{2}''. |
7004 |
Invalid ''{0}'' value. ''{0}'' should be numeric. |
7005 |
Invalid item ID ''{0}''. |
7006 |
Item ''{0}'' has been uploaded but could not found in the data directory. |
7007 |
Admin URL ''{0}'' is not reachable from ''{1}''. For more information, see the ArcGIS Server help topic "About adding a GIS server to a site". You can access this topic in the table of contents by navigating to Administering ArcGIS Server > Common administrative tasks > Adding a GIS Server to a site. |
7008 |
Cannot start machine as it does not participate in any cluster. |
7009 |
One or more server machines could not be stopped. |
7010 |
One or more server machines could not be started. |
7011 |
Can't register a machine to a site licensed at the workgroup level. |
7012 |
Server machine ''{0}'' is already registered with the Site. |
7013 |
The machine being registered does not have a valid license. |
7014 |
Server machine ''{0}'' is not local to machine ''{1}''. |
7015 |
Could not generate a default Admin URL. Please check if the Admin is running or provide the URL explicitly. |
7016 |
Class ''{0}'' does not implement UserStore interface. |
7017 |
Missing property ''{0}'' for SQL Server user store. |
7018 |
''{0}'' store configuration is missing ''{0}'' attribute. |
7019 |
Class ''{0}'' does not implement ''{1}'' interface. |
7020 |
Windows users and groups are only supported on the Windows platform. |
7021 |
Unsupported configuration store type ''{0}'' for permission store. |
7022 |
The configuration store is not a filesystem based store. |
7023 |
Input argument ''{0}'' cannot be null. |
7024 |
The 'startIndex' and 'pageSize' parameters must be non-negative. |
7025 |
The 'startIndex' parameter cannot be greater than total results. |
7026 |
Could not find a ''{0}'' by name ''{0}'' in the configuration store. |
7027 |
Cannot update LDAP. This is a read-only identity store. |
7028 |
Missing property ''{0}'' or ''{1}'' in configuration. |
7029 |
Missing property ''{0}'' in configuration. |
7030 |
Could not find role entry ''{0}''. |
7031 |
Input parameter 'ldapURL' is not a valid LDAP URL. |
7032 |
Unknown server directory type ''{0}'' |
7033 |
Cannot add service statistics as services are different. |
7034 |
Could not load domain controller library. |
7035 |
PSA name conflicts with an existing user in new user store. |
7036 |
New PSA name conflicts with an existing user. |
7037 |
Unable to get services directory info from store |
7038 |
There are no machines in the ''{0}'' cluster. Add a machine to the cluster or reconfigure the service to use a cluster that contains a machine and then restart the service. |
7039 |
Service ''{0}'' is not assigned to a cluster. |
7040 |
Unable to start the service on ''{0}'', the server may not be running or reachable at this time. |
7041 |
Service startup timeout. |
7042 |
Failed to start one or more services. ''{0}'' |
7043 |
Missing Geronimo directory in the repository. |
7044 |
Stopping the service ''{0}'' on machine ''{1}''. |
7045 |
Validating licenses. |
7046 |
Creating the configuration store at ''{0}'' |
7047 |
Site creation interrupted. Rolling back. |
7048 |
Copying site configurations to the new configuration store. |
7049 |
Restarting all clusters in the site. |
7050 |
Updating the configuration store was interrupted. |
7051 |
Updating configuration store connection on ''{0}''. |
7052 |
Creating server directories at ''{0}''. |
7053 |
Configuring server directories at ''{0}''. |
7054 |
Configuring the logging framework. |
7055 |
Creating administrator account. |
7056 |
Configuring the default cluster. |
7057 |
Disconnecting the site from the configuration store. |
7058 |
Deploying default services. |
7059 |
Starting GIS services. |
7060 |
Configuring server permissions. |
7061 |
Creating and initializing the configuration store. |
7062 |
Generating default SSL certificate. |
7063 |
Configuring the GIS server machine. |
7064 |
Checking and validating server licenses. |
7065 |
Registering server extensions. |
7066 |
Validating machine ''{0}''. |
7067 |
Machine ''{0}'' does not exist. |
7068 |
'localhost' is not acceptable as a valid machine name. |
7069 |
Machine ''{0}'' is still reachable. |
7070 |
Host ''{0}'' not reachable. |
7071 |
Deploying services on machine ''{0}''. |
7072 |
Starting server on machine ''{0}''. |
7073 |
SecurityConfig is null , Unable to get an instance of security config. |
7074 |
Redeploying webapps ''{0}''. |
7075 |
Error in Start_TokenService ''{0}''. |
7076 |
Error in Stop_TokenService ''{0}''. |
7077 |
Invalid or null URL or ContextName or action. |
7078 |
JSON object for Service is null. |
7079 |
''{0}'' is not a valid server object type name registered with the server. |
7080 |
Unknown capability ''{0}''. Only ''{1}'' are supported. |
7081 |
Minimum instances per node should greater than or equal to 0. |
7082 |
Maximum Instances per node should be greater than 0. |
7083 |
Minimum instances per node should not be greater than maximum instances. |
7084 |
Maximum wait time should be greater than 0. |
7085 |
Maximum startup time should be greater than 0. |
7086 |
Maximum idle time should be greater than 0. |
7087 |
Maximum usage time should be greater than 0. |
7088 |
Load Balancing should be one of the following values : ''{0}'' |
7089 |
Isolation level should be one of the following values : HIGH or LOW. |
7090 |
Instances per container should be greater than 0. |
7091 |
Configured state should be one of the following values : STARTED or STOPPED. |
7092 |
Recycle interval should be a positive integer. |
7093 |
Keep alive interval should be an integer. |
7094 |
Saving edits to the configuration store. |
7095 |
The service editing operation was interrupted. |
7096 |
Starting the service ''{0}'' on machine ''{1}''. |
7097 |
Site creation rollback failed. |
7098 |
Failed to update KeyStore password. |
7099 |
Successfully updated KeyStore password. |
7100 |
Successfully copied SSL configuration. |
7101 |
Failed to copy SSL configuration files. |
7102 |
Failed to delete files and folders from the deploy directory of the application server. |
7103 |
Failed to delete files and folders from the services repository of the application server. |
7104 |
Polling of web server has failed after stipulated amount of time. |
7105 |
Invalid primary site administrator credentials. |
7106 |
The upload operation failed because it exceeded the maximum size of the uploaded item configured for the service. |
7107 |
Interrupted while updating log configuration on remote hosts.EXCEEDED_UPLOAD_SIZE=The upload operation failed because it exceeded the maximum size of the uploaded item configured for the service. |
7108 |
Unable to get the number of error reports on ''{0}''. ArcGIS Server on that machine may not be running or the machine is not reachable at this time. |
7109 |
Security Config is currently being configured by another process. Please try again later. |
7111 |
The primary site administrator account has been disabled. |
7112 |
The primary site administrator account cannot be disabled as it is the only account with the administrator privilege. You will need to configure at least one additional administrator account to disable the primary site administrator account. |
7113 |
The application server configuration was found to be corrupted. Beginning repair. |
7114 |
The application server configuration was successfully repaired. |
7115 |
Could not re-start GIS services on the server. Please re-start the services manually. |
7116 |
Join site rollback failed. |
7117 |
Validating configuration store connection. |
7118 |
Validating existing SSL configuration. |
7119 |
Service ''{0}'' cannot be started. |
7120 |
''{0}'' is not a valid admin URL. |
7121 |
Could not configure the identity store as one or more of the supplied parameters is incorrect. Verify that you can connect to the identity store outside of ArcGIS Server using the same parameters. |
7122 |
The user ''{0}'' exceeded the maximum number of failed login attempts allowed by ArcGIS Server and has been locked out of the system. |
7123 |
The primary site administrator ''{0}'' exceeded the maximum number of failed login attempts allowed by ArcGIS Server and has been locked out of the system. |
7124 |
Failed to log in. The user ''{0}'' exceeded the maximum number of failed login attempts allowed by ArcGIS Server and has been locked out of the system. |
7125 |
Failed to log in. The primary site administrator ''{0}'' exceeded the maximum number of failed login attempts allowed by ArcGIS Server and has been locked out of the system. |
7126 |
Failed to log in. The primary site administrator ''{0}'' exceeded the maximum number of failed login attempts allowed by ArcGIS Server and has been locked out of the system. |
7127 |
Unable to connect to the identity store using SSL. ArcGIS Server will revert to using a non-SSL connection to the identity store and credentials will be sent in clear text. In order to use SSL, verify that your identity store has SSL enabled. |
7128 |
The server was unable to access the SSL store. Creating a new SSL store. |
7129 |
Failed to create the SSL store. |
7130 |
Enabled HTTP on server as both HTTP and HTTPS cannot be disabled. If you intend to change these settings, please refer to the Server Help. |
7131 |
Active Directory details/statistics: {0} |
7132 |
One or more properties required for Portal federation are missing. Please check the properties and try again. |
7133 |
Cannot replace - service ''{0}'' does not exist. |
7134 |
Service ''{0}'' is a preconfigured service and cannot be replaced. |
7135 |
Cannot replace - configurations have different services: ''{0}'', ''{1}''. |
7136 |
Cannot replace - output configuration already exists: {0}. |
7137 |
Cannot replace - unsupported service type: {0}. |
7139 |
Invalid file path ''{0}''. |
7140 |
Failed to make a copy of the configuration store and server directories in the current site before starting the import operation. This operation cannot proceed. |
7141 |
The site was rolled back and its configuration were moved to ''{0}'' and server directories were copied to ''{1}''. You will need to edit the locations of the configuration store and server directories in order to add more machines to this site. Please check the logs for additional information for why a rollback was required. |
7142 |
Failed to copy artifacts contained in the ArcGIS Site bundle into location ''{0}''. |
7143 |
Incoming site configurations copied to location: ''{0}''. |
7144 |
The configurations of the site that is being restored were copied to ''{0}'' because there were problems deleting the old site configurations at location ''{1}''. The site restoration was successful and the site is functional. Use Manager to edit the configuration store and server directories, if required. |
7145 |
The configurations of the site that is being restored were copied to ''{0}''. Since this location is local to machine ''{1}'', you must move the configuration store to a network share to register new machines to the site. |
7146 |
Failed to copy server directory data to location: ''{0}''. |
7147 |
Server directory data successfully copied to location : ''{0}''. |
7148 |
Failed to copy server directory data of type ''{0}'' to location ''{1}'' and as a consequence import operation cannot proceed. Please ensure ArcGIS Server has write access to ''{2}'' before trying this operation again. |
7149 |
Configuration store of live site was backed up to location: ''{0}''. |
7150 |
Server directories of the live site were backed up to location: ''{0}''. |
7151 |
Failed to backup the configuration store of the live site to location : ''{0}''. Import operation cannot proceed. |
7152 |
Failed to backup the server directory data of the live site to location : ''{0}''. Import operation cannot proceed. |
7153 |
The incoming site bundle is invalid. ''{0}''. |
7154 |
Failed to change configuration store connection to location: ''{0}''. |
7155 |
Identity store validation failed. Unable to connect to the user store. Please refer to the logs for more details. Please update user/role store settings using Manager (Security tab) for the site to correctly function. |
7156 |
Identity store validation failed. Unable to connect to the role store. Please refer to the logs for more details. Please update user/role store settings using Manager (Security tab) for the site to correctly function. |
7157 |
Security configuration validation is complete. |
7158 |
Data store validation is complete. |
7159 |
Failed to clear REST/SOAP cache. You can clear the REST cache manually through the /admin/system/handlers/rest/cache resource or by restarting ArcGIS Server . |
7160 |
Failed to start cluster ''{0}''. |
7161 |
Successfully cleared REST and SOAP cache. |
7162 |
The machine ''{0}'' was not accessible during the import operation. For this reason, this machine is no longer part of the ArcGIS Server site. You may need to manually add this machine to the site. |
7163 |
Failed to create service ''{0}''. |
7164 |
Failed to create service ''{0}''. Putting it in the configuration store and continuing. |
7165 |
The Primary site administrator account (PSA) was enabled during the import operation to simplify the process of fixing up the site after the import operation completes. The PSA can be disabled using the ArcGIS Server site administrator APIs. |
7166 |
Failed to import log configuration. |
7167 |
Failure while unstamping server dirs. |
7168 |
Failed to unregister extension. |
7169 |
Unable to stop clusters. Import operation cannot proceed. |
7170 |
''{0}'' was unregistered but isn't accessible. It may not get registered back into the site during the import operation. |
7171 |
Unable to register machine ''{0}''. Removing it from configuration store and proceeding. |
7172 |
Service ''{0}'' cannot be started because it belongs to cluster ''{1}'' that has no machines assigned to it. |
7173 |
Failed to start service ''{0}''. |
7174 |
Please refer to the logs to get additional details about any failure reported during the import process. |
7175 |
This version of ArcGIS Server does not support a configuration store hosted on Amazon storage. |
7176 |
Failed to delete the live store. Attempt number : ''{0}''. |
7177 |
Validation complete and importing the site form location : ''{0}''. |
7178 |
Import operation does not support creating a restore point on Linux and importing it on Windows. |
7179 |
Import operation does not support creating a restore point on Windows and importing it on Linux. |
7180 |
The security configuration of the site was changed from HTTP to HTTPS and the server is restarting. The site should become available shortly. |
7181 |
The security configuration of the site was changed from HTTPS to HTTP and the server is restarting. The site should become available shortly. |
7182 |
Configuration options pertaining to HTTPS were changed during the import operation and the Server is restarting. The site should become available shortly. |
7183 |
The web adaptor configuration for this site was changed during the import operation. If you had web adaptors registered with the site prior to running the import operation, you must register them once again. |
7184 |
The incoming site bundle is invalid. |
7185 |
Failed to synchronize machine ''{0}'' with the site. {1}. You can attempt the synchronization again by using the synchronize Administrative REST API on the server machine resource. |
7186 |
Failed to delete the service ''{0}''. |
7187 |
Failed to clean up the live configurations store. Possible lock held on file ''{0}''. |
7188 |
Failed to clean up the live configurations store at attempt ''{0}''. |
7189 |
ArcGIS Server does not seem to have write access to location: ''{0}''. |
7190 |
Invalid path specified. ''{0}''. You must specify an absolute path to a directory where the site configuration must be exported. |
7191 |
Export operation started. |
7192 |
Export operation completed. Site configurations were exported to ''{0}''. |
7193 |
Import operation started. |
7194 |
Import operation completed. |
7196 |
Export operation failed. |
7197 |
Import site failed with the following error. |
7198 |
Cannot export the site while it is being created. |
7199 |
Create a temporary configuration store at location ''{0}''. |
7200 |
Copied site configurations to the configuration store at ''{0}''. |
7201 |
Copied input data to location ''{0}''. |
7202 |
Deleting temp dirs at location ''{0}''. |
7203 |
Failed to start machine ''{0}''. |
7204 |
Failed to stop machine ''{0}''. |
7205 |
The authentication for the site was changed to WEB TIER and security on the Web Adaptor must be configured. |
7206 |
You must enable SSL/HTTPs on the web adaptors. |
7207 |
Import operation completed in ''{0}''. |
7208 |
Failed to update identity store configuration ''{0}''. |
7209 |
Import operation cannot proceed due to a validation error. No write access to server directory in the incoming site configuration. Please ensure ArcGIS Server has write access to the following directories ''{0}''. |
7210 |
Service ''{0}'' cannot be started because it belongs to cluster ''{1}'' that has no machines assigned to it. |
7211 |
Data item validation failed on machine ''{0}''. Validation message is ''{1}''. Log into Manager and modify settings for this datastore on the Site -> Data Store page. |
7212 |
Validation failed for datastore ''{0}'' associated with path ''{1}''. ''{2}''. |
7213 |
Validation of datastore item ''{0}'' succeeded. |
7214 |
Import operation is about to complete. The following steps have been completed successfully ''{0}''. The pending steps are ''{1}''. |
7215 |
Import site operation message. ''{0}''. |
7216 |
Import operation failed. During an attempt to rollback the site to its original state, the security configuration of the site had to be changed to use the BUILTIN store. You must configure the security for the site if necessary. |
7217 |
Import operation failed and an attempt to rollback the site to its original state also failed. The site may be functional but it is recommended that you unregister all machines in the site and create a new site based off the configuration store that was backed up at ''{0}'' and the server directories backed up at ''{1}''. |
7218 |
Unable to query for logs on DataStore machine ''{0}''. |
7219 |
Failed to update the log settings on DataStore machine ''{0}''. |
7220 |
Failed to clean up the live configuration store at location ''{0}''. |
7221 |
Failed to copy contents from incoming store ''{0}'' to live store ''{1}''. |
7222 |
Creating services during import completed in ''{0}''. |
7223 |
Zip file Validation during import completed in ''{0}''. |
7224 |
Incoming site Validation during import completed in ''{0}''. |
7225 |
Path Validation in incoming site during import completed in ''{0}''. |
7226 |
Unzip contents during import completed in ''{0}''. |
7227 |
Backup live site during import completed in ''{0}''. |
7228 |
Stop clusters during import completed in ''{0}''. |
7229 |
Unregister machines during import completed in ''{0}''. |
7230 |
Delete services during import completed in ''{0}''. |
7231 |
Unregister extensions during import completed in ''{0}''. |
7232 |
Remove services from configuration store during import completed in ''{0}''. |
7233 |
Copy data for incoming services during import completed in ''{0}''. |
7234 |
Sync localhost for incoming services during import completed in ''{0}''. |
7235 |
Start services during import completed in ''{0}''. |
7236 |
After import, the authentication for the site has been modified. You may need to reconfigure security on your Web Adaptor. |
7237 |
Unregister relational datastore types during import completed in ''{0}''. |
7241 |
Server license check was successful. |
7242 |
Configuration store initialization was successful. |
7243 |
Security configuration was successful. |
7244 |
Server directories were successfully created and initialized. |
7245 |
Server machine was successfully configured. |
7246 |
Configuration store connection file was written to disk. |
7247 |
Server machine ''{0}'' was added to cluster ''{0}''. |
7248 |
System services were deployed successfully. |
7249 |
Default permissions on folders and GIS services were configured successfully. |
7250 |
Server object extensions were registered successfully. |
7251 |
Log configuration was successful. |
7252 |
Creating a new site. |
7254 |
The server was unable to create a GIS service. Please check the logs to determine the cause of the failure. |
7255 |
Connection to callback URL ''{0}'' was successful. |
7256 |
Joining site ''{0}''. |
7257 |
Configuration store connection was successful. |
7258 |
The server machine ''{0}'' was unable to connect to the following machines and ports ''{1}''. Please make sure that the server processes on these machines are up and running or check the firewall settings between the machines. |
7259 |
Checking port accessibility on server machines in the site. |
7260 |
Unable to test port accessibility on server machines in the site. Please make sure that the server processes on these machines are up and running or check the firewall settings between the machines. |
7261 |
Port accessibility diagnostics test succeeded. |
7262 |
The server was unable to acquire an exclusive lock in the file system. Please make sure that the server has write access to the configuration store and server directories. |
7263 |
Successfully appended current domain prefix for Active Directory roles. |
7264 |
Appending current domain prefix for Active Directory roles failed. |
7265 |
Successfully appended current domain prefix for Active Directory users. |
7266 |
Appending current domain prefix for Active Directory users failed. |
7267 |
Failed to get roles with ''{0}'' privilege. |
7268 |
The machine does not have a valid license. Please authorize using the Software Authorization for ArcGIS Server wizard. |
7269 |
''{0}'' license expired on ''{1}''. Please contact Esri Customer Support to obtain a new license. To reauthorize your server, launch the Software Authorization tool and then restart ArcGIS Server . |
7270 |
Unable to connect to the identity store using the supplied parameters. Verify that you can connect to the identity store outside of ArcGIS Server using the same parameters. |
7271 |
Expired role privileges from previous security role store deleted successfully. |
7272 |
Failed to delete expired role privileges from previous security role store. Please review current role privileges and confirm they are correct. |
7273 |
Expired role service permissions from previous security role store deleted successfully. |
7274 |
Failed to delete expired role service permissions from previous security role store. Please review current role service permissions and confirm they are correct. |
7275 |
Expired role members from previous built-in security role store deleted successfully. |
7276 |
Failed to delete expired role members from previous built-in security role store. Please review current role members and confirm that they are correct. |
7277 |
Identity store configuration refreshed successfully. |
7278 |
Failed to refresh the identity store configuration. |
7279 |
A root or intermediate certificate cannot be used as a Web Server''s SSL certificate. |
7280 |
Cannot update security configuration to federate with Portal as server is not registered with Portal. |
7281 |
Failed to connect to Portal server. Please check if the Portal server is running and try again. |
7282 |
Failed to get account ID from Portal. Please make sure that the token used to make the request is a valid Portal token. |
7283 |
The server is configured to use web adaptor authentication. Only the primary site administrator is allowed direct access to server. |
7284 |
This operation can only be performed by Portal administrators. |
7285 |
This server has not been federated with Portal and therefore you cannot use federate/unfederate operations. |
7286 |
A valid token from Portal and its referer is required to perform this operation. |
7287 |
Failed to rename service ''{0}''. |
7288 |
Could not connect to the identity store as one or more of the connection parameters is incorrect. Verify that you can connect to the identity store outside of ArcGIS Server using the same parameters. |
7289 |
Starting upgrade of existing ArcGIS Server site. |
7290 |
The configuration store has not been migrated to version ''{0}''. Beginning migration... |
7291 |
Migration to configuration store version ''{0}'' is complete. |
7292 |
Creating web adaptor configuration introduced at {0}. |
7293 |
Existing config-store version earlier or equal to 10.1.SP1. Updating domain prefix for WINDOWS users and roles. |
7294 |
Done updating domain prefix for WINDOWS users and roles. |
7295 |
Validating key store |
7296 |
Configuring application server. |
7297 |
No site present to upgrade. |
7298 |
Failed to complete the upgrade. |
7298 |
Updating the autodeployed services. |
7300 |
Synchronizing with the site for upgrade. |
7301 |
The operation cannot proceed because ArcGIS Server is not supported on machines that include an underscore (_) in the machine name or whose hostname is a reserved word. |
7302 |
Server certificates were not found for machine ''{0}'' when enabling HTTPS. Creating default SelfSignedCertificate for machine before enabling HTTPS. |
7303 |
The ArcGIS Server machine ''{0}'' has been assigned a server certificate ''{1}'' that was not found. Using the default SelfSignedCertificate instead. To correct this, import certificate and re-configure ArcGIS Server machine to use that certificate. |
7304 |
Failed to store data item ''{0}''. |
7305 |
Could not find parent data store item. |
7306 |
Failed to find data store item with path ''{0}''. |
7307 |
Failed to encrypt the data store connection string or the request may have timed out. Please check the logs for more information. |
7308 |
Failed to start the data store machine ''{0}''. ''{1}'' |
7309 |
Failed to stop the data store machine ''{0}''. ''{1}'' |
7310 |
Failed to configure the data store machine ''{0}'' as primary. ''{1}'' |
7311 |
Cannot remove datastore machine that is marked as primary. |
7312 |
Failed to validate the data store machine ''{0}''. ''{1}'' |
7313 |
The HA connection string in the data store ''{0}'' does not contain the field DSID. |
7314 |
Failed to update the data store connection information on machine ''{0}''.''{1}'' |
7315 |
Failed to update the data store with updated list of server machines. {0} |
7316 |
Importing GIS services as items within portal. |
7317 |
Failed to import GIS services as items within portal. ''{0}'' |
7318 |
Removing items from portal corresponding to GIS services on this server. |
7319 |
Migrated file ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' successfully. |
7320 |
Migrating ''{0}'' file failed. |
7321 |
The site is configured to use the 'HTTP Only' protocol for communication. For improved security, it is recommended that the protocol be changed to 'HTTPS Only' or 'HTTP and HTTPS'. See the help topic 'Best practices for configuring a secure environment' for more details. |
7321 |
Stopping the service ''{0}''. |
7322 |
Could not connect to primary LDAP server or any failover LDAP servers. Verify that you can connect to the identity store outside of ArcGIS Server using the same parameters. |
7322 |
Starting the service ''{0}''. |
7323 |
Trying to connect to ldap server {0}. |
7323 |
Failed to create 'errorreports' folder under ''{0}''. |
7324 |
Successfully connected to ldap server {0}. |
7324 |
Failed to update portal with item information for service ''{0}''. |
7325 |
Failed to gracefully stop machine ''{0}'' within stipulated time. Force stopping the ArcSOC processes and app server. |
7325 |
ArcGIS Server was previously configured with ArcGIS Data Store . To use the data store again, reconfigure it with your site using the ArcGIS Data Store Configuration wizard or 'configuredatastore' utility. |
7326 |
Permissions refreshed successfully. |
7327 |
Failed to refresh permissions. |
7328 |
One or more server machines could not be refreshed with current permissions. |
7329 |
Web server SSL Certificate with name ''{0}'' not found. Please check if the certificate exists in the SSLCertificates resource. |
7330 |
The primary site administrator account has been enabled. |
7331 |
A request was made for service ''{0}'' but it did not have adequate credentials. |
7333 |
The site mode has been updated to READ-ONLY. Administrative and publishing operations will not be allowed. |
7334 |
The site is in READ-ONLY mode. Change site mode to EDITABLE before applying any administrative or publishing changes. |
7335 |
Failed to copy configurations locally in machine ''{0}''. The machine will retry to synchronize with the site again. {1} |
7336 |
The machine ''{0}'' failed to copy the configurations locally. {1}. |
7337 |
The machine ''{0}'' failed to remove the local configurations. {1}. |
7338 |
The site mode has been updated to EDITABLE. Administrative and publishing operations will be permitted on the site. |
7340 |
Failed to remove local configurations in machine ''{0}''. The machine will retry to synchronize with the site again. {1} |
7341 |
Appending EOF to {0} to .etag files in configuration store. |
7342 |
Creating security.etag in configuration store. |
7343 |
Failed to use local input directory for ''{0}''. |
7344 |
Site readonly, configuration changes not allowed. {0} |
7345 |
Configuration store error. {0} |
7347 |
No changes to site mode. Current site mode is {0}. |
7348 |
Saving site mode to the configuration store. |
7349 |
Site mode saved to the configuration store. |
7350 |
Notifying peer server machines to copy configurations locally. |
7351 |
Copying the configuration store to machine ''{0}''. |
7352 |
Completed copying the configuration store to machine ''{0}''. |
7353 |
Copying the input directory to machine ''{0}''. |
7354 |
Completed copying the input directory to machine ''{0}''. |
7355 |
Machine(s) {0} do not have enough space to copy server configurations locally. |
7356 |
Checking each machine for sufficient disk space to copy configurations locally. |
7357 |
Verified all reachable machines have sufficient disk space to copy configurations locally. |
7358 |
Failed to compute free space available in machine ''{0}''. {1} |
7359 |
Failed to update site mode to {0}. {1} |
7360 |
Notifying peer server machines to remove local configurations. |
7361 |
Restarted all clusters in the site. |
7362 |
Site mode updated to {0} with errors. {1} |
7363 |
Service ''{0}'' could not be started or updated because ''{1}'' is being added to a list of server object interceptors, but is not a valid interceptor. Verify that ''{1}'' is a service object interceptor and try again. |
7365 |
Error while starting AppServer. |
7366 |
Copying the server directories structure to machine ''{0}''. |
7367 |
Completed copying the server directories structure to machine ''{0}''. |
7368 |
Failed to recover the configuration store. |
7369 |
Recover configuration store begins. |
7370 |
Recovery of configuration store completed. |
7371 |
Failed to recover the server directories. |
7372 |
Recover server directories begins. |
7373 |
Recovery of server directories completed. |
7374 |
Machine ''{0}'' does not have enough space to copy server configurations locally. |
7375 |
Failed to load cluster information. Will continue as a single, non-clustered instance. |
7376 |
Invalid configuration retrieved from ZooKeeper Cluster. {0} |
7377 |
Failed to update zookeeper.properties. |
7378 |
Could not update Synchronization service cluster to include {0}. Max retry attempts exceeded. |
7379 |
The data store manifest failed to validate. {0} |
7380 |
The data store could not be unregistered because it is being referenced in GIS services. |
7381 |
The data store could not be unregistered because it does not exist. |
7382 |
The data store could not be unregistered because a 'force' parameter was not provided with value 'true'. |
7383 |
Service ''{0}'' could not be started or updated because the ''{1}'' extension is disabled but is being added to the list of server object interceptors. |
7384 |
Error encountered while changing the server role. {0} |
7385 |
The server was unable to create administrative and publishing items in portal. As a result only portal administrators and publishers can administer and publish to this server. {0} |
7386 |
Failed to delete item ''{0}'' from portal. |
7387 |
Could not deploy services from one or more machines. ''{0}''. |
7388 |
Failed to determine the role of the server after upgrade. {0} |
7389 |
Stopping all clusters in the site. |
7390 |
Stopped all clusters in the site. |
7391 |
Starting all clusters in the site. |
7392 |
Started all clusters in the site. |
7393 |
Site mode update to {0} with errors, configurations not copied to machines locally. {1} |
7394 |
Invalid range specified for {0}. Accepts a value between 1 to 80. |
7395 |
Downgrading this instance to single node cluster although multiple machines are configured for cluster. Recommend shutting down all other instances except the one referenced in zookeeper-dynamic.properties file and then adding the rest back one at a time to rebuild cluster. |
7396 |
License for previous version is present. |
7397 |
There is no {0} data store registered with the site. |
7398 |
Failed to the old certificates into the JRE cacerts keystore. |
7399 |
Failed to replace service ''{0}'' for ''{1}''. |
7400 |
Invalid path specified. ''{0}''. You must specify an absolute path to a directory where the services must be exported. |
7401 |
Export services operation started. |
7402 |
Export services operation completed. Services were exported to ''{0}''. |
7403 |
Import services operation started. |
7404 |
Import services operation is about to complete. The following steps have been completed successfully ''{0}''. The pending steps are ''{1}''. |
7405 |
Import services operation completed. |
7406 |
Cannot export the services while the site is being created. |
7407 |
Create a temporary configuration store at location ''{0}''. |
7408 |
Copied services to the configuration store at ''{0}''. |
7409 |
Copied input data to location ''{0}''. |
7410 |
Deleting temp dirs at location ''{0}''. |
7411 |
Configuration options pertaining to HTTPS were changed during the import services operation and the Server is restarting. The site should become available shortly. |
7412 |
Import services operation completed in ''{0}''. |
7413 |
Import site failed with the following error. |
7414 |
Export services operation failed. |
7415 |
Failed to update the data store connections file. {0} |
7416 |
Using a backup data store connections file from the configuration store. |
7417 |
Publishing of Geoprocessing services is restricted to administrators only. |
7418 |
Publishing custom extensions is restricted to administrators only. |
7419 |
The extensions are not currently supported on this service configuration. |
7420 |
Failed to register extension. |
7421 |
Failed to retrieve service lifecycle information for ''{0}''. |
7422 |
Failed to update service lifecycle information for ''{0}''. |
7423 |
Server license version does not match effective current version. |
7424 |
This folder contains catalog services for registered data stores. |
7425 |
GeoAnalytics service may not be running. Please configure the server with the GeoAnalytics role and try again. {0} |
7426 |
Generating manifest for data store {0}. |
7427 |
Failed to get DataStore trusted machines list. |
7428 |
Failed to save DataStore trusted machines list. |
7429 |
Failed to get server privileges from owning portal. Server privileges will not be honored. {0}. |
7430 |
Restarting Compute Platform. The restart process will take {0} minutes to complete. |
7431 |
Compute Platform has restarted. Please verify its status using health check. |
7501 |
WARNING: Could not connect to Log service. Writing log message to console. |
7501 |
Initializing config-store connection. |
7502 |
Missing server object type configuration file ''{0}'' |
7502 |
Config-store connection initialization complete. |
7503 |
Missing 'Name' attribute of the server object type |
7503 |
Site creation in progress. |
7504 |
Folder ''{0}'' is currently in use. |
7504 |
Server machine ''{0}'' has been added to the site successfully. |
7505 |
Expiration time cannot be negative. |
7505 |
Failed to join the site. |
7506 |
A path with new name ''{0}'' exists and could not be deleted. |
7506 |
Cluster ''{0}'' - Machine ''{1}'' is currently being configured by another administrative operation. Please try again later. |
7507 |
Could not find old path ''{0}''. |
7507 |
Cluster ''{0}'' resource is currently being configured by another administrative operation. Please try again later. |
7508 |
File already exists. File = ''{0}''. |
7508 |
Cluster ''{0}'' not found. Machine ''{1}'' cannot be added to cluster. |
7509 |
Source path ''{0}'' does not exist. |
7509 |
''{0}'' is joining the site using configuration store details. |
7510 |
Destination path ''{0}'' already exists. |
7510 |
Time elapsed in ''{0}'' module is ''{1}''. |
7511 |
Could not create destination directory ''{0}''. |
7511 |
Time elapsed in join site workflow is ''{0}''. |
7512 |
Could not create temp directory:''{0}'' |
7512 |
Time elapsed in create site workflow is ''{0}''. |
7513 |
Could not delete temp file: ''{0}'' |
7513 |
Successfully backed up input directory and other server directories structure for service ''{0}'' to configuration store. |
7514 |
Another administrative operation is currently accessing the store. Please try again later. |
7514 |
Failed to backed up input directory and other server directories structure for service ''{0}'' to configuration store. Retrying. |
7515 |
Could not get ArcGIS home directory. Check if environment variable ''{0}'' is set. |
7515 |
Successfully backed up input directory and other server directories structure for service ''{0}'' to configuration store after retries. |
7516 |
Unable to start RMI registry on the specified port ''{0,number,#}''. |
7516 |
Failed to backed up input directory and other server directories structure for service ''{0}'' to configuration store after multiple retries. Start and stop the service to trigger backup manually. |
7517 |
Unable to stop RMID on the specified port ''{0,number,#}''. |
7517 |
Successfully removed backup of input directory and other server directories structure for service ''{0}'' from configuration store. |
7518 |
Unable to decrypt. ''{0}'' |
7518 |
Failed to remove backup of input directory and other server directories structure for service ''{0}'' from configuration store. Retrying. |
7519 |
Illegal fully qualified service name format in name ''{0}''. |
7519 |
Successfully removed backup of input directory and other server directories structure for service ''{0}'' from configuration store after retries. |
7520 |
Service name is invalid. {0} |
7520 |
Failed to remove backup of input directory and other server directories structure for service ''{0}'' from configuration store after multiple retries. |
7521 |
Folder name is invalid. {0} |
7521 |
Starting to back up input directory and other server directories structure for service ''{0}'' to configuration store. |
7522 |
The name is empty. |
7522 |
Starting to remove backup of input directory and other server directories structure for service ''{0}'' from configuration store. |
7523 |
The name contains illegal character ''{0}''. |
7523 |
Successfully backed up kmz ''{0}'' to configuration store. |
7524 |
Could not find file ''{0}''. |
7524 |
Failed to backed up kmz ''{0}'' to configuration store. Retrying. |
7525 |
Invalid URL. |
7525 |
Successfully backed up kmz ''{0}'' to configuration store after retries. |
7526 |
Failed to connect to JMX server. |
7526 |
Failed to backed up kmz ''{0}'' to configuration store after multiple retries. |
7527 |
Failed to acquire the lock ''{0}''. Conflicting lock info ''{1}''. |
7527 |
Successfully removed backup of kmz ''{0}'' from configuration store. |
7528 |
Failed to acquire the lock ''{0}'' within the stipulated max wait time of ''{1}'' ms. |
7528 |
Failed to remove backup of kmz ''{0}'' from configuration store. Retrying. |
7529 |
Could not find a service with the name ''{0}'' in the configured clusters. Service may be stopped or ArcGIS Server may not be running. |
7529 |
Successfully removed backup of kmz ''{0}'' from configuration store after retries. |
7530 |
Could not find a service with the JNDI name ''{0}'' in the configured clusters. Service may be stopped or ArcGIS Server may not be running. |
7530 |
Failed to remove backup of kmz ''{0}'' from configuration store after multiple retries. |
7531 |
The range for {0} is invalid. |
7531 |
Recovering server directories by using the backup in configuration store. |
7532 |
Unable to rename old path ''{0}'' to new path ''{1}''. |
7532 |
Recovering server directories by using local backup. |
7533 |
Error: Object store not found. |
7533 |
Ports diagnostics test is skipped when joining site with single clustered mode and using the join-site command line tool. |
7534 |
Invalid ''{0}'' or ''{1}''. |
7534 |
User store configuration is set to SQL_SERVER. However, support for the SQL_SERVER option was deprecated at ArcGIS Server 10.4. Update your user store to a supported security configuration. |
7535 |
{0} does not exist. Please create and retry. |
7535 |
Role store configuration is set to SQL_SERVER. However, support for the SQL_SERVER option was deprecated at ArcGIS Server 10.4. Update your role store to a supported security configuration. |
7536 |
Required parameter ''{0}'' is missing. |
7536 |
The site machine needs to be upgraded. |
7537 |
Does not have the required read and write permissions to file/directory. |
7537 |
Upgrade step 1 of 2 : |
7538 |
Connection string specifies an invalid URI. |
7538 |
Upgrade step 2 of 2 : |
7539 |
Upgrade in progress. |
7540 |
The {0} service is no longer supported. |
7541 |
Globe services are no longer supported. |
7542 |
Service ''{0}'' cannot be started since it does not have a valid license. |
7543 |
Failed to clean up old configuration store at ''{0}''. |
7544 |
Successfully updated the configuration store. |
7545 |
Failed to share utility services (Printing, Geocoding) to the organization. |
7546 |
Failed to unshare utility services (Printing, Geocoding) from the organization. |
7547 |
Utility services (Printing, Geocoding) shared to the organization. |
7548 |
Utility services (Printing, Geocoding) unshared to the organization. |
7549 |
Acquired ''{0}'' workflow lock. |
7549 |
Processing request took longer than the usage timeout for service ''{0}''. |
7550 |
Released ''{0}'' workflow lock. |
7550 |
Creating instances of service ''{0}''. |
7551 |
Instance of the service ''{0}'' crashed. |
7552 |
Could not find ''{0}'' service configuration. |
7553 |
The containing process for ''{0}'' job ''{1}'' has crashed. |
7554 |
Failed to update the geoprocessing job ''{0}'' id(''{1}''). |
7555 |
Failed to load service configuration of the service ''{0}''. |
7556 |
Could not connect to the queue ''{0}''. |
7557 |
Internal Server Error: Unexpected message received. |
7558 |
{0} failed to process request. |
7559 |
Failed to create instance of service ''{0}''. |
7560 |
'IsolationLevel' property is missing in the service ''{0}''. |
7561 |
Missing required property ''{0}'' in the service ''{1}''. |
7562 |
Failed to handle check and repair connections request. |
7563 |
Service instance activation failed in ''{0}''. |
7564 |
Unable to configure recycling on the service ''{0}''. |
7565 |
Recycling is configured for service {0}. Recycling will start at {1} and repeat every {2} {3}. |
7566 |
Creating instance of service ''{0}''. |
7567 |
Instance of service ''{0}'' has been successfully created. |
7568 |
Existing processes for running this service configuration are full. Creating the service instance in a new process. |
7569 |
Service containing process crashed for ''{0}''. |
7570 |
Failed to construct instance of service ''{0}''. |
7571 |
Recycling of service {0} begins. Number of instances to be recycled: {1}. |
7572 |
Service keep alive mechanism has detected that the connections to the data are stale in the instance of the service ''{0}''. Recreating the service instance. |
7573 |
Could not connect to queue connection factory ''{0}''. |
7574 |
Unsupported queue type ''{0}''. |
7575 |
Attribute object must implement Serializable. |
7576 |
Request cannot be null. It must be a non-null String to a byte[]. |
7577 |
Unknown server directory type ''{0}''. |
7578 |
Could not service request. |
7579 |
EJBBase class must be initialized before calling this method. |
7580 |
Server directory type ''{0}'' has not been configured. It is required to store ''{1}'' information. |
7581 |
Response type is not supported. |
7582 |
Starting scanner thread. |
7583 |
Scanner did not find a executor with any capacity to execute jobs. |
7584 |
Scanner found that executors have ''{0}'' capacity to execute jobs. Scanning for jobs. |
7585 |
Scanner is sorting the jobs in the submitted folder. |
7586 |
Scanner did not find any jobs available for execution. |
7587 |
Scanner found a job file ''{0}''. Testing if the job can be locked for execution. |
7588 |
Scanner found a job file ''{0}'' but it was already locked by another process. |
7589 |
Executor is idle and waiting for a job from the scanner. |
7590 |
Executor is ready to execute job ''{0}''. |
7591 |
Executor has successfully executed the job ''{0}''. |
7592 |
Setting executor capacity to ''{0}''. |
7593 |
Scanner thread is being stopped for service ''{0}''. |
7594 |
Executor thread is being stopped. |
7595 |
Please see if an error report was generated in ''{0}''. To send an error report to Esri, compose an e-mail to [email protected] and attach the error report file. |
7596 |
Instance of service ''{0}'' started with errors. |
7597 |
Executing geoprocessing job ''{0}''. |
7598 |
Could not initialize service ''{0}''. |
7599 |
Server object CLSID ''{0}'' is undefined. |
7600 |
Request type is not supported. |
7601 |
Failed to clean all services. |
7602 |
Could not find service. Service may be stopped or it may not be configured. |
7603 |
Invalid value specified for {0} property. |
7604 |
The requested service type is not supported with your current ArcGIS Server license. Contact your ArcGIS Server site administrator. |
7605 |
The requested service type is not supported with your current privilege. |
7607 |
Setting the synchronization flag on the machine ''{0}''. {1} |
7608 |
Resetting the synchronization flag on the machine ''{0}''. {1} |
7609 |
Server machine ''{0}'' has successfully synchronized with the site. |
7610 |
The server machine ''{0}'' is synchronizing with the site. This will take a few minutes and during this operation all administrative operations will be blocked. |
7611 |
Failed to get the application server for the site. |
7612 |
Failed to configure application server for the site. |
7613 |
Registration of database ''{0}'' is incomplete. Failed to get connection string from System/{1} GP service. |
7614 |
Registration of database ''{0}'' is incomplete. Failed to update the data store connections file. Using ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory check if System/{1} GP service is started and re-register the database. |
7700 |
ArcGIS Server cannot connect to Active Directory LDAP server at {0} (error: {1}). Adding it to the list of bad LDAP urls, and will not be connected to for next 24 hours. Current list of bad LDAP urls are {2}. |
7700 |
Failed to start web server. |
7701 |
Could not connect to the ArcGIS component at URL ''{0}''. The ArcGIS component on that machine may not be running or the machine may not be reachable at this time. |
7701 |
Failed to start app server. |
7702 |
Importing Utilities folder GIS services as items within portal. |
7702 |
Web server started successfully. |
7703 |
Failed to import Utilities folder GIS services as items within portal. ''{0}'' |
7703 |
App server started successfully. |
7704 |
Could not register one or more service items. ''{0}''. |
7704 |
Failed to stop web server. |
7705 |
Unable to encrypt proxy password. |
7705 |
Failed to stop app server. |
7706 |
Unable to decrypt proxy password. |
7706 |
Web server stopped successfully. |
7707 |
Maintenance flag set for server machine ''{0}''. |
7707 |
App server stopped successfully. |
7708 |
Maintenance flag removed for server machine ''{0}''. |
7708 |
Could not stop server processes gracefully. Now terminating the processes. |
7709 |
One or more server machine have failed to synchronize with the site. {0} |
7709 |
The {0} was found to be stopped when it should have been started. Restarting it. |
7710 |
ArcGIS Server is using too many open file handles({0}). Unexpected errors will occur unless the ulimit({1}) is increased. You can edit /etc/security/limits.conf to set the nofile limit. |
7711 |
ArcGIS Server is using {0} file handles out of a total limit of {1}. |
7712 |
An error was encountered while synchronizing with the configuration store. |
7713 |
Web server port ''{0,number,#}'' is in use. |
7714 |
Could not load ArcGIS Server configuration file. |
7715 |
Failed to start ArcGIS Server . One of the observers failed to start. |
7716 |
Could not start RMI connector. An instance of NodeAgent may be running or the JMX-RMI port is in use by another process. |
7717 |
JMX-RMI port may not have been configured. |
7718 |
Class ''{0}'' does not implement NodeAgentObserver interface. |
7719 |
Class ''{0}'' does not implement NodeAgentPlugin interface. |
7720 |
NodeAgent plugin ''{0}'' does not extend NodeAgentPeriodicTask. |
7721 |
Attempted to stop the app server, but this is unnecessary since no server machine is configured. |
7722 |
ArcGIS Server has detected that the server machine name ''{0}'' has been changed to ''{1}''. ArcGIS Server will be updated automatically to use the new host name. If you have enabled SSL and your certificate was using the previous machine name, you must generate a new SSL certificate and configure your ArcGIS Server site to use it. If you had configured the ArcGIS Web Adaptor to use your previous machine name, you will need to reconfigure it with a new URL that uses the updated machine name. |
7723 |
Machine ''{0}'' was forcibly disconnected from the site. Now disconnecting completely... |
7724 |
Enabled HTTP on server as both HTTP and HTTPS cannot be disabled. If you intend to change these settings, please refer to the Server Help. |
7725 |
Verify machine registration observer: |
7726 |
The ArcGIS Server machine ''{0}'' is running out of disk space on ''{1}''. Increase disk space on this machine to prevent ArcGIS Server from going into a bad state. |
7727 |
The ArcGIS Server machine ''{0}'' is critically running out of disk space on ''{1}''. It is essential to increase disk space on this machine to prevent ArcGIS Server from going into a bad state. |
7900 |
Invalid data source type ''{0}''. |
7901 |
Unable to find the data source ''{0}''. |
7902 |
Invalid parameter ''{0}'' is passed in the request. |
7903 |
Error registering data source ''{0}''. |
7904 |
Error unregistering data source ''{0}''. |
7905 |
Missing required parameter ''{0}''. |
7906 |
Error validating item ''{0}''. |
7907 |
Unsupported response format. |
7908 |
Authorization failed. This user account does not have the required privileges to access this application/operation. |
7909 |
Unable to get public keys. |
7910 |
Missing ''{0}'' in the admin web application. |
7911 |
Could not find resource or operation ''{0}'' on the system. |
7912 |
Null cluster info. |
7913 |
Item not found. |
7914 |
Unable to decrypt request parameters. |
7915 |
KML document with name : ''{0}'' already exists. |
7916 |
Certificate not found. |
7920 |
Tomcat controller cannot be initialized. |
7921 |
Can not delete default certificate. |
7922 |
Unable to find root ca certificate. |
7923 |
Server machine info missing. |
7924 |
Invalid credentials. |
7925 |
Authorization failed. |
7926 |
Invalid {0} value. |
7927 |
{0} value ''{1}'' is invalid. {0} should be a positive integer. |
7928 |
Invalid value of 'configuredState' attribute. Should be STARTED or STOPPED. |
7929 |
Server error. Service configuration ''{0}.{1}'' was not found. |
7930 |
This operation must be a multipart request. |
7931 |
Folder input value can not be empty. |
7933 |
Folder info missing. |
7934 |
Service info missing. |
7935 |
Register data source is only supported on services of type search |
7936 |
Client ID type is invalid. |
7937 |
Expiration time is invalid. |
7938 |
Could not clear REST cache on one or more machines. |
7939 |
''{0}'' property is not a valid number. |
7940 |
Missing ''partNumber'' property for uploading the part. |
7941 |
No file is associated with the upload request. |
7942 |
Unable to locate file {0}. |
7943 |
The long duration timeout cannot be lesser than the short duration timeout. |
7944 |
{0} can not be null. |
7945 |
{0} must be one of the following values : {1} |
7946 |
Missing required attribute ''{0}''. |
7947 |
Use JSON in parameter {0}. |
7948 |
Error while processing request. Internal error. {0} response not set. |
7949 |
Error while processing request. Internal error. {0} object not set. |
7950 |
User name already exists. |
7951 |
Requested resource or operation ''{0}'' is not available. |
7952 |
Log directory ''{0}'' is invalid. Check that the directory exists and that the ArcGIS Server user account can write to the location. |
7953 |
User does not exist. |
7954 |
User(s) do not exist. |
7955 |
Invalid redirect parameter. |
7956 |
Service started with errors |
7957 |
Service failed to start |
7958 |
Possible cross site request forgery attack detected. |
7959 |
Best Guess Remote IP: ''{0}'' Headers: ''{1}'' |
7960 |
Logging of IP information is disabled. |
7961 |
The request cannot be fulfilled. |
7962 |
Failed to import the certificate. Please verify that the certificate is valid and does not contain spaces in the file name. |
7963 |
Server machine name should not be localhost. Please enter a proper hostname. |
7964 |
The operation succeeded. However, the directory path ''{0}'' is now being shared with another site. You must exercise caution when writing to or deleting contents from this location. |
7965 |
Null metric info. |
7966 |
Aggregation interval cannot be less than 30 minutes. |
7967 |
You do not have adequate privileges to access the resource ''{0}''. |
7970 |
Cannot create a new cluster in the optimized cluster mode. |
7971 |
Cannot enable optimized cluster mode when there is more than one cluster in the site. |
7972 |
In order to delete this cluster you must first disable the optimized cluster mode |
7973 |
Required parameter ''singleClusterMode'' not found in json. |
7974 |
Incorrect value for the parameter ''singleClusterMode'' in the json. The value should be true or false. |
7975 |
Error: To enable this property, only one cluster can be configured in your site. Multiple clusters cannot exist. |
7976 |
Failed to generate a token for the user. Expiration time exceeds maximum token length. |
7977 |
Error: Invalid manifest file. |
7978 |
The requested service type is not supported with your current ArcGIS Server license. Contact your ArcGIS Server site administrator. |
7979 |
Server machine(s) {0} not reachable during validation of data item ''{1}''. The ArcGIS Server service on those machines may not be running or the machine(s) may not be reachable at this time. |
8500 |
Security credentials not provided. |
8501 |
Unable to decrypt user credentials from Web Adaptor. |
8502 |
Unable to get roles for the user ''{0}''. |
8503 |
{0} authentication failed: Request from this IP address is not allowed. |
8504 |
{0} authentication failed: Username is missing. |
8505 |
{0} authentication failed: User or role is missing. |
8506 |
Unable to add user roles to cookie. |
8507 |
Unable to get user roles from cookie. |
8508 |
Unable to get an instance of security configuration. |
8509 |
Unable to initialize security manager. |
8510 |
ServletRequest or ServletResponse is null. |
8511 |
Unable to decrypt request parameters. |
8512 |
Security is not configured to {0}. |
8513 |
Unable to get an instance of TokenHandler configuration. |
8514 |
Unable to instantiate TokenHandler. |
8515 |
Unable to get public key from Site Manager. |
8516 |
Could not authenticate user {0} IdentityStores cannot be initialized. |
8517 |
Error: Could not authenticate user. |
8518 |
You cannot obtain a token at this time because ArcGIS Server is currently configured for web tier authentication, not token authentication. |
8519 |
You need a token to access this secured resource. If you are accessing the Services Directory and getting this message, it is likely that the Services Directory is not supported for this secured resource. |
8520 |
Error in initializing role store. |
8521 |
HTTP Referer: {0} |
8522 |
HTTP Referer: Not Available |
9000 |
Internal Server Error. |
9001 |
Response already committed. Cannot forward to error page. |
9002 |
This exception was thrown after the response was committed. |
9003 |
Unable to process request. |
9004 |
Layer does not exist. |
9005 |
Unable to decode from {0} from {1} to {2}. |
9006 |
Error creating JSONObject for the response. |
9007 |
Error creating JSONObject for the response properties {0}. |
9008 |
Error creating a JSONObject for the schema response. |
9009 |
Error connecting Admin Client to the remote admin: {0}. |
9010 |
Error Initializing Admin Client. |
9011 |
Application initialized. |
9012 |
No upload directories have been configured. All files will be uploaded to the system temp directory. |
9013 |
Error configuring server directories. |
9014 |
Error getting list of folder names. |
9015 |
Error getting list of services. |
9016 |
Error getting service. |
9017 |
ArcGIS Server Site is not configured. Check with your ArcGIS Server administrator for resolution; an ArcGIS Server site is created or machines are added to an existing site using ArcGIS Server Manager. |
9018 |
Unable to get the JNDI Name for {0} ({1}) |
9019 |
Tile for level {0}, row {1}, col {2} is not accessible. |
9020 |
Attempting to generate tile on demand for level {0}, row {1} and col {2}. |
9021 |
Failure to generate tiles on demand for level {0}, row {1} and col {2}. |
9022 |
Error getting value for param: {0} |
9023 |
Error getting information about folder {0} |
9025 |
Error initializing Web Security Manager |
9026 |
ArcGIS Server Site is not initialized. |
9027 |
Error getting license information for server. |
9028 |
Error getting directories security property. |
9029 |
Request user: {0}, Service: {1} |
9030 |
Error getting services directories property. |
9031 |
Error handling service request : |
9032 |
Failed to add attachment. File size limit of {0} MB exceeded for feature service ''{1}''. |
9033 |
Unable to process request. No instances for ''{0}'' were available for {1} seconds. Wait timeout exceeded. |
9034 |
Server is configured to use local cache directory, local cache directory not found. Please check if ''{0}'' exists. |
9035 |
Server is configured to use a cloudStore, cloudStore not found. Please check if ''{0}'' exists. |
9036 |
Server is configured to use a cloudStore, cloudStore property ''{0}'' not found. |
112008 |
Service {0} is unavailable. |
112009 |
Failed to read thumbnail data for the service "{0}". |
219999 |
No code given. |