var retryPolicy = Policy
>(x => !x.IsSuccessful)
.WaitAndRetryAsync(_maxRetryAttempts, x => _pauseBetweenFailures, (iRestResponse, timeSpan, retryCount, context) =>
_logger.LogWarning($"The request failed. HttpStatusCode={iRestResponse.Result.StatusCode}. Waiting {timeSpan} seconds before retry. Number attempt {retryCount}. Uri={iRestResponse.Result.ResponseUri}; RequestResponse={iRestResponse.Result.Content}");
With this we have a policy which will wait for a RestSharp RestResponse and if it fails, will retry, 2 times, every 2 seconds.
Step 2:
Now that we have a retry policy which will handle our calls, we use it to make a call to an EndPoint with RestSharp:
var response =retryPolicy.ExecuteAsync(
() => _http.RestClient.ExecuteAsync<T>(request));
Now Polly will run the RestSharp call for us and handle any retry.
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