用 2 年多时间和 100 万元去芝加哥大学读 MBA 划算么?

Above all, I am not a rich kid that show off how much I will spend. It's a …

128 个回答


1)首先作为名校在读学生,大家都面对过相当多“哎呀X大啊,好厉害啊,我也想去读” 或者类似的提问。我们在申请的时候也曾经向前辈们提出过很多问题,大都能得到前辈们热心的指点帮助。录取之后很多人也都是出于回馈的心情想帮助更多的人。举个例子,大概08年开始,就有很多在美国顶尖法学院就读的同学一步步分享从准备LSAT考试到申请,到找工作,律考这中间每一步的经验与教训,还有很多人把自己最失落的低谷拿出来分析,只是为了后来的同学不要再犯同样的错误。自己经历了这个过程才理解到,他们分享的那些经验里包含了多少诚恳和希望。可是我们要记住, 分享,是他们的选择和奉献,不是他们的责任和义务!


所以,现在的我只会说, 该说的,该总结的,在网络上已经有很翔实的资料了。如果你连搜索引擎都懒得用,非要别人把信息捧到你的眼前,这种饭来才知道张口的大爷,不适合做律师!

你的梦想是梦想,我的时间就不是时间了吗?想要别人为你的梦想一起出一把力,最起码拿出诚意和努力, 你自己都不愿意为自己的梦想付出时间和努力,凭什么要别人花时间来帮助你?

2)这个题主最让我不爽的,不是他那自我感觉良好的蹩脚英文,而是他认为,名校的一个学位,代价无非是时间[用 2 年多的时间]和金钱[ 100 万元的成本]

有钱和有闲的人太多了,愿意花钱花时间的也大有人在,可是这并不代表有钱有闲,名校就要张开双臂欢迎你啊。对我来说,一个名校的学位, 最大的付出是心血,无论是入学前的准备,还是入学后的努力,还有毕业后的奋斗,没有不断的付出,即使你能拿到一张文凭,那也就是一张废纸,一张价值百万,挂在墙上很好看的废纸

这么一段千疮百孔的英文本身不是问题,可是这提问字里行间的优越感都快漫出屏幕了:老纸钱不是问题,智商不是问题,就是想看看这钱花的值不值…… 嗯,语言不好可以改进,可是这不知从何而来的优越感,让人很难愿意耐心地,温柔地跟题主讲道理。排名第一的答案获得那么多赞,未必是因为他分析的语法无懈可击,而是对于某一种类型的人,暴虐以对带来的快感是无与伦比的


I sincerely believe you are seeking for help here. Please don't get intimidated when people make fun of your English. You definitely need to improve the language, but it is always smart to really think about your personal and professional development sooner than later. Plus, it is good that you are willing to ask for help with a good intention.

I am not buying in the ranking of programs. What I feel worth more consideration is what do you want out of the 22-month of experience (not just study) - knowledge and your horizon, excellent peers and networks, or/and reputation and a springboard for your career. Think this through, and maybe you will have a clearer answer.

The cruel truth is that even if you get yourself into a well-known program, the competition is just getting more fierce and you find more smart guys sitting next to you at an interview. 1MM investment dose not guarantee you anything. You are still the same you if you sit in the glory and take it as a ticket that buys you an easy life.

Honestly, do some research and talk to people getting into these good programs. University of Chicago is very academic-driven as far as I know. And you could have given more details about your background and your passion, not just the concern about the ROI. Also, you can check some financial-related websites such as ChaseDream forum. You will find a lot of answers and suggestions there.

Language is just a tool as long as you make people understood. But when you apply, do polish it a bit in your essays. Good luck!