  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
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The useRouter composable returns the router instance.
<script setup lang="ts">
const router = useRouter()

If you only need the router instance within your template, use $router :

  <button @click="$router.back()">Back</button>

If you have a pages/ directory, useRouter is identical in behavior to the one provided by vue-router .

Read vue-router documentation about the Router interface.

Basic Manipulation

  • addRoute() : Add a new route to the router instance. parentName can be provided to add new route as the child of an existing route.
  • removeRoute() : Remove an existing route by its name.
  • getRoutes() : Get a full list of all the route records.
  • hasRoute() : Checks if a route with a given name exists.
  • resolve() : Returns the normalized version of a route location. Also includes an href property that includes any existing base.
const router = useRouter()
router.addRoute({ name: 'home', path: '/home', component: Home })
router.resolve({ name: 'home' })
router.addRoute() adds route details into an array of routes and it is useful while building Nuxt plugins while router.push() on the other hand, triggers a new navigation immediately and it is useful in pages, Vue components and composable.

Based on History API

  • back() : Go back in history if possible, same as router.go(-1) .
  • forward() : Go forward in history if possible, same as router.go(1) .
  • go() : Move forward or backward through the history without the hierarchical restrictions enforced in router.back() and router.forward() .
  • push() : Programmatically navigate to a new URL by pushing an entry in the history stack. It is recommended to use navigateTo instead.
  • replace() : Programmatically navigate to a new URL by replacing the current entry in the routes history stack. It is recommended to use navigateTo instead.
const router = useRouter()