Full Changelog
Implemented enhancements:
Add xlsm support in DefaultDocumentFormatRegistry
Fixed bugs:
No qualifying bean of type 'org.jodconverter.core.DocumentConverter' available
Task keeps hanging when using Remote JodConverter
Scanner (IO) bug
Closed issues:
Incompatible with LO 24.x (probably?) on macos
Removed unnecessary
Information about supported properties and their meaning
The Word document with more than 12 pages will automatically cancel the task.
pptx file conversion of PDF failed
Merged pull requests:
Remove unnecessary ConfigurationPropertiesScan annotation
Full Changelog
Fixed bugs:
Using SpringBoot autoconfiguration with a remote setup fails with ClassNotFoundException
Closed issues:
there are a blank column in my pdf
Error: This office manager is not running.
Cannot find a valid unoloader.jar path.
An error is reported after the office manager Temporary folder is deleted
Getting error: Unsupported URL "type detection failed"
Could not store document: tempfile_1.pdf
Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
启动加载异常 bean of type 'org.jodconverter.core.DocumentConverter' that could not be found.
Images are not shown correctly
Blank first page when converting to any format
Merged pull requests:
add support for websocket urps available >= LibreOffice 24.2
Add support for additional HTML extension alias
Full Changelog
Implemented enhancements:
Add publish mode to presentation->html conversion in document-formats.json
Jodconverter not working with spring-boot 3
Closed issues:
Why does the process restart after "maximum tasks"?
Merged pull requests:
Spring boot 3.0 compatibility fixes #320
Full Changelog
Implemented enhancements:
ExternalOfficeManager does not work
The address
redirects to malware
Fixed bugs:
java.lang.NullPointerException: byExtension(extension) must not be null
Failed to start bean 'documentationPluginsBootstrapper' when starting rest version
IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1 when Run multiple tasks in concurrent.
Got error when using org.jodconverter:jodconverter-local-lo
Closed issues:
With 4.4.3+ i get an exception missing classes for the DefaultDocumentFormatRegistry
how can I use jodconverter-remote connect openOffice? old version 2.2.1 can do it #260
Merged pull requests:
Migrate to swagger v3 / openapi - fixes #317
Full Changelog
Full Changelog
Implemented enhancements:
Provide builds of both OpenOffice and LibreOffice dependencies in the maven center
support keepAliveOnShutdown through CLI
Issues converting potx and xltx
HTML conversion: image URL encoding
Fixed bugs:
gradle build faild with libreoffice 7.1.5
Closed issues:
jodconverter not able to open Libre office connection in Linux environment ( org.artofsolving.jodconverter.office.OfficeException: could not establish connection)
Task :distZip FAILED
Conversion from (X)HTML to ODT does not produce 'real' ODT documents, but HTML documents that don't behave like 'regular' ODT documents in LibreOffice
Spring configuration metadata json not generated
linux+docker+libreoffice,spring-boot + jodconverter,Could not start the office process.
转pdf异常,Caused by: com.sun.star.io.IOException: SfxBaseModel::impl_store <file:///D:/officedest/home/data/localpath/servicecenter/20210817/20210817094906679504091671043/Unit%201%20B%20Read%20and%20write基于深度学习的教学课件.pdf> failed: 0x11b(Error Area:Io Class:Abort Code:27)
Docx does not recognize the password
"Unspecified Application Error" occurs from specific PPTX document
org.jodconverter.office.OfficeException: Office process died with exit code 333
No response for pdf converter when more requests
Blank PDF when trying to convert any document type to PDF on mac OS
how can I use jodconverter-remote connect openOffice? old version 2.2.1 can do it
LibreOffice Portable
conversion stalling on stopQuietly
org.jodconverter.core.office.OfficeException: Could not store document: errorCode: 2074
Error while converting document from ODS to PDF Format
Question of convert pdf limitation
Specific Exception for Password Protected files
LibreOffice conversion on .odt file to pdf is timing out on Ubuntu and succeeding on MacOS
How to change font when converting docx to pdf
JodConverter Not able to start LibreOffice process on AmazonCorretto
Cannot export HTML to ODT
Issue while converting " from word to pdf on weblogic server.
Merged pull requests:
Update to spring boot 2.7.3 to fix CVEs
Build spring-boot configuration metadata into jar #295
add format definition for PowerPoint XML templates (#259)
✨new document format xltx
Full Changelog
Fixed bugs:
DocumentFormat.input family should be optional.
regression: document-formats with singular extension field are not supported anymore
Full Changelog
Fixed bugs:
LocalOfficeManager#afterStartProcessDelay is not validated properly.
Closed issues:
2 concurrent calls to LocalConvertor->convert() return the same PDF file.
Merged pull requests:
bugfix filename contains CJK characters cause error, change to UTF-8 encoding
Full Changelog
Implemented enhancements:
Add the ability to wait after an attempt to start an office process before trying to connect.
Issues converting dotx
Attaching OfficeManager to already running Process
JoDConverterBean: How to add filter
Make office process management asynchronous (start, restart, etc).
Remove unnecessary dependencies.
Do conversions on remote host with LibreOffice directly (not with LibreOffice online, not through spring boot)
Use ExternalOfficeManager with a pool of processes
Allow process restart to be asynchronous
Patching library to be able reuse already running libreoffice instances >> killExistingProcess(false)
Fixed bugs:
ExternalOfficeManager :: makeTempDir not called when connectOnStart = false
Closed issues:
ExternalOfficeManager always connects sockets to
DocUpdateMode not working?
Depending on the operating system, /tmp is getting regularly cleaned
Temporary file name added in CSV -> PDF conversion
wiki page for LibreOffice Online example code shoule be RemoteOfficeManager
Wiki page for LibreOffice Online still references "jodconverter-online"
Jodconverter randomly fails.
I have an issue when I try to convert MS 97-2003 .DOC file to PDF
Jod-Converter Reached limit Tasks and Restart
Merged pull requests:
Make in socket connection configurable
bugfix ps args truncated at 125 chars
Full Changelog
Implemented enhancements:
Rename jodconverter-online module to jodconverter-remote
Issues in java11 project
Fixed bugs:
regression: Upgrade to jodconverter-local 4.2.3 imply to also add a dependency to jodconverter-core
Unthrown MalformedInputException when looking for soffice PID
Closed issues:
Looking for more information
Pdf without bookmarking
SocketException: Connection reset Issue
if inputFile has no content, then it throw exception
Full Changelog
Full Changelog
Implemented enhancements:
sample-webapp throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Add support for "XHTML" LibreOffice filters
Add all supported extensions to PDF conversion support.
Java 11 compatibility
Add support for "XHTML" LibreOffice filters
Fixed bugs:
sample-webapp throws org.apache.commons.io.FileExistsException
Errors in tests when building jodconverter 4.2.2 with Java 9+
Could not establish connection
LibreOffice path on FreeBSD is not autodetected
ExternalOfficeManager creates temporary files in the current directory
class ExternalOfficeManager is not Public
Build fails with JDK10 on macOS
Closed issues:
Task did not complete within timeout
TIFF conversion to PDF
It‘s not working on jre7?
There was an Exception after a while, and it persisted
Add support for vsd and vsdx to PDF
org.jodconverter.office.OfficeException: Task did not complete within timeout
How to change the Paper Format before export PDF?
how to set defaultLoadProperties in version 4.2.2?
lost images while converting to pdf
Great, finally... your the official successor
Improve documentation for LibreOffice Portable Support
Merged pull requests:
If parent dir is not exist,Program will throw exception while it crea…
fixes #151
Get Java11 compatible #127
Full Changelog
Implemented enhancements:
Create a filter to embed linked images into output document.
ExternalOfficeManager can't convert streams
Filter chain should be reusable without reset
static JodConverter.convert methods dont work with ExternalOfficeManagerBuilder()
Fixed bugs:
Fix regression introduced by #99. Use AOO libraries.
Full Changelog
Implemented enhancements:
Stop using deprecated command lines options using LibreOffice
Redirect office output to jodconverter logs.
Add support for auto detecting OpenOffice4 path for linux DEB-based Installation
Add property for setting ProcessManager explicitly
Use LibreOffice libraries instead of Apache Open-Office ones by default
Add a property to trust all certificate in jodconverter-online module
Add properties to the spring-boot-starter allowing document formats customization.
Add templateProfileDirOrDefault option to the LocalOfficeManager builder.
gradlew is not executable
Check workingDir for writing
no way to specify filter parameters with CLI version
No-args constructor for DocumentFormat does not exist
Added bean and property for ProcessManager for custom implementation.
http is deprecated AFAIU
Add Server / Client hint for better understanding
Add BMP support
🐧 Supporting more platforms
executable (refs #74)
remove sourcefile extension check
Update LocalOfficeUtils.java,fix Mac OS find Officehome
Added JPG, TIFF, and GIF support
Fixed bugs:
Incorrect usage of Validate.notNull method
Closed issues:
can't build successfully on OS X
Use TableOfContentUpdaterFilter in Spring Boot
Full Changelog
Implemented enhancements:
Add JodConverter Online to the spring boot starter
Use of Spring 5 with Spring Boot 1.x is unusual
Closed issues:
Wrong scope for
Consider not adding "default to" in property description
Support for the latest LibreOffice
Don't start or kill libreoffice related processes automatically.
Warning: Office process died with exit code 81; restarting it
Full Changelog
Implemented enhancements:
Changing Margins when converting .rtf to .pdf
Send load and store custom FilterOptions when using jodconverter-online
When using Input/Output streams, temporary file are created with the tmp extension.
Add merging support.
Add support for Flat XML formats
Add SSL support for JODConvetrer Online module
Create a sample application using the jodconverter-spring-boot-starter module.
Fixed bugs:
Online conversion never fill OutputStream nor deletes the temp file when converting to OutputStream
Closed issues:
Merge multiple fodt files and convert to PDF
custome html format
Jodconverter and office in different hosts
How to configure the macOS officeHome?
Updating from 4.0.0-RELEASE to 4.1.0 where are this classes?
Is jodconverter-online published?
Encoding support
Full Changelog
Implemented enhancements:
Create a filter to update the table of content of a text document.
Open Office template types are missing from the documentformat.json
Import documentation from former JODConverter site.
Add release feature
Publish to Maven Central
Closed issues:
LibreOffice Portable support for Windows
Macros not being run during conversion
Several examples in Configuration contain ; instead of .
Advice on how to implement a custom local office task
Is there going to be a new release soon?
Create a logo for the JODConverter project.
How do i convert a partucular word document(docx) page to html?
How to set content encoding of target file?
Not able to start multiple OfficeProcesses
some class can't find from the maven jar
Error trying to build.
Issue with soffice.bin and findPid in MacOS
how to prevent org.jodconverter.sample.web.WebappContextListener being a listener
Merged pull requests:
Add open document templates to document formats.
Using remote LibreOffice Online server on demand
Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md
Update publish-projects.gradle
Update build.gradle
Full Changelog
Closed issues:
Unable to compile code
Merged pull requests:
Spring 4.X bean. Compatibility with JRE 1.6.
Added OpenOffice 4 Default HOME.
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