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I'm trying to create a pipe run with hydraulic hose (no fittings) that 'll change the size of (will be 3/8" OD pneumatic tubing). When you start/end a route you need to have the arrow point in the correct direction. How can you change this? Often times it points in the opposite direction from what I need.

I checked the Inventor 2015 help ( https://help.autodesk.com/view/INVNTOR/2015/ENU/?guid=GUID-35B9EC01-E774-438D-8E5E-39492E1C36DF) and all it says is " Be sure the axis is pointing in the needed direction when you make your selection."

Great, thanks, no kidding captain. How can I swap the direction like you can with almost everything else in Inventor?

I've attached a picture. No matter wher eI try to make the start point on this fitting it's always pointing the wrong way.


One of many tricks I learned over the years.  I mainly did rigid pipe, very little with tubing.  If you think this is something you will be using more often, here are some classes I've done at Autodesk University on T&P.  There may be some other good tips in there for you.  Good luck!

A Little less Talk - Inventor Professional Tube & Pipe Demo