  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
[root@PyblishRG hquintanaro]# pip list
Package                          Version
-------------------------------- ----------
chardet                          2.2.1
configobj                        4.7.2
coverage                         3.6b3
cupshelpers                      1.0
decorator                        3.4.0
di                               0.3
fros                             1.0
iniparse                         0.4
ipaddress                        1.0.16
IPy                              0.75
javapackages                     1.0.0
kitchen                          1.1.1
langtable                        0.0.31
lxml                             3.2.1
ntplib                           0.3.2
perf                             0.1
pexpect                          2.3
pip                              18.0
policycoreutils-default-encoding 0.1
pyblish                          1.4.3
pyblish-base                     1.5.3
pyblish-lite                     0.6.4
pyblish-maya                     2.1.2
pyblish-modo                     0.0.2
pyblish-qml                      1.8.2
pycups                           1.9.63
pycurl                           7.19.0
pygobject                        3.22.0
pygpgme                          0.3
pyinotify                        0.9.4
pyliblzma                        0.5.3
pyparted                         3.9
PySide                           1.2.4
python-augeas                    0.5.0
python-dmidecode                 3.10.13
python-linux-procfs              0.4.9
python-meh                       0.25.2
python-nss                       0.16.0
pytz                             2016.10
pyudev                           0.15
pyxattr                          0.5.1
pyxdg                            0.25
scdate                           1.10.6
schedutils                       0.4
seobject                         0.1
sepolicy                         1.1
setroubleshoot                   1.1
setuptools                       0.9.8
six                              1.9.0
slip                             0.4.0
slip.dbus                        0.4.0
urlgrabber                       3.10
virtualenv                       16.0.0
wheel                            0.24.0
yum-metadata-parser              1.1.4 [root@PyblishRG hquintanaro]# rpm -qa |grep openssl
xmlsec1-openssl-1.2.20-7.el7_4.x86_64 can you please check if this happens to you with the latest official build as well ?

Hello Lorenzo:
I'm Hugo Quintana from Televisa Mexico.
We had contact with [email protected] and you.
We created a shared NFS resource for the Pipeline and Projects resources.
Which works correctly.
Install a new machine with centos 7 and python2.7.15, if I mount the resource in / Volumes / Pipeline.
And I execute the command:
python2.7 /Volumes/Pipeline/televisa-efesto-toolbelt-0.4.0/bin/launcher.py
I have the error:
SSLError: Can not connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available. Of your question:
can you please check if this happens to you with the latest official build as well?
I can make the connection to the url https://televisa.ftrackapp.com so my question is:
What about the NFS share, which was created?
How do I centralize the projects?
What can I do, so centos 7 and python2.7.15 can operate with the share via NFS? According to my last test, following your instructions, I have now this result.
Working with Centos’s version 6 and the Python’s update 2.7.12 they work correctly when I use them in a centralized way.
Actually I’m trying to make the same process in a new machine with Centos 7  and Python 2.7.15 but when I run them in a centralized service I get this issue “SSLError: can’t connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available”  I have some question about it:  Do I have to run it locally?
What’s going to happen with the centralized service?  Thanks for the support Greetings ! ftrack-connect-package (on linux) should be able to run centrally, but is suggest first to test it locally.
If you do have errors try to see if you have any missing library regarding ssl. Cheers.
If I download ftrack-connect-package from the url https://www.ftrack.com/en/portfolio/connect. Operates correctly. If attached ftrack-connect-package, to the NFS share. The SSL error appears. Try the first version of efesto-toolbelt, sent by you. And it operates correctly on the NFS share.I sent you the log. [hquintanaro@PyblishRG Documentos]$ python2.7 /Volumes/Pipeline/televisa-efesto-toolbelt/bin/launcher.py - - [10/Oct/2018 10:56:20] "GET /?api_user=hquintanaro&api_key=ffffffffff HTTP/1.1" 200 -
[2018-10-10 10:56:23][INFO] root config_logging.py:configure_logging:108 | Saving log file to: /Volumes/Pipeline/televisa-efesto-toolbelt/logs/efesto_futils.log
[2018-10-10 10:56:23][INFO] root config_logging.py:configure_logging:108 | Saving log file to: /Volumes/Pipeline/televisa-efesto-toolbelt/logs/efesto_fstructure.log
[2018-10-10 10:56:24][DEBUG] efesto_fstructure.base.structure structure.py:get_mount_point:250 | Mount Point: /Volumes/Projects
[2018-10-10 10:56:24][DEBUG] efesto_futils.adetools adetools.py:__init__:26 | Setting up ade.
[2018-10-10 10:56:24][DEBUG] ade.manager.config config.py:__init__:27 | Using config_search_path: /Volumes/Pipeline/televisa-efesto-toolbelt/modules/plugins/efesto-fstructure/resources/ade_config
[2018-10-10 10:56:24][DEBUG] ade.manager.config config.py:__init__:49 | Config found: ['default']
[2018-10-10 10:56:24][DEBUG] efesto_futils.adetools adetools.py:__init__:34 | ade mount point set to /Volumes/Projects
[2018-10-10 10:56:24][DEBUG] ade.manager.template template.py:__init__:43 | Using template path: /Volumes/Pipeline/televisa-efesto-toolbelt/modules/plugins/efesto-fstructure/resources/ade_config/ade_template
[2018-10-10 11:04:01][INFO] root register_structure.py:register_common:12 | registering common
[2018-10-10 11:04:01][INFO] root register_structure.py:register_common:12 | registering common [hquintanaro@PyblishRG ~]$ python2.7 /Volumes/Pipeline/televisa-efesto-toolbelt-0.1.0/bin/launcher.py
2018-10-11 13:56:35,786 - ftrack_connect.ui.application.Application - ERROR - Error reaching server url.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Volumes/Pipeline/televisa-efesto-toolbelt-0.1.0/modules/ftrack/connect/ftrack-connect/build/lib/ftrack_connect/ui/application.py", line 327, in loginWithCredentials
allow_redirects=False  # Old python API will not work with redirect.
File "/Volumes/Pipeline/televisa-efesto-toolbelt-0.1.0/modules/ftrack/dependencies/site-packages/ftrack_api/requests/api.py", line 69, in get
return request('get', url, params=params, **kwargs)
File "/Volumes/Pipeline/televisa-efesto-toolbelt-0.1.0/modules/ftrack/dependencies/site-packages/ftrack_api/requests/api.py", line 50, in request
response = session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)
File "/Volumes/Pipeline/televisa-efesto-toolbelt-0.1.0/modules/ftrack/dependencies/site-packages/ftrack_api/requests/sessions.py", line 465, in request
resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs)
File "/Volumes/Pipeline/televisa-efesto-toolbelt-0.1.0/modules/ftrack/dependencies/site-packages/ftrack_api/requests/sessions.py", line 573, in send
r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs)
File "/Volumes/Pipeline/televisa-efesto-toolbelt-0.1.0/modules/ftrack/dependencies/site-packages/ftrack_api/requests/adapters.py", line 431, in send
raise SSLError(e, request=request)
SSLError: Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available.