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Are the options CMSClassUnloadingEnabled and CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled are same, when ever I use this combination options for JVM it says

Please use CMSClassUnloadingEnabled in place of CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled in the future

However, if I remove CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled option, the PermGen outof memory is coming, with this option in place along with other such errors don't come.

In such case, why the java gives such message during the startup.

Raja Nagendra Kumar,
Dear Raja,

You have two problems: permgen leak and a message at startup. To me, they seem unrelated.

1) about the message: follow its advise and that's that.

2) about the permgen leak: how do you monitor your permgen? How much permgen do you give your app and how much does it use? Does the permgen fill slowly over time or in jumps? Do the jumps (if they are there) co-incide with redeployment?