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  • 标签化管理网页链接
If the APIs contents are less sensitive we simply require an HTTP header to identify the caller. To successfully invoke the API, then, you just need to populate the X-Api-Key header with the key assigned to your Application. You should have received this key via e-mail. Refer to the [Register your Application](/docs/read/Register_your_Application) section for instructions on how to get a key. ## General Use To call the resource endpoints put the key in the *X-Api-Key* HTTP header, like this:
curl -X GET https://api.pirelli.com/{API_NAME}/resource/you/want/to/CRUD -H "X-Api-Key: rrjhueveu3zcywqy4ry2m5qd"
## Dev Portal API Console Click on the *Authorize* button. Fill the required field with your key and then click again on the *Authorize* button. Now just click on *Close*. The key is now been set and will, until you navigate away from this page, automatically be included in every call that you make to the API. [//]: # (La seguente riga abilita le anchors automatiche ma nasconde la barra dei better docs)