  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
An implementation of this interface should be added by WebSocket.addListener(WebSocketListener) to a WebSocket instance before calling WebSocket.connect() . WebSocketAdapter is an empty implementation of this interface.
See Also:
WebSocket.addListener(WebSocketListener) , WebSocketAdapter
onDisconnected ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketFrame serverCloseFrame, WebSocketFrame clientCloseFrame, boolean closedByServer)
Called after the WebSocket connection was closed.
onError ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketException cause)
Call when an error occurred.
onFrame ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketFrame frame)
Called when a frame was received.
onFrameError ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketException cause, WebSocketFrame frame)
Called when a WebSocket frame failed to be read from the WebSocket.
onFrameSent ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketFrame frame)
Called when a WebSocket frame was sent to the server (but not flushed yet).
onFrameUnsent ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketFrame frame)
Called when a WebSocket frame was not sent to the server because a close frame has already been sent.
onMessageDecompressionError ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketException cause, byte[] compressed)
Called when a message failed to be decompressed.
onMessageError ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketException cause, List < WebSocketFrame > frames)
Called when it failed to concatenate payloads of multiple frames to construct a message.
onPingFrame ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketFrame frame)
Called when a ping frame (opcode = 0x9) was received.
onPongFrame ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketFrame frame)
Called when a pong frame (opcode = 0xA) was received.
onSendError ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketException cause, WebSocketFrame frame)
Called when an error occurred when a frame was tried to be sent to the server.
onSendingFrame ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketFrame frame)
Called before a WebSocket frame is sent.
onSendingHandshake ( WebSocket websocket, String requestLine, List < String []> headers)
Called before an opening handshake is sent to the server.
onStateChanged ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketState newState)
Called after the state of the WebSocket changed.
onTextFrame ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketFrame frame)
Called when a text frame (opcode = 0x1) was received.
onTextMessage ( WebSocket websocket, byte[] data)
Called when a text message was received instead of onTextMessage(WebSocket, String) when WebSocket.isDirectTextMessage() returns true .
onTextMessage ( WebSocket websocket, String text)
Called when a text message was received.
onTextMessageError ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketException cause, byte[] data)
Called when it failed to convert payload data into a string.
onThreadCreated ( WebSocket websocket, ThreadType threadType, Thread thread)
Called between after a thread is created and before the thread's start() method is called.
onThreadStarted ( WebSocket websocket, ThreadType threadType, Thread thread)
Called at the very beginning of the thread's run() method implementation.
onThreadStopping ( WebSocket websocket, ThreadType threadType, Thread thread)
Called at the very end of the thread's run() method implementation.
onUnexpectedError ( WebSocket websocket, WebSocketException cause)
Called when an uncaught throwable was detected in either the reading thread (which reads frames from the server) or the writing thread (which sends frames to the server).
WebSocketState newState) throws Exception
Called after the state of the WebSocket changed.
websocket - The WebSocket.
newState - The new state of the WebSocket.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
void onConnected(WebSocket websocket,
                 Map<String,List<String>> headers)
          throws Exception
Called after the opening handshake of the WebSocket connection succeeded.
websocket - The WebSsocket.
headers - HTTP headers received from the server. Keys of the map are HTTP header names such as "Sec-WebSocket-Accept" . Note that the comparator used by the map is String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER .
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
WebSocketException cause) throws Exception
Called when WebSocket.connectAsynchronously() failed. Note that this method is called only when connectAsynchronously() was used and the connect() executed in the background thread failed. Neither direct synchronous connect() nor connect(ExecutorService) will trigger this callback method.
websocket - The WebSocket.
cause - The exception thrown by connect() method.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .


void onDisconnected(WebSocket websocket,
                    WebSocketFrame serverCloseFrame,
                    WebSocketFrame clientCloseFrame,
                    boolean closedByServer)
             throws Exception
Called after the WebSocket connection was closed.
websocket - The WebSocket.
serverCloseFrame - The close frame which the server sent to this client. This may be null .
clientCloseFrame - The close frame which this client sent to the server. This may be null .
closedByServer - true if the closing handshake was started by the server. false if the closing handshake was started by the client.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
WebSocketFrame frame) throws Exception
Called when a frame was received. This method is called before an on Xxx Frame method is called.
websocket - The WebSocket.
frame - The frame.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
WebSocketFrame frame) throws Exception
Called when a continuation frame (opcode = 0x0) was received.
websocket - The WebSocket.
frame - The continuation frame.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
WebSocketFrame frame) throws Exception
Called when a text frame (opcode = 0x1) was received.
websocket - The WebSocket.
frame - The text frame.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
WebSocketFrame frame) throws Exception
Called when a binary frame (opcode = 0x2) was received.
websocket - The WebSocket.
frame - The binary frame.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
WebSocketFrame frame) throws Exception
Called when a close frame (opcode = 0x8) was received.
websocket - The WebSocket.
frame - The close frame .
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
WebSocketFrame frame) throws Exception
Called when a ping frame (opcode = 0x9) was received.
websocket - The WebSocket.
frame - The ping frame .
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
WebSocketFrame frame) throws Exception
Called when a pong frame (opcode = 0xA) was received.
websocket - The WebSocket.
frame - The pong frame .
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
When WebSocket.isDirectTextMessage() returns true , onTextMessage(WebSocket, byte[]) will be called instead of this method (since version 2.6).
websocket - The WebSocket.
text - The text message.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
throws Exception
Called when a text message was received instead of onTextMessage(WebSocket, String) when WebSocket.isDirectTextMessage() returns true .
websocket - The WebSocket.
data - The UTF-8 byte sequence of the text message.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
binary - The binary message.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
frame - The WebSocket frame to be sent.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
WebSocketFrame frame) throws Exception
Called when a WebSocket frame was sent to the server (but not flushed yet).
websocket - The WebSocket.
frame - The sent frame.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
WebSocketFrame frame) throws Exception
Called when a WebSocket frame was not sent to the server because a close frame has already been sent. Note that onFrameUnsent is not called when onSendError is called.
websocket - The WebSocket.
frame - The unsent frame.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
Thread thread) throws Exception
Called between after a thread is created and before the thread's start() method is called.
websocket - The WebSocket.
threadType - The thread type.
thread - The newly created thread instance.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
Thread thread) throws Exception
Called at the very beginning of the thread's run() method implementation.
websocket - The WebSocket.
threadType - The thread type.
thread - The thread instance.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
Thread thread) throws Exception
Called at the very end of the thread's run() method implementation.
websocket - The WebSocket.
threadType - The thread type.
thread - The thread instance.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
WebSocketException cause) throws Exception
Call when an error occurred. This method is called before an on Xxx Error method is called.
websocket - The WebSocket.
cause - An exception that represents the error.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
WebSocketFrame frame) throws Exception
Called when a WebSocket frame failed to be read from the WebSocket. Some WebSocket server implementations close a WebSocket connection without sending a close frame to a client in some cases. Strictly speaking, this behavior is a violation against the specification ( RFC 6455 ). However, this library has allowed the behavior by default since the version 1.29. Even if the end of the input stream of a WebSocket connection were reached without a close frame being received, it would trigger neither onError() method nor onFrameError() method. If you want to make this library report an error in the case, pass false to WebSocket.setMissingCloseFrameAllowed(boolean) method.
websocket - The WebSocket.
cause - An exception that represents the error. When the error occurred because of InterruptedIOException , exception.getError() returns WebSocketError.INTERRUPTED_IN_READING . For other IO errors, exception.getError() returns WebSocketError.IO_ERROR_IN_READING . Other error codes denote protocol errors, which imply that some bugs may exist in either or both of the client-side and the server-side implementations.
frame - The WebSocket frame. If this is not null , it means that verification of the frame failed.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
void onMessageError(WebSocket websocket,
                    WebSocketException cause,
                    List<WebSocketFrame> frames)
             throws Exception
Called when it failed to concatenate payloads of multiple frames to construct a message. The reason of the failure is probably out-of-memory.
websocket - The WebSocket.
cause - An exception that represents the error.
frames - The list of frames that form a message. The first element is either a text frame and a binary frame, and the other frames are continuation frames.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .


void onMessageDecompressionError(WebSocket websocket,
                                 WebSocketException cause,
                                 byte[] compressed)
                          throws Exception
Called when a message failed to be decompressed.
websocket - The WebSocket.
cause - An exception that represents the error.
compressed - The compressed message that failed to be decompressed.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .


void onTextMessageError(WebSocket websocket,
                        WebSocketException cause,
                        byte[] data)
                 throws Exception
Called when it failed to convert payload data into a string. The reason of the failure is probably out-of-memory.
websocket - The WebSocket.
cause - An exception that represents the error.
data - The payload data that failed to be converted to a string.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
WebSocketFrame frame) throws Exception
Called when an error occurred when a frame was tried to be sent to the server.
websocket - The WebSocket.
cause - An exception that represents the error.
frame - The frame which was tried to be sent. This is null when the error code of the exception is FLUSH_ERROR .
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
WebSocketException cause) throws Exception
Called when an uncaught throwable was detected in either the reading thread (which reads frames from the server) or the writing thread (which sends frames to the server).
websocket - The WebSocket.
cause - The cause of the error.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .
cause - The Throwable an on Xxx method threw.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is just ignored.
void onSendingHandshake(WebSocket websocket,
                        String requestLine,
                        List<String[]> headers)
                 throws Exception
Called before an opening handshake is sent to the server.
websocket - The WebSocket.
requestLine - The request line. For example, "GET /chat HTTP/1.1" .
headers - The HTTP headers.
Exception - An exception thrown by an implementation of this method. The exception is passed to handleCallbackError(WebSocket, Throwable) .