Look in the log file for clues - filename is
located somewhere in the /config directory for the container.
Logs say "- File error alert Permission denied." I thought it was a permissions error. I've tried resetting the permissions to the share in OpenMediaVault but it doesn't seem to help.
The proper place to check and/or set the permissions is in the filesystem, not on the OMV share.
I used the chmod command on my folder for the docker configuration in terminal. That seems to have done the trick. Thank you!
Hey I'm really new to all of this, could you explain how you ran this command on the folder? The command can't find my folder when I run it... any help is greatly appreciated!
Please post the exact command you used and any output.
Hey I'm really new to all of this, could you explain how you ran this command on the folder? The command can't find my folder when I run it... any help is greatly appreciated!
resetpermission pluging is really usefull too.
I have the same issue, newly added torrents are marked as errored. As suggested above, I checked log file, it says:
022-10-17T19:33:42 - File error alert. (.......) error: Not supported. I noticed that TZ in log file is wrong, by 2 hours vs actual time, checked TZ variable, variable TZ is set properly. what else could I do to solve issue?
I just added the 2nd HDD on the Pi and can't download using qBittorent on it.
Any ideas?
1). On the qbittorent.log i see this error "(...) error: Permission denied"
2) My OMV shared folder looks like this
3) My qBittrent download location
4) I have tried to modify also my folder permission so that Downloads2 to have simmilar rights like Download
I wanted to say that i have fixed the misspeled Downdloads2 and use in all scenarios downloads2 since you told me Linux is case sentive. This i wanted to say above
Anyway i found why qbittorent wouldn't let me download files
I forgot to update the Docker configuration where i should declare the new HDD volume
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