Within this repository I share my Hackintosh EFI for my newest build based on Intels Rocketlake 11th Gen CPU.
With macOS Sonoma, the Broadcom based Wifi cards don't work plug and play anymore. It is a very annoying process now, that you have to repeat after every macOS Update!
General Requirements for Broadcom Wifi in Sonoma:
. Also these Kexts in a very high priority after Lilu and VirtualSMC.
To be repeated for every macOS Update:
SecureBootModel = Disabled
DmgLoading = Any
Disable SecureBoot
SecureBootModel =
(your SecureBootModel according to here:
) and
DmgLoading = Any
Install the newest release from here: https://github.com/dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/releases
Update (05.01.23): Z590 Vision D Users I have added a USB port configuration for the ATX version Z590 Vision D as well. You just have to disable SSDT-USB-Ports-Z590i-VisionD.aml and enable SSDT-USB-Ports-Z590-VisionD.aml.
Current BIOS version: F8b
Load optimized defaults
Set Above 4G Decoding to Enabled
Set Legacy USB Support to Disabled
Set Intel VT-D to Enabled (DisableIOMapper is disabled, AppleVTD should be working)
Set Internal Graphics to Disabled (or Auto if you want to use it in Windows)
Discrete Thunderbolt Support: Enabled
Wake From Thunderbolt Devices: Disabled
Native OS security for TBT: Disabled
Discrete Thunderbolt Configuration:
Thunderbolt USB Support: Disabled
Thunderbolt Boot Support: Disabled
Titan Ridge Workaround for OSUP: Disabled
Tbt Dynamic AC/DC L1: Disabled
GPIO3 Force Pwr: Enabled
Wait time in ms after applying Force Pwr: 200
GPIO filter: Enabled
DTBT Controller 0 Configuration: all Settings in this Submenu BIOS-Default
FYI: I have XMP Profile disabled because I noticed stability issues in macOS. I am using the RAM with 2133Mhz now.