These are some steps that you could use to get a better idea about how to save, delete, and add again licenses from ALM Performance Center.
Click on "PC Licenses" and click in "Licenses Details"
View licenses
Export the licenses from Lab management page. They will be exported in excel format.
Export to excel, and save it.
Now, go and connect to the SQL server using "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio" , and look for the database "default_lab_project_db".
Open SQL server, and navigate Lab Project.
Then look for the table "td.LAB_LICENSES".
Look for td.LAB_LICENSES
Delete the licenses inside that table.
Delete keys but not NULL row
Open the excel file yo previously saved with your licenses. Select just the license key, no commas or names.
Select key from excel file, no commas or names
Then, return to the Lab Management page, and click on "PC Licenses" option and click on "Add new license" buton.
add key using "Add new license key"
Click "Ok" button and repeat this process for every license in the excel.
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