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This is a generator to create a class-diagram of PlantUML from the C# source code.

README.md Version revision history

Version Commit Comment

Roslyn Source Generator

The class diagram is automatically generated by the Roslyn Source Generator. Details are provided in the link below.

  • PlantUmlClassDiagramGenerator.SourceGenerator
  • Visual Studio Code Extension

  • C# to PlantUML
  • .Net Core global tools

    Nuget Gallery: https://www.nuget.org/packages/PlantUmlClassDiagramGenerator


    Download and install the .NET 8.0 SDK or newer. Once installed, run the following command.

    dotnet tool install --global PlantUmlClassDiagramGenerator


    Run the "puml-gen" command.

    puml-gen InputPath [OutputPath] [-dir] [-public | -ignore IgnoreAccessibilities] [-excludePaths ExcludePathList] [-createAssociation]
  • InputPath: (Required) Sets a input source file or directory name.
  • OutputPath: (Optional) Sets a output file or directory name.
    If you omit this option, plantuml files are outputted to same directory as the input files.
  • -dir: (Optional) Specify when InputPath and OutputPath are directory names.
  • -public: (Optional) If specified, only public accessibility members are output.
  • -ignore: (Optional) Specify the accessibility of members to ignore, with a comma separated list.
  • -excludePaths: (Optional) Specify the exclude file and directory.
    Specifies a relative path from the "InputPath", with a comma separated list. To exclude multiple paths, which contain a specific folder name, preceed the name by "**/". Example: "**/bin"
  • -createAssociation: (Optional) Create object associations from references of fields and properites.
  • -allInOne: (Optional) Only if -dir is set: copy the output of all diagrams to file include.puml (this allows a PlanUMLServer to render it).
  • -attributeRequired: (Optional) When this switch is enabled, only types with "PlantUmlDiagramAttribute" in the type declaration will be output.
  • -excludeUmlBeginEndTags: (Optional) When this switch is enabled, it will exclude the "@startuml" and "@enduml" tags from the puml file.
  • examples

    puml-gen C:\Source\App1\ClassA.cs -public
    puml-gen C:\Source\App1 C:\PlantUml\App1 -dir -ignore Private,Protected -createAssociation -allInOne
    puml-gen C:\Source\App1 C:\PlantUml\App1 -dir -excludePaths bin,obj,Properties

    Specification for conversion to PlantUML

    Type Declaration

    Type Keywords

    PlantUML internal int _y ; protected internal int _z ; public abstract void AbstractMethod ( ) ; protected virtual void VirtualMethod ( string s ) { public string BaseMethod ( int n ) { return " " ; class ClassM : AbstractClass public static readonly double PI = 3.141592 ; public int PropA { get ; set ; } public int PropB { get ; protected set ; } public event EventHandler SomeEvent ; public override void AbstractMethod ( ) { protected override void VirtualMethod ( string s ) public override string ToString ( ) return " override " ; public new string BaseMethod ( int n ) { return " new " ;
  • PlantUML
  • abstract class AbstractClass {
        # _x : int
        <<internal>> _y : int
        # <<internal>> _z : int
        + {abstract} AbstractMethod() : void
        # <<virtual>> VirtualMethod(s:string) : void
        + BaseMethod(n:int) : string
    class ClassM {
        + {static} <<readonly>> PI : double = 3.141592
        + PropA : int <<get>> <<set>>
        + PropB : int <<get>> <<protected set>>
        +  <<event>> SomeEvent : EventHandler 
        + <<override>> AbstractMethod() : void
        # <<override>> VirtualMethod(s:string) : void
        + <<override>> ToString() : string
        + <<new>> BaseMethod(n:int) : string
    AbstractClass <|-- ClassM

    Field and Property Initializers

    Only literal initializers are output.

    class ClassC
        private int fieldA = 123;
        public double Pi {get;} = 3.14159;
        protected List<string> Items = new List<string>(); 
  • PlantUML
  • class ClassC {
      - fieldA : int = 123
      + Pi : double = 3.14159
      # Items : List<string>

    Nested Class Declaration

    Nested classes are expanded and associated with "OuterClass + - InnerClass".

    class OuterClass 
      class InnerClass 
        struct InnerStruct 
  • PlantUML
  • class OuterClass{
    class InnerClass{
    <<struct>> class InnerStruct {
    OuterClass +- InnerClass
    InnerClass +- InnerStruct

    Inheritance Relationsips

    abstract class BaseClass
        public abstract void AbstractMethod();
        protected virtual int VirtualMethod(string s) => 0;
    class SubClass : BaseClass
        public override void AbstractMethod() { }
        protected override int VirtualMethod(string s) => 1;
    interface IInterfaceA {}
    interface IInterfaceA<T>:IInterfaceA
        T Value { get; }
    class ImplementClass : IInterfaceA<int>
        public int Value { get; }
  • PlantUML
  • abstract class BaseClass {
        + {abstract} AbstractMethod() : void
        # <<virtual>> VirtualMethod(s:string) : int
    class SubClass {
        + <<override>> AbstractMethod() : void
        # <<override>> VirtualMethod(s:string) : int
    interface IInterfaceA {
    interface "IInterfaceA`1"<T> {
        Value : T <<get>>
    class ImplementClass {
        + Value : int <<get>>
    BaseClass <|-- SubClass
    IInterfaceA <|-- "IInterfaceA`1"
    "IInterfaceA`1" "<int>" <|-- ImplementClass

    Associations (from references of fields and properties)

    If you specify the "createAssociation" option, object associations is created from field and property references.

    class ClassA{
        public IList<string> Strings{get;} = new List<string>();
        public Type1 Prop1{get;set;}
        public Type2 field1;
    class Type1 {
        public int value1{get;set;}
    class Type2{
        public string string1{get;set;}
        public ExternalType Prop2 {get;set;}
  • PlantUML
  • @startuml
    class ClassA {
    class Type1 {
        + value1 : int <<get>> <<set>>
    class Type2 {
        + string1 : string <<get>> <<set>>
    class "IList`1"<T> {
    ClassA o-> "Strings<string>" "IList`1"
    ClassA --> "Prop1" Type1
    ClassA --> "field1" Type2
    Type2 --> "Prop2" ExternalType

    Record types (with parameter list)

    Record types in C# 9 can have a parameter list. In these cases these parameters are added as properties to the class.

    record Person(string Name, int Age);
    record Group(string GroupName) {
        public Person[] Members { get; init; }
  • PlantUML
  • @startuml
    class Person <<record>> {
        + Name : string <<get>> <<init>>
        + Age : int <<get>> <<init>>
    class Group <<record>> {
        + GroupName : string <<get>> <<init>>
        + Members : Person[] <<get>> <<init>>

    Attribute-based configuration

    You can add the package PlantUmlClassDiagramGenerator.Attributes to your C# project for attribute-based configuration.


    Only types to which PlantUmlDiagramAttribute has been added will be output. This attribute is enabled if the -attributeRequired switch is added to the command line argument.

    This attribute can be added only to type declalerations.

  • class
  • struct
  • record
  • class ClassA
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }
    class ClassB
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }

    Only ClassB with PlantUmlDiagramAttribute will be output.

    class ClassB {
        + Name : string <<get>> <<set>>
        + Age : int <<get>> <<set>>


    Elements with this attribute added are excluded from the output.

    class ClassA
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }
    class ClassB
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }
    class ClassC
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }
        public ClassC(string name, int age) => (Name, Age) = (name, age);
        public void MethodA();
        public void MethodB();
    class ClassB {
        + Name : string
    class ClassC {
        + Name : string
        + Age : int
        + MethodA() : void


    By adding this attribute, you can define association between classes. This attribute can be added to properties, fields and method parameters.

    The details of the association are defined in the following properties.

  • Specifies the type name on the leaf node side.
  • If omitted, the name of the element to which the attribute is added is used.
  • Association
  • Specifies the edge portion of the association.Sets a valid string in PlantUML.
  • If omitted, "--" is used.
  • RootLabel
  • Specifies the label to be displayed on the root node side.
  • If omitted, nothing is displayed.
  • Label
  • Specifies the label to be displayed in the center of the edge.
  • If omitted, nothing is displayed.
  • LeafLabel
  • Specifies the label to be displayed on the leaf node side.
  • If omitted, nothing is displayed.
  • class Parameters
        public string A { get; set; }
        public string B { get; set; }
    class CustomAssociationSample
        [PlantUmlAssociation(Name = "Name", Association = "*-->", LeafLabel = "LeafLabel", Label= "Label", RootLabel = "RootLabel")] 
        public ClassA A { get; set; }
    class CollectionItemsSample
        [PlantUmlAssociation(Name = "Item", Association = "o--", LeafLabel = "0..*", Label = "Items")]
        public IList<Item> Items { get; set; }
    class MethodParamtersSample
        public void Run([PlantUmlAssociation(Association = "..>", Label = "use")] Parameters p)
        private ILogger logger;
        public MyClass([PlantUmlAssociation(Association = "..>", Label = "Injection")] ILogger logger)
            this.logger = logger;
    class Parameters {
        + A : string <<get>> <<set>>
        + B : string <<get>> <<set>>
    class CustomAssociationSample {
    class CollectionItemsSample {
    class MethodParamtersSample {
        + Run(p:Parameters) : void
        + MyClass(logger:ILogger)
    CustomAssociationSample "RootLabel" *--> "LeafLabel" Name : "Label"
    CollectionItemsSample o-- "0..*" Item : "Items"
    MethodParamtersSample ..> Parameters : "use"
    MethodParamtersSample ..> ILogger : "Injection"


    This attribute can be added to properties and fields. Properties (or fields) with this attribute are described as members of the class without any association.

    class User
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }
    class ClassA
        public static User DefaultUser { get; }
        public IList<User> Users { get; }
        public ClassA(IList<User> users)
            Users = users;
            DefaultUser = new User()
                Name = "DefaultUser",
                Age = "20"
    class ClassB
        public static User DefaultUser { get; }
        public IList<User> Users { get; }
        public ClassB(IList<User> users)
            Users = users;
            DefaultUser = new User()
                Name = "DefaultUser",
                Age = "20"
    class User {
        + Name : string <<get>> <<set>>
        + Age : int <<get>> <<set>>
    class ClassA {
        + ClassA(users:IList<User>)
    class ClassB {
        + {static} DefaultUser : User <<get>>
        + Users : IList<User> <<get>>
        + ClassB(users:IList<User>)
    class "IList`1"<T> {
    ClassA --> "DefaultUser" User
    ClassA --> "Users<User>" "IList`1"