I know this kind of topic have been post for million of times in this forum. But ive been use 2 days now to try fix this issue: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes) in /home/kbsports/public_html/vqmod/vqmod.php on line 168
The issue start for 5 weeks ago , 1 time each week, then i clear cache at the vqmod folder , and all works fine again , this i have done for 5 weeks, but yesterday nothing was help , i have clear cache , vqmod, image, error log everything i have try now and still have the issue
The limit of memory stay high at 1024 M, so this was not an option that fix the issue,
I dont know what elese to do now
Remove original VQMod and use Integrated VQMod instead. Way better.