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Samsung Securities expects the timely reporting of irregularities for the sake of customer satisfaction and employee happiness.

To further improve business transparency and to establish an ethical corporate culture, Samsung Securities solicits reports of employee actions that have resulted in either personal gains at the expense of customers or business partners or financial losses for the Company.

Public funds/customer deposits embezzlements, Requesting funds be transferred to employee accounts

Acquiring an equity stake in an unlisted partner company

Soliciting or offering money or entertainment

Soliciting stocks in connection with IPO deals

Disclosing company secrets or customer information

Unfair treatment of partner companies

Sexual harassment and other indecent behaviors

Accounting irregularities

Dual employment by staff members

Other behaviors in violation of the code of ethics

Types of activity to be reported

1. Embezzlement, malfeasance, fraud and other illegal activities
2. Insider trading, exposing classified information and other violations of law and regulation
3. Irrational work orders, unauthorized internal trading and other irregularities

Protection of whistleblowers

The internal whistleblowing system in place protects whistleblowers from not only the fear of being exposed but also from retaliations in any shape or form.

User Agreement to Collecting and Using Personal Information

(For more details, see ‘Privacy Policy’.)

To Samsung Securities

I hereby agree to share my personal information provided herein as well as that which Samsung Securities collects through appropriate channels.

Personal information to be collected, collection purpose and use duration

1. Information to be collected

- Required : none

- Optional : name, phone No., email address

2. Collection purposes

- To process submitted reports and inform reporters of actions taken

3. Data use duration

- All personal information collected are immediately disposed of once the collection purposes are met;

- Except for cases where relevant laws require the retention of data for a period as specified.

Those reporting irregularities may not consent to this user agreement, and submit their report anonymously instead. Without the consent, however, the reporters will not be notified of any action taken as a result of the report submitted.

Also, please be advised that including personal information in the report will be considered as a consent to the User Agreement to Collection and Use of Personal Information.

For details on how personal information are processed, see 'Privacy Policy' at the official website (www.samsungpop.com). In case of any conflicting contents, this user agreement takes precedence over the privacy policy.

Cancel Submit Report

All whistleblower identities and reports are kept fully confidential
(anonymous reporting possible).

※ Occasionally, E-mail and phone number could be missing due to system problems. Please enter it again in the contents field.

All whistleblower reports will be processed ASAP.

The report that is found inaccurate or false and involves verbal assaults, slander and commercial formation won’t be handled. The report should be written specifically using the five W’s and one H approach.

* Required

06620 11, Seocho-daero 74-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea CEO & President : JONG MOON PARK Corporate Registration Number : 202-81-48588