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All videos are 1-minute, NSFW, including sound.
RedGifs loads faster but you need to manually switch to HD and enable sound.

OSR2 Sex Toy Control - RedGifs or Slushe

AIV-L Mean Sex Bot Voice - RedGifs or Slushe
Watch this video with sound enabled!

Tutorial - Creating AIV-L Personalities and Scenes - RedGifs or Slushe
This is also a good tutorial for quick scene building in vamX.

Download vamX.1.15

NEW in vamX 1.15

This list is for people who already use vamX. If you are new to vamX check out the ALWAYS in vamX section, and video list, below.

New AIV-L Sex Robot Voice
AIV is an advanced AI sex robot personality
who doesn't think too highly of weak and squishy humans. If you wish to participate in the sex bot trial that's great, over 73% of participants have survived so far.

Create your own Stories Beta (Advanced Creators Only)
Use the vamX simple scripting language to create your own stories. This feature is only for highly technical users, although all users can download new stories as they are shared on the vamX Discord . The Discord link is in the Download vamX 1.15 post.

Male Chains / Bondage
You can now chain up/down the male.
Added male bondage with chains, cuffs and balaclava mask to the last pages of Other -> Bondage.

OSR2+ Sex Toy (sex robot) control
The OSR2+ is a male stroking sex toy (sex robot) capable of matching complex vamX movements. The OSR2+ can stroke up and down while also rotating side-to-side, forwards and backwards, and even twisting around in a circle.
The ability of vamX to control, and easily control, the OSR2+ has been greatly improved. You can build your own OSR2 or buy one, see the "How do I get an OSR2+ Sex Robot?" section below.

Info for OSR2 owners
The OSR2 plugins have been modified with additional features for vamX. In the vamX menus, you can easily set specific stroke zones for the OSR2+ (to focus on the penis tip or base) as well as add twist rotation to any or all strokes. You can now quickly switch between OSR2+ plugins (different ways of using the OSR2+), without manually setting port numbers, using the simple vamX menu system. Create unique OSR2 movements by combining vamX manual actions, or set randomly switching vamX actions and/or speed. Choose either more realism, or more rotation / stimulation. You can also use the modified Random Stroker plugins which move the female and OSR2+ together, and create very stimulating OSR2+ movements!

Improved poses for VR
Many poses have been updated so that when in VR an alternate version of the pose is loaded that gives you a better view in VR when possessing the male head.

Added 3 new Actions on the last page of Actions -> Manual.
There is a slower Side-to-Side action plus two new actions which can produce new responses in the OSR: Side & Roll Diagonal, as well as Twist for OSR TCode 2.1. These may be best when also adding in a male movement.

How do I get an OSR2+ Sex Robot?
Make it yourself, or buy one.
Make it yourself:
The OSR2+ can be a do-it-yourself project that uses a 3D Printer and various standard bolts and electronic parts. Subscribe to Tempest MAx at https://www.patreon.com/tempestvr for build instructions. There is a Discord with lots of helpful people who can give you advice if you want to make one yourself.
Buy One: You can now purchase an OSR2+ from https://yourhobbiescustomized.com or https://yourhobbiescustomized.com/discount/VAMX
Scroll down to PRE ASSEMBLED BUILDS and choose the OSR2+ WITH A TWIST (this is vamX's recommended build and also the shop owner's recommended build).
If you use our discount code VAMX you get $20 off (the discount is only shown when you click checkout). We don't earn money from this discount code, but we do get free OSRs to give away to our patrons if many people order. Please also support Tempest MAx by subscribing to his Patreon page https://www.patreon.com/tempestvr even if you purchase an assembled OSR2+

ALWAYS in vamX
(For users new to vamX)


Full in-game guided tutorials on simulating sex in vamX.
Create amazing experiences with standard equipment (VR controllers, Fleshlights / sleeves) or more specialized equipment (Vive trackers, automatic stroking toys). Move your Fleshlight or other sleeve to move her p*ssy in vamX. Easy step-by-step guided instructions. Synchronize The Handy and OSR2+ automatic strokers (also works without VR in desktop mode) .

Switch between over 50 scenes/environments instantly while maintaining looks, actions and everything else.
Over 150 poses .
Hundreds of high quality female & male looks.
Hundreds of clothing outfits.
A wide variety of sex thrusting patterns/actions.
Dance, exercise, strip & sex animations.
Full arousal system where she responds to touch and thrusting by building towards org*sm, getting wet, moaning and more.
Full female and male speech system with manually lip-synced dialog and hundreds of phrases and moans.
Fully VR and Desktop compatible.
Just too much content to list, and it all JUST WORKS.

vamX can load into any Virt-a-Mate scene.
To Load vamX into a scene open the  Virt-a-Mate main menu -> main UI (the upper left corner of the UI with three horizontal lines). Go to the File (Open/Save) tab, then press Merge Load Scene. Choose the vamX package from the left side, then choose the correct Merge Load scene based on if your scene has no  people, one person, or multiple people.

Ignore the vamX UI and use your voice (speech recognition).

Over 400 English voice commands.
Over 4800 phrases are recognized and are used to choose one of the 400 commands.

Enable or Disable Speech Recognition in vamX.

Ask her to wear a dress. Then invite her to the roof. Ask her to strip for you, touch herself, lie down, ride you, spread her legs, touch your chest, touch her breasts, spank you, move faster, etc., etc., etc.

Simulating Real Sex
- https://www.redgifs.com/watch/littledryachillestang

Good overview of vamX - https://www.redgifs.com/watch/welldocumentedvioletpigeon

Orgies - https://www.redgifs.com/watch/spiriteddizzymarabou

Environments - https://www.redgifs.com/watch/illfatedoverdueyaffle

3rd party video game characters and scenes - https://www.redgifs.com/watch/imperfectlikelyvulture

Space Station - https://www.redgifs.com/watch/barrenbluemite

Female Bondage - https://www.redgifs.com/watch/pasthappycollie

Building Fantasy Characters - https://www.redgifs.com/watch/sickcraftyichneumonfly

Animation (old video, vamX now contains even more animation) - https://www.redgifs.com/watch/naturalfatalduck

Toys (old video, vamX now contains more content) - https://www.redgifs.com/watch/sanecolorlessbillygoat

New Poses & C*m Effects - https://www.redgifs.com/watch/bonywelloffamphiuma

Videos in HD on Slushe: https://slushe.com/vamX

vamX Credits - Thanks to all the wonderful creators!!!


Hey, could you make it so where you can Toggle options with a button or if there are 2 buttons for ON & OFF, highlight the current state of the option. For the toggle button, make it green if on, red if off. Where 2 Buttons exist, make them both show the current state color or something. It's just hard to see if something is enabled or not ^^ Although this is obviously a good idea, right now the vamX UI is a bit limited due to just using a single image for the whole UI. This dramatically speeds up loading when using the vamX UI, but means that within the 7 button area we can't do anything except switch to another image. We have a sort of overlay coloring which is possible for the buttons, so I can try using that, but the button images themselves can't change. I'll check about improving this in a future version. This month we have some pretty big other improvements planned, though, so I hope your excitement about what's coming will offset your annoyance at what should have been an easy toggle button, in any program other than Virt-a-Mate. Another good release - always interested to see what is next and greatly appreciate the monthly development update. I am still hoping at some point you will make it so that the AP Thrust and Male Thrust control nodes do not automatically reset every few seconds so that you can customize their positioning and get it exactly how you want. Turns out it is VERY easy to put them in the perfect spot in VR to match any two Persons to get the movement exactly right, but any form of vamX thrust will reset it to the default control node position after a short time (including auto / just thrust / and even manual thrust). This occurs even in custom pose. That makes sense when you change the type of thrust (or when auto thrust does), but it's frustrating when it resets automatically even when you don't change anything on manual thrust. As far as I can tell there's no way to disable this from the user end, but I think it might be an easy fix from your end? Can provide more info or screenshots to show you what I mean if necessary. Thanks for keepin up with regular updates. A question: Is there a way how to change nipple size based on arousal level? I tried to search for specific setting or plugin but so far without success. I have been unable to activate speech recognition. This is the error I am receiving. !> Exception caught: UnityEngine.UnityException: Speech recognition is not supported on this machine. at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Windows.Speech.PhraseRecognizer:INTERNAL_CALL_CreateFromKeywords (UnityEngine.Windows.Speech.PhraseRecognizer,string[],UnityEngine.Windows.Speech.ConfidenceLevel,intptr&) at UnityEngine.Windows.Speech.PhraseRecognizer.CreateFromKeywords (System.String[] keywords, ConfidenceLevel minimumConfidence) [0x00000] in :0 at UnityEngine.Windows.Speech.KeywordRecognizer..ctor (System.String[] keywords, ConfidenceLevel minimumConfidence) [0x00000] in :0 at vamX.BL_VoiceControl.StartDictation () [0x00000] in :0 Great. E-motion plugin for VAM does it, I went through the code, and it changes Nipples Apply morph, based on Arousal variable. But I'm not ready yet to write custom plugins. So you could look into it to help you. Cheers 2021-12-12 06:20:14 Are there specific folders that the "Female" and "Clothing & Hair" menus pull from? If I know this, then I can specify which looks and clothing will show in VAMX and which won't. Also, could I update specific folders to show different Female Looks on the bar other than the defaults? 2021-12-12 05:20:59 Are there specific folders that the "Female" and "Clothing & Hair" menus pull from? If I know this, then I can specify which looks and clothing will show in VAMX and which won't. Also, could I update specific folders to show different Female Looks on the bar other than the defaults? Are there specific folders that the "Female" and "Clothing & Hair" menus pull from? If I know this, then I can specify which looks and clothing will show in VAMX and which won't. Also, could I update specific folders to show different Female Looks on the bar other than the defaults? Most vamX items only pull from vamX (or in the case of items marked AddOn also pull from the standard AddonPackages.). In female if you go to load custom look, then you can load any look. When generating random clothes in addition to the vamX presets it uses clothes that have been correctly labeled by creators with standard tags. since i updatedvamX, I get a large white square over the vamX UI, making it almost impossible to see the UI at all, I tried redownloading the plugin and still having the same issue. Is there any way to get rid of this issue? Thank you for all the work on vamX by the way, it truly has made VAM even better! That of course shouldn't be there, and isn't there for other users (at least I haven't gotten any reports of it). Can you check the name of the vamX AddonPackage in your AddonPackages folder to make sure it hasn't been changed? Try the previous version of vamX and let me know if it works, otherwise, perhaps try a clean install of Virt-a-Mate, maybe something got messed up.